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Banshee/zephyr Do You Use Them, If So What For

(XBOX)demonizer andy


as the title suggests, iv been looking at these lonely pair for some time though, but as with limbo i cant really see a place for them in my line up,and you never see them in game, especially zeph, soooooooooooooooo are they terrible, orrrrrrrr are they hidden gems...


whats your thoughts on these 2 frames, if you use them what for, whats your build etc etc

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arrrrrrrrrrgh which to go for lol,im guessing banshee does do damage with her ult,more so when paired with sonar and her new mod? 


i jus need a lil fun in me warframe life lol

Run missions with someone playing a Banshee and someone playing a Zephyr, see which one looks more fun?

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Both are good frames in my opinion. However I think Zephyr is more fun to use due to the near 25 tailwinds you can perform in a row and still have enough energy for a divebomb. (Assuming you have a duration build for her.) Banshee is better for support due to her Silence and Sonar.

Edited by (PS4)TAKEaSTAB97
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I use banshee a lot, generally for every mission unless I'm solo. Banshee is really bad for defending objectives, so defense and mobile defense are risky solo.

Admittedly she is really hard to play comparing to other Warframes. Stealth in rescue and spy are a struggle comparing to Loki easy mode. Most other missions it's just a matter of staying alive. Grineer are a nightmare because they don't miss. I used to run fortitude which helped keep my shields up, but had to forego it for resonance. The difference is extremely noticeable. Now we have a sonic boom augment that's awesome but I can't give up any mods for it.

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so if banshee aint for damage, what were people doing on the E-gate glitch/exploit where they just sat in once animation and everything literally died as it spawned, nekros desecrated, and mag pulled everything in :/ i thought she did ridiculous amounts of damage, guess i was wrong.

The deal with the exploit was we had low level enemies that spawned in insane quantities and did NOT scale up. Making it really easy to kill them. Sound quake is for cc not killing. It can kill up to a point but so can anything if you stack additional 184 power strength.

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I use both somewhat frequently.


Banshee is kind of my main, I use her for everything up until enemies are past level 60, where she cannot take as many blows. Sound Quake is extremely good for keeping a room down, Silence is actually really good for CC as enemies play some headache animation and stop shooting. Sonar will amp up your damage unbelievably, and Sonic Boom is handy for tight situations OR for getting finishers on tougher heavies.


I do not have as much use with Zephyr as I do with other frames, mainly because I cannot find a use for half her abilities. Tornado is very good for sending your enemies away, and Turbulence will pretty much render you invulnerable to bullets except explosion AoE from rockets exploding too close to you. Tailwind is rather situational, because oftentimes your duration is very high to build for 3&4, and will send you going too far in an enclosed space. I like to fly around in the Simulacrum and on Phobos open air maps just for fun.


Dive Bomb isn't really helpful, or at least to me. The AoE radius is too small (Or may be my problem for using Narrow Minded), and you have to be very high up in the air to do any bit of reasonable damage. 


If you put Narrow Minded for duration, nope. Adding range may make this somewhat useful but ehhh.

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I hardly ever play banshee, as no matter what I do she just doesn't feel "good" to me.

Zephyr, on the other hand, is one of my favorite frames, I mainly use her against corpus, since they have next to no counters for Turbulence.

Pretty Much same thing here. Also use her in void very often as alot of attacks are projectile and her Floaty-ness is great because of the voids big rooms. Divebomb is decent at best but Tornadoes give CC for downed mates and when you need to brethe  

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soooooooooooooooo are they terrible, orrrrrrrr are they hidden gems...

Both are fantastic frames, Banshee is good for reaching high damage, and Zephyr is glitchy atm, but turbulence is still a fantastic mitigation to ranged weapons. Zephyr also has tailwind that lets her cover distance too.

There both my favorite, I recommend them.

