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Troubling Trend In A Popular Mmo: Is This Just Me? Or Is There Something To This?


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Caution: long text.


So I have been an avid supporter of Warframe for a very long time now, and I lost several friends to that other Sci-fi console MMO FPS (not to be named).  That's fine.  Different strokes , right?   Well, I have noticed that that competing game has quite a few similarities: again fine. it's science fiction, similarities will happen.  Cut to about a week ago when that MMO released a trailer with their new expansion.   It features a brand new enemy called "the Corrupted" who are altered versions of regular enemies who have been forced to fight for the bad guy.   The bad guy is not Orokin, but his name does Begin with O-R.  It also features new classes and a brand new capture the flag mode that bears more than a passing resemblence to capture the cephalon.


So, here is my issue:  I am an artist, and I have to be very careful so as not to infringe upon the IP's and copyrights of other artist- I could get into real legal trouble: there are laws.


So why is this OK? Because they are a big studio? Are the even aware of this? Yup.  A big company like this has many legal professionals making sure copyright infringement doesn't happen. 


I guess the short of this is that I don't appreciate a big IP copying DE's work, unintentionally or otherwise.  In the same way that I don't like having my own art copied without my consent, it is troubling to me that it is happening in any way.


Now, that game's community is excited about all these new additions and new classes with new abilities: and yet these are and have been elements of Warframe for a very long time.  And as far as they are concerned That game was the first to do it: no credit will be given to Warframe or DE.


They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery: but even so, let there be credit given where credit is due. 


In the end, That game (unnamed) and it's developer will probably continue to do what it wants.  It would be nice to see a little humility or acknowledgment though.  Maybe there is, behind the scenes: I don't know.  But I don't see it, and as an artist, this offends me.  


Credit where credit is due.  I appreciate DE's creation, and I guess I am just venting.  Maybe I am all alone here.  But I know what DE has created, and I know who created what first.  Perhaps I am overprotective of Warframe, but that's just the way I am.


Finished, everybody have a good day!. 


Clarification: Let's be clear that I am NOT villifying this other game.  It's a good game, and unique in many ways.  My issue is with is with originality and the giving of credit. And it's only an opinion.  Obviously my preference is with Warframe, but I am not attacking.  OK?

Edited by (PS4)THREEKLAW
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This is how the AAA industry operates these days. Keep doing what sells, and if someone else is doing something that sells a lot, copy it and pretend it's yours. Your fans will defend you for you.


I completely get how you feel, btw.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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The Taken and Corrupted are VERY different in nearly every aspect. Creation, antagonist, etc


Thats why its allowed

Even if it would pin-point copy, nothing would happen.

EDIT: Also do you think consept of "corrupted" and mystical old beings is unique consept that came out from WF? LMAO

Edited by (PS4)SofeSNBR
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It appears by your "observation" that you are in fact very, very young.


Here's why...


What Destiny has tried to do (Bungie) is bring back the old days of when they came up with Halo (we're talking 90's era now).  However...when Microsoft bought Bungie and renamed them 343...some stayed, some left, as is the natural cycle.  The one's who left signed a blood pact with the devil (Activision) and viola...you have bungie's destiny which is crap, it really is.


So while you may THINK that people are ripping off Warframe, it is in fact been done many, MANY times before.  The gaming industry is like Music...you can only write about your girlfriend sleeping around 1 time...but everyone else after can write their own twist to it, but the underlying factor is she still cheated.




If it wasn't for games like Wolfenstein, Doom, Halo, WoW, Socom...etc...you wouldn't have the games you have today. 

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What're you talking about? Oryx is a great big angry Hive bat-god, whose come to the system for reven- huh.

But the taken are a faction composed of other factions made into one big elite fac- whoa.

And besides, they've got this whole new location for them inside a giant, mysterious, ancient space - crud.

But they're like darkness-themed, not cold n' gold at all! Doesn't that make a difference?

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The difference is U17 isn't going to cost us 40-80 dollars.




Dude...this game has cost me half that and when the new dam prime drops I'll have to buy that too!  Stupid prime gear.


In fairness...I have a thing where if a game is worth the money I'll pay it.  Warframe is definitely worth the money.  The crap Bugnie is throwing out there is NOT worth the money. 

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It's unfortunate, but this is symptomatic of the fairly incestuous design practices in videogames. They tend to draw on a lot of similar source material, and eachother, and like as not, the studio with the more funding will generally have the financial, and by extension legal, muscle necessary to crush a smaller studio that attempts to file an infringement claim.

