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Coming Soon: Devstream #53


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Can we get display values on the sliders in the options? I'd like to know what setting I have my mouse sensitivity on or what the actual FoV value is. Another nice thing would be raw mouse input instead of software since I usually have to set my sensitivity really low and it's already on 800dpi or so.

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Will Sentinals ever be getting a balance pass?

It's generally agree'd that Carrier or Shade are the best two, providing massive benefits.

Whereas Djinn is almost never seen by anyone because it literally commits suicide in the heat of battle.


Just wondering if sentinals are planned to be looked at during this year of quality.

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Hi ! A loyal Tenno from Argentina here :)

My question is: Is Lotus a Cephalon?

From the way that Symaris talk to "her", and Cordylon speaking about the ways that Cephalons could "manifest themselves"

I can't help but wonder if that's the case.... That "she" is an hybrid one-of-the-kind Cephalon.

Thanks for the amazing experience that Warframe has become !

Gus from Argentina.

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Q> Stances. Stances have been a fantastic way of breathing new life into dead weapons, even dead weapon classes. Specifically, Can we hope to see a stance-based resurrection of Swords (one handed), Machetes (the agony.), and Scythes (please give us a quality of life change- they're a beautiful weapon class that just isn't mobile/practical enough to use regularly... •^•)

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The Sword Alone was incomplete Update





Can we expect improovment for melee along parkour 2.0?  can we expect at least 4 combo for all stances?



Any news about Stamina system rework and melee charge atk


Block system squaling?

Edited by Tsoe
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Question #1: Will there be any more Primed Mods, other than the ones we already have? 'Cause the list of Primed Mods is so small. Could we get a Primed Stretch, or a Primed Pressure Point, or something.

Question #2: When will the Tubemen of Regor and all of it's fancy redesigns (Affinity Icons, Health Icons, Power Icons, New Level Icons, Interior Liset Customization, New Loadscreens, etc.) be coming to PlayStation 4?

Edited by (PS4)Agonizin_Death
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In addition to my previous post...


Now that Valkyr and Nekros have a unique auxiliary cosmetics slot, will we be seeing more unique accessories for other Warframes? Perhaps wings for Chroma, or some of Volkovyi’s designs for a crest on Zephyr?


Will Zephyr’s eventual Immortal skin cut down all of those immutable greys? Will she and Hydroid lose those white edges in their palette?


Will we ever have a chance to get back the relays we lost?


The newer Primes use a gold texture that lacks the reflectivity and brightness of older Prime frames. Will this be remedied?

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Greeting DE i have several questions for you guys


1. When we get syndicate primary weapons?


2. Are there more stars chart to be implemented?


3. Kubrow cosmetic maybe syandana or armor


4. More 3rd alternate helmets


5. How the focus system going?

6. Can you tell me what kind new yin yang Warframe gonna be?


7. Immortal skin for my beloved Hydroid will be nice, mirage, zephyr too


8. Supra is my favorite primary weapon, DE need to buff it 


9. We need shotgun buff too

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I'd just like to know where snipetron vandal stands. Since the Strun Wraith has set a real precedent for event re-release, a concept I totally love by the way (who hasn't missed something), there have been a few forums arguing about it and no one seems to know. One camp sees it as an event weapon with all the legitimacy of re-release that comes with it, the other seems to think of it as culled alongside the snipetron's market removal. To a lesser extent I would also like to know if that statement would be consistent for the machete which is in a bit of similar position.

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Any news about Zoom and ALT Shooting



Weapons with alt shooting abilities are so broken cause of the zoom , that ppl tend to forgot them


a simple fix to make them shine again?

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Dear Dev Team: When is the Dojo going to get some attention? I know that you guys have been busy working on the relays lately but the Dojo is still kind of lacking in many ways. The Dojo also always feels empty, would it be possible to have NPCs in our Dojo in the future like in the Relays?

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New Pets? Meowbrows? Hmmmmmm.... Somebody may have let the cat out of the bag......


Are the player /clan created missions tied to the new star chart? If not, when can we expect to see this feature? Sooner is better, please.


New Dojo rooms and decor: when will we get some new material for our clan spaces?


When will we see Archwing and ground inregrated missions? 


Warframe rocks!

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So.. I have a few questions about star chart changes announced in the last devstream. Cutting to the chase:


1) How will reducing nodes affect aquiring warframes? Will we still be able to visit a specific boss to aquire parts for that warframe?


2) How can you reduce 300 nodes to 20 without losing the vast array of locations to choose from? Won't that make the solar system a tinier world? 


