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Project Kapros: Filling The Niches. (Extending The Family, Secondaries!)


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Designed to fill the niches, all of them.







Thanks to AeonWolf and Scharkie1333 for great concept arts!







Originally designed as a riot shotgun, used to suppress revolts of unsatisfied Corpus colonists in a non-lethal manner, it quickly found somewhat more fatal applications when colonies got attacked by Infestation.




...we've been resting after the last assignment, a bunch of rioters, business as usual. Then the new guy ran in, we were surprised these damn doors were capable of opening so fast, yelling, screaming something incomprehensibly, at full speed he rammed into the alarm trigger and bounced off, falling on his back. One of the guys went to check if he was alright.


As that guy was taking care of the newbie, we all noticed something. Something unusual, unusual amounts of commotion outside.


Then, we could hear the newbie loud and clear, without the headpiece distorting his screams...








We all stood there for what felt like ages, paralysed.

Then we heard the voice of reason over the comms, waking us up from this damn nightmare, both soothing and terrifying broadcast:




Some of the men could be heard mumbling "we ain't getting paid enough to deal with this S#&$, I'm bailing"






Oh old Sarge, always knew how to motivate us, at least some of us.


We ran to the armoury, funnelling through narrow corridors, we could see all the bots popping out of their dispensers at an astonishing rate.


We finally got there, grabbed our gear and removed the safeguards, we wouldn't be needing them anyway.

Once again, we ran through corridors, accompanied by a swarm of proxies, to the designated position.

We had to get to the hangar and try to hold off as long as possible, let as many colonists escape.


We finally arrived to the dock, we tried to set up some defensive positions while the colonists were literally flooding the barges, hoping not a single spore gets in there with them.


We've barely deployed, we could hear inhuman shriek, loud pounding filled the hangar, some colonist stopped to see what happens. Last mistake in their life.

The plague was pouring from every single entrance there was, driven by hunger and rage. These unlucky few that stood still were the first to get torn to pieces.


We all started shooting, letting the last few board the barges and fly off.

We all have been shooting, guns bursting from overheating, other crewmen getting dragged into all the vents and sewers around. But there was simply more of them. The mass of flesh, we were perforating it with plasma, chipping piece by piece, but not fast enough. In the last ditch effort, I aimed at the generator cooling pipes, asked a few fellow men around to do the same, we might die but we aren't going to hell alone.


The pipe burst, instantly freezing a large part of that monster, inhuman shriek filled our ears, entire colony shaken, but we had some time. We ran off.


Nobody was lucky enough to get to the barge soon enough, we were left stranded in this hell hole. The one last thing we could do, was to shut down the SOS transmitter, and loop a message, message telling no one to come even close to this thing.


Now, we are stuck in the comms room, low on any kind of supplies, waiting for our destiny. As we are waiting, I'm writing entire story on this datamass, we won't have much use from financial reports anyway, and maybe I'll immortalize myself this way.


I am Corporal Opej, and this is my last report.






(Project) Kapros is the first weapon in the game built to utilize unique burst-auto trigger mechanism.

When trigger is tapped, Kapros will shoot an entire burst, consisting of 3 shots, consuming 3 units of ammo.

When trigger is held, Kapros will continue shooting bursts until battery charge is drained.


Being a riot shotgun, designed to incapacitate threats in a non-lethal way, Kapros retained a few traits even after lethalization, namely:

100% shock status, whenever 2 projectiles land on the same target!

Shooting an enemy will remove him from the battle for a short time, shooting at the ground where enemies are or will be, will incapacitate entire group for a brief moment.


Thanks to being a projectile weapon, Kapros doesn't lose as much potency over range, being viable at both short and medium distances.






Statistics are listed per pellet.


Damage: 18px-Electricity_b.png60DMG, shock elemental.

Pellet count: 6 per burst.

Critical chance: 25%

Critical damage multiplier: x2.5

Status chance: 10% (guaranteed innate shock when 2 or more pellets hit the same enemy)


Projectile speed: 55m/s

Accuracy: ~13.0

Firerate: 15RPS in burst, 3RPS burst rate

Magazine size: 9 rounds

Reload time: 2.8s

Ammo reserve: 126 rounds

Ammo type: Shotgun






As the thread states, Project Kapros exists solely to fill all the niches I could think of.

So far, it fills these niches:

a) Projectile shotgun, we used to have Kohm and Drakgoon fill this role, but Kohm has got "optimized" and Drakgoon is pretty much a forgotten weapon.

b) Crit based shotgun, cannot think of any truly crit-viable shotgun, save for old pre-patch Strun Wraith.

c) Burst (technically, burst-auto) shotgun, there are no shotguns shooting in burst mode.

d) Single elemental shotgun, there are no shotguns that deal single elemental as damage, the closest thing is obviously Phage, but it isn't really a shotgun.

e) Corpus shotty.


Additionally, many of you (especially people a bit more proficient with maths) may state that Kapros is OP. Indeed, but this weapon isn't balanced with current state of the game in mind, instead, it's been based on how it would work after sniper rifles and shotguns get a rework, to make them as viable as assault rifles. Giving it much higher potency up close and requiring high degree of accuracy works well for risk:reward ratio, player will get rewarded with high efficiency whenever they decide to risk their life by getting up close and taking their time to make entire burst connect with an enemy.


Open for feedback.

Must have this in my arsenal ASAP will be a good addition to my 200+ weapon collection.

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Detractors will call it "kopros" instead, aka "excrementos". Bad name choice.

Well, it's name is kind of an inside joke, as Kapros is supposed to mean Boar, and this weapon was inspired by how I imagined Boar to work (at least the Prime one, burst-auto would be much more fitting).


I don't see a reason to try and mitigate such "issue", especially with other weapons and jokes being around (Uranus, Kohm, Radiant Finish etc.).

Edited by Mofixil
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Simply Awesome. Would love to see a rifle version too although that would put Supra and Dera to shame (in terms of design). Oh wait I want a secondary and melee too :P


I just love your artwork.

haha thanks :) i appreciate every feedback i can get and i would draw more when i get good concepts or unique mechanics.

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Still amazing, scharkie1333's one looks cool as well, oh now i also feel like a melee of this, the third picture of scharkie's reminded me of melees

and I love AeonWolf's camo designs, both shock and vandal but i like Vandal the most

Edited by Hunter126
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