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Digital Extremes Works Such As Microsoft


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Hi Guys , I am sorry you had to notice the ($ 49 = 49 € ) This is not acceptable , than where is the value Change ? Just because the economy prices in Europe , which equated to the United States in the basement players in Europe should be pay more ? Is not at all ! Unfortunately, I regret now that I 've ever paid money for this game (especially in the beta ). I'll probably have to think about how long I can play Goods frame under these circumstances. I will not gamble away my platinum points and than delete the game and I can not continue the picures you also , if you is not changed. ;-(

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I do recall one of the Mods posting on a topic about this recently, saying that the webpage's exchange rate mechanism was not working properly. Make a support ticket and ask about this; it could be a mistake.

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You could have paid just 20 €

I understand that it is not fair to either.

And I understand very well, the other day, I saw a movie offer, costing € 189, ok, you know how much it costs the same offer import buying it? € 89.

Outlet = 189 €

Import = 89 €

What's wrong with this putrid capitalist world?.

Another example.

A physical game costs 70 €

Import Game 20 €

Prices in Spain, SGAE, ACTA, RIA and similar then call us pirates, fuc# you.

I am very very angry \(>_<)/

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