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The Stalker's Arsenal


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Although some people deny his existence, the most of us know of the threat known as the stalker.
I have run into him on many occasions, and I have taken the liberty of collecting data on him.
Today I am posting to discuss some of the interesting weapons I saw the stalker carry in our most recent meeting.

Okay, enough RP. I was thinking could this be a clever way to hint at upcoming items? or just DE messing with us as always?

First picture he seems to be wielding some kind of pickaxe/anchor like melee weapon.

Second image looks like it could be Paris, but it is shorter and has a few graphical differences, a shortbow perhaps?

Another picture of the bow.

I have several clips containing footage of this guy, but I'm not planning on posting them yet unless requested. (I have other plans for them).

So what are your thoughts on these things? Just DE teasing us? or something more?
Apologies if this has been posted before :P

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Wow, immensely great find. I thought I saw some odd things a few times I faced him .. Figured it was my eyes playing tricks on me, but I guess not.


Dat Stalker. He's a chameleon badass.



Edited by WhiteCr0w
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What Stalker? Nice mods though!

Real talk. This guy would a good guinea pig for future weapon updates! Ninja put items on him and let the community hunt him down for the previews!

Edited by Cestus
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another hidden patch note that DE didnt reveal, DE denies the stalker and all info about him. 


he is an immense surpise that only the crowd should figure out without help. little to nothing is still known about him

Edited by TheSuperTaco
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Wow this is cool. First pic looks like the non prime version of whatever weapon we saw Frost Prime wielding, the supposed scythe. I'm all for a shortbow.

Gotta say he looks a lot more menacing with the scythe!

Edited by fuiseh
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This starting to get annoying, will people stop posting fake posts and Photoshopped images to make "stalker", if you've got good enough Photoshop skills do something else with those skills....

But on a serious not, I hope we get access to these weapons

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DE "revealed" Scythes weeks ago, in a live stream.


And again with the end of the extermination event.




Old news and duplicate thread. They look cool though but I suggest you learn how to use search button or look till pages 1-10.


Duplicate of which thread?

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DE "revealed" Scythes weeks ago, in a live stream.


And again with the end of the extermination event.





Duplicate of which thread?

These Scythes are pretty similiar, but this one is deffinately prime, however Stalker's Scythe doesn't like original, it's like some sort of dark weaponry.

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