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[Ps4 | Xb1] Mise À Jour 16.5: Les Clones De Regor


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Notes de Yaer: traductions incomplètes, aide bienvenue (dites dans le topic si vous voulez réserver une partie pour la traduire) J'essaierai de compléter au plus vite. Détails de l'Opération Faux Profit en cours sur PS4 & XB1: ICI. Bonne chance dans vos quêtes, Tennos!
Nouvelle Mission - Le Droit de Rétribution:
Les Tennos sont prêts pour la vengeance, et le Conseiller Grineer Vay Hek n'a plus nulle part où se cacher. A ses trousses depuis son assaut sur les Relais durant les Yeux de la Corruption, le Lotus a dépêché des troupes d'intervention spéciales pour traquer et mettre fin à toute activité de Vay Hek. Attention Tennos, la force du nombre ne suffira pas si vous vous aventurez dans la gueule du loup.
Créez une escouade de 4 à 8 Tennos et survivez à travers trois épreuves pour harceler Vay Hek à travers le système solaire jusqu'à l'acculer.
Remportez des Renforcements "Arcane" en le mettant hors d'état de nuire, chacun d'entre eux octroyant des bonus inédits durant les missions après les avoir gravées sur vos cosmétiques.
Pour les équiper, les joueurs doivent les graver sur leur items décoratifs dans la Fonderie grâce au nouvel onglet "Renforcements".
Les joueurs devront alors sélectionner un casque ou une Syandana sur lesquels ils souhaitent graver l'Arcane.
Après construction les items Arcane apparaîtront dans l'Arsenal sous leur sous-menu habituel d'Accessoires.
Le Schéma de la clé du Droit de Rétribution est achetable dans le Marché pour 100.000 crédits.
Cette mission peut être terminée avec un minimum de 4 Tennos pour plus de challenge. Les ennemis ne s'adapteront pas à une escouade réduite.
Difficulté Cauchemar des Epreuves de Vay Hek:
Les Epreuves Cauchemardesques sont des raids extrêmes conçus pour les groupes expérimentés de Tennos qui cherchent un défi ultime. Les ennemis sont plus puissants, de nouveaux pièges plus périlleux sont ajoutés et exigeront un travail d'équipe irréprochable.
Nous voulons que tous les Tennos puissent profiter d'une expérience de jeu extrême, mais gardez à l'esprit que la difficulté actuelle est sujette à ajustements à l'avenir, et que la jouabilité de ces missions pourra être mise à rude épreuve. Bonne chance!
- Les joueurs peuvent acheter les clés des Epreuves Cauchemar de Vay Hek au Marché pour 100.000 crédits. Construire la clé requiert 5000 crédits, 1000 Rubedo, 18000 Nanospores, 2 Gallium.
Nouvelles Opérations:
FAUX PROFIT ([PS4] En cours jusqu'au 11 juin, 20h (Paris) [XB1] En cours jusqu'au 12 juin, 23h (Paris))
LES CLONES DE REGOR (Prochainement)
Nouvelles Alertes Tactiques:
ELITE OGMA (Prochainement)
BLACKOUT (Prochainement)
Découverte d'un Nouvel Environnement: les Laboratoires Sous-marins:
- Cachés sous les océans toxiques d'Uranus se trouvent les labos génétiques de Tyl Regor. Construits dans la structure même des pilliers de coraux des profondeurs, ces vastes installations résultent de la meilleure ingénierie Grineer.
- Cet environnement se déploiera plus tard sur la planète, n'hésitez pas à soumettre votre feedback!
Nouvel Ennemi: MOA Boursier

Isolation Bursa MOA - Conçu pour coincer une cible et lui infliger de lourds dégâts, les B. d'isolation isole dans un endroit et n'en laisse pas s'échapper facilement.

Drova Bursa MOA - Armé d'un Amprex modifié, il est conçu pour séparer les ennemis groupés, et bouge rapidement.

Denial Bursa MOA - Défendant les passages stratégiques avec des barrières Zéro, ces Boursiers protègent également les unités proches.

Ajouts à l'Arsenal:
- BOLTACE: Des tonfas intimidantes conçues en s'inspirant du design épineux du Boltor.
- DAIKYU: Le Daikyu requiert une grande force pour être tendu, mais sa puissance augmente à chaque tir.
- ATOMOS: Ce canon à particule génère un faisceau condensé de plasma surchauffé conçu pour liquéfier la roche, et ne fera qu'un coulis de vos ennemis.
- TONKOR: Faites exploser le chaos et la destruction sur les ennemis avec le Tonkor! Les grenades de ce lanceur Grineer explosent à l'impact. Utilisez leur puissance pour vous propulser dans les airs!

Nouveaux Accessoires:
- Sugatra Caggro: Témoignant de la finesse martiale et du talent de son porteur, les Sugatras Caggor sont inspirées des designs Grineer.
- Collection d'Aspects de Flèches Adventus: une collection d'aspects uniques, compatibles avec tous les arcs. Inclut les aspects Cattrail, Sylus et Meer. Chaque aspect est achetable séparément.
Nouveaux Casques Alternatifs:
- Casque Chroma Amaru et Casque Mesa Ovis sont disponibles dans le Marché dès aujourd'hui!

Intensification de l'Espionnage



Nos éclaireurs ont terminé leurs recherches sur les vaisseaux Corpus et Grineer. Ils ont découvert des détails clés sur les réinitialisations systématiques de leurs nouvelles installations de stockage de données.
Les rapports de nos agents survivants montrent que les zones que nous avions infiltrées ont été délocalisées ou ont subi de lourdes rénovations.
Plusieurs d'entre elles ont été mises à niveau avec des systèmes de sécurité plus avancés. Ces nouveaux centres ont été créées pour dissuader toute intrusion. L'augmentation des patrouilles et l'ajout de détecteurs de mouvements rendra les infiltrations encore plus difficiles.
Faites preuve de prudence lorsque vous accéderez à ces nouveaux centres de données sécurisés. Nous devons montrer à nos ennemis que rien n'est hors de portée des Tennos.

- Le Lotus

  • 3 nouvelles salles sécurisées ont été ajoutées aux missions d'Espionnage Corpus.
  • 3 nouvelles salles sécurisées ont été ajoutées aux missions Grineer.
  • Les joueurs verront une plus grande variété de salles en missions, puisqu'elles seront déterminées aléatoirement.
  • Chaque salle (ancienne ou nouvelle) contient des dispositifs de sécurités qui peuvent désormais changer, les rendant moins prévisibles, mais toujours ouvertes à de multiples approches.
Conclave Expansion:
2 nouveaux modes de jeu ont été ajoutés au Conclave! Coopérez avec vos amis Tennos pour vaincre les ennemis en mode Annihilation d'Equipe, en capturant l'Oro pris sur les adversaires à chaque KO. Vous voulez prouver vos supériorité en solo? Rejoignez une Annihilation simple et battez vous contre tous les autres sans avoir aucun allié. Chacun pour soi!
Nouveaux environnements:
Disponibles dans les 2 modes d'Annihilation:
- Installations des Canyons
- Ligne de Fret
- Zone de Navigation
- Baie d'Amarrage
Nouveaux Mods:

Mêlée Mod - Force de Collision : +20/40/60/80/100/120% Dégâts d'Impact

Pistolet Mod - Pommeau: +20/40/60/80/100/120% Dégâts d'Impact

Fusil à Pompe Mod - Full Contact : +20/40/60/80/100/120% Dégâts d'Impact

Fusil Mod - Crash Course: +20/40/60/80/100/120% Dégâts d'Impact

Les mods suivants sont RÉSERVÉS au Conclave:
- Nyx: Absorption - Singularité: crée un cercle chaque 3 sec qui attire les ennemis à 9 mètres par seconde.
- Valkyr: Hystérie -  Fixation Hystérique: réduit la durée globale de l'Hystérie, mais augmente sa durée à chaque meurtre en mêlée.
- Ember: Souffle de Feu - Flamme Purificatrice: les alliés qui entrent dans le feu ont 4 status néfastes retirés.
- Oberon: Jugement - Jugement Profane: Les orbes de santé créés par les meurtres par Jugement sont invisibles/inutilisables par les ennemis durant 10sec.
- Détecteurs de Surcharge: exposent les ennemis dans un rayon de 30 mètres qui ont leur énergie au maximum.
- Répartisseurs de Surplus: gagne 6 énergie lorsque les boucliers retrouvent leur maximum après qu'ils aient été à 0 (il faut que la régénération ait été sans interruption).
- Récupération: 20% de Chance pour restaurer de la santé sur un meurtre (pistolet)
- Victoire Calculée: 20% de Chance de restaurer des boucliers sur un meurtre (Pistolet).
- Prise de Terre: les parades réduisent les dégâts subits par les pouvoirs ennemis de 60%.
- Rétablissement: 20% de chance de restaurer de la santé sur un meurtre (fusil).
- Proie Abattue: 20% de chance de restaurer des boucliers sur un meurtre (fusil).
- Pause Momentanée: 20% de chance de restaurer de la santé sur un meurtre (fusil à pompe)
- Prize Kill: 20% de chance de restaurer des boucliers sur un meurtre (fusil à pompe)
- Follow Through: 6 énergie gagnée sur meurtre d'un ennemi (warframe)
- Charge Rapide: -20% de délais de recharge des boucliers (warframe)
Mods d'Augmentation:
- Vauban - Vortex Perpétuel: La durée du Vortex est rallongée  de X% pour chaque Vortex lancé dans celui-ci.
- Zephyr - Tourbillons: Tornade génère X mini-tornades supplémentaires, mais celles-ci ont des tailles réduites et n'aspirent pas les ennemis.
- Excalibur - Bouquet Radial: Les ennemis aveuglés sont vulnérables aux Coups de Grâce, et subissent des dégâts supplémentaires.
- Nekros - Ombres des Morts - Rempart d'Ombres: les dégâts faits à Nekros sont redirigés vers ses Ombres.
- Chroma - Armure Vex - Représailles Vex (ndt:? à vérif): Prendre X% de dégâts sur la santé déclenchera une explosion de zone qui renversera les ennemis. Les dégâts sur les boucliers déclenchera des dégâts de perforation sur la zone.
Mod Kubrow:
- Abris : mets le Tenno à l'abris quand son maître réanime un allié.


- Utiliser un marqueur de direction dans une escouade indiquera le numéro correspondant au joueur qui a marqué
- l'ATH attribue un numéro à chaque membre de l'escouade pour une meilleure coordination.
- Nouveaux sons de piratages ajoutés!
- D'une nouvelle icône dans le coin droit pour montrer les demandes d'amis en attente.
- Un bouton "Couleur par Défaut" a été ajouté à chaque entrée de l'écran de sélection de couleurs de l'Arsenal (peut être activé indépendamment des autres couleurs) Cela permettra aux items prime de briller correctement lorsque vous utilisez vos pouvoirs.
- Les alliés des Syndicats peuvent désormais suivre les ordres "Tenir la position" ou "Suivez-moi" qui peuvent être donnés avec une action contextuelles (comme donner son arme à un otage de Sauvetage). Cela peut être fait en début de mission pour les joueurs qui préfèrent les laisser en arrière pour finir la mission seuls.
- Les icônes de portraits de Grineer sont disponibles à la vente dans le Marché).
- les entrées victorieuses du concours du Liset Radio Chatter ont été ajoutées aux transmissions du Liset. Blazingcobatl, jprocks67 et Kalimando ont désormais leurs voix incluses dans le jeu! Tendez l'oreille pour détecter de nouvelles transmissions en provenance de la communauté!
- Les joueurs peuvent désormais désactiver les communications audio de la radio du Liset dans le menu des Options.
- Les couleurs de personnalisation de l'intérieur du Liset peuvent être modifiées sous Customiser le Liset. Cette fonctionnalité est encore imparfaite, mais les Tennos peuvent la tester dès aujourd'hui.
- Des schémas de Ressources Rares ont été ajoutés au Marché! Ces schémas permanents permettent de construire des ressources rares grâce à des ressources plus communes.
- De nouveaux avatars Syndicats sont disponibles dans le Marché!
- les warframes peuvent utiliser simultanément des attachements et des Accessoires comme les Syandanas (Attachements spéciaux de Nekros et Valkyr). Cette nouvelle entrée est disponible pour ces frames sous Accessoires dans la customisation de l'Arsenal.


- Removed some procedural rooms from Void Survival that would not spawn Survival points.
- Cernos has been given the PBR treatment!
- Increased the amount of decorations that can be placed in the Liset to 40.
- Added 'Invite Squad Member' label to the Squad UI.
- Notifications for events shown in the Liset's Navigation console will now update their time remaining at 24h, 12h, 1h, 30min, 15min, 5m and 0s.
- Lowered the difficulty of the Spy Missions in the Stolen Dreams Quest.
- Hackable consoles can no longer be used by Limbo while in the Rift.
- Corpus security cameras now only activate laser grids within 20m of their position.
- Kubrow and Sentinels will no longer set off laser alarms in the Spy game mode.
- Life Support in Survival no longer spawn from crates or lockers before the Life Support drain begins or after the Life Support drain ends.
- Reduced the number of co-op hack doors on Spy Missions on the Grineer Shipyards tileset.
- Reduced the amount of backtracking necessary in Spy Missions on the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
- Reduced the radius of knockdown effects from slide attacks in PvE.
- Adjusted Ember's Accelerant effects to show its range more accurately.
- Emblems can now be used on either shoulder.
- Made small adjustments to Kohm audio and visual effects.
- Made various audio adjustments for surround sound and stereo.
- Updated audio on Soma and Soma Prime.
- Research displayed in Simaris' Sanctuary will now show the top 5 contributors.
- Made adjustments to Rare Spawn scanning targets to prevent them from spawning in difficult to reach places such as Spy Vaults, Extraction or near turrets.
- Reward descriptions have been added to the World State Window.
- Added red lights to vent entrances on Spy Vaults to help make them stand out better.
- Made various lighting updates.
- Corpus Crewmen Enemies will sit through their death animations for longer, rather than cutting straight to ragdoll / fade away.
- Made various network changes to help reduce latency in users that see high ping spikes.
- Updated the Gemini Nikana Sheathe bundle to require Mastery Rank 4 to help prevent players from purchasing the item without owning a Nikana.
- Inviting someone to a Squad that fails to join will now give a more specific message instead of 'player has declined your invitation'.  
- Increased the credit reward and available Mods in Vor's Prize Defense Mission Quest.
- Players AFK during Defense Missions that fail to choose 'Continue' between rounds will be defaulted to 'Extract'.
- Slightly improved hit effects to Kunai impact visual.
- Increase the visual effect of the Secura Dual Cestra's shots.
- The limit on DNA Detoxifiers that can be applied to Kubrow on a given day has been removed.
- Made various PBR updates to Grineer structures.
- The Raptor will now drop Neural Sensors instead of Orokin Cells.
- Rebalanced enemy difficulty in the Vor's Prize Quest.
- Removed some of the larger connecting rooms from the Corpus Outpost tutorial tileset.
- Caches discovered in tutorial missions will now provide 500 Affinity.
- Default color will now be kept with backing out of a color in the color picker.
- Updated audio FX on the Braton Vandal.
- Reduced the audio effects of the Dual Raza's blade sounds.
- Made various reverb tweaks to the Dojo, Corpus Gas City and Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- The 'unreleased' EMP Aura Mod is no longer tradeable (note: this change was in the previous update but was unlisted)
- Nef Anyo has been renamed The Sergeant and all VO elements of his encounter have been updated to reflect the change.
- The cursor has been given a new icon!
- Made various audio adjustments to the Cestra and Dual Cestra.
- Slightly increased the Isolation Bursa's ability cooldowns.
- Slightly adjusted the hitboxes on Corpus Drones to help hit detection.
- The Heat Sword has been given a tremendous visual overhaul!
- A performance and physics audit has occurred on levels and abilities to ensure all content is using the most optimized physics types.
- Grakata has been given the PBR treatment!
- The Friends List UI has been given an update to better show what friends are online, offline, or what chat requests are pending.
- Reduced the amount of Warframes that will appear in Cutscenes in order to minimize performance issues.
- An update to NPC behaviours when blinded has been made.
- General performance improvements have been made across Warframe.
- Clarified description of Rare Resource Blueprints to state that these blueprints are permanent.
- Overshields now apply to Specters (Max 1200), Kubrows, and Sentinels (max 600).
- Swapped cracked glass material in the Dojo for a new cracked look.
- Adjusted the draw radius and shot radius on Paris, Paris Prime, Cernos, and Daikyu. Before, players were able to hear you draw your bow from considerably far away distances that would give away your position.
- The Nekros Mortos Syandana and Valkyr Bonds can no longer be Enhanced. This change is due to Nekros and Valkyr having an unfair advantage over other Warframes by having one additional Arcane slot. We're going to be removing Arcanes off these two attachments, and running a script to compensate players so the Enhancements can be used on intended Syandanas. We will notify everyone when this script has started.
- Tweaked ambience sounds in the Orokin Derelicts.
- Tweaked volume in numerous Gas City levels.
- Updated reverb in Gas City, Forest, and Grineer Galleon levels.
- PBR material has been added to the Amprex!
- Reverb 2.0 has been improved, reverbs will feel less dense now, enabling you to hear enemies and weapons more clearly.
- An audio cue has been added to accepting or rejecting a Squad invite.
- Made refinements to the custom Liset interior color details.
- Zephyr's Turbulence visual effects will look slightly more transparent when cloaked.
- Loki's Invisibility, when used with a Sentinel, will now give the Sentinel its proper energy color.
Changements sur l'écran de chargement:
- Des astuces créées par les joueurs du Conseil des Fondateurs sont disponibles sur les écrans de chargement!
- Nouvelle barre de chargement et icônes de joueurs durant le chargement!

