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Forsaken Null Is Stealing All No-Lifers! [Currently Inactive]


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Clan is undergoing inactive phase, request invite at your own risk.


Forsaken NULL is stealing all no-lifers Nullifiers!


We are an ex-ghost clan emerging from the shadows of the dead. We seek more nullfiers to join our ever growing army of the undead clan.

Our massive secret hideout dojo features almost completed research except those pesky orokin lab things(we sent so many nullifiers to the void, but they didn’t came back) and all the same ol’, same ol’ you'd like to have:

  • Trade room – To scam your fellow Tenno for dem plats.


  • Duel room – To punch your fellow Nullifiers’ face in.


  • Parkour course – To show off your ninja master skills and defy Newton’s law of gravity.
  • Ballroom(AKA Clan Grandest Hall) – Ever wanted to dance but suffer from stage frights? Now’s your chance to dance all you want alone in our ballroom! Complete with musical drums and floating platforms.



  • Labs(bio, chem, energy, tenno) – Technology is love, technology is life. Research all the things. Forma all the weapons. Even if its dem Grineer technology.(Got to know your enemy, right?)
  • Gardens(ft. Public Bath) - Love the nature? Great. Love to peek at tennos out of frame? Even better. We got the place for you to unleash your inner Hydroid.



All rooms also come with a custom joke as a description.

We also have a closed steam group, which you will be invited to join once you join the clan.

So what do you have to do to give unto the void?

1) Show yourself like the no lifer that you are. No lifers like me are logging in (almost) daily but we don't expect you to do that. (of course.) If we'll not see you for a while, we'll think the Zanuka Hunter got you. (Can’t help you with that.) If you'll be leaving for awhile tell us(either me or KnowCase). This clan main timezone is GMT +8, we play mostly on nights.

Try to show up for clan gatherings* too. This is a time for us to take screenshots, do big missions like raids in the future and also clan events. If you can't attend clan gatherings tell us too.


*Clan gathering details will be announced in motd/steam group announcement. No annoucement - no gathering.

2) Be nice. Banish the harassments! Banish the threats! Report those to us if they occur and take some screenshots.

Also, go ahead and swear in clan chat if you like, just don’t swear like dem Grineer pot mout--TENNO SKUMMM!

Uh, give me a min.

3) Socialise. No one said you have to speak 24/7.(Because nullifiers…right? *crickets*) Just don't be completely silent. Greet your peers, form parties, crack some jokes, maybe do discussions (like speculate the next Grate Prime). I'll admit none of us talk much but so long as someone takes the initiative we all start talking. So take the initiative if you're new and don't be shy!

4) Be funny. To liven up the atmosphere and keep with the clan's theme, its highly recommended you come with a sense of humor and stay open.

Other than that, not much. Your mastery rank or conclave rating are Anti-matter.

Any consequences for breaking the rules?

For harassments and threats - We will install CCTVs(security cameras) to monitor the rogue Nullifier. If guilty, said Nullifier shall be used as void offerings for Nef Anyo.

For inactivity - We don't like to enforce this rule, but circumstances showed otherwise to impact clan morale. So for nullifiers who either:

-Do not online for 15 days without a reason, or
-Do not attend clan gatherings 4 times in a row
-or both

will be thrown out to the void.

Kicked nullifiers are welcomed to return to the clan so long if they are able to stay as active as per clan requirement except nullifiers that are used as void offerings for Nef Anyo(we will keep a list).


Why do we get kicked for not attending clan gatherings?

See 1). In addition to that, Warframe is very RNG(random no. generator) based and the last thing we need is for the clan to be another RNG in terms of no. of people online. Besides what's the point of joining a clan if you want to go solo?

Clan emblem?

Doges and corpus is awesome.


We're allied with the Doges alliance(you see a trend there?).

Can I ask for help without sounding like a filthy peasant if I need it?

Ask and you shall receive. Bonus points for requests such as assassinating Salad V or farming primes in the void.

