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The Execution Of Alad


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Execute him like the roving psychopath that he is.  He has tortured us, played with life and death, and has betrayed everyone for nothing.


He deserves everything he gets, and if the crewman is too weak-willed to end that mongrel's existence, then I will.



"Our honour demands NO LESS."

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The captain ripped the Prova back, tearing Alad's chin on the sharp edge of the shaft as he did so. The pain of the cut cleared Alad's mind and brought him back to a sense of bitter clarity. Alad saw the captain raise the Prova over his head, twisting his entire body as he wound up for the blow.

First off, nicely done.  I don't know if my response can match it.


Anyhow, here I go.  Continuing from where the quote ends.  Some assumptions about canon are made.


Alad's vision went black for a second as the Prova crashed into the side of his neck, knocking him on his side.  Idus gave him no respite as he swung the weapon in a downward arc that connected with Alad's forehead.  Though the latter didn't rise, he didn't beg again for his life or give any reaction to the blow.  Very well.  If this wretch had some delusions about dying with dignity, Idus was more than willing to put them to the test.


"Wipe the blood from his eyes."  Idus wanted him to see what was happening next.  Idus gripped the Prova with both hands as his order was executed and wound up again once his men were out of swinging range.


The Prova's edge slashed diagonally across Alad's face, and this time he could not help but scream in pain as fresh blood and the remains of his right eye ran down his face and the right side of his head went numb.  Idus planted his boot on Alad's neck and jabbed the end into the now-empty socket before flipping the switch on the Prova's handle.


Alad screamed and writhed in agony as the shock coursed through his broken body.  Idus applied more pressure on his weapon, immensely satisfied at feeling his victim struggle beneath it and seeing the edges of the Prova cut additional gashes into Alad's face.  After five seconds, he switched the Prova off and withdrew it, causing Alad to scream again.


"What I've done so far can't begin to make up for the hell you made me go through, or heal the scars that are left."  He leaned in close to reveal the "But I've promised my men that they'd have a chance to see for themselves."  As Idus withdrew the Crewmen behind him dropped the Deras as one and pulled out Stun Batons.


"Batteries out!"  Following his command, they unclipped the power cells from their batons and discarded them in the snow.  "Let this sick bastard have it!"  Idus' men advanced on their victim and surrounded him.


"No!  Please!"  He tried to scramble away from them, but one of them grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.  The remainder closed in, batons raised.


"Please!  Have mercy!" he begged, but his words were drowned out by a chorus of jeers and taunts as the Crewmen began to viciously beat him with their batons, avoiding his head to ensure he stayed conscious.


After a few minutes the one holding him abruptly dropped him as the remainder scrambled away.  "What's going on?"


He registered cries of dying Crewmen, Dera shots, and the voice of Idus yelling something his ruined ears could not discern.  Among the harsh flashes the Deras made as they cycled off round after round, his one eye could perceive other, fast-moving light sources.  Then everything went black.


Alad awoke in a strange place.  A glance around revealed that he was trapped by a plasma barrier, and that the architecture outside of it was similar yet different from that of the Corpus.  The edges were more rounded, the colors not so harsh.


He took a minute to take stock of his condition.  Surprisingly, he could feel no pain from his injuries, and he could see from both eyes again and hear faint noises from outside his prison and the barrier generator's hum.


Alad caught his reflection in the plasma barrier and froze.  He leaned closer to examine himself and jumped back with a yell of horror.  The patches of broken skin he'd sustained from his beating were replaced by infested carapace, his missing eye replaced with one lined in brown tissue and colored yellow and red.  At various points his suit was broken where infested growth had erupted from under it.


At the noise a door to the room opened and a tall female in purple robes stepped in, flanked by two men in blue jumpsuits with assault rifles and accompanied by another man in dark brown robes and a strange headpiece.  There was no mistaking the woman's identity.  Not one person in the Origins System didn't know who the Lotus was.