Gradual Change: Diminishing Returns vs Pure Ability Immunity:
For those unfamiliar with the term, diminishing returns is when an ability become less and less effective against an enemy over time. When we original designed bosses and minibosses, a lot of them had pure ability immunity making your Warframe's abilities ineffective in battle. We've slowly been experimenting with 'diminishing returns'. Many bosses and minibosses in Warframe were affected by diminishing returns, including Captain Vor, Lephantis, the Grustrag Three, and more. Instead of being outright immune to crowd control, these bosses will gain improved resistance to them with each successive use.
This Update expands the number of Warframe powers that fall under diminishing returns to the new Bursas. With this change we will monitor power use across each Warframe to ensure that every form of crowd control is given fair play against enemies, whether the Ability is timer-based or relies on energy drain.
Conclave Changes:

- Increased the damage of Sicarus weapons in PvP.
- New Conclave Map: The Lost Halls.
- Nyx and Nyx Prime are now usable in PvP.
- Oberon is now usable in PvP. 
- Ember and Ember Prime are now usable in PvP.
- Valkyr is now usable in PvP.
- Ash is now usable in PvP.
- The Braton Vandal is now usable in PvP.
- Added an audio cue when 4 total captures have taken place across the match, reminding players that all energy dispenser locations now give 50 energy.
- Energy dispensers will now produce orbs of 50 energy at 5 minutes remaining in the match.
- Maps will now shuffle in PvP, giving more of an unpredictable variety.
- Increased the respawn time for Energy Orbs from 25 to 45 seconds.
- Decreased the Lex's damage in PvP.
- Decreased the damage of Mag's Pull in PvP.
- Increased Stamina consumption when blocking with all Bo weapons in PvP.
- Reduced the damage of all Bo weapons in PvP.
- Increase Stamina drain when blocking with the Gram in PvP.
- Increased the Energy cost of channelled melee hits from 5 to 10.
- Increased the damage of all Strun and Boar weapons in PvP.
- Reduced the damage of the Dex Dakra in PvP.
- Volt's Electric Shield is now more visible when used with dark/black energy.
- Melee weapons no longer get a headshot bonus in PvP.
- The following weapons have now been balanced for use in PvP: Sybaris, Karak, Kraken, Viper, Angstrum, AKViper, WraithViper and Tigris.
- Martial Magnetism Changes:
- Extra stamina cost is now applied to missed swings
- Magnetism is not applied to a target if you do not have the full amount of Stamina required to attack
- Increased the damage of the Sybaris in PvP.
- Made terrain adjustments to help make wall running smoother on The Lost Halls Conclave Map.
- Excalibur's Radial Blind now gets half its duration on targets that are looking away.
- Added vertical force to players killed by Rhino's Charge.
- Players have 6 seconds respawn invulnerability with 3 seconds or time left invulnerability when moving.
- Invulnerability is now removed if you fire a weapon, melee or use a power.
- Reduced the damage of all Cestra weapons in PvP.
- Reduced the volume of Grineer music in the Conclaves.
- Players in Cephalon Capture will now be notified of which player stole their Cephalon.
- Increased Conclave standing gains from XP to be 2x the amount of normal Syndicate standing.
- Proximity triggers for automatic doors in the Docking Bay map will have been made larger to ensure smoother navigation through the map.
- Improved visual effects will make Conclave game mode selection look more obvious.
- Players will no longer receive experience for returning the Cephalon in Capture the Cephalon.
- Players will now drop 1 energy orb for every 25 energy they had stored at their time of death.
- All new mods that were not able to be equipped after purchasing from Teshin have been fixed
- Increased the damage of the Tigris in PvP.
- Empty Energy Stations will instantly spawn orbs when Energy Surge is initiated.