Do I require Teamspeak/skype?

Its not required and there is no clan teamspeak server. Most of us don't use the mic. Our alliance has a teamspeak server however.

What clan ranks are there?

Doge MOA --- Clan warlord. Legend has it you have to morph into a real doge to become one.
Sage MOA --- This is a special rank. Possible to get, but has special requirements.
Eximus Nullifier --- Basically the leader of other nullifier ranks. (not MOAs)
Tech Nullifier --- This is another special rank. Will only be given to nullifiers who is knowledgeable about dark sectors/pvp.
Elite Nullifier --- Similar to prod nullifiers, but something more to a senior role.
Prod Nullifier --- For those who interact and goes missions with fellow nullifiers.
Crew Nullifier --- Online enough and you will get this rank easily.
Point Zero --- You start from here. Also a rank for rogue nullifers under CCTV surveillance.

We all treat each other equally despite ranking so there's no need to fear elitism.

Why be a member of Forsaken NULL?

Because we beat up Grineer on a daily basis and give out free hotdoges to nullifiers.

We have 95% completed research(colour pigments...). We are a mostly laidback clan. We share profits.(rare mods, plats, anything goes) We also allow all kinds of jokes/discussion whether it is random, silly, dark or dirty.

Alright, I'll apply as a full fledged member.

Awesome! Just some notes when joining:

1) Be sure to leave any current clan you're in before trying to apply.

2) We appreciate you telling something about yourself, but its not required.

3) If you would like to ask any questions before joining, feel free to PM me or KnowCase in forums or in game.

4) Comment below if you would like to join

5) Please wait patiently for us to invite you to the clan. We unfortunately do not have an InviteBot to do that for us.

Edited by ixpnin
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Hey, fairly new to game and been looking for a home. Ingame name is WreckinFury. Feel free to send me a PM!


Edit: May have gotten too excited, looks like you guys are 12 hours ahead of me

Edited by WreckinFury
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Hey, fairly new to game and been looking for a home. Ingame name is WreckinFury. Feel free to send me a PM!


Edit: May have gotten too excited, looks like you guys are 12 hours ahead of me

That's unfortunate that your 12 hours ahead of us. D: Oh well. 



such doge emblem, much approved


Thanks for teh approve! :3

Edited by KnowCase
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Hi i'm fairly new to the game and was hoping I could join a friendly clan. I'm on quite often, at least once a day for a few. IGN is Valisera. 

Hmm it seems like your in another clan so i am unable to invite. :x

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im kinda new to this game . The main reason im joining a clan is becuz i hope u guys will teach and help me out with my stuff . And doing quests together is so fun . And also im joining this clan becuz of Aida , he recommended :D . Im delighted in joining your clan please accept my request :)

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im kinda new to this game . The main reason im joining a clan is becuz i hope u guys will teach and help me out with my stuff . And doing quests together is so fun . And also im joining this clan becuz of Aida , he recommended :D . Im delighted in joining your clan please accept my request :)



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Well, let's give it a shot x3 Little 8 rank Mesa over here, anybody mind having her by their side? *3* As for something personally about me.....I made out of unicorn dust and void donuts.


not sure if you are asking for an invite...but in any case: "user is already in a clan".

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Hi, I go by Monotov pretty much everywhere. Seems like joining might be fun. I just got Mastery 3, so I figured I should start associating with other players and stop soloing. Weirdly I am also 12 hours behind you, but Friday should be fine anyway. Saturday might not be all the time but hey, a reason to be up at a reasonable time in the morning.

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Hi, I go by Monotov pretty much everywhere. Seems like joining might be fun. I just got Mastery 3, so I figured I should start associating with other players and stop soloing. Weirdly I am also 12 hours behind you, but Friday should be fine anyway. Saturday might not be all the time but hey, a reason to be up at a reasonable time in the morning.


Always cool to have someone from the other side of the globe! Invited


hi, i would like to join your clan. GT: R_Jarryll



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