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On Skana Prime Buffs


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Since the Prisma Skana came out, the original founders gained a new reason to demand a buff to their exclusive weapons. I'm going to address the issue in a single phrase, "It doesn't matter".


To the people who say that founders shouldn't get special treatment, their exclusive weapons are not the best in the game, and from DE's philosophies will never be. Also buffing their weapons will not ruin the game because it will affect only a small amount of the player base, and if people start asking for only founders to join their squads then that's the problem with the players, not the devs or game.


To the founders who believe that their weapons should be better, does it really matter that much? Is it just that you really like the look of the weapon, or the feel of it? The point of the founders weapons was to give them something to play with, but still have an entire game left to play with new weapons. People who are saying to copy the Prisma Skana's stats should really just ask for a skin to put on any sword melee, because that's all it would be.


The founder weapons are specifically not the worst weapons, while not being the best weapons for a reason. It allows branching from the elevated starting point of founder and to give a trophy to those that helped start the game off. Really I personally wouldn't care if the founder weapons are buffed, but the issue is truly inconsequential. DE has more important things to do than re-balance from the closed beta that are no longer available, they need to fix the bugs and glitches in the game so that everyone can enjoy it. Really how would the game change if only a specific subset of players suddenly only used a handful of weapons other than the handful that are exclusively used now by everyone for everything?


To finish, a buff would not matter, and really there are more important things to do and balance. If anything the game might be balanced around the founder weapons being where they are now, mid-high tier weapons. So there are better weapons and many worse weapons, the founders weapons are not suppose to be the absolute best, but were meant to help people sail smoothly through everything in the closed beta, and are still usable in the late-game now.

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There's the side of this community that just never gives up...

Please don't speak of the founders as we all started setting fire to buildings and grabbed our pitchforks with the release of Prisma Skana.


To those who ARE mad, you can get the Prisma Skana too, why be irrational?

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The founder weapons are specifically not the worst weapons, while not being the best weapons for a reason. It allows branching from the elevated starting point of founder and to give a trophy to those that helped start the game off.

While this is a good point, it's also probably not really relevant by now, as it's safe to assume no active Founder is anywhere near the "starting point" anymore.


The Founder Packs weren't cheap, and in light of that, it would definitely be nice to see those weapons become more powerful, usable in more situations, for those that really like, and want to stick with, them. Not make them the best weapons in the game, of course. Some zealous Founders would probably say that, but not me.


With all of that said, while the buffing of those weapons would be something really neat for those of us who have them, it would be little more than just that, neat. Many Founders would probably still not use those, preferring to stick to more powerful weapons, buff or no buff. At the end of the day, it would indeed prove to be ultimately inconsequential for both the game and the community as we know them right now.


tl;dr - As a Founder, it would be nice to see them buffed, but yeah, it really wouldn't matter all that much.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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I'm not even sure if the Prisma Skana is better, outside of Berserker builds.

The fact that it even has the potential for a Berserker build basically means that it's already better than Skana Prime. 

If someone chooses not to use Berserker and thereby sacrifice DPS, that's on them. 

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The fact that it even has the potential for a Berserker build basically means that it's already better than Skana Prime. 

If someone chooses not to use Berserker and thereby sacrifice DPS, that's on them. 


What I say to that is: So?


Who cares if the Skana Prime isn't the best of the best in melee weapons? My fellow Founders weren't throwing tantrums over the Orthos Prime being better than Skana Prime. They weren't throwing tantrums over Dakra Prime being better. But the moment a new Skana comes out, you'd think the sky had fallen.

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"Exclusivity is a bad idea for everyone. It's basically a financial leveraging strategy that creates short term market distortion and long term crying." -Gabe Newell


Couldn't have said it better myself, Gaben. That's pretty much exactly what happened, and now we have to try to make the best of it in a way that harms the fewest number of people possible.


Supporting the people that got the game on its feet is good. Doing so by dooming new players to use worse versions of their favorite frames is not. Giving founders something endgame viable is good. Depriving new players of an endgame viable piece of equipment is bad.


The only real solution I see is to make exclusives purely cosmetic. If the Skana Prime had identical stats to the Dakra Prime (but couldn't use the augment) or Prisma Skana, then the founders would get a cool item to act all elitist to the new players about, and the Skana Prime would be endgame viable, and the new players wouldn't be losing anything, because they can get another weapon that's exactly as powerful. This seems like a win-win-win, but founders might not be happy about having all their exclusives be purely cosmetic, so it's more of a win-win-win-loss. Still, that's 3 wins to 1 loss, and I haven't been able to come up with anything better.


Still, I do think Excalibur Prime should be buffed to be in line with other primes, just not in a way that harms new players. To accompany a buff, a Dex Excalibur (Dexcalibur?) that has identical stats could be released, so as to give Excalibur Prime his buff, not put new players in a bad place, and stick with the idea of keeping exclusives cosmetic.