Nova Lâché d'Antimatière, changements et corrections:

Plusieurs ajustements ont été faits sur ce pouvoir qui méritent des explications détaillées.
- Correction des projectiles ayant des effets visuels en double.
- Correction de la détection de collision étant affectée par l'échelle du projectile chez l'hôte. Augmentation du rayon de détection de collision chez les clients pour compenser.
- Correction des projectiles faisant 2x les dégâts au contact (en sus des dégâts du Lâché d'Antimatière)
- Correction des dégâts d'explosion de base pour correspondre au multiplicateur du pouvoir de l'explosion (c'était à 100, maintenant 100/125/150/200).
- Correction du fait que le pouvoir faisait très peu de dégâts chez les clients, peu importe des dégâts stockés.
- Correction des dégâts très bas en tant qu'hôte ou client si le projectile explosait où l'on visait (plutôt que lorsque le Lâché explosait en tentant d'approcher la zone visée).
- Correction du fait que viser le projectile ne le ralentissait pas.
- Les explosions du Lâché ne bénéficieront plus des dégâts des autres Lâchés proches déclenchés.
- Mes projectiles du Lâché d'Antimatière brilleront de plus en plus tandis qu'ils stockent des dégâts.
- Changements divers pour améliorer les effets visuels et audio du pouvoir.
- Nova montre désormais une animation correcte en lançant plusieurs fois le sort d'affilée.