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I love Banshee, but she is one of the worst looking, gangly frames IMO. Anyway, sonar with resonance and max power can do a 1400% multiplier, or something. When I started falling in love with her this is what I went toward, but she is squishy and you need to be good at avoiding damage at the levels this amt of power on sonar is even needed. Still nice to see enemies on the map though. Now I realized her true use lies in the CC of Sonic Boom (I think it's called... number 4). Want to go easy street on interceptions and excavations? Mod for max range and efficiency and press 4 (come out every once in a while to not be considered AFK). You can still use sonar, but it is not going to be the OP strength... still good for seeing where enemies are though. Warning: this is booooorrrriiiinnnggggggggg.

Zephyr I know can be a tank, but I use Chroma for tanking and never like Zephyr much. I used to use the frame with max duration to tail wind across capture missions for credit farming, but I don't see the point in using Zeph for tanking when Chroma/Valkyr does it better IMO.

You can use chroma to be a tank in grineer and infested. 95% damage reductions tend to fall off against Higher lvl enemies, turbulence with a supposed 100% damage reduction to ranged enemies can let her surive infinitely vs Corpus, and near infinitely vs grinner and Corrupted because of the glitchey hitscans and Weird deflection rockets.
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Gonna talk now from a perspectiv of over 1900 hours.


i love banshee but i rarely use her cause of 2 reason:


1. beside def surv and interception everything is dead anyway no need for her beside may with her Sonic Boom augment but sonar is there not the thing to go cause i dont need the dmg or either the silence there bette alternativs in that regard.


2. randoms most of them dont understand her power my all arround build involes 750% sonar with Ressonance augment that a hella lot of dmg .

but as they spam abilities anyway shes a waste in those setups for me.


but if you have ppl that loves gun play shes is THE one and only dmg support of all.


About Zephyr i dont get a feeling for her turbulance is nice but the rest fo her kit feels so danm clunky and even for cc i dont really like her tornados . everything flies arround and you cant shoot em either cause they fling.


and her 1 is on high duration nearly impossible to control in closed maps and her 2nd useless under Narrow minded so yet shes for me fairly not in any chance to get played as against corpus i love mag volt frost chroma etc :/


with regards,






P.S.: that my opinion and every english fail you find is yours and keep before someone steal it :p

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My two cents on this one and I have both frames. I built Banshee as one of my first few frames and she is still one of my favorites and most used. I'm three forma into her and she just keeps getting better. Now as with any frame it really depends on the mods used on them. 


Zephyr in the other hand is a solid tank frame just not fun to play, at least for me she just doesn't fit my playstyle is all.

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2 of my most used frames.

If banshee is paired with other team oriented frames (not ash for example) being used by intelligent players who don't just try and Rambo solo (these guys...) around the map she can can go late game, and she will enhance the whole teams chances for survival.

Zephyr is awesome. I never understand people who don't understand this. The only thing that has changed is that with parkor 2.0 the flight aspect of her frame is a little less unique and should be addressed. Again Ina good team zephyr canbe quite useful. We've done T4 def without frost and Triton without frost to great success.

It never bothers me that people use the frames I use less. I'd hate to get bored seeing the frames I like using like how I get bored seeing ash, frost, nova, rhino, etc...

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if you want to speedrun any mission but exterminate, no other frame can beat zephyr.


good base sprint speed with the ability to boost that even more with the jet stream augment, and the longest dash power of all frames - yes, londer than even worm hole. if you press 'jump' while doing a tail wind, you gain so much momentum, that you cross the largest tile in one tail wind.


the floating also allows some really sick air maneuvers, but you have to practice it a lot, or you'll just overshoot the desired landing spot and fall off the map.




not much to say about banshee - with max range her ult CC locks enemies in adjecent tiles (who just spawned) so you can kill them with enemy radar+punch through weapons and then a gmag pulls in life support (doesn't work any more since mag got nerfed the 10th time)

other than that, she can kill literally any enemy regardless of level - not much frames can do that

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