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What're you talking about? Oryx is a great big angry Hive bat-god, whose come to the system for reven- huh.

But the taken are a faction composed of other factions made into one big elite fac- whoa.

And besides, they've got this whole new location for them inside a giant, mysterious, ancient space - crud.

But they're like darkness-themed, not cold n' gold at all! Doesn't that make a difference?

Not to mention the creation of Corrupted and Taken is completely different and the fact that the only "leader" of the Corrupted as an antagonist is the Neural Sentry which we know nothing about. And the corrupted arent out for revenge, they only defend and protect the Towers, they dont go out actively looking for a fight

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Their are always aspects or ideas taken from games and placing them into newer games. We all know the first one usually dose better and in the end thats what helps keep it safe from the pack of doppelgängers trying to feed off from it. At least thats what i'v taken from reading this long post.


Also lets be fair and say if for example your talking about Destiny then honestly many games have recently decided Raids are the way to go and started to "popularize" this idea since Destiny has made this one of its highest selling features, that would also mean Warframe just jumped on the hype train and decided to try that idea as well along with many other gaming companies. But again...


Don't worry the original will always win.


Edited by Monybags33
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Doesnt matter. Destiny is in hot water because of the Fallen king collectors editon, eurogamers interview with luke smith, and now his "apology" where they revealed the in game content for the collectors edition will be buyable by everyone else. for $20. add into this the garbage red bull promotion theyre doing, and the fact that the expansion is going to be $40 in the us and 40 punds/euros etc outside of the us... that means foreign players are paying full new game price for the expansion. that company looked to be fixing their crap with the last DLC, but this is just more proof that the mighty fall, especially when they get in bed with activi$$$ion.


as for the whole artistic thing, its just different enough to be legal. in video games similar concepts can very easily be used by multiple developers legally. 

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Like the OP i'm also an artist, but something maybe the OP doesn't understand and that is we all get our inspiration from somewhere that starts a whole new genre or artistic revolution. Here are two good examples Robert E Howard the creator of the original Conan because of him he made popular the genre of Sword and Sorcery, then in that same way you have Frank Frazetta who changed the art of fantasy forever, people have been copying or emulating these two people for decades and these are just two examples. I will bet you money that minki, concept artist and designer of the Warframes, has a library of books he looks at for reference and inspiration ironically he may even have the Art of Destiny in that library. 

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You know, I better clarify, because it was not my intention to start a rage thread.  My main complaint is not even with Destiny, and so many of you have made good and valid points.  My major gripe is that as an artist, I don't like being copied without permission or humility.  I agree that media will continue to imitate something that is popular.  My issue is that I get upset when permission is not asked, or at the very least credit is not given for the inspiration.  I am also aware that games, including Warframe borrow from other Genres and mythology as well, so again point taken. 


Maybe some of you are artists or creators of something.  Wouldn't it trouble you if you had worked on an idea only to have someone else create something similar and not give you any kind of acknowledgement?  Worse even if they claimed originality. Mostly, it's just frustrating.


HEAT XTX40: I am quite aware of our history of gaming and games like Warframe and Destiny wouldn't be around if we didn't have that history.  I am certainly not suggesting Bungie doesn't have a legacy- they do. I was there as well, and I am not as young as you might think.  Thanks though. I'll go tell my Sega Genesis somebody thought I was young.  :)


My only complaint is the tendancy in our industry to copy without respect and acknowledgement for what has come before, or for what somebody else is doing.   That's all.   :)  


Forgive me if I have seemed angry, to anyone.  It's just that as an artist I am passionate about creative integrity and respect for others' creations.

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You know, I better clarify, because it was not my intention to start a rage thread.  My main complaint is not even with Destiny, and so many of you have made good and valid points.  My major gripe is that as an artist, I don't like being copied without permission or humility.  I agree that media will continue to imitate something that is popular.  My issue is that I get upset when permission is not asked, or at the very least credit is not given for the inspiration.  I am also aware that games, including Warframe borrow from other Genres and mythology as well, so again point taken. 


Maybe some of you are artists or creators of something.  Wouldn't it trouble you if you had worked on an idea only to have someone else create something similar and not give you any kind of acknowledgement?  Worse even if they claimed originality. Mostly, it's just frustrating.


HEAