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Sooooooo Ods? Whats Your Tactic

(XBOX)demonizer andy


its about the only thing im struggling with really on this game, even ODD isnt too much of a hassle till later, but just seem to get overrun so quickly on ODS, and i cant seem to find a right frame balance to keep going, loki seems pointless, ember doesnt seem powerful enough, slowva istn too bad with a decent group. ash gets dropped, vauban is ok until energy leeches appear....


which seems to be the killer on this mode, as soon as your energy drops its all downhill, then you get flung about everywhere by the guys with the harpoons etc.


so who do you use, whats your tactics, weapons etc, how long do you go for etc.

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I'd imagine an accelerant build Ember wouldn't have problems with infested while using pure fire Ignis and or Atomos. 


I may be a little biased as 19/20 missions I'd recommend taking Trinity balanced build and just keep link up for cc immunity and just wipe out with your fav weapons.  Actually I'd be using the room clearing self-damage link transfer tactic but few others agree with me on that.

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Hydroid, with pilfering swarm for the energy and life support issues you may have,plus yano,,, loot.

Usually stay until 20 mins, grab a couple of keys and (hopefully) Nova Prime systems.

Or Trinity, keep Link up, bless when needed same goes for energy vampire, when needed.


Although I suppose your Mod rank and build will determine if you can make the above mentioned frames effective.

The above usually performed solo too!

You can also hedge your bets once you become comfortable with Trinity,to do the vault at the 20 min mark, solo.

I usually take the key that lowers shields with Trinity because, yano,,,,blessing.

Nearly forgot to add, syndicate mods/weapons with radial damage procs, and healing abilities.

Good luck :)

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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At least for the first 20 minutes, I didn't have any real problems just using my trusty spin to win Galatine :P


One of my preferred Frames was Nekros for (Toxin-negating) Health Orbs, additional Life Support, emergency (revival) crowd clearing

and not least because Shadows of the Damned is simply one of my favorite abilities, heh.

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I think many team compositions are fine, but it's nice to have a Necros so that you don't have to run for life support pods, and any other frames are fine, but it's good to have a Trinity or an Oberon to heal the team.  Soul punch augment is good for Necros so that Tenno that go down can be revived from a distance instead of putting a team member at risk.  Frost is nice too, because the Tar Mutalists have a hard time punching through snow globe (until later).


At first, the team can run and gun, probably for 10-15 minutes, but then it's wise to find a "choke point" so that your team has it's back to a wall: preferably somewhere not too far from extraction.  Necros desecrates and everybody else does their best to crowd control and kill as efficiently as possible.  Area effect weapons like the Torid or the Penta, or even the Amprex work great.  Every team will have different results in the amount of time they are able to stay: the more damage your team puts out, the longer you will last.  However, at some point you will have frames going down left and right- this is the breaking point, and the time to leave.  For most good teams this seems to be around 40-50 minutes.  Veteran teams are able to go longer, but these Tenno will have multi-forma'd gear and be putting out a lot of damage.  


At this "Breaking point" you need to have a good exit strategy as you will be literally gridlocked in ancients.  Whether you use Nova's Wormhole to break out, Necro's Terrify or Hydroid's Tidal wave to leave (or any other way to get free), you need to have a breakout plan, because at this point you will probably lose a straight up toe to toe fight.  In any case, there has to be at least one Tenno able to extract, and quickly. You may even want to bring something tanky like a Valkyr to ensure somebody makes it out alive.  Limbo actually can pull this off too, even banishing the whole team when it's time to run. However, if you don't have a good breakout plan, the enemy WILL trap you and your team WILL die in place.  So the key in all of this is to know when to leave, and try to keep everybody alive until breakout time, because a loss of a single Tenno, even as early as around the 45 minute mark can be disastrous. When it's time to go, everybody breaks for the extraction and nobody comes back to pick up a downed comrade: just run for the exit.  Tenno who bleed out, stay down so the team can extract quicker- getting back up can delay extraction and kill the team. Just make sure you don't exceed 2 minutes down time so you don't lose your end of mission rewards.



-When things start getting rough, make sure you find a good defensible position, preferably near the extraction point.

-Necros to desecrate so your team can hold position

-Healer frame to keep the team alive

-CC frames to help control the battlefield

-Highest DPS weapons you can bring

-Ammo, Health and Energy pads are always helpful

-Specters also helpful (no Kubrows) Too many Tenno die trying to revive their "Spot."

-Recognize when you can no longer hold your position

-Have a viable exit plan that WORKS

-Leave quickly


Do this and you should have no problems staying longer and longer until you have to extract.  How long can you stay?  We've done it in our clan up to an Hour+ (just over 60 minutes) I'm sure this is not a record, but this is all we've achieved...so far. At this point it was actually difficult to even see since my Valkyr was surrounded by ancients who just. Wouldn't. Die. Had to rip line out: only 2 of the team physically made it to extraction, the others died along the way. Sadly, including myself.  Our Trinity and Vauban made it: Necros didn't even make it to the door of the room we were in. 

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its about the only thing im struggling with really on this game, even ODD isnt too much of a hassle till later, but just seem to get overrun so quickly on ODS, and i cant seem to find a right frame balance to keep going, loki seems pointless, ember doesnt seem powerful enough, slowva istn too bad with a decent group. ash gets dropped, vauban is ok until energy leeches appear....


which seems to be the killer on this mode, as soon as your energy drops its all downhill, then you get flung about everywhere by the guys with the harpoons etc.


so who do you use, whats your tactics, weapons etc, how long do you go for etc.

Did you try oberon ?

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Did you try oberon ?

I usually use Oberon for that, in fact. Just grab Galatine and Tempo Royale, and go to town for 20 minutes or so. Reckoning/Smite force Radiation proc their targets, which shuts off the aura effects of any Ancients they hit, and mostly boils the fight down to mowing through... though you do need to be wary of MOA puddles, on account of Tempo Royale's animations being quite long. Catching the first third or so of a wave with Reckoning will pretty much stop a charge as the ones you grab will be radiation proc'd, the ones immediately following blinded, and the tail end interested mostly in killing the radiation proc'd enemies.

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I'm assuming just 20 min?


vauban + trin are probably the easiest team, but you can use just about anything.

last one I did was 2 hydroid + nekros + gmag -- farm team

banshee's cool, too


also, try using handspring mod and make yourself a 4 forma furis with the syndicate augment

Edited by noteom
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its about the only thing im struggling with really on this game, even ODD isnt too much of a hassle till later, but just seem to get overrun so quickly on ODS, and i cant seem to find a right frame balance to keep going, loki seems pointless, ember doesnt seem powerful enough, slowva istn too bad with a decent group. ash gets dropped, vauban is ok until energy leeches appear....


which seems to be the killer on this mode, as soon as your energy drops its all downhill, then you get flung about everywhere by the guys with the harpoons etc.


so who do you use, whats your tactics, weapons etc, how long do you go for etc.

Just based on what you've used:


Loki can be useful even when dealing with infested. His disarms can be used on Swarm & Tar Mutalists, which would otherwise attack you from a distance. Invisibility can be great when using a good melee weapon for stealth damage buff, just be mindful of Toxic Ancients.


Ember I would not recommend, as she can be powerful against infested, with most modding variations. However to really take advantage of her abilities here, you need a lot of power boosting mods.


Nova is great with her slow. Just make sure not to skimp on the defensive mods (Redirection, Vitality, etc.)


Ash just like Loki can take advantage of the stealth melee buff, with Smokescreen. Just have a good melee weapon. Blade storming is also good with ability boosting mods. You said ash gets dropped. Unlike Loki who has moderate health and shield stats, Ash greatly benefits from those mods. I would highly recommend for a build focused on defense if survivability is an issue.


