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There Will Never Be A Good Boss Fight In This Game.


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Warframe is not a mechanically intensive game. You don't need skills to be successful, what you only need is good gear and proper mods. This is not DMC or Ninja gaiden where you need to dodge, block and choose the right move to punish your enemies. You can't make a interesting, engaging and challenging boss fight in a game when the player can just press one bottom and everything explode. Those so called BS like invincibility, damage caps and bullet sponge are the only way to make boss last more than one second. If you are expecting good boss fight in this game, go find something else.

Edited by victor_victory
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well... whenever the devs try to address this issue it is usually met with a unanimous NO! by the community. remember damage 3.0 that was talked about awhile back? getting rid of all damage mods and reworking how damage is dealt in the game was met by just about everyone saying: NO!


so basically it's not DE's fault it's the playerbase's that we have too many bullet sponges for bosses. unless the damage system itself is fixed all we will get is bullet-sponges, damage-caps, and way too many invulnerable moments...


that's just my late-night opinion though, might regret typing this in the morning...

Edited by McDuffMan
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I wholeheartedly agree with what you're saying.  Even if they did nerf down warframes, at the end of the day it'll still be a pretty bad boss fight, and that's okay.  Warframe shouldn't be a game you expect to really have mechanically challenging bosses in.  Most of the missions in this game you'll be holding your sprint button while probably one-shotting the mobs around you with your primary and occasionally hitting your 4 button.  That's pretty much the entire game, farming.  The idea of a really hard boss may sound like fun now, but what happens when they add pretty rare mods/blueprints/parts/whatever to it's drop table?  It would take an enormous overhaul of how this game works, farming-wise and mechanical-wise to have such a boss.

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This game really not a mechanical miracle and maybe a better engine could solve this but the right persons need there to code a complex AI and make more smoothy mechanics.


I don't want to say they aren't enough talented to do this, but this game years ago on the market and they just replaced basically the numbers 1.0 to 2.0 and almost everything the same. 


Buffs and nerfs cannot solve the core problems of this game and the boss fights almost the same as in the other similar games. A good "smart" AI takes years to develop and this game needs a better rescources system to update these things.


AI 2.0 and boss 2.0 will delayed years unless they change their policy of making shiny contents. (just hire some new talented developer)

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How about you build you`re Own hard mode expirence.

Go T4 Survival with only Melee for 40 min.

Or only take copper and silver mods for Weapons.


Jaggernauth without Korrosiv and meleweapon only.


If you want a challenging game, you can have it.

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Off topic:

Which is why I like playing games like Blade and Soul and continent of the ninth seal, sadly due to horrible pvp lags and bad pings in C9, I quit. Blade and Soul, played Chinese server and private server, waiting for the official B&S release in the west.


On topic:

I agree with OP somewhat, but in my opinion, you do need certain skills in warframe, whether in a group or solo, and well.... PVP. Somewhat, I suppose.


And hence why the word "BETA" is not a false statement. There are changes being made and added constantly.

Edited by saltygr33n
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Warframe is not a mechanically intensive game. You don't need skills to be successful, what you only need is good gear and proper mods. This is not DMC or Ninja gaiden where you need to dodge, block and choose the right move to punish your enemies. You can't make a interesting, engaging and challenging boss fight in a game when the player can just press one bottom and everything explode. Those so called BS like invincibility, damage caps and bullet sponge are the only way to make boss last more than one second. If you are expecting good boss fight in this game, go find something else.


I hate you for being right.



And hence why the word "BETA" is not a false statement.


I'm sorry, but this game is not in beta.  Continuing development does not mean it's in beta.  DE calling it a beta does not make it a beta.  Warframe left beta when they started taking money from the public.

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well... whenever the devs try to address this issue it is usually met with a unanimous NO! by the community. remember damage 3.0 that was talked about awhile back? getting rid of all damage mods and reworking how damage is dealt in the game was met by just about everyone saying: NO!


so basically it's not DE's fault it's the playerbase's that we have too many bullet sponges for bosses. unless the damage system itself is fixed all we will get is bullet-sponges, damage-caps, and way too many invulnerable moments...


that's just my late-night opinion though, might regret typing this in the morning...

Well, that's the consequence of something being community driven to a certain degree. DE needs to be abit more bold with their decisions, I think.

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Things went downhill when Vauban and Ogris was introduced. DE knew what their player base wanted. Passivity and easy modes. So they kept introducing more stuff that cater to that playstyle and now it's out of hand.


Instead of concentrating on mechanics like movement, dodging, knockdown recovery or other combat mechanics, they just kept releasing bandage mods while increasing the number of enemies that swarm you to balance the power climb of weapons and warframes.


Although, the pvp rehaul is quite enjoyable at the moment.

Edited by SicSlaver
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I'm sorry, but this game is not in beta.  Continuing development does not mean it's in beta.  DE calling it a beta does not make it a beta.  Warframe left beta when they started taking money from the public.

Beta games still do take money, but are refunded (in-game credits) upon official release.

