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Primary Weapon Choice?



Hey guys! :)

I'm playing stealth with my ASH but now I'm a bit tired about using my Paris so I've been thinking of getting a new weapon. 

The weps I'm intrested in are Primarys. 

Which 1 would you recommend me to go for? 


1. Grakata

2. Boltor 

3. Keep playing the Paris

4. Gorgon


Plz help me! ;D


I'm most intrested about the Boltor, is that the right choice? :D

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5 answers to this question

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if you use your primary weapon at longer range of the weapons you listed the Boltor would be the best alternative to the Paris. Otherwise it's mostly just what you like the most, while the Grakata isn't a great weapon it was kind of fun to use for me. I personally have never liked the Gorgon, but if spin up time and shooting a ton of bullets for a ton of damage is your thing, then you'll love it. You obviously know what you think of the Paris already since you've been using it. Do keep in mind that the other weapons do make noise and thus alert enemies.

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Boltor, Braton or Latron. (Latron will only be fun after it's fully modded, the other 2 however are fun from the start)


Latron conserves ammo and is ideal for defense missions, and if you like aiming and shooting the head it's an ideal weapon. It's the closest thing to sniper after lex and snipetron


Boltor fires armor penetrating bolts and has a larger clip size than the braton but slower firing rate bolts have gravity so it's accuracy suffers a little at long ranges. This is one of the best weapons to have against grineer.


Braton is more accurate than boltor (about the same as latron it would seem) but has a lower clip size and more damage per shot (but no base armor penetration) despite it's accuracy, because of it's submachine-gun nature (and firing rate) it's not ideal for long ranges, this is mostly due to recoil and low damage per shot (50% of the latron's damage per shot)


Gorgon is the highest effective DPS weapon in the game, but it burns through ammo, has medicore accuracy at best and takes a few seconds to get to full firing rate. Some people love it, others hate it. There isn't much in-between.


Apart from these the Hek is an excellent weapon to bring into any situation Mid or Short range


And apart from the Latron, every gun i mentioned is devastatingly powerful at short and medium ranges.

Edited by Rabcor
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MK-1 Braton: Why?

Accuracy is amazing for headshots

Firerate is perfect for any situation (slightly more ammo economy due to headshots)

Damage is not to low to be useless against high level grineer

can be easily obtained


BTW still rockin it after beating Pluto if that changes your opinion any more

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