That meant...he had been captured by the Tenno.  And was probably awaiting execution.


"Lotus.  What do you want with me?"  Alad forced some anger into his voice to mask his fear.


To his surprise, she waved her hand over a console and deactivated the plasma barrier.  The guards raised their Bratons as it faded.


"You are in no position to ask questions, Alad.  I have no reason to keep you alive.  Your continued existence is courtesy of Teshin."


The male in brown robes stepped forward.  "Before the Fall, the Orokin engineered what is today the Technocyte Virus to combat threats from beyond the Outer Terminus.  Those threats will return; it is only a matter of time.  I have prepared the Tenno to the best of my ability, but the stakes are too high to assume it will be enough."


"And if I refuse to aid you?"


"Then you shall be executed immediately rather than later."  It was not Teshin who replied but the Lotus.  Clearly she disagreed with the Conclave master's thinking.  "Your aid will not redeem you of the defiling of our kind at your hands, Alad.  It is only a matter of whether you will die alone or with the rest of the system."


"Why would you trust me?"


"I do not.  I cannot, however, accept the future without knowing I had a chance to change it.  The outcome of that chance is yours to choose, Alad."

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John Prodman teleports into the room (accompanied by an explosion) and spots the Prova Vandal that the Captain is holding, "Ahh, here's where I left it" he spoke, and like making profit off a baby, John Prodman yoinks the prova away from the Captain's shaking hands. And while every crewman in the ship is grasping for words, flabbergasted from seeing the legend himself, Alad slips off into an escape Pod, laughing manically all the way.

^This is what happens. This thread is AWESOME :D

Edited by (PS4)COGSPARTAN117
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First off, nicely done.  I don't know if my response can match it.


Anyhow, here I go.  Continuing from where the quote ends.  Some assumptions about canon are made.


Alad's vision went black for a second as the Prova crashed into the side of his neck, knocking him on his side.  Idus gave him no respite as he swung the weapon in a downward arc that connected with Alad's forehead.  Though the latter didn't rise, he didn't beg again for his life or give any reaction to the blow.  Very well.  If this wretch had some delusions about dying with dignity, Idus was more than willing to put them to the test.


"Wipe the blood from his eyes."  Idus wanted him to see what was happening next.  Idus gripped the Prova with both hands as his order was executed and wound up again once his men were out of swinging range.


The Prova's edge slashed diagonally across Alad's face, and this time he could not help but scream in pain as fresh blood and the remains of his right eye ran down his face and the right side of his head went numb.  Idus planted his boot on Alad's neck and jabbed the end into the now-empty socket before flipping the switch on the Prova's handle.


Alad screamed and writhed in agony as the shock coursed through his broken body.  Idus applied more pressure on his weapon, immensely satisfied at feeling his victim struggle beneath it and seeing the edges of the Prova cut additional gashes into Alad's face.  After five seconds, he switched the Prova off and withdrew it, causing Alad to scream again.


"What I've done so far can't begin to make up for the hell you made me go through, or heal the scars that are left."  He leaned in close to reveal the "But I've promised my men that they'd have a chance to see for themselves."  As Idus withdrew the Crewmen behind him dropped the Deras as one and pulled out Stun Batons.


"Batteries out!"  Following his command, they unclipped the power cells from their batons and discarded them in the snow.  "Let this sick bastard have it!"  Idus' men advanced on their victim and surrounded him.


"No!  Please!"  He tried to scramble away from them, but one of them grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.  The remainder closed in, batons raised.


"Please!  Have mercy!" he begged, but his words were drowned out by a chorus of jeers and taunts as the Crewmen began to viciously beat him with their batons, avoiding his head to ensure he stayed conscious.


After a few minutes the one holding him abruptly dropped him as the remainder scrambled away.  "What's going on?"


He registered cries of dying Crewmen, Dera shots, and the voice of Idus yelling something his ruined ears could not discern.  Among the harsh flashes the Deras made as they cycled off round after round, his one eye could perceive other, fast-moving light sources.  Then everything went black.