People who are saying to copy the Prisma Skana's stats should really just ask for a skin to put on any sword melee, because that's all it would be.


That's actually a really good idea, since it would make the "Skana Prime" endgame viable, and allow founders to basically choose their Skana Prime's stats.

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The point, for me, with Skana Prime/Prisma Skana is, that it's quite sad your trusted Founder melee not only had to face different and/or "better" swords - but now gets to know some sort of "Void-Brother" that gives the Prime the slight feeling of Mastery-Fodder.

Sure the base damage is still better, but Skana Prime got nothing more to offer. I would love to see the Prime walk a different path as the Prisma. As the Prisma is walking to the crits, the Prime could be going to status - done right it still won't be the most powerfull, but it will feel different and could encourage at least a few to bring that shiny piece to battle.

Just for one moment see this as a way to show dedication to the Dev's and the game!  In the first place you spent that money to get an awesome game, and there should be a way to wear the things we got for this with pride and credits for DE, be it a bandana, a T-Shirt or that Skana Prime!

And hiding that little sword in your backyard, is not the way to do this ;)

Edited by Malashim
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As a person who is not a founder but has been around since most of them, I would say to buff it or add in a skana prime skin to make it have the option of having which stats to use. Would be a nice way to support the founders and wouldn't effect me in the slightest.

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I would love to see the Prime walk a different path as the Prisma. As the Prisma is walking to the crits, the Prime could be going to status - done right it still won't be the most powerfull, but it will feel different and could encourage at least a few to bring that shiny piece to battle.


Although this does seem like a good idea at first, if the Skana Prime filled a niche that no other weapon did, new players would be left with that niche unfilled forever, which is just as bad as depriving them of an awesome piece of gear. Because of this, I don't think this is a good idea.

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Although this does seem like a good idea at first, if the Skana Prime filled a niche that no other weapon did, new players would be left with that niche unfilled forever, which is just as bad as depriving them of an awesome piece of gear. Because of this, I don't think this is a good idea.


If you compare it just to the one handed swords you can go up to the Heat Sword (20%) without touching possibilities for a status sword build. The only thing would be the possible higher base damage on the Skana Prime, as it can use the Weapon Augment mod vom Loka.

On the other Hand all can use the Prisma Skana with wich they can build a Berserker build also including the Augment Mod.



Founder's primes are meant to replace the starter gears. All founders should know this when they purchased the package, it's just a display of our status as founders and should not go anything beyond that.


We got Sigils when it comes to pure display of Founder status, as we can take them with any Weapon, and the "a little bit more Prime" Stats of the Skana Prime and the Lato Prime (at least compared to the basic Weapons) gave them not just the place of a simple replacement, in my opinion.

If one of the future offerings from Baro would be a more interesting version of the Lato Prime/Vandal (both are very close to each other) i also won't be happy about it, and i got none of them.

I'd even say that it won't hurt anything in the game to also buff the Lato Prime at least a little bit, so i can hope to see anyone using it in mission - even if just for the giggles ^^

Edited by Malashim
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I'm glad to see that no one really raged and ranted in this. I'm seeing many views that differ from the rants that start other posts demanding powerful buffs to the founder weapons. They do deserve buffs, even if very minor, but it really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things.


I'm surprised that people actually were interested in the idea of making skins of the founder weapons that only founders could use on any weapon of that class.


Please keep the feedback as positive as possible because everyone here loves this game, let's not ruin the community.

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It being a fancier version of starter gear I don't see what all the fuss was about in the first place. Was the sky falling (as someone mentioned a few posts up~) when the Dakra Prime was released?


When the Scindo Prime came?


The Skana Prime hasn't been anywhere near the greatest weapon in over two years, the second a Skana comes out that CAN be up there but is available to everyone- now we're getting entitled? 


The skin system's not a bad idea, it won't cause too much of an uproar then, Excalibur Prime is potent enough for that job; however out of all the founder items he's the one that needs buffed to be on par with the latest Prime stats. As a right of every Warframe that gets Primed, not just what people can't get.  

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The skin system's not a bad idea


I think it should happen to all exclusives and removed items, honestly(and perhaps all variants as well)--but then again, I'm in favour of balancing the obtainable Mastery out completely between all players and pruning the weapon list.

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I think it should happen to all exclusives and removed items, honestly(and perhaps all variants as well)--but then again, I'm in favour of balancing the obtainable Mastery out completely between all players and pruning the weapon list.

The only weapons that have been removed are the snipertron, to be the lanka so technically not removed, the machete, which no one ever used, but I guess could be a skin, and the boar, which became the strun so also technically not removed. All event weapons are not exclusive, but event based, as stated by DE and shown with Den of the Kubrow.

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