- Fixed a location on Ceres, Exta where players could become stuck against terrain and the level ceiling.
- Fixed issue in Gifting caused by selecting a negative quantity, also prevented players from Gifting negative amounts in the future.
- Fixed upgrades to Sentinel ammo capacity not properly reflecting in the Arsenal.
- Fixed an issue where players with high latency could turn the UI invisible, preventing them from being able to select Missions.
- Fixed rare and ultra-rare loot crates using the regular drop table in Survival and Void Survival.
- Fixed visual effects not appearing on the Edo Prime chest armor.
- Fixed players not getting their Friends List updated to reflect a Friend having completed the Mission they were in.
- Fixed a graphical issue on some transparent surfaces.
- Fixed various issues with AI pathing in Orokin Survival.
- Fixed an issue on Grineer Forest tilesets where players using Zephyr can float above the level using Tail Wind, but then become unable to get back to the ground.
- Fixed lighting issue in elevator connector room on Corpus Power Storage tilesets.
- Fixed issue that would cause Loki's Invisibility texture to fill the entire screen.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when using the /unstuck command in non-Mission levels.
- Fixed the Archwing loadout section of the Arsenal appearing for players who have no Archwings.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Mods to not drop properly from enemies.
- Fixed the Kogake's slide attack sweeping from the left hand instead of the left foot. Also adjusted the timing to better match the animation.
- Fixed Mastery Rank Sigils not displaying properly in Relays.
- Fixed broken Navigation markers not working properly in Void Derelict hallways.
- Fixed Proto-Excalibur helmet not working with other skins.
- Fixed players who purchased the Proto-Excalibur skin not receiving the Proto-Excalibur helmet.
- Fixed the Martial Magnetism Mod not functioning properly.
- Fixed clients being able to ignore the Grineer Manic's cloak ability.
- Fixed the announcement for a player joining a Squad displaying for the player who is joining the session.
- Fixed the Cephalon in Cephalon Capture being unrecoverable after a Host Migration.
- Fixed players being unable to capture the Cephalon in Cephalon Capture after a Host Migration.
- Fixed attachments to the Dragon Nikana's sheathe not displaying properly.
- Fixed the Grineer Scorpion Machete attack not hitting stationary players all of the time.
- Fixed emblems appearing on shoulder rotated incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where players using their 4th Warframe Ability during a Mastery Rank Test in Sanctuary would stop spawning enemies, making it impossible to complete the Mission.
- Fixed some issues with players scrolling up and down through items in the Inventory.
- Fixed an issue with the Soma where the weapon clip would sit in the wrong position.
- Fixed visual issue with the Edo Prime Chest Piece when equipped to a Mirage using Eclipse.
- Fixed players in the Tutorial level being able to use the Friends or Clan member list to join another player's session, effectively breaking the tutorial and preventing the player from being able to use any Warframes, weapons or Quests.
- Fixed Host Migration in Conclave opening the team selection screen.
- Fixed players being unable to swap the polarity of their 'Aura' slot for Sentinels.
- Fixed players being unable to see items owned in the Arsenal.
- Fixed players still showing on the enemy team when switching sides in Cephalon Capture.
- Fixed player emblems not showing properly on right shoulder.
- Fixed an error that would occur when using Nyx's Absorb.
- Fixed Nyx's Chaos sometimes ending early when a target under Chaos dies.
- Fixed the First Daily Win reward being given in Conclave on loss.
- Fixed an issue where a downed player could not be revived while moving upwards on an elevator.
- Fixed Conclave host migration occurring with only one player left in the match.
- Fixed Clients sometimes getting stuck/frozen when getting revived after killing a member of the G3.
- Fixed the Tactical Reload Conclave Mod being equipable by Bows.
- Fixed XP locked weapons in the Market not showing their cost.
- Fixed enemies detecting players through player flashlight lighting.
- Fixed typo in Mesa's Longhorn Helmet blueprint.
- Fixed Helios' Simaris skin using the wrong energy color.
- Fixed emblems not sitting properly on Frost, Frost Prime and Mag Prime.
- Fixed Ash getting stuck in Bladestorm animations when used on Zanuka.
- Fixed Cephalon's duplicating in Cephalon Capture after a Host Migration.
- Fixed visual issues on exploding Grineer Galleon featured in tutorial missions.
- Fixed space skybox showing on some planetary tilesets.
- Fixed a 'black portal' to a dead end room in the Corpus Gas Cities.
- Fixed Grineer Forcefields and Spy vault laser traps affecting Limbo while in Rift Walk - he should be immune to these traps while in the Rift.
- Fixed issues with some Archwing missions being unplayable if a full loadout wasn't setup.
- Fixed Zanuka/Harvester's pin attack not working properly.
- Fixed a game freeze that could occur when using Excalibur's Radial Javelin on ragdolled enemies.
- Fixed a visual issue where carried Cephalons turn into power cores after a Host Migration in Conclave.
- Fixed issue that caused Excalibur's Radial Javelin to not kill enemies.
- Fixed Archwing components not showing up in the player inventory after crafting was complete.
- Fixed various issues causing Host and Client hangups on the loading screen in Conclave.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when using Ash's Blade Storm when inside Limbo's Rift.
- Fixed the End of Mission 'Summary' screen showing an incorrect number of Mods obtained.
- Fixed Simaris' dialogue appearing twice when making a purchase in his Sanctuary.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD would freeze after using an Ability Power.
- Fixed an issue where some Upgrades were not properly showing stat changes after ranking up.
- Fixed instances of the Manic getting himself stuck in open areas.
- Fixed Nullifier Crewmen not nullifying Chroma's Effigy or Nekros' Shadows of the Dead summons.
- Fixed an issue in Archwing missions causing Missions to lock up mid-combat.
- Fixed issues with lighting and colour effects on certain Venus maps that could result in a very flat and desaturated look.
- Fixed a crash that would occur in the Relays as players joined and left.
- Fixed various gameplay crashes.
- Fixed MK1 Braton not being able to use skins.
- Fixed the Temple of Honor not appearing on the player map in Dojos.
- Fixed missing wall textures in Cephalon Capture Orokin level.
- Fixed a lack of collision on some wall textures on Corpus ship tilesets.
- Fixed a door texture on Assassination Missions in Grineer Shipyards that had missing textures.
- Fixed the Rakta Ballistica not sitting on Chroma when holstered.
- Fixed Clan ranks not being properly localized.
- Fixed various broken textures in Archwing Missions.
- Fixed muzzle flash not showing properly on weapons.
- Fixed the Kubrow using the wrong finisher on enemies.
- Fixed the Kubrow's finisher animation on the Drahk Master making the victim immune to outside damage for the duration of the animation.
- Fixed issue that would occur when using Mirage's Eclipse that would prevent the player from using this Ability, or other powers, again.
- Fixed ugly textures that would display on some Grineer doors.
- Fixed Nekros' Soul Survivor Augment not properly tracking revives or counting towards revive challenges.
- Fixed issue that would cause player's map to break when trying to type during Ash's Bladestorm animation.
- Fixed players losing duplicate Arcane Helmets after trading one of the helmets.
