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Sometimes You Get The Stalker...


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...sometimes he gets you.  And sometimes, you get each other at the same time.  Here's a little story about it, because I was feeling creative.


Dark Sector Heiracon, Pluto.  1330 hours.


A lone Zephyr runs around slaying the Infested, securing the area for a mysterious 'lone Tenno operative.'  She wonders if this is where Baro'ki Teer finds his merchandise.  Life support is holding steady at about 75%.  Suddenly, alarms flash and the blast doors seal the area.  There is no explanation; the infested certainly don't know how to operate these systems, and the blast doors are actually keeping them out.  'Huh,' Zephyr thinks.  'That's weird.'  A quick moment of time spent with the slime-covered but functioning alarm panel and the lockdown was released without incident; the Infested continue pouring into the room as they always had, eager for prey.  Zephyr is wary now, however.  What's going on with the ship that she'd be suddenly locked in?


Two minutes later, the lights flicker ominously.  The familiar sound of heavy breathing echoes through the Zephyr's headset as the Stalker begins his approach.  'I wish he'd pull his mic away from his mouth,' thought Zephyr as she readied her Atomos for the fight.  One taunt.  A second.  Who would bother avenging Phorid?  The Infested seemed to know that the Stalker was on their side this time and backed away, but life support did not stop declining.  20%.  Too low, too low, but no time to activate a life support unit now; that took a while.  She'd be a sitting duck.  She'd have to make this quick.


The Stalker announced his arrival and the battle was on.  Arrows shot past Zephyr and embedded themselves in cargo containers as she bobbed and weaved around the Stalker, searing him with a high-energy particle beam.  The infested seemed to renew their attack as well, several chargers barreling in only for Atomos's beam to dance over to them and incinerate them on the spot.  An arrow grazed off Zephyr's shields, knocking them offline, but the Stalker's armor wouldn't protect him much longer from the deadly beam focused on his head and chest.  He swung his scythe in a wide arc to try and catch the close-circling Tenno but failed to find her; she was always just out of reach, just one step ahead.  He went for his kunai and hurled a number blindly in the direction of the beam, but only succeeded in killing a stray Runner.  Finally his armor could sustain no more abuse and, dropping to one knee and announcing his failure, he abandoned his mission.  Such was his hurry to leave that he dropped one of his weapons for Zephyr to pick up...


...only for life support to fail just as she turned to activate the capsule right next to her, resulting in mission failure.  As Ordis engaged emergency extraction protocols against her wishes, the Tenno's voice, unheard for thousands of years, finally rang out into the spore-filled interior of the ship.  "DAMN YOU STALKER!"


And somewhere, far away, the Stalker knew this and smiled.  Perhaps he had not failed after all.

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