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Coming Soon: Devstream #53


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1. Are you going to address the problem with Ordis where everytime you go to modify a weapon or warframe that he pops up and blocks the key stats that we are trying to see? Can you move him to the left side of the screen?  We can turn his sound off.  Can we turn him off or block him from coming up when we go into the arsenal?


1a.  On a related note, can you fix it so that our warframe's head doesn't block the stats?  It's more than annoying.


2.  Can you fix it so that we do not have to scroll all the way to the right to get to the lower ranked mods?  Maybe a sort by lowest rank option or, better yet, a scroll to a number value.


3. Pease fix Archwing mission bounties.  There are no consoles to hack.  There are no pistols to get kills with.  The main weapon does not count as rifle kills.  Please get rid of the sliding kills bounty in AW missions.  It's not really possible.   Additionally, headshot kills are impossible too.  Where is the head of a gox or osprey?


4. Can you fix it so that dojo connections are not instanced, but shred by the whole clan?  It used to work before the Sanctuary update.  It's so irritating when the host leaves the dojo without notice and the members left in the dojo are migrated to a new dojo session before they can choose to stay or leave.


5. Can you modify the color palettes so that there's a name of the color when you select it?  Can we get a silver color or metallic reflective colors?  Why do they really have to cost $10 per palette?  Seems a little usurious to me.


6. What is the deal with some people not being able to invite others to their mission?  Recruiting is a hit and miss proposition.


7. Can you fix the Daedalus AW problem where your AW wants to fly to the sun?  It happened to me yesterday in an interception mission.  It's not my controller.


8. Can you add more D polarity mods?  Why do so many weapons and warframes come with D polarity slots when there are so few D polarity mods?


9. Why was there no mention of the spawn rate change to defense missions?  Was it unintentional?  Can you change it back to the way it was?  It takes wayyyyyyyyyyyyy (for emphasis) to long to run defense missions now.

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One thing....


Using LISET as a weapon and siege Fomorians with it. Weaponize the LISET.


Player can switch between Archwing mode and LISET mode. Can call LISET whenever they want or with some low cooldown. Also LISET support in Archwing mode.


Raids will be awesome if we go to siege Balor Fomorian.


A main boss, destroying ship's power core, destroying bridge/hangar/cargo hold. First fight starts at outside where we fight with regular things that sent by mother ship. Thats just an idea... 

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At the moment we have a lot of stealth focus in Warframe through the stealth kill affinity bonus and Spy 2.0. However, the stealth itself is quite weak, with enemies instantly detecting across long distances, and spawning in large irregular clumps. It seems that at the moment the only practical way to stealth is with Invisibility, so do you have any plans to rework stealth to make it more accessible to non-Loki players?

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Q Any plans to move Ordis to the right side of the screen, or to get rid of him all together ? He's always in the way.

Q Any plans on fixing the issue of host migrations in the dojo? It's quite irritating being host migrated 12 times back to back while attempting to initiate a trade.

Edited by (XB1)blumkNplz
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Q: Will I ever be able to play with players from a different platform (PC, Xbox)?


Q: With the start chart changes coming soon, who will Archwing be affected? Will the current missions be partially or completely changed?  I think the Archwing side of the game needs to be looked at since there isn't that much variety currently available to Archwing lovers ( I can believe I love it now - _ - )


Q: We (console players) are already far behind compare to PC. How does DE plan to consolidate the Trials plus some of the updates - including Update 17 at some point - into the coming set of updates being released to console players? 


Q: Any platform account migration in the horizon?  

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Building new items in Warframe currently has a lot of barriers for players who either can't or don't want to spend real money, especially new players: credits, resources, star chart unlocks, mastery rank, and foundry wait time, to name a few. Is there anything in the works, coming soon, on the back burner, right around the corner, or whatever, to lessen the gap between the time a player decides he/she wants something and the time he/she gets to take it on a mission? Something as simple as a reduction (or even elimination) of foundry wait time would remove a lot of the time gap without killing the actual "work" involved.