- Fixed an issue that would occur during an enemy ragdoll, causing a crash.
- Fixed some instances where terrain would inappropriately meld into another room.
- Fixed placement of hints during Simaris' Scanning tutorial.
- Fixed Chroma's Effigy moving when in electric water or similar environmental hazards.
- Fixed the Dojo Polychrome Bot being unable to be removed after placement, or potentially being able to be placed in an area that cannot be reached.
- Fixed an issue that would not properly refund Platinum to the Clan Vault if a room painted via Polychrome that was rushed is destroyed.
- Fixed issue that would cause knee-slide audio done by Clients to play for the Host anywhere on the map.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when timing out in the Dojo, causing the game to crash.
- Fixed an issue that would show Kubrows and Sentinels as wearing two badges.
- Fixed Mesa's Longhorn helmet not properly reflecting energy color.
- Fixed the minimap occasionally breaking in some rooms on the Grineer Galleon tileset.
- Fixed players having Primary and Secondary weapons unequipped after completing the tutorial.
- Fixed Darvo's VO not playing in the second mission in Vor's Prize.
- Fixed an issue where weapon skins were not displaying properly on login.
- Fixed audio effects not properly going off when players capture a Cephalon in Cephalon Capture.
- Fixed some broken water physics that would occur in the Orokin Void tileset.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent Clients from being able to complete a Corpus Sabotage Mission after a Host Migration.
- Fixed Arcane HUD indicators from showing as though they were debuffs from a Dragon Key.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when fighting Sargas Ruk in melee.
- Fixed Clients that get knocked down appearing as though they are sliding to Hosts and other Clients.
- Fixed error that would allow Punch Through Mods to create unlimited multishot when a weapon is fired through Volt's Electric Shield.
- Fixed players being able to get stuck under elevators on the Corpus Ice Planet.
- Fixed MK1-Furis showing a price of 120 Platinum in the Market.
- Fixed players showing as having default skins and colors when in a Relay.
- Fixed issue where Clan Emblems would not show up until after logging in.
- Fixed Uru and Pyro Sugatras not appearing properly on some weapons.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lephantis to become invisible and immune to damage.
- Fixed some water clipping through textures on Earth Defense tilesets.
- Fixed a typo in the Patient Zero Quest line.
- Fixed some grammatical errors in the Codex description of Defense Missions.
- Fixed localization descriptions on Lephantis Nav Coordinates, they now refer to Lephantis instead of Golem.
- Fixed default colors on a Warframe not displaying properly in the Codex diorama.
- Fixed Kubrows who had their appearances altered in a previous Update.
- Fixed Clients being unable to pick up Void Key in Void Sabotage Missions after killing the miniboss.
- Fixed held melee attacks being usable in mid-air, causing a 'gliding slam' onto an area. Slam attacks will now drop players directly to the ground.
- Fixed Amprex not chaining to nearby enemies.
- Fixed Ammo Stock mod incorrectly appearing as its Prime counterpart across various UI screens.
- Fixed missing graphic for Vex Armour augment.
- Fixed unreleased weapons appearing in Codex.
- Tweaked volume of Braton Vandal.
- Fixed Clan emblems not being activated even though they had been approved. All Clan emblems that should have been active (you received approval confirmation) will Now be available in game!
- Fixed Oberon's Reckoning not lifting enemies when cast.
- Fixed players spawning in unsafe locations when using the /unstuck command.
- Fixed Uranus missing an Archwing Mission node.
- Fixed an issue where players would load with the wrong items when playing Archwing after having finished the Zanuka capture mission.
- Fixed a potential crash that would occur in Conclave during a host migration.
- Fixed Spy missions giving out rewards randomly, instead of giving out rewards based on how many vaults have been cracked.
- Fixed the Explosive Demise Mod harming the player that has it equipped.
- Fixed players getting stuck in a knockdown state after being hit by a knockdown attack just after a parry.
- Fixed the Quanta Vandal not appearing in the player Codex.
- Fixed damage from Rhino's Charge lagging slightly behind Rhino, causing him to slide past enemies in Conclave without hurting them.
- Fixed an issue in Conclave where players would never lose their damage immunity on respawn when joining a match.
- Fixed energy respawners in Conclave not creating energy orbs after a Host migration.
- Fixed teams in Cephalon Capture occasionally grouping players into 5v3 matches.
- Fixed a Mission Node on Mars reading as “Deimos” instead of “Hellas”
- Fixed Host migrations on Corpus Sabotage missions preventing all other clients from completing the missions.
- Fixed maxed out negative reputation with Syndicates showing as 0 reputation lost or gained when handing in Syndicate Tokens.
- Fixed locations on MOA enemies that were previously difficult to hit, including a small location between the 'head' and gun, and a spot on their MOA-butt that was tough to shoot.
- Fixed Syndicate Assassins dropping blueprints that give more Spectres than intended.
- Fixed Volt's Electric Shield giving improper damage multipliers.
- Fixed the distance that loot crates would visually appear being too short on Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- Fixed a potential issue causing a rare deadlock on launch.
- Fixed visual issue with muzzle flashes on weapons not properly following weapon barrels.
- Fixed a number of issues with Sigil customizations not saving.
- Fixed an issue where rotating the position of a sigil would default the color to grey.
- Fixed players being unable to get back up after being knocked down by enemies with knockdown abilities.
- Fixed negative standing with Syndicates showing as blue when it should be showing as red.
- Fixed ambient 'static noise' that could be heard on Grineer Forest and Relay tilesets. Coming Soon.
- Fixed crits on enemy heads giving inconsistent crit numbers depending on what 'part' of the head you hit. Headshots on enemies will now properly do a 2x damage multiplier regardless of what spot has been hit.
- Fixed crits on Infested Ancients being inconsistent depending on which non-headshot part of the body was hit. Hitting vulnerable points on limbs will now properly do 3x damage, consistently.
- Fixed some inappropriate body contortions when sliding while shooting a bow.
- Fixed players respawning with their secondary weapon due to dying in a bleedout state, instead of spawning with their primary.
- Fixed an issue where Sugatras would not update their colors properly.
- Fixed a rare crash that would occur on loading screens during texture loading.
- Fixed some issues relating improper visuals on Kubrow.
- Fixed positioning of melee decorations on the Obex and Kogake.
- Fixed Uru and Pyro Sugatras not properly appearing on some two hand weapons.
- Fixed excavation drills in the Excavation game mode not properly taking damage from enemy attacks.
- Fixed players not being able to see the health of excavators in the Excavation game mode.
- Fixed Syndicate Syandanas showing at minimum brightness when previewed in the arsenal.
- Fixed the countdown timer in Survival being replaced by the 'Extraction countdown timer' that triggers when enough players step into the Extraction zone, even when players step away from Extraction to continue the Survival Mission.
- Fixed players not getting paid for Invasions if they were still playing the final Invasion Mission when the Invasion ends.
