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Small List Of Suggestions


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Greetings! While enjoying the majority of the available warframes and weapons i came across a few things that, while not bugs, imho could do with some improvement to make for a smoother gameplay experience. Mostly minor quality of life improvements with some heretical suggestions added at the end.

A: Remove the seemingly random change of orientation after boss cutscenes. Suddenly facing in another direction is pretty confusing sometimes. I guess this is just a small technical oversight anyway. I have to admit that this has no longer happened to me the few times i did Ember BP runs so maybe it has even been fixed already.



B: Replace the custom markers set by players with something like an X (marks the spot after all). Wild mod drops in Exterminate missions can lead to fun minimap confusion.


C: Allow picking up drops while dodge rolling. Especially after jumping right on top of a mod the player should not have to run back to it just because his warframe decided to look cool.


D: Allow picking up the two unsuitable primary ammo types as well for some symbolic amount of credits or small amounts of health/power. It would be more satisfying to get rid of the whole loot piñata clutter and it would be easier to call out remaining sniper box-flares in the rare cases of friends practically begging for Snipetron ammo.


E: Allow reloading the Snipetron without dropping out of zoom like most (all?) other weapons.


F: Make Enemy Radar and Sonar show red outlines for enemies behind walls/objects and maybe even in gloomy rooms. I hate Volt. Would probably have to be a gameplay option because not everybody likes HUD elements. Right now i mostly just stop looking at the minimap when somone with Enemy Radar joins.


G: Implement Blueprints combining common, uncommon and rare resources of choice into a random mod. I am drowning in just about anything but Alloy Plates and doubt that i will ever use up my Salvage, Rubedo etc.


H: Remove Catalysts and Reactors from the daily login reward and instead give out Orokin Tech Shards in addition to the totally awesome consumables. An arbitrary amount of shards could then be used to convert some Credits and an Orokin Cell into either a Reactor or Catalyst. Shards could even be rare rewards from Alert Missions thus making players consider doing the new 2k credits Alert in  Mercury.


I: Occasionally award resources as a third component of Alert missions. It would not take like 100 alloy plates every 2 hours to make it interesting and there is a free spot in the rewards window anyway. Also see above. I heard whispers this is already planned?


J: Allow us to supercharge mods. Now please let me explain before you brand me a lunatic. I really like using different warframes and/or weapons for different enemy types and missions even though it is not really necessary for just about everything Warframe throws at us at the moment. What really irritates me is that i have to mothball everything every single time because i am not very likely to get another high level Redirection any time soon let alone find a second Multishot card.

I would therefore suggest the ability to supercharge Mods of the player's choice. These elite mods would then be allowed to be integrated into multiple pieces of gear at once, allowing the player to save his individual builds and negating the need to strip everything each time you switch. It would also reduce the amount of scrolling currently necessary to find what you just removed from your old gear.

I realize that quite often a card might be maxed out for one purpose and be left at Rank 0 for another but this could also be easily integrated by allowing the free adjustment between Rank 0 and the currently unlocked maximum - for example by means of a simple right click menu to set the desired power level.

I am sure someone more apt with lore could come up with an entirely space magic explanation of how this is supposed to be working. The price of such charges however would arguably be hard to get right. Maybe something like 5 platinum or 5 daily shards? I'm totally not fantasizing with this post anyway so why not.

Most of this is probably not particularly new or relevant but i usually find feedback lists more helpful. Since my first language is not English i would also like to suggest directing complaints about reading aneurisms to my country's embassy. Thanks for bearing with me anyway.

TLDR: The next warframe should totally have a cookie cutter chainsaw.

Edited by Nuhj
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"D" could be implemented as artifact which allows all ammo pickups to be converted into ones used by current weapon

"J" there was such idea already without supercharging mods and devs mentioned something about it in u8.

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"G" Love it! Converting 40k of crap in some sort of mod fusion or into Alloy Plates via a blueprint is a great concept.  


"H": Sounds good to me!


"I": Those 2k credit alerts are really annoying. Some extra rewards make it more worth playable..

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"D" could be implemented as artifact which allows all ammo pickups to be converted into ones used by current weapon

"J" there was such idea already without supercharging mods and devs mentioned something about it in u8.


Huh. A 'Scavenger' mod maybe for the Sentinel? The poor little guys could use some more variety. Looking more and more forward to 8.0 seems i missed a few very good anouncements.

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One word, OP. One word.




They will cost craploads of EVERYTHING. Save your crappy rez for the DOJOS. And the "supercharge mods" idea thing is pretty useless/a gigantic waste of plat/creds. I'd rather just have a "save template" button which'd save your currently equipped mods, and a "clear all" button which'd unequip all equipped mods on the screen.


Two simple clicks... And BAM! You've got your crap all nice 'n' orderly.




"D" could be implemented as artifact which allows all ammo pickups to be converted into ones used by current weapon


I'd rather have something like... converting junk ammo into sweet, hard, credz. That way it's not totally mega-OP.

Edited by Captain_Seasick
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I'd rather have something like... converting junk ammo into sweet, hard, credz. That way it's not totally mega-OP.


Everyone would use sniper/shotgun scavanger and use a rifle for credits only ;)

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