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Oberon Is Missing Something.


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Oberon is decent overall, but Trinity will always be picked over him when looking for a solid group.

I believe the reason is because Trinity can restore energy, the most important resource.

So I was thinking, what if Hallowed Ground doubled the effects of player auras while they stood on it?

There's no skill like it yet in the game, and with 3-4 energy siphons, it would be on par with Trinity's energy restore.

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No because Trials.


Hallowed Ground already does two things Trinity can't. Armor buff and status proc removal and immunity.


Edit: Also the augment for it gives him a chance to deal radiation procs to things in the area (on detonation).

Edited by trst
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Limbo's Cataclysm puts players inside the bubble into the Rift, which increases energy generation by a chunk.


The thing Oberon does that Trin doesn't is crowd control.  His ult can be maxed to range, but still radiation proc and cause a blind on nearby enemies on finishing the cast.  Smite also can knockdown one heavy target, which also immediately activates Radiation, like a mini-mind control...while spawning mini-orbs that cause puncture proc on enemies surrounding the target.

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Trinity is a full support frame, Broberon has both support abilities, and offensive ones.

Therefore Trinity is by default the better support frame, and gets the green light over Broberon in the support role.

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I'm not sure I'd say that Oberon is missing something, I'd say that players are missing Oberon... 


His Smite and Reckoning radiation procs provide amazing crowd control. He can provide armor buff, status immunity and removal. He can heal himself and others. He's the Paladin class, and functions very much like one -- If you like paladins in other games you'll love Oberon. 


I've been trying to figure out for a long time why he's so underused, and I think it's because in this game, hybrids just aren't as popular in high level meta. Whereas in some games the Paladin is a more important class, in Warframe people are usually looking for something more specialized. If they want a healer, they'll get a Trin. If they want a damage dealer, they'll get a Excal with Radial Jav (before nerf) or a Mesa or a bunch of other different things that specialize in dealing high damage. 


As for adding an energy regen somewhere in his abilities? I don't know, is that really needed? I feel like it may be him stepping on Trin's territory a bit too much -- but I'm torn because I'd like to see a reason for people to use Oberon more... and something like that might help. I don't know. 



Oberon is great for helping new players. He can heal them, and provide a lot of crowd control so things don't go too south. Hallowed Ground will also really help newbies against infested. It's also nice because you can give them that shock and awe and show them how cool the game can get, with a frame that they can actually acquire really soon. For many players Oberon will be their first warframe after their starter, or one of the first. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Broberon is an amazing frame to be fair, brings in great utility, a little bit of healing, the magic carpet and tons of radiation. He's like a moving Chernobyl.


That being said, I like to think that there are so many diverse warframes so people can play everything and not just focus on a few. I enjoy playing Broberon in small groups and solo, but if I ever need to switch to Trinity for something terribly specific, I will not mind. Broberon won't mind either, since I will eventually get back to him for some radioactive mayhem.


I don't think he needs an extra energy restore or anything of like, I feel that his kit is pretty solid for what he does.


What he really needs though, is a little bit less hooves and one, just one, decent looking helmet. Preferably something that will not look like a stag had intimate moments with a face-hugger, while on crack.

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You know what is by far the best thing Oberon can do? Buff. The Smite Infusion augment gives a massive boost to radiation damage. I do believe the general consensus is that if you are already running four corrosive projections radiation is the best overall damage type. I think Oberon if relooked at should have a higher emphasis on these direct buffs.


Smite should have the Smite Infusion by default.


Hallowed Grounds armor buff should be higher and last for a while after stepping off the sparkle ground.


Renewal could have the revive property brought back.


And Reckoning as a Augment could be a wide scale Smite Infusion that's slightly better.


I really do just want to see my main frame be more widely used.

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He needs less hooves.


Damn hooves. Can't play him because of hooves. If I wanted to play a character with hooves, I'd play Goat simulator.

...Oberon's a goat you know. In a way you are technically playing a goat simulator when you pick Broberon.

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Buffing armor on most frames is useless, but that's more armor scaling's fault than Oberon's.

For trials it wouldn't matter since everyone would have to be standing on his hallowed ground.

The status chance immunity is very nice, and is a good idea.

Since Oberon is the only other frame closest to being a support, he needs to be on par with Trinity, there is no other support frame. Listing that he deals damage is moot because he isn't a damaging frame, you would just bring along a frame suited to dealing damage. Though I should have probably posted this on reddit, since everyone on the official forums think no frame ever needs to be changed, buffed, nerfed, or otherwise.

