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Parkour In Real Life<Tm> Isn't Very Useful So How Do De Get Players To Use Parkour 2.0?


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You didnt read what I wrote. Or you didnt understand.........

I did say BUG. Also, DE said its a known bug that is being exploited for movement.

At the same time, it's been acknowledged by DE and left as a 'quirk,' as opposed to a bannable offense.

It divides teams and can unintentionally let you skip sections of gameplay (MR trials aside from being able to skip entire tiles). For quicker weapons it's practically a teleport. I wont be too disappointed to see it go. You can move fairly quick if you chain your slide-jumps anyway. At least enough to put Frost in front of a bunch of quicker frames who are only sprinting.

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It's not going.  They said that they are going to limit it's distance.  It's going to be fun to see what they are going to do.  What they want to do might not even be possible on the xbone.  


I could not care less about the movement speed.  I want to be able to jump to higher places like I can now.  I'd prefer not to have to double jump in order to get there.  That's just my opinion.

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Your point was that it's a form of cheating.


I disagree.


Good luck complaining to M$ about it.


I never heard them say "abusing".  


I did hear them say that they "know about it and intentionally left it in the game because they know how people are using it".

Is that why they want to remove? Because people know about it?? No.

Its because it is easily abuseable. "Noone knows how to use it(coptering)"  DEScott, Devstream53. 


Again you chose NOT to read what I wrote.


I said get banned






Would you rather DE fix a BUG???






I never said DE will ban people for it either. I used it as a comparison. I listed a Report Cheater option that is normally used for issues like this.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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They said that they discovered the bug and left it in when they found out how people were using it.


DevStream 53:


DEScott said that it was "embraced as a feature"


DEGeoff said that "coptering" is hard for a lot of people to do.  


I'd rather that they not get rid of a feature that players use to navigate their map and get to high places.


I really don't care about the movement speed.


But in the end, it doesn't really matter.

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They said that they discovered the bug and left it in when they found out how people were using it.


DevStream 53:


DEScott said that it was "embraced as a feature"


DEGeoff said that "coptering" is hard for a lot of people to do.  


I'd rather that they not get rid of a feature that players use to navigate their map and get to high places.


I really don't care about the movement speed.


But in the end, it doesn't really matter.

If Parquor2.0 allows you to get to high places, whats the difference?


Id rather see a mix of all movement types.







What most players play

Heli Assault lol



If it balances the game for all playstyles. Its better. But we wont know unless we try it lol

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So, the problem is that you copter and don't kill an enemy at the end?  I don't think that they're going to change that.


They have stated many times that melee jump was an unintended bug, but they left it in the game because they saw the merits in it.


They may be able to make Warframe more parkour-like.   They may not.  Time will tell.  The fact is that there is mobility in the game without coptering.  You can jump and move better than most games that I have played.  If they limit the distance of melee jumping, it may limit the ability to get to places on the map that they want you to go. Personally, I don't want to have to use a double jump to get there.


The question is whether you like the ability to get to places using the current game mechanics, or whether you hate people who copter in pvp.


Personally, I hate PVP.  I like to be able to get to high places.  I never use the glaive or glaive prime.  It's just a personal preference.

And that is what i was talking, people just dont understand about problems with game mechanics and bugs.

They left in the game this bugs because people like it, not because "it feels like the game need to be like that"

Pssst! We are not talking about pvp, but if you want here i have some questions that is going to help you understand whats happening with coptering and the current melee system.


Another Psst, Parkour 2.0 its going to be implemented first in pc, and later in PS4 etc, so they still have time to do something about controls


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They spoke in Devstream 53 about limiting the distance.  That's a really bad idea.  It's limited now.

Limited only by the ends of the map if you know what you're doing.


It has to be toned down immensely.


It's not going.  They said that they are going to limit it's distance. 

Even that is going to make copterds cry bloody murder.


And as I've said before, I'm getting my popcorn.

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Have you ever wanted to get to a higher place in the game?  Did you wish there was a way to get there?  Well, it actually exists.  Hit A and then B. 


I don't care if they disable that feature on the ground, but nothing is cast in stone.  They are trying to do Parkour 2.0, but if you look at destream 52 and 5, they admit that it's difficult, if not impossible with the xbone controller.


If you think that what they have discussed about building momentum and speed with a limit on the velocity sounds good, then that's fine.


If you cannot wait to see a limit on the distance that "coptering" will go, then that's fine as well. 


They have announced that "coptering" is not going away.  It's being nerfed like the synoid gammacore.  


I'm not optimistic that what they come up with will be a good change.

That's not coptering. That's melee jumping.