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will there be any more assassins (like the grustrag 3) especially one for infested as it seems to be one of the main solar map factions not to have a assassins

speaking about the infested is it possible for them to have more bosses as their repertoire seems very lacking with only 3 bosses

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Q; Will there be improvements on the atmosphere? Currently, the atmosphere seems a bit too simple... For example I really liked the alerts that had a lot of fog in them, it made the mission feel more fun... Not only fog, I would like to see more effects added to the missions depending on where it takes place. Those effects could also provide extra challenge, don't ya think? (Big ice storms in Europa? Sandstorms in Phobos? Random lights outs in both Corpus and Grineer ships?)


Q: Any news on the upcoming Ying-Yang Warframe?


Q: In Devstream 15 or 16 (I don't remember...) it was mentioned that there will be a shooting range room and a new obstacle course room for the Clan Dojo, any details about these?


Q: Will there even be Enemy Scaling 2.0? This was something I have been wondering for a long time now, the current enemy scaling system is quite horrible and it needs a huge rework. (Perhaps Damage/HP/Armor stats for the enemies would stop increasing at LVL 50... But after that they get more special attacks? Like a scorpion charging at a player with a bomb, detonating herself and dealing insane amounts of damage to nearby players?)


Q: Will the void actually get their own special "Units"? The idea of the void having corrupted versions of already existing enemies can be quite cool for a while... But wouldn't it be cooler if the void had their own special units? Perhaps the enemies could be the low guardians and the high guardians, like how the lore says so? Unless the low and high guardians are the current corrupted enemies... Which would be a bummer :I


Q: Buff Supra pls ;c? C'mon... We have been asking for it for over a year now...

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Q; Will there be improvements on the atmosphere? Currently, the atmosphere seems a bit too simple... For example I really liked the alerts that had a lot of fog in them, it made the mission feel more fun... Not only fog, I would like to see more effects added to the missions depending on where it takes place. Those effects could also provide extra challenge, don't ya think? (Big ice storms in Europa? Sandstorms in Phobos? Random lights outs in both Corpus and Grineer ships?)


Q: Any news on the upcoming Ying-Yang Warframe?


Q: In Devstream 15 or 16 (I don't remember...) it was mentioned that there will be a shooting range room and a new obstacle course room for the Clan Dojo, any details about these?


Q: Will there even be Enemy Scaling 2.0? This was something I have been wondering for a long time now, the current enemy scaling system is quite horrible and it needs a huge rework. (Perhaps Damage/HP/Armor stats for the enemies would stop increasing at LVL 50... But after that they get more special attacks? Like a scorpion charging at a player with a bomb, detonating herself and dealing insane amounts of damage to nearby players?)


Q: Will the void actually get their own special "Units"? The idea of the void having corrupted versions of already existing enemies can be quite cool for a while... But wouldn't it be cooler if the void had their own special units? Perhaps the enemies could be the low guardians and the high guardians, like how the lore says so? Unless the low and high guardians are the current corrupted enemies... Which would be a bummer :I


Q: Buff Supra pls ;c? C'mon... We have been asking for it for over a year now...

being waiting on exclusive "Void enemy" type too

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Ive got a few!


*with the more unqiue weapons we get, can we see a possible LM(like a gorgon) that has a secondary fire that props a sheild to block damage from where youre aiming?


Can we see sentienls getting mods like Kubrow links?


Can we get a resource change on the drop table? It feels odd that alloy plates and rubedo drop so common the majority of the star chart.


Can we get a change to what we can do with extra reasources? Because who really needs 10k control mods and 10mill alloys?


Can we get a change to the current rotations on survials on void missions so they dont drop uncommon cores? The rare cores are great, but getting 4 rotations of uncommon cores in a 40-60min run, i dont think thats fair


When are you going to give us the aiming mechainc for weapons that have secondary fires?