- Fixed players being unable to build a Specter if their equipped loadout is under the conclave requirement for the Specter they want to build.
- Fixed issue causing projectile weapons to not properly register extra damage on headshots.
- Fixed inconsistent upper and lower case descriptions on Knockdown related Mods.
- Fixed ability timers getting reset when players pick up a Mod.
- Fixed a crash caused by crafting new weapon blueprints in the Dojo.
- Fixed Chroma's Spectral Scream preventing players from being able to use quick melee.
- Fixed some misaligned text in the World State Window.
- Fixed waypoint markers placed on elevators disappearing when map is toggled.
- Fixed the Freedom and Discovery Conclave Sigils having the same icon.
- Fixed waypoint markers in Interception not properly updating.
- Fixed the Shade Sentinel's Ghost and the Hura's Stalk Ability not properly functioning.
- Fixed the Clan's 'Join Session' button not functioning properly.
- Fixed an issue causing Glaive weapons not to appear as full size when viewed in the Codex.
- Fixed buff display on the HUD not properly disappearing after the buff expires.
- Fixed numerous stability crashes.
- Fixed Mag's Shield Polarize wiping any overshields you had regardless of having Mag's Shield Transference Augment Mod or not.
- Fixed Shield Restores not working on Sentinels.
- Fixed some of Vauban's powers only lasting for 1 second.
- Fixed the Navigation menu not opening right away when in the Conclave mode selection menu.
- Fixed Capture Targets being uncapturable if you die and get revived during the mission.
- Fixed incorrect spelling in Simaris Synthesis lore entry.
- Fixed Teshin over using the term 'Begin!' during a conclave match.
- Fixed the Prime Velorum Sigil sometimes having a black outline instead of the intended gold outline.
- Fixed Mastery Sigils overriding future equipped sigils and all sigil previews in the Arsenal.
- Fixed cracked glass in the Dojo not rendering properly if fluid was behind it.
- Fixed Polearm weapons not being extended in the Codex or when in the Parry pose in the Arsenal.
- Fixed flashlights on bows and other weapons not following the camera.
- Fixed selecting the Navigation menu from Syndicates UI does not close the Syndicate UI.
- Fixed temporary color customizations being reverted when navigating through the Arsenal.
- Fixed the Dread arrow not applying your Energy color. Not fixed, further investigation required!
- Fixed the Pause menu appearing behind the Simulacrum UI.
- Fixed a rare instance of the Drahk Master stealing your weapon and placing it in a teleport zone; making it irretrievable. Your weapon will now be moved to a safer zone where you can retrieve it.
- Fixed Mod rewards being displayed as Rank 0, even if they are greater than Rank 1.
- Fixed Hellion Power Carries not spawning on Stickney, Phobos.
- Fixed numerous NPC related crashes.
- Fixed the Navigation menu overlapping with a kiosk screen when opened in the Relays. 
- Fixed Corpus Crewman muzzle flash not updating position.
- Fixed Ember's Fireball Frenzy Augment causing Fireballs to bounce off of Mesa's Shatter Shield.
- Fixed objective markers disappearing in Defense missions.
- Fixed persisting enemy markers after an enemy has died.
- Fixed a script error when receiving Invasion Battle Pay (not related to the event).
- Fixed players receiving a script error when crafting - this could result in a game freeze.
- Fixed overlapping lines in the Chat window.
- Fixed the Tipedo not having Tenno script on it as intended.
- Fixed right side Transmissions being cut off due to having a low resolution.
- Fixed text issue with lengthy player names in the End of Mission and Mission Progress menus.
- Fixed Carrier's Vacuum not picking up Pigments.
- Fixed revived players seeing themselves as friendly AI on the minimap.
- Fixed Loki's Invisibility not being affected by energy colors.
- Fixed an issue occurring in reverb audio settings.
- Fixed some incorrect collision detection on the Ogma.
- Fixed Frost's Snowglobe ability not properly getting a tint from the player's energy color.
- Fixed energy colors not properly getting applied to Syndicate Syandanas.
- Fixed Syndicate Syandanas not reflecting changes until you leave the attachments menu.
- Fixed players being able to bypass trade cooldowns by moving quickly between the Dojo and Liset.
- Fixed issue during Alad V and Zanuka boss fight that would cause Zanuka to stop attacking.
- Fixed Transmutation and Fusion cores appearing when players enable the “Show Maxed” filter in the Mod menu.
- Fixed the hinges in Darvo's shop floating about inappropriately.
- Fixed issues with Rhino's Iron Skin.
- Fixed an issue causing bottom custom colors of the Liset not matching the top.
- Fixed a crash caused by weapons and abilities that caused radial damage.
- Fixed incorrect channeling FX on Excalibur's Proto Armor skin.
- Fixed coloring on Nukor.
- Fixed some channeling FX not showing up correctly for Hosts and Clients.
- Fixed Hydroid's Tempest Barrage not properly scaling in damage with rank.
- Fixed Oberon and Banshee's Immortal Skin not properly applying to their shoulder pads.
- Fixed the Capture target becoming uncapturable if a player dies and then revives mid-capture.
- Fixed the player's Warframe colors changing when viewing different Archwings in the Arsenal.
- Fixed an issue in Corpus Hijack Missions that would prevent mission completion and stop all enemy spawns.
- Fixed an issue on Void tilesets that would break navigation markers and enemy navigation.
- Fixed a lighting issue that would appear in Dojo hallways.
- Fixed Helios not attacking enemies when equipped with the Deconstructor.
- Fixed multiple Conclave Mods that were not showing up as available for purchase through Teshin.
- Fixed issues with Energy Orbs falling through the floor in PvP.
- Fixed issues with host migration interfering with Energy pickups and generation in PvP.
- Fixed missing firing animations for a number of weapons.
- Fixed issues with many missing animations for weapons in a number of scenarios.
- Fixed crashes associated with radial damage.
- Fixed Loki and Loki Prime's Decoy not firing his pistol.
- Fixed players in the Dojo all seeing a 'player down' notification when someone is defeated in a duel.
- Fixes for missing player avatars in inbox messages and gifting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Salut, j'ai désinstallé et réinstallé le jeu (ainsi que la mise à jour) et cela ne change rien le jeu crash de manière aléatoire...

Si les devs pouvait y remédier ça nous changerai la vie.

Quand on crash à la fin d'une défence où survie néant bien longue il y a de quoi êtrer un peu énervé...

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Salut, j'ai désinstallé et réinstallé le jeu (ainsi que la mise à jour) et cela ne change rien le jeu crash de manière aléatoire...

Si les devs pouvait y remédier ça nous changerai la vie.

Quand on crash à la fin d'une défence où survie néant bien longue il y a de quoi êtrer un peu énervé...

J'ai eu ce crash, de longues survies qui te font planter carrément la console avec une erreur XXXX et retour sur psn, j'ai baissé la luminosité et le contraste dans les options de warframe. Je dis pas que tu en auras plus comme ça, mais en tout cas j'arrive à rester un plus longtemps dans les parties HL. L'intensité des couleurs quand tout le monde est a fond sur les pouvoirs doit faire très mal à la console je pense (vivement le retour du noir et blanc qu'on aie plus se genre d'ennuie)


Edit du 23/06 : Je retire la bétise sur le fait de baisser lumière et contraste, j'ai du crasher une bonne vingtaine de fois ce week end.

Edited by (PS4)spiderwolf_rico
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