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No More Grinner "sawmen" ?


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Frankly this is a weird buff to the Sawmen, since now you can't hear their approach.


I hope they change it back, though.  The saw-hands had a lot of personality, and were actually kind of intimidating in their own way (too bad they're less dangerous than roller balls).

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"Because cleavers are the saws of the future."

But seriously, what motivated DE to switch the saw to a cleaver? Now they are the most generic melee units ever. The noise from the saw was annoying, but it also made the Sawman unique by having a distinct audio warning. Their design was awesome, because having an amputated arm replaced with a BUZZSAW is much more intimidating than just a cleaver. It would be even better if they fused the saw with some designs from the cleaver and made an energy buzzsaw, like, the edge of the blades would be lit up and stuff. It just seems...$&*&*#(%&, to give the SAWman a cleaver.

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Guys, they still spawn with saws... I've been slicing and dicing them all morning. 


I reckon it's just a random addition to make the battlefield a bit more diverse. 

Edited by Naith
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What I think happened is that during the construction of the latest patch, the Grineer Flameblades were getting the above treatment, the cleaver with the glowing edge. But somehow it wound up being the Grineer Sawmen that got the treatment instead, thus creating the confusion. That being said, I really like the new cleavers, even if they're on the wrong unit. 

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What I think happened is that during the construction of the latest patch, the Grineer Flameblades were getting the above treatment, the cleaver with the glowing edge. But somehow it wound up being the Grineer Sawmen that got the treatment instead, thus creating the confusion. That being said, I really like the new cleavers, even if they're on the wrong unit.

Actually, now that you mention it, giving the cleavers to the Flameblades to replace their stupid Corpus stun sticks would be the best idea EVER. This makes a lot of sense! :o Though i wonder just how careless one has to be to give a new weapon to the wrong bloody unit.
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