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A Buff For Older Primes?


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Some of you might have already seen this, but I wanted to pull it out of the 10-page salt-fest of a thread it originated in.


The older Prime frames could use a bit of a buff.  As time has gone on, the meaning of a 'Prime' warframe has changed, and with it, so too should the older Primes be updated to reflect that.  In the old days, a Prime frame was essentially a fancy showoff skin, a 'Look how much I farmed' achievement with a cosmetic reward.  But now, time has progressed and Prime frames are obviously meant to be upgrades to their base counterparts, with generally higher stats or just key buffs that shore up their biggest weaknesses.  This has taken a toll on the older Primes which were never designed with this in mind, and I think they could be nudged up a bit to keep them in line with the new vision of a Prime warframe.


Here's a list of Prime frames, sorted by the date they were released and with information about what stat bonuses they get.


5/3/13 - Frost Prime:  Identical base stats

9/13/13 - Mag Prime:  Identical base stats

11/1/13 - Excal Prime*:  Identical base stats

11/20/13 - Ember Prime: 25% more armor

3/27/14 - Rhino Prime: 11% faster

6/11/14 - Loki Prime:  16% more energy

9/23/14 - Nyx Prime:  2% faster, 333% more armor

12/16/14 - Nova Prime:  16% more energy, 33.3% more shields

3/24/15 - Volt Prime: 100% more energy, 667% more armor


* Though chronologically the first Prime frame, I used the date Excal Prime was last available for purchase as no other date is provided.



As you can see, as time goes on Prime frames are getting more and more powerful relative to their regular counterparts.  I think that the older Primes - Frost, Mag, Excal, maybe even Ember - should all be bumped up to give them bonuses on par with the newer Primes.  And yes, I'm well aware that both Frost Prime and especially Excal Prime aren't exactly available anymore, but they're still Prime frames and should fit with the plan accordingly.

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the bonuses are in the polarities, not just the stats.  To me, all this is is another thread of "I want more buffs".... everything just keeps getting buffed and buffed, so there's no variety.  You can't just go buffing stats and expect it to be a good patch.

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All except Excalibur Prime, don't want Founder and Anti-Founder 


It's going to happen. The issue is going to get so bad that DE might eventually make a statement about it. Buff Frost and Mag prime, nobody bats an eye. Buff Excal prime to make him equal to all other primes, and everyone loses their minds.

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the bonuses are in the polarities


Also, all primes have the altered polarities, but the primes after Mag have something more after that. This is how this whole issue started.

Edited by R34LM
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the bonuses are in the polarities, not just the stats.  To me, all this is is another thread of "I want more buffs".... everything just keeps getting buffed and buffed, so there's no variety.  You can't just go buffing stats and expect it to be a good patch.

The polarities are essentially a free Forma, which would go back to the issue of Primes being skins.  But newer Primes have shown that DE wants Primes to be inherently better than their regular counterparts, and the old ones should be updated to reflect this new thinking, don't you think?



And let's all please not get started on Founders vs. non-Founders - There's a 10-page thread debating that one.  I'm mentioning Excal Prime because it is a Prime frame, and an older one at that, which is an example of how Primes used to be.  I think it should be brought up to speed with current Primes personally, and if you disagree that's fine and I don't mind you saying so.  But we don't need to rekindle that fire in this thread.  :P

Edited by Trylobyte
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It's going to happen. The issue is going to get so bad that DE might eventually make a statement about it. Buff Frost and Mag prime, nobody bats an eye. Buff Excal prime to make him equal to all other primes, and everyone loses their minds.

why is there no actual meme here lol

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The polarities are essentially a free Forma, which would go back to the issue of Primes being skins.  But newer Primes have shown that DE wants Primes to be inherently better than their regular counterparts, and the old ones should be updated to reflect this new thinking, don't you think?

Actually no.  They are making those new primes to have better stats because the only thing the community is begging for these days is "buff this and buff that".  It's all over the forums.  Everyone thinks that buffing everything solves all problems, and it doesn't, really.  It creates more problems, because now everything else has to be taken a look at when one thing is touched.  Primes have other altered, smaller aspects about them, not just stats.  Whether it's a difference in movement speed, polarity change, etc.  There's a LOT more.  

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Buff them all to be in line. Seriously.


Buff the primes with no bonuses to have them. And the primes with "weaker" bonuses to be on par with the new ones.


Frost Prime will be returning, so that's not a huge concern.


Excal Prime's inaccessibility can be worked out later, and in those ten page threads I've said my piece on that. But there's no real reason to leave him behind, in the meantime.