Vauban can be good, with heavy power boosting mods. A common strategy is to just hide somewhere with your back against a wall using vortex, into narrow pathways to catch infested. Moas can be problematic. For a more aggressive and mobile Vauban, I would recommend a Bastille build focused on Efficiency, Strength, and Max Power range (Stretch + Overextened) as this will catch anything that comes your way. Also unknown to most players. Enemies under Bastille are also to subject to stealth damage modifiers like Loki and Ash's invisibility, so melee attacks can be quite powerful.

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For solo runs, Sayrn + rejuvenation + rage + regenerative molt is a great build to run around without fear. As Rejuvenation allows you to heal over time, whilst rage replenishes your energy and regen molt for emergency healing. Even with a minimum duration your molt can heal your for (i think) 3 seconds that totals 150 hp. 

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I would absolutely not want a slowva, as mobs will be frozen all over the map, and you want those backpacks and resources.

I would, however, run speed nova to hustle them up to your vauban's vortex


edit: one thing I really like about banshee in here is your sonar makes the mobs very visible, plus enemy radar  .

I'd run resonance on that

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Valkyr, steel charge, eternal war, rage, lifestrike for your weapon of choice



Tonbo, Tipedo, Atterax, Scindo P, Galantine, Orthos P (all with primed reach)


Solo running, no problem. 

Edited by Hatzeputt
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So, are you going solo? or are you going with a team?

I run ODS about 3 times a day maybe more. I enjoy survivals and long endless things. If you're running and gunning you can pretty much bring whatever. I usually bring a greedy mag myself as I like to have all the things pulled to me. If you're serious and you want to just camp and farm. The teams that I run with are usually, Mesa, Greedy Mag, Nekros, and maybe a trinity or Traditionally we run with a Speed Nova, Vauban, Greedy Mag and a Nekros. You can also do, Speed Nova, Mesa, Greedy Mag, Nekros. Other great combos is Greedy Mag, Nekros, Sayrn, Vauban. Run with your friends what is fun.



How I feel when I have a good group.

Edited by ChloeSakuna
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Noob method (easy) : vauban, fast nova, banshee, nekros all with thorids. Stay in midopen elevator in tree room (bottom) put vortex close to door , banshee use sonar with augement, nova and nekros basics easy 3h run. For one h swith banshee for hydroid

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id solo if plausable, i tend to team it up where possible though, the guys i play with though, dont tend to take notice of any modding information given though, just what they think is good, so they end up equipping mods that have little to no use for their chosen frame, saryn was my fav frame,  i didnt know she was so good against infested,valkyr is deffo uber easy mode, i play on the xb1 tho and spamming RB gets the ol finger throbbing after a while lol.


lifestrike weapons i struggle with as i think jagged edge is the only weapon mod im without after over 1000 hours, iv never seen it drop once, and my plat is a bit low at the moment as i cleared out the shop on aesthetics and color pallettes lol, and the market seems a bit slow at the minute, the only things that are selling are loki systems, the odd nova set, and mods that are so rare you never see them anyways like buzzkill etc.

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I have 3 jagged edges. : / Funny story, So a few days ago I went into ODD with a random group, they were all super nice, I was like, hey guys we're getting Nova Systems at the 20 minute mark, they were like ok. I'm like, "BTW I'm super lucky." they were like "uh-huh sure." So, we get to the 20 minute mark, Nova system drops. XD After that the group disbanned, and I headed to T4 Defense. I said to them, Loki Systems Dropped. 20 waves in, BOOM LOKI SYSTEMS. This has happen twice in my 1000 hours of playing Warframe. Sayrn if modded well she can become a beast but there is a fall off for if you build miasma, once you hit 40 minutes in but she in my opinion is worth the 3 forma on her (Not for sure if I like Rejuvenation over Energy Siphon for her but it depends you won't need trinity if you have nekros and mag working in combination with each other). 



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ODS can get really iffy and difficulty progresses in a steeper curve. I took like a year break and when I came back I was like taking my lolquipment against infested and fire up a ODS. They gave me some bad surprises there. It was the first time I saw those infested Moa things. I still don't really know what they all do except it's bad in some way, lol.


I definitely recommend doing it with other people.

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