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Valkyr, Tonkor, Furis


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And some misc. mobility melee weapon.


Tainted Mag just leveled enough to get Tonkor to 3 shots.  Take the holster rate mods (recently buffed!  USE THEM!) on rifle and pistol to switch fast.


If ANY grenade hits, switch to Furis and spray em (or melee).


This build is stupid strong.  Also just stupid. 

Edited by Drinniol
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The Tonkor was made for Nyx.


Cast Chaos into a crowd, let them cluster up, fire Tonkor into the crowd, and make it rain every faction in the galaxy.

Did you mean Loki with irradiating disarm? I don't see chaos causing clustering except with already melee units.

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Valkyr is unfair with any build.

Truth.  It's absurd how many fights I win just because lol 100-150 more effective HP than anyone else.


And it's even MORE absurd how a single health orbs are worth almost 3 times as much to me as to another frame, meaning that I get a MASSIVE advantage any time I can pick one up in combat.  Making orbs worth 50 health was an error - very difficult to attrition people down now.  Losing to someone but taking them to 1hp means about as much as losing to them without hurting them at all, since it's highly likely they can get 2 orbs before fighting again on many maps. 


It's just an absurdity that DE is married to this design decision that every warframe should just have its level 0 stats ported directly into conclave, and somehow that will magically be balanced when level 0 frame stats were NEVER designed with PvP in mind.  If there was some frame that had level 0 500 effective hp, would that make it into conclave untouched too? 


Valkyr is obviously the best frame when you have 0 energy.  Indisputable - highest health, high speed.  Are her abilities weak to match?  Hardly.  Warcry is deadlier than a volt ult, since it comes out faster and you're just as #*($%%@ if you get hit, yet it's only 75 energy.  It's bullS#&$. 


BUT ANYWAY, this thread is more about the crazy synergy of Tonkor and a quickswap to a spray and pray secondary.  It's REALLY strong especially on some of the new indoor annihilation maps where there's very little chance to dodge grenades and they have a high probability of bouncing into people even if you miss, or at least sticking around in the general area and being ticking time bombs. 

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Did you mean Loki with irradiating disarm? I don't see chaos causing clustering except with already melee units.



I noticed enemies affected by Chaos tend to move closer each other regardless of their weapons, and honestly you really don't need them to be in hugging distance of one another to do significant damage to large groups with the Tonkor.



The Tonkor was made for Nyx.


Cast Chaos into a crowd, let them cluster up, fire Tonkor into the crowd, and make it rain every faction in the galaxy.


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How do you people talking about PvE manage to get into every PvP thread?  It baffles me. 

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I wasn't even aware you could use the Tonkor in PVP up until now, sounds interesting to say the least.

Sadly they killed a lot of the flavor of the gun.  When they made it not bounce allies, they also made it not bounce ENEMY PLAYERS in conclave.  I suspect this was unintended, but never even thought about because PvP is very undertested and underserved.  It remains as it is to this day with no comment.


But, in fact, it's a substantial buff since NOT knocking up your opponent makes it way easier to land double nades or to followup a nade hit with your sidearm or melee. 

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Sadly they killed a lot of the flavor of the gun.  When they made it not bounce allies, they also made it not bounce ENEMY PLAYERS in conclave.  I suspect this was unintended, but never even thought about because PvP is very undertested and underserved.  It remains as it is to this day with no comment.


But, in fact, it's a substantial buff since NOT knocking up your opponent makes it way easier to land double nades or to followup a nade hit with your sidearm or melee. 

It should fling people around


Imagine how hilarious that would be.

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Valkyr's health is 100, shield is 50.  Excal's health is 100, shield is 100.  Oberon's health is 125, shield is 100.


Valkyr's 600 armor means that most weapons will only deal 1/3 regular damage, however, because there is ISP (impact/slash/puncture) damage, it means Valkyr is exceptionally vulnerable to puncture-based weapons...such as the Boltor, Boltace, Daikyu, Paris, Kunai, Latron...and that's just for now.  Puncture may not have a bonus versus shields, but Valkyr's small 50 shields are quickly eaten away.


Valkyr also happens to be the only 'heavy' frame that can be one-shot body-shot by the Daikyu.  Oberon, Frost, Chroma, and Rhino all cannot be one-shot, and even Volt can't be one-shot (except on lucky arrow headshots).


Hitting with Tonkor is hard.  Hitting with a Glaive P throw is hard.  Hitting with Daikyu can be hard, too.  Swapping weapons after actually hitting with heavy projectile to finish off an opponent is the new meta for Conclave.  That, or using a power in combo with a heavy strike.  I suppose DE's current philosophy with Conclave is that 'skilled players' can either one-shot with a headshot, or use a combo of weapons or abilities to efficiently defeat adversaries.


After they basically nerfed the Tigris into having 2 rounds in the mag and 6 on the side (effectively only 4 duplex shots before you have to search for ammo), it's pretty apparent DE wants players to be swapping weapons and fusing the use of weapons and powers at once.

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Glaive and other thrown weapons works well with Tonkor/Furis too.  Basically you can have 4 projectiles going very quickly (all of which BOUNCE), and if ANY of them hit Furis will kill almost instantly.  In a hallways or tight quarters it's incredibly strong. 

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And some misc. mobility melee weapon.


Tainted Mag just leveled enough to get Tonkor to 3 shots.  Take the holster rate mods (recently buffed!  USE THEM!) on rifle and pistol to switch fast.


If ANY grenade hits, switch to Furis and spray em (or melee).


This build is stupid strong.  Also just stupid. 


Just tried this out. It works fairly well.


PS. Tonkor can get to 4 shots by stacking tainted mag and the new pvp mag mod.

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Valkyr also happens to be the only 'heavy' frame that can be one-shot body-shot by the Daikyu.  Oberon, Frost, Chroma, and Rhino all cannot be one-shot, and even Volt can't be one-shot (except on lucky arrow headshots).


Thats daiky being overpowered.

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I thought I should mention: why Furis?


Well, for starters it's automatic - when we're following up we want consistent, easy to apply damage, so we don't want things like the Lex which require precision.  We usually only need a few bullets to hit to get the kill. 


But why not any other automatic weapon?  The other automatics aren't puncture damage (except Cestra, but we'll get to that).  Furis is.  This is extraordinarily important, since the Tonkor hit WILL remove shields, so ALL our damage will be on health, so puncture damage is just WAY, WAY better for us - to the point of ridiculousness against Chroma or Valkyr who have high effective health pools due to armor.  Our only options for automatic puncture secondaries are Furis, the thrown weapons, and the Cestras.  The thrown weapons are hard to hit with and we want consistency.  The Cestras have a spool up time and the whole point of our build is to hit them with a grenade and QUICKLY transition to shooting with our secondary.  Thus Furis is our only option. 


And why not Afuris or Dex Furis?  Well, when you look at the chart http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/PvP_Weapon_Comparison you'll see that the Afuris and Dex Furis give no DPS advantage whatsoever, while having longer reloads, eating more ammo, and having worse accuracy.  They are strictly inferior, so we ignore them. 


So our only options are Furis and MK-1 Furis.  The MK-1 Furis is ever so slightly better, and it's practically free and instantly available - so give it a try! 

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But you only have to draw back once :)

You only have to draw back once if you are the master of bows and can achieve 4 player kill with 1 simple arrow......



....The challenge awaits tenno...

Edited by Heart.Less.
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