Alad awoke in a strange place.  A glance around revealed that he was trapped by a plasma barrier, and that the architecture outside of it was similar yet different from that of the Corpus.  The edges were more rounded, the colors not so harsh.


He took a minute to take stock of his condition.  Surprisingly, he could feel no pain from his injuries, and he could see from both eyes again and hear faint noises from outside his prison and the barrier generator's hum.


Alad caught his reflection in the plasma barrier and froze.  He leaned closer to examine himself and jumped back with a yell of horror.  The patches of broken skin he'd sustained from his beating were replaced by infested carapace, his missing eye replaced with one lined in brown tissue and colored yellow and red.  At various points his suit was broken where infested growth had erupted from under it.


At the noise a door to the room opened and a tall female in purple robes stepped in, flanked by two men in blue jumpsuits with assault rifles and accompanied by another man in dark brown robes and a strange headpiece.  There was no mistaking the woman's identity.  Not one person in the Origins System didn't know who the Lotus was.


That meant...he had been captured by the Tenno.  And was probably awaiting execution.


"Lotus.  What do you want with me?"  Alad forced some anger into his voice to mask his fear.


To his surprise, she waved her hand over a console and deactivated the plasma barrier.  The guards raised their Bratons as it faded.


"You are in no position to ask questions, Alad.  I have no reason to keep you alive.  Your continued existence is courtesy of Teshin."


The male in brown robes stepped forward.  "Before the Fall, the Orokin engineered what is today the Technocyte Virus to combat threats from beyond the Outer Terminus.  Those threats will return; it is only a matter of time.  I have prepared the Tenno to the best of my ability, but the stakes are too high to assume it will be enough."


"And if I refuse to aid you?"


"Then you shall be executed immediately rather than later."  It was not Teshin who replied but the Lotus.  Clearly she disagreed with the Conclave master's thinking.  "Your aid will not redeem you of the defiling of our kind at your hands, Alad.  It is only a matter of whether you will die alone or with the rest of the system."


"Why would you trust me?"


"I do not.  I cannot, however, accept the future without knowing I had a chance to change it.  The outcome of that chance is yours to choose, Alad."



Death to the vile cur!


good stuff!

Edited by Evanescent
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for the story I see, I see alad v showing the sign's of the mutation by: showing infested spores, twitching, getting heal faster then normal, and running faster then normal too. when the captain took a swing, the nightmare started to kill everything in sight, friend or foe.


he did everything to get out alive. (killing, fighting, even infecting everyone) and he never had a second thought. when he finished, he had a good look at himself and started to go paranoid, and saw a path to the infested ways. then the event with m alad v happened.


well, that my view of it. let me know what you think. and maybe add on the this. :D

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"Where it so easy."



"I can't believe in our modern society, then let actual ART get onto the news"


Well hope the idea of Corpus who aren't as easily lead as some Tenno catches on.


Beautiful story, hope the OP goes makes his own resolution, while it's nice to offer the idea up, I'd STILL love to see how it would have been finished. 

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*A wild Proto-Excalibur appears*

Suddenly an Excalibur slips into the room with his trusty Karak Wraith, it quickly dispatches the lingering Corpus onlookers with slash dash. Using the momentum form the slash dash jumps high into the air firing the Karak into the torso of the Corpus near Alad, deciding headshots would be ineffective due to the thick Corpus made hemlets, shoots the bonds on Alad.


    He is quickly interrupted by John Prodman, John is more than horrified by the way the crewman were dispatched. He picks up the Prova Vandal from the Captain's hands while feeling remorse for not getting there sooner. Excalibur quickly gains hold of the situation by blinding Prodman before he can swing.


    ...Suddenly the lights begin to flicker, Excalibur knows what is happening but John is unfamiliar as golden rings form around their feet, Zanuka Harvester busts through the wall, violently throws Prodman against the wall and rushes Alad away from the scene. Excalibur uses the chaos to flee the area unnoticed via an Archwing he had placed near the doorway.