Coptering is Slide+Flip+Melee. Oh, and use Dual Zoren/Ichor. You'll be flying across the maps so fast, you won't even be able to see what just happened beyond "Suddenly at wall."

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That's not coptering. That's melee jumping.


Coptering is Slide+Flip+Melee. Oh, and use Dual Zoren/Ichor. You'll be flying across the maps so fast, you won't even be able to see what just happened beyond "Suddenly at wall."


Actually, the fastest/furthest copter technique is jump-> slide-> directional melee.  I'm still trying to deprogramme the old habit in my muscle memory.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got round to watching Devstream 55.  Parkour 2.0 is apparently done.  Looks a bit repetitive to me -- needs another action?  Or maybe the animations could vary more even if the actions are the same.

Still not keen on the bouncing off enemies thing.

Mostly though, I thought it has great potential.  This could be Warframe's 'thing', it's unique gaming quality.

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This could be Warframe's 'thing', it's unique gaming quality.

I highly doubt it, better control or not I think it's a tad too blissful to really think it'll become something deeply rooted and always useful.

My personal gripe is that with what they've shown the only think they got right was better control and more platforms, but everything else is severely dissapointing. For instance look at every single trailer they have shown, pretty much every single one of them makes use of parkour, yet all of them look and feel widly different from that they demo'd, hell the Tomb of the Sentients trailer, which can be equated to being a parkour 2.0 trailer showed a very different feel to their current proposition.

In fact just on devstream before they had animations and plans set for something that actually resembled what is promoted to be warframe's parkour system, which is fast paced and stylized movement rather than the janky and unimpresive hopping (and seemingly exclusively jump based) system they came up with.

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Saw this topic and thought of this. Made me lol


these kind of parkour player is killing the soul of parkour.

he just waste too much time to get over that road because those useless fancy flips.


Parkour (French pronunciation: ​[paʁkuʁ]) is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training.[4][5][6] Practitioners aim to get from A to B in the most efficient way possible.

he act like A ----C,D,E,F,G---to B.

And WF can't be like this, we are in the middle of kill zone 24/7, need to be fast and practical


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these kind of parkour player is killing the soul of parkour.

he just waste too much time to get over that road because those useless fancy flips.


Parkour (French pronunciation: ​[paʁkuʁ]) is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training.[4][5][6] Practitioners aim to get from A to B in the most efficient way possible.

he act like A ----C,D,E,F,G---to B.

And WF can't be like this, we are in the middle of kill zone 24/7, need to be fast and practical


i never said it was practical i just thought it was funny.


Luigi frame confirmed lol

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In fact just on devstream before they had animations and plans set for something that actually resembled what is promoted to be warframe's parkour system, which is fast paced and stylized movement rather than the janky and unimpresive hopping (and seemingly exclusively jump based) system they came up with.


Yeah, the hopping up walls looked wrong and the same as all the other hopping movement.  I don't think that's a big deal -- buttsliding looks far more stupid.

I presume removing wallrunning & climbing is a control issue thing, particularly with consoles.  Without knowing how it's controlled, we can't really suggest improvements.

I would like to see something that isn't hopping though and isn't coptering either.

Lastly, I didn't understand what a double jump is.  Is it just a bigger jump by double tapping the jump key?

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Lastly, I didn't understand what a double jump is.  Is it just a bigger jump by double tapping the jump key?



It's literally jumping twice—once from the ground and then another midair jump. This is probably the thing I understand the point of the least with this new system, but maybe I'm missing something :L 

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i think the speedrun problem should be fixed nerfing the ability of frames to do acrobatics without vigor...

0 vigor = no more running, no more acrobatic moves (slide attack) and lowered jumps.

This will make people go slower and use their vigor when they really need it.... and gives the vigor mods a real utility

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i think the speedrun problem should be fixed nerfing the ability of frames to do acrobatics without vigor...

0 vigor = no more running, no more acrobatic moves (slide attack) and lowered jumps.

This will make people go slower and use their vigor when they really need it.... and gives the vigor mods a real utility

like it has always been said. dont like speed runs? play solo or with people you know. when you play in pugs you have to respect that your time is not the only one being used there. my version of a speed run is to kill everything quickly and efficiently from point of start to objective to end of mission. we are space ninja's not space walkers. in a game that is fast pace, third person shooter, parkour asking for slow in missions that are supposed to be fast means this game is not for you.


mirriors edge is a parkour game and its first person can you move slow in it? if you want to get no where sure. Dying Light is parkour game and is first person. can you move slow? sure if you want to get turned into zombie fodder and even more so at night when hunters chase you relentlessly.

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