Can we get more nightmare mods? Its nice what we have now, but itd be great to see new ones, and mods on weapons similar to their counterparts( Wildfire for each element) or even ones for sentienals and kubrows


Can we get an easier way to travel to the simulacrum? Itd be nice instead of traveling to a relay all the time from the entrance to the back


Can we get a supra buff?


Can you change maybe how the ISP damage system works? Impact feels completely useless, the proc isnt great and only deals good damage against sheilds and proto-sheilds. Puncture is good against armor, which is great, the proc too is semi decent with the 30% damage reduction. Slash however is currently one of the best damage types overall, since its great against flesh and infested, and the proc ignores armor, and can stack mutliple times, making lots of slash weapons among the best in the game


Can we get an option to maybe build items in the foundry in bulk? I find it kinda tedious that we have to build(plates especially) and wait a minutre to build each one over and over again


Is it possible that we can see a raiper style weapon? Also how about an update on the boltor tonfas and the mios?


How about augement slots for warframes? Are we getting those, and maybe slots for the certain guns that have some?


Can we maybe get an option to get a reset forma that could remove all levels and forma off of a weapon to factory standard?


Can we get a option to maybe label our guns? Itd be nice if i could name my Kohm "The meat Grinder" or something.


For augements on warframes, can we maybe see a progression system to maybe if you have installed for a long period of time, it can be installed as a permenat feature?


Can we see more passive buffs to warframes? Itd be nice if our 4 element frames could have a base damage resistence towards those elements, and oberon having the same against radiation.


Can we get more consistency with the void trader? It feels like we wait for too long of a rotation and expect something really nice, but we get dissapointed. Maybe once a week would be nice?


Sorry if i have a ton of spelling errors!

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Q. Has there been thoughts of releasing dual versions of prime weapons (i.e. dual lex prime)?


Q. 2 Part question. Sometimes when playing a void mission you might loose a player, and replace them with another. If          you are already in the mission you can no longer access the recruiting tab so you will have to leave to shout for a

     replacement player.

               1.) Is it possible to have the requiting tab added to the chat while inside of a mission (void) to make replacing a

                    teammate easier without aborting a mission? 

               2.) Could the lock system on the void be lifted so you can invite someone back for endless void missions, even

                     if you completed the first 5mins or 5 waves of the mission?


Q. Could we receive and in game message of the void trader's location?


Q. I see DE is doing a lot with customization. For the frames, has there been thought of being able to equip an arcane

     helmet, but it looks like any of the other helmets you own (i.e. one of Mag's arcane helmets on a P. Mag, but the

     helmet still looks like P. Mag's original helmet)?


Q. This might need to be directed more to Sony, but are there plans in place to fulfill our dreams of crossplay with the PS4

     users? If so, is there a timeline for it? "Soon," is not a timeline...lol 

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Question.  Is there a way to bring back some skill to the game.Sitting in one spot to farm for stuff. pressing 1234 x to revive and run like hell when needed gets a little old.I need the challenge to come back into the game!!!! I love the questing aspect of the game.. make me work for the reward. Would love to see solo missions or 2 player?

Edited by Lorch
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For the star charts, a perhaps easier concept: Give each node a "bonus" multiplier that starts out at 100% and slowly drains away as players play it, similar to infestations--at 0%, a mission gives virtually nothing. Also have the bonus slowly refill when a node has low/no activity. 


This would automatically spread players out across the star chart, as they try to chase the biggest bonuses, and would keep any one node from being overly-played, as players would ignore missions that give almost nothing. There would be observable cycles in the play as people migrate, but it would ultimately mean that no node is ever abandoned for long. The rest would just be tweaking the numbers to get the cycled behavior the way you want.


This seems a lot easier than the whole "rewrite everything from the ground up", and if starchart 3.0 does go forward, the base concept could still be used to keep players from hitting stale gameplay.

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