Edited by GraduateArc8298
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Here's how I think it should end. It's the most satisfying scenario I could think of taking into account all the tenno that died for the zanuka project.




"You know what? I shouldn't do this....." The captain said as he dropped his Prova. Alad V was astonished. for a brief moment, Alad V thought he would get the mercy he wanted. He thought he was in the clear.....until 2 of the crewman surrounding alad stepped further away from each other to allow one more spectator to be seen by Alad V.


Alad looked at the figure and realized he knew this figure, he knew who it was, he first encountered this figure during the zanuka project! It was an orange-suited Tenno by the name of valkyr. When Valkyr looked at Alad, nobody needed to see her unmasked to know the cold, hateful, unforgiving stare in her eyes. 


"What is she doing here?" Alad asked Idus, shocked and fearful of Valkyr's presence. Idus smirked at Alad.


"I would have killed you myself before today but then I realized, that killing you would be a waste of my physical energy. What better way to enjoy your execution than to watch it?" Idus said as he walked to the circle of crewman spectators. "So then I thought, 'Hmm maybe a Tenno would like to get in on this action.' So I tracked down a tenno I KNEW would want nothing more than to end your pitiful existence. I offered to pay her money to kill you, and you know what she said?"


Idus chuckled to himself before continuing. "She not only refused the offer, but she offered to pay DOUBLE the amount of credits I was offering just to give the kill to her instead."


Alad turned white as Valkyr stepped towards him. Alad knew Valkyr was getting ready to do it.


"There's nowhere for you to run now Alad..." Valkyr spoke as she stepped closer and closer to Alad.




"Nope. Alot of our fellow tenno still consider you a waste of space." Valkyr said as she punched Alad square on the nose with enough force to break it. Alad clenches his bloody broken nose in agony. Valkyr picked him up by the shirt and lefted him upwards getting ready for another punch.

"Please! Don't do this! I could make you stronger!!! Make you more powerful Valkyr! Is it money? I could pay you a thousand credits!" Valkyr punches him in the jaw, but not hard enough to break it.


"Ten thousand!" Valkyr throws Alad, he falls facefirst into a wall.


"A hundred thousand? Come on! I'll give you whatever you want!!!! Just don't hurt me anymore!!!" Alad begged and pleaded with Valkyr as he struggled to get up from the cold, metal floor, but she wasn't having any of that. She literally kicked him while he was down. 


"You know Alad? I've seen alot of what may have been young tenno beg for their lives. and now I'm going to tell you what you told them before you killed them all in cold blood for your zanuka project." Valkyr angrily snarled as she got ready to deliver the killing blow. Alad finally got up and began to run into an open door way, but the door closed infront of a desperate Alad V at the last second due to a crewman initiating the lockdown.


"May our ledgers become ocean..." Valkyr said as she used ripline to pull Alad towards her. As Alad V got pulled towards her, Valkyr kicked Alad in the chest area with the rip-line still attatched. Alad got pushed back from Valkyr's powerful kick and then pulled back to her from the ripline.


"May our Margins see Centauri." Valkyr said as she got out of the way as Alad flew towards her, and Alad hit the metal wall with full force. the crewman watching are grinning under their helmets.


"In the name of profit..." Valkyr continues by picking up Alad by the neck, she got ready to activate hysteria and ready to deliver the killing blow.


"Please! I can't die like this! I can help the tenno! help you! I could turn over a new leaf! come on! we're both monsters, us monsters have to stick together right?!?!?" Alad continued to beg Valkyr to show mercy. Valkyr only strengthened her grip on his neck in response.


"I commit thee, to the void." Valkyr finishes as she activated her hysteria and stabbed Alad in the eyes with her claws hysteria-activated claws. Valkyr tore Alad's head off and tossed his headless body to the crewmen. She then took her claws out from Alad's head, tossed it to the ground, and kicked it like it was a soccer-ball.