You may be correct in the game not being beta, but it doesn't change the fact that DE still gather user feedbacks and such, thus still making changes here and there to try and make it stable, that I consider beta.
Edited by saltygr33n
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NikolaiLev, on 08 Jun 2015 - 09:04 AM, said:

I'm sorry, but this game is not in beta.  Continuing development does not mean it's in beta.  DE calling it a beta does not make it a beta.  Warframe left beta when they started taking money from the public.


Last time I checked, Beta simply refers to the games development state, not its monetisation.


That said, you are right when you say it's not beta. Technically, it's pre-alpha.

Edited by Corvid
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so make a boss harder, so that not just any warframe/weapon/player can take him down?

make the fight last more then 30sec or 1 min?

and if DE puts something in the drop table that has a 0.00001% chance to drop, and every one wants it, but the fight takes to long or its to hard for some, have people farm it for months on end and you will still be unhappy, and then just forget about him because the challenge is no longer there when you know everything there is to know?


I think DE went with the safe option on this, by all means if you have a good or grate idea on how to make a boss that can satisfy every player, please tell them, it might just come true.

Edited by Othragan
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How about you build you`re Own hard mode expirence.

Go T4 Survival with only Melee for 40 min.

Or only take copper and silver mods for Weapons.

Jaggernauth without Korrosiv and meleweapon only.

If you want a challenging game, you can have it.

People like to gimp themselves but they also want to take their best gear and have struggles with it, i.e doing a Terramorphous raid in BL2 with 4 level 50 teammates but still have chances of losing even with level 50 gear if done carelessly. OP might also imply the game has a very low skill cap where the same tactic works pretty much everywhere and on the majority of everything with only a few changes to tactics here and there when in comparison to games like Witcher 3 or Bloodborne where X tactic won't always work on the same enemies. Edited by izzatuw
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Many things have gotten kinda out of hand, such as the scaling which causes extreme artificial difficulty. Also, this makes nodding an essentiality. Having basically all mods as sidegrades would allow for actual customization. This is just my opinion though.

(*Equips the SALT-BRELLA 5000*)

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The damage is the worst part of it. If that would be reworked to a point where it wasn't so freakin' insane to be able to kill anything in a shot and a half, then we'd be able to work on making the mechanics more intensive and interesting. Alad V SHOULD be a fun fight - bring down Alad's shields and keep them down so Zanuka becomes vulnerable, but because of insane damage all we do is shoot Alad til he drops and then finish off Zanuka half-a-second later. And there are SO many more intrinsic possibilities for fun mechanics - specialized adds, getting the environment worked in.


DE, IGNORE THE PLAYERBASE, go in, work on Damage 3.0. Get RID of the damage-scaling mods to have damage scale with weapon level and turn the elemental mods into ones that add a flat-but-realistic amount of elemental damage to weapons.

Edited by Morec0
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Could not agree more.The only good boss in this game right now(imo) is The Jackal. Because of it has a solid attack phase and moves.

like if you go near it, it will try to stomp you out and all of it attack are "Avoidable" mean that you can see it coming to you.


most of the Darksouls series game bosses have that "Avoidable" moves making them so challenging and fun. Finding and attacking That game bosses's weak point is actually Risky,Hard and Rewarding at the same time making them so satisfy.


My only wish right now is that DE will make the Tyr Regor good,Because it will set the path to make it right for future bosses.

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Every boss fight ranges from "not bad" to "quite nice" IF you do it with gear/frame on par with boss lvl. Don't expect challenge if you take stuff that makes lvl 100+ enemies die instantly. 


Warframe is not that different from other games, really. Take WoW for example - really nice raid bosses, lot's of special mechanics and stuff like that. But those bosses are optimized for certain gear level. You won't have any challenge if you go kill lvl 60 boss wih your lvl 100 epic gear team. Hell, you don't even need a team. Even 10 lvl difference is huge.


In warframe it's all the same, but player levels are misleading. Fresh lvl 30 is not the same as potatoed (thats another 30 lvls...) and full of Formas, stances and auras...


So basically, you are killing lvl 1-30 "bosses" with your lvl 100 (more-less) toons, and come here complaining it's too easy.... Really?

Edited by McBonY
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Every boss fight ranges from "not bad" to "quite nice" IF you do it with gear/frame on par with boss lvl. Don't expect challenge if you take stuff that makes lvl 100+ enemies die instantly. 


Warframe is not that different from other games, really. Take WoW for example - really nice raid bosses, lot's of special mechanics and stuff like that. But those bosses are optimized for certain gear level. You won't have any challenge if you go kill lvl 60 boss wih your lvl 100 epic gear team. Hell, you don't even need a team. Even 10 lvl difference is huge.


In warframe it's all the same, but player levels are misleading. Fresh lvl 30 is not the same as potatoed (thats another 30 lvls...) and full of Formas, stances and auras...


So basically, you are killing lvl 1-30 "bosses" with your lvl 100 (more-less) toons, and come here complaining it's too easy.... Really?

He's talking about making bosses with mechanics that require actual player skill instead of depending on abilities or equipment stats....

Edited by SicSlaver
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