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Merging Missions


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Instead of doing one mission than another right after that one in some cases, why not in some levels have merged mission types!







Rescue Defense


The Tenno have to rescue a captive Tenno operative ((aka an AI controlled unit that can actually fire back!)), but once freed from the the cells, the ship go into lockdown and a 5 wave defense ensues where you have to protect the unit from destruction. A tileset would have to be made or expanded for this, and any other mission, ideas!



Spy Raid


The Tenno have to locate 2-4 Data-masses in the ship in order to unlock the orokin artifact. However the ship is on a self-destruct timer that is increased for each data mass found.



Sabotage Exterminate



The Tenno have to Sabotage an enemy ship. However once Sabotaged an enemy task force is jettisioned into the area and must be dealt with before extraction. This would be on a time limit, with certain intervals of killis increasing the time limit.



And those are my ideas :3!

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I see you in chat often and this is the best thing I've ever seen come from your keyboard lol. Great idea! It would also help to identify WHEN your going to be in a mission with 2 objectives because upon selection you already know you have 2 objectives. Also with your idea its focused on 2 DIFFERENT objectives. Nothing kills Warframe's player immersion like completing the objective and Lotus telling you that you must complete the same objective AGAIN... Especially when you are THAT person that didn't rush on to the next wave of enemies and has to stop using your awesome primary weapon and use a lackluster secondary (if it isnt the lex or kraken) and get 4 MORE data units...

Edited by 762x39r
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