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Buffing armor on most frames is useless, but that's more armor scaling's fault than Oberon's.

For trials it wouldn't matter since everyone would have to be standing on his hallowed ground.

The status chance immunity is very nice, and is a good idea.

Since Oberon is the only other frame closest to being a support, he needs to be on par with Trinity, there is no other support frame. Listing that he deals damage is moot because he isn't a damaging frame, you would just bring along a frame suited to dealing damage. Though I should have probably posted this on reddit, since everyone on the official forums think no frame ever needs to be changed, buffed, nerfed, or otherwise.


There is no other healing frame besides Trinity and Oberon, but there are other support frames. 


I do sometimes think things need to be changed, but I'm actually a big fan of how Broberon works right now. 


I do think more people should use him though, he's very underrated. And I wouldn't mind some changes if they made him more popular. I'd like to see more Broberon's running around. 

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Oh yes, a lot of good it will do you when you're dead.

In this game, you can't die while spamming 4 : )


There is no other healing frame besides Trinity and Oberon, but there are other support frames. 


I do sometimes think things need to be changed, but I'm actually a big fan of how Broberon works right now. 


I do think more people should use him though, he's very underrated. And I wouldn't mind some changes if they made him more popular. I'd like to see more Broberon's running around. 

He is underrated, but at the same time will never be picked over Trinity as he stands.

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he is missing twigs and berries


I kind of want to hang jingle bells from his antlers the next time Christmas roles around. 

Seriously though, Oberon has several different layers of damage mitigation through his powers so he can afford to have less impressive healing capabilities, while Trinity puts a lot of her damage mitigation into blessing and by feeding other Tenno energy so that they can (hopefully) better defend themselves. I don't think oberon vs trinity is a simple equation of "Trinty: moar healz , cuncluzion: Trinity is +1 op" 


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I kind of want to hang jingle bells from his antlers the next time Christmas roles around. 

Seriously though, Oberon has several different layers of damage mitigation through his powers so he can afford to have less impressive healing capabilities, while Trinity puts a lot of her damage mitigation into blessing and by feeding other Tenno energy so that they can (hopefully) better defend themselves. I don't think oberon vs trinity is a simple equation of "Trinty: moar healz , cuncluzion: Trinity is +1 op" 


Trinity has more heals, damage mitigation, and energy restoration.

She's also a tank with Link, and can give allies overshield.

But wait, there's more, she can burst down single targets as well.

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Trinity has more heals, damage mitigation, and energy restoration.

She's also a tank with Link, and can give allies overshield.

But wait, there's more, she can burst down single targets as well.

Oberon's Smite + Reckoning gives him crowd control and enemy debuff though. Honestly, even with energy regen, with energy being a resource I rarely find myself that worried about in most missions, I'd probably rather have the Oberon if he knows how to show is allies health/shields by hitting the "z" key and paying attention. Because he can also provide damage and CC. I'd prefer not to have a specialized healer, but that's just a personal preference. Most people seem to think totally differently than me on that count. I think you are right that the one thing Trin can really do that Oberon can't at all is provide energy, but Oberon doesn't really need to. Because he has crowd control.  


Oberon can do some things heal/protection wise that trinity can't too. With the right build he can slow bleedout timers, turn renewal into either a faster heal or more of a regen over time to keep allies constantly healing, without reaching max. His ability to either lay down a carpet for armor + debuff immunity, or just go low duration and drop it on allies to remove procs. He has amazing utility, people should use him more. 


Actually, I think the one place where Oberon really needs a change is Reckoning, and if energy regen where to be added, I think that should be where. 


Imagine if instead of having a chance for enemies killed by Reckoning to drop a health orb, they had a chance to drop an energy orb instead? I always found the health orbs to be the one useless part of Oberon's ability. If I really needed to heal myself or my team, I have Renewal. And Reckoning's health orbs are rarely enough to make a difference anyways. However, energy scales a little better than health that way. What do you think of that idea? A few health orbs isn't a big difference, when you can already heal the whole team with Renewal, but a few energy orbs could actually make a big difference. 


Imagine people asking for Oberon? Knowing he can buff them, apply debuffs on enemies, remove status, heal, and provide energy orbs? He would probably be a lot more popular. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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