3) How about progression through the starmap? Part of gaining mastery experience was progressing from mission to mission, what will happen to that?


4) How will you handle difficulty amongst nodes? I sometimes still visit mercury with unranked warframes to level them up, can I still do things like that?'


5) What is mission crafting? Is it anything like crafting keys for trials or bosses like mutalist alad v?


6) What will happen to founder names/credits on mission node tooltips? 




Will update post if more questions pop up :)

Edited by VanLyrr
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Question 1:


With the introduction of Cephalon Simaris the Synthesis Scanner came along. With the additional Sol-Battery-Widget ("Unlimited Scans"), the Codex-Scanner seems to be obsolete, except if combined with the Helios Sentinel.
From my own experience, I know that especially new players struggle with understanding the real purpose of both Scanner-Systems, which are very much alike.

- Any plans to improve this situation? Maybe reduce it down to one Scanner System, which can be upgraded like the Synthesis-Scanner (which would be extensible for future things?)

[People like me who bought thousands of Codex-Scanners in anticipation of what to come, feel kinda left out in the cold, btw]

Question 2:

"Bugged" Codex entries (Example 1, Example 2) are around for quite some time and have been reported multiple times. Surely you don't have these issues not on high priority, although filling the Codex is a great thing to do while exploring the Warframe-Universe.

- How complicated is it to fix something like that from a Dev-Perspective?
- Can we except some work on that in the year of quality? :)
- What about the "missing" entries (those things that can be scanned, without an actual entry?)?


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I have a question which is different from all the rest. Is it possible to release a copy of the RNG table for resources as well as the probability that the G3, Stalker, zanuka and syndicate assassination will occur?


This will enable the player to understand how much time and effort is needed in obtaining/avoiding these.


PS: Nunchukus are not of Chinese origin. they originated from Okinawa, Japan.

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This question is only partially related to the star-map: With the reduction of the number of nodes and changes to the way missions are presented, could this herald a more streamlined take on the Grineer and Corpus power structures? The fact that we know very little about the upper management of either faction (even with all of the information gathering that The Lotus does) is a bit worrying. There's also whether or not certain bosses are truly dead once you kill them, and if the ones that are might be slowly replaced with time (Military structure is a thing that tends to change, people rise in power/are demoted/are killed all the time and need to be replaced...for example, who's going to replace Vor?). 


Additionally, with these changes, could we also see a general overview of the current (and future) plans of the factions?


P.S. When will Syndicates be updated to feel less like variations of the same thing? After all, if Ceph Suda hates violence...why is she sending you on exterminate missions?

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Why did you guys change filming location? I realize this has nothing to do with the game itself, but I've been wondering, and have never heard an explanation of it. The lunchroom had good natural lighting and the great giant excal statue. The current room is inherently smaller, and it has been noted there's people working nearby. This seems less-ideal for everyone, so why the move?

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Q; Will there be improvements on the atmosphere? Currently, the atmosphere seems a bit too simple... For example I really liked the alerts that had a lot of fog in them, it made the mission feel more fun... Not only fog, I would like to see more effects added to the missions depending on where it takes place. Those effects could also provide extra challenge, don't ya think? (Big ice storms in Europa? Sandstorms in Phobos? Random lights outs in both Corpus and Grineer ships?)


Q: Any news on the upcoming Ying-Yang Warframe?


Q: In Devstream 15 or 16 (I don't remember...) it was mentioned that there will be a shooting range room and a new obstacle course room for the Clan Dojo, any details about these?


Q: Will there even be Enemy Scaling 2.0? This was something I have been wondering for a long time now, the current enemy scaling system is quite horrible and it needs a huge rework. (Perhaps Damage/HP/Armor stats for the enemies would stop increasing at LVL 50... But after that they get more special attacks? Like a scorpion charging at a player with a bomb, detonating herself and dealing insane amounts of damage to nearby players?)


Q: Will the void actually get their own special "Units"? The idea of the void having corrupted versions of already existing enemies can be quite cool for a while... But wouldn't it be cooler if the void had their own special units? Perhaps the enemies could be the low guardians and the high guardians, like how the lore says so? Unless the low and high guardians are the current corrupted enemies... Which would be a bummer :I


Q: Buff Supra pls ;c? C'mon... We have been asking for it for over a year now...

The Orokin were a mighty space empire, so I do wonder why an Orokin vessel in the Void would need to rely on Corrupted units for protection. Why can't we have some ancient Orokin Constructs as Orokin Void enemies?

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