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Special Helmets Inquiry


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I'm fairly certain that there is absolutely no way of telling what special alternative helmets you own, except going to the appropriate Warframes' "customize color" screen. This is quite frustrating when you want to sell the excess blueprints for the helmets you already have, but don't possess the Warframe for them (haven't gotten yet/building/ready for claiming/sold and want to get it again later).

Can they be displayed somewhere in the UI please, like added to the inventory misc items display or adding a tab attached to Warframes in the inventory?

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That actually helps, thanks. Now I can sell some of blueprints I have.

I'd still like them to be shown on the menus I suggested before, preferably stacked together, as the "equipment" store tab is unorganized and will grow in time into even more mess.

Also, the helmets could really use their actual, numerical, stats shown in the description, like weapons do.

Edit: Weapon skins can use the same treatment as well (Scindo/Manticore for example).

Edited by Critical
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