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the bonuses are in the polarities, not just the stats.  To me, all this is is another thread of "I want more buffs".... everything just keeps getting buffed and buffed, so there's no variety.  You can't just go buffing stats and expect it to be a good patch.


It's not much of a bonus if I Forma a regular Frost two or three times to have polarities I want, and then want to upgrade to a frost prime that has less polarized slots that were determined by DE.

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Meheeeeh, excal prime buff ;)

he already has a buff, excal prime now regenerates shields 25% faster


although I do like it best if all primes did get a random stat buff, most already have the initial extra 1 polarity(except loki prime has +2 because masterrace), this could help influence more players reasons why getting a primed warframe is more than just cosmetics and mastery

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Why not buff the regular frames to prime stats and be done with it?

Then the only difference is the ornate stuff and free formas.

But tbh, the giant grindwall to get primes sorta justify the stat bonuses. I doubt anyone would bother farming hours for pointless primes, and this may somehow effect plat sales due to trading (theoretically).

I say my mag.p and frost.p are pretty lame, buff em! Maybe a bigger energy pool or sheild/overshield capacity for mag, making her aug more useful. For frost, all I want is faster speed and immunity to those god awful ice floors.

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Firstly, I appreciate the reasons why DE have been quietly tiptoeing around the thin ice that is the issue of primes, exclusives & balance, But I honestly wish they'd take a sledgehammer to it already and just smash a lot of this away, settle it.


My personal feeling is that all the Primes should be brought in line some way.


On top of that though, I feel some sort of standard should be brought about for balance amongst weapons & frames. As it is, we have a handful of weapons & frames that are perceived as far superior (looking at you Somas), and then lots of really fantastic looking weapons that just don't hold up so well later on. And they keep giving us more stuff scattered all over this scale.

  The primes currently give a decent example; the first few had just cosmetics & polarities. Now we're getting primes with large boosts to their innate energy pools, to their armour or speed.


Ideally, we'd have all these fantastic variations of weapons & frames, and all would be viable in some way. Sure, have a couple of 'tiers', such as easy access early game weapons & later game weapons to be worked for, but have those wide brackets balanced so that I can get away with using the fun or interesting gun rather than the mathematically best.

 And do the same for our frames. I want to feel like each of these special, gilded frames that I've worked to acquire is on par with the other. And worth that work. You can make them just simple stats changes, or interesting unique things based on themes, whichever. But bring the older stuff back up a little, whilst easing off the boost somewhat for the newer & upcoming toys.

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Older Primes should get buffed to be on par with newer ones.

The only other option is to remove the advantages of the newer Primes....and I don't think anyone wants that...


Primes are meant to be the best Frames,period....The "regular" frames are actually just knock offs of Primes since the Priming process is lost to Orokin history..

The extra polarity is NOT enough,and sometimes (depending on HOW you mod,as in order placed) it can even be a hindrance at first.

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5/3/13 - Frost Prime:  Identical base stats

9/13/13 - Mag Prime:  Identical base stats

11/1/13 - Excal Prime*:  Identical base stats

11/20/13 - Ember Prime: 25% more armor

3/27/14 - Rhino Prime: 11% faster

6/11/14 - Loki Prime:  16% more energy

9/23/14 - Nyx Prime:  2% faster, 333% more armor

12/16/14 - Nova Prime:  16% more energy, 33.3% more shields

3/24/15 - Volt Prime: 100% more energy, 667% more armor


* Though chronologically the first Prime frame, I used the date Excal Prime was last available for purchase as no other date is provided.


Excal was still before Frost AND Mag.


Frost was originally in a Fusion Moa event, and Mag was released in the Void a little after they were released.

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idk imo prime baffs are getting more and more redicilous.i think they had good sweetspot with rhino and loki.

i would be kinda sad about excal to be honest cause i cant get the prime variant and i really like to play excal wich means my excal will be always sub par if they baff prime variant. but meh i could live with that its just kinda unfair but life is unfair ...not gona cry :)

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Buff Frost and Mag prime, nobody bats an eye. Buff Excal prime to make him equal to all other primes, and everyone loses their minds.

So true, many salty people. I dont care whether or not they buff excal, but i definitely agree on buffing frost and mag

Edit: i wish they could make this into a community hot topic poll- to buff or not to buff primes? The catch is that all 3 early primes must be buffed, and not selective to the nonfounder primes

Edited by reedknoll
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     Every one except excal prime should be buffed. Frost prime can still be obtained through trading and will probably come back later on. Excal was pay-only and according to DE will never return, meaning if someone want's to have the best of every frame stat wise they'd be out of luck. Not to mention all the p2w accusations that would be inevitable. 

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