Valkyr walked away as the crewman recovered the corpse. After the beating she gave him, Valkyr almost felt sorry for Alad. 



Edited by Climaxstriker
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Execute him like the roving psychopath that he is.  He has tortured us, played with life and death, and has betrayed everyone for nothing.


He deserves everything he gets, and if the crewman is too weak-willed to end that mongrel's existence, then I will.



"Our honour demands NO LESS."

i will gladly join you brother... alad deserves the deepest circle of hell, reserved for traitors and oathbreakers. we shall send him to it, by ourselves if need be.

Edited by (XB1)H3LLGUAPO
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mine will be nowhere near as good as the original, but if we can self insert, here I go. Also, I do acknowledge that valkyr was put through a literal hell during the zanuka project, but I'm still salty about getting a gun I didn't want, and yes, I DO know how event rewards work, so there.

As the captain was about to land the final blow, the door opened to reveal The Sargeant, even more smug than usual.

"Vistan, Taga, hols him still while I deal with this." He said, handing his prova to another crewman.

"Sargeant Anyo, I didn't expect to see you here... What brings you here, I had been told you were presiding over the trial in Neptune(despite his position as a sargeant)."

"The void-"

"Can it, Anyo. Give it to me straight, who'd you pay off for our coordinates and our..." He looked back over to alad before continuing, "cargo?"

"Does it matter? I'm here, not as your commanding officer, but as a crewman, who lost a great many comrades in the-"

"Don't you DARE pretend like you give a damn for your subordinates in front of me, you heretic. Just shut up, and stay out of my way."

Anyo put up his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine, I'll let you have your fun..." While almost all heads had turned back to alad, Anyo silently pulled out his angstrum, and leveled it toward alad, who looked toward him and grinned. In seconds, every dera in the room, save those of anyos own vanguard, was pointed toward anyo.

"Now, now, Idus, else my finger might slip, and I give Alad here unto the void, and all of you with him."

"You wouldn't..."

"We'll see, won't we, Captain?"

They all stood, in tense silence before the door burst open again, as one of Idus' men ran in, breathing heavily.

"What is it, __________?" The captain asked.

"It's the tenno, sir, they're-" the crewman stopped, as a galatine impaled him into the doorway. Anyo, sensing that this was his chance, shoved Idus aside, pressing his angstrum against alads temple.


Alad closed his eyes, resigning to his fate, as Anyo was frozen, screaming in pain as he was paralysed, surrounded by a blue aura, beside Idus, who was heald afloat, similarly unable to move, in a green aura.

"If anyone's going to kill him it's not going to be either of you two blithering idiots." The trinity said, toting her karak Wraith, riddling vistan and taga full of bullets with it. Alad started to slowly get back up to his feet.

"That's... The gun I paid my supporters with... You came for me-"

He was silenced as a bullet whizzed past him, grazing one of his ears, prompting him to go back to kneeling.

"I didn't support you, this idiot-" she said, shooting anyo, "didn't fulfill his end of the bargain."

"Then, then why are you here?" Alad stammered weakly.

"To make sure she gets hers, and you get yours." The trinity said, stepping aside as a valkyr entered.

"The trinity pushed the karak toward her, holding it by the barrel, after taking out its clip. She gratefully accepted, and commanded Idus to hold him up, which he did for around ten minutes, as the valkyr landed blow after blow to alad's body.

"You done?" Iris asked, dropping alad to the floor.

The valkyr remained silent as she ripped her galatine from the door, and stabbed it into the floor in front of alad.

"not quite, but you have served my purposes well. Now, stay out of the way, while I finish this."

"Now you listen here-"He said, thrusting his prova at her, only to have it be swatted aside by the trinity, and to get a view of the inside of an ogirs barrel.

He doubted that she would actually shoot him at this range with it, as doing so would be suicidal, but she chuckled, and pointed down, toward the pinkish stream of energy that linked them together, and subsequently towards one of his subordinates. They all understood the implications of the green energy that held him where he floated above the ground, surrounded by an alternating green and blue energy. These skills combined were skill was what made them fear her, what made trinity near invincible in combat, and her readiness to execute such a plan was a sign of her not caring in the slightest for the well being of the valkyr; so in a sign of good faith, the captain tossed his prova aside, and signalled his men to do the same to their guns.

"Good. I'll leave you what's left of him, after I'm through." The valkyr said, twirling the hook of her ripline.

She threw it at alad, lodging it in his chest, before jerking him toward the galatine, taking him alart,limb from limb, until he was little more than a torso. His tortured screams would haunt all the crewmen present from that day forth, excluding Idus, who continued to lament not having been able to kill alad in time. When alad was done screaming, the trinity knelt down, opened up her carrier, pulling out an infested maggot, and holding it out in front of him. His one good eye widened in horror as he realized what was about to be done to him, and once more screamed in vain, as the maggot was crammed down his throat. The resulting transformation was almost instantaneous, as his form split and contorted beyond the limitations of a corpus form, but as the trinity held him still using one of her feet, she reloaded tha karak, offering it to the captain. Saying nothing, he picked up his prova, and told the trinity to release it. She obliged, and as it leapt for his throat, the captain slammed it to the ground with his prova before repeatedly stomping it to death, relishing the feeling of catharsis that came from it. When he was finished, the tenno had left, taking Anyo with them, leaving in their wake the corpses of anyos personal vanguard, along with those of his own men, whose murders his primal rave blinded hI'm from noticing. After he docked his ship in Uranus, and given a mostly true recollection of the events that had occured, he was hailed as a hero, and at his own request, given anyos old position as the overseer of mars. Since that day, the guilt has consumed him, and driven him toward madness, and reduced him to nothing but pure hatred for the tenno who robbed him of his crew...

(If you couldn't tell, I have a thing for unnecessary dramatic entrances.)

(Also, I'm a trinity main, which is why I didn't include most of valkyrs other skills. Apologies to the valkyr mains who read this and feel offended)

(And if it wasn't apparent, I really, really don't like anyo or salad, and would much prefer the captain over here as mars' new boss.)

Edited by Elizabeth-chan
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John Prodman teleports into the room (accompanied by an explosion) and spots the Prova Vandal that the Captain is holding, "Ahh, here's where I left it" he spoke, and like making profit off a baby, John Prodman yoinks the prova away from the Captain's shaking hands. And while every crewman in the ship is grasping for words, flabbergasted from seeing the legend himself, Alad slips off into an escape Pod, laughing manically all the way.


Best. Outcome. Possible.


Let me expand one paragraph into many:


As Captain Idus is about to execute its final blow, a dark corner of the room starts to shine  and shimmer like a mirage, calling upon his attention and distrcting him from finishing his business. The effect is well-known for veteran Crewmen, as it is the anomaly preceding the wormhole tech which Corpus managed to master for their incursions in foreing territory. 


The following effect however, was something different. Very few crewmen survived a Tenno attack in full-force, and this seemed to be the kind of weird felling we have when we face insurmountable powers being wielded by a powerful being. It was as if the air itself became solid, sustaining everything in its place. Breathing was barely possible. 


A figure stepped out of the wormhole. It was a crewman, and a cursory look could quickly dismiss him as just any other. But the grandiose entrance and imposing stance drew all eyes to it - no guns could be moved against him anyway. The figure was much taller and more muscular than a plain crewman. The uniform was mended to the point that it seemed to have more mends than cloth. His arms were completely exposed with the long sleeves tattered like after Kubreyah attack (a kubreyah is a giant feral form of the kubrow - think Phorid-sized or more, with 2 heads and 8 paws). His helmet seemed to be made entirely of solder joints, but was still distinctively Corpus. 


He walked in front of Idus and the ground seemed to shake on every step.  He grabs teh hand which Idus was holding the Prova, and you could hear the fingers snapping as he crunched. As the towering figure grabbed the Prova, everyone seemed to move more easily, but no one would lift a finger. 


- Ahh, there's where I left it. - he spoke, as he yanked the Prova away from Idus' crippled hand. 


He got face-to-face with Idus, and only the enhanced senses of Alad V's mutalist ears could listen the whisper:


- Try again. But next time, you'd better succeed, or you better prepare to find your Maker.


As all they watch closely as the usually-fearsome Captain Idus cowers before what seemed to be a lowly crewman in a battered uniform - the thoughts and eyes dart to each other wondering: "Could this be HIM? The Legend Himself?" 


And no one notices the Alad V's figure as he scurries away and enters into an escape pod, ejecting himself into safety.


A broadcast then comes from Alad V:


- Idus, Idus, Idus. It's funny how fate  doesn't want me to die. I already have the cure in my system, well underway to separate the infestation from me. The only reason you could even capture me were the debilitating side-effects of the splicing process. I didn't forget about you then, AND I WONT FORGET YOU... NOW.


Alad V then starts cackling his half-human laughter and screaming: 


- I owe you one, John Prodman, even if you didn't ask for!


As John Prodman steps back into his wormhole, he shrugs: 


- Like I needed it. 

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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Best. Outcome. Possible.


Let me expand one paragraph into many:


As Captain Idus is about to execute its final blow, a dark corner of the room starts to shine  and shimmer like a mirage, calling upon his attention and distrcting him from finishing his business. The effect is well-known for veteran Crewmen, as it is the anomaly preceding the wormhole tech which Corpus managed to master for their incursions in foreing territory. 


The following effect however, was something different. Very few crewmen survived a Tenno attack in full-force, and this seemed to be the kind of weird felling we have when we face insurmountable powers being wielded by a powerful being. It was as if the air itself became solid, sustaining everything in its place. Breathing was barely possible. 


A figure stepped out of the wormhole. It was a crewman, and a cursory look could quickly dismiss him as just any other. But the grandiose entrance and imposing stance drew all eyes to it - no guns could be moved against him anyway. The figure was much taller and more muscular than a plain crewman. The uniform was mended to the point that it seemed to have more mends than cloth. His arms were completely exposed with the long sleeves tattered like after Kubreyah attack (a kubreyah is a giant feral form of the kubrow - think Phorid-sized or more, with 2 heads and 8 paws). His helmet seemed to be made entirely of solder joints, but was still distinctively Corpus. 


He walked in front of Idus and the ground seemed to shake on every step.  He grabs teh hand which Idus was holding the Prova, and you could hear the fingers snapping as he crunched. As the towering figure grabbed the Prova, everyone seemed to move more easily, but no one would lift a finger. 


- Ahh, there's where I left it. - he spoke, as he yanked the Prova away from Idus' crippled hand. 


He got face-to-face with Idus, and only the enhanced senses of Alad V's mutalist ears could listen the whisper:


- Try again. But next time, you'd better succeed, or you better prepare to find your Maker.


As all they watch closely as the usually-fearsome Captain Idus cowers before what seemed to be a lowly crewman in a battered uniform - the thoughts and eyes dart to each other wondering: "Could this be HIM? The Legend Himself?" 


And no one notices the Alad V's figure as he scurries away and enters into an escape pod, ejecting himself into safety.


A broadcast then comes from Alad V:


- Idus, Idus, Idus. It's funny how fate  doesn't want me to die. I already have the cure in my system, well underway to separate the infestation from me. The only reason you could even capture me were the debilitating side-effects of the splicing process. I didn't forget about you then, AND I WONT FORGET YOU... NOW.


Alad V then starts cackling his half-human laughter and screaming: 


- I owe you one, John Prodman, even if you didn't ask for!


Al John Prodman steps back into his wormhole, he shrugs: 


- Like I needed it. 

^ Never forget. In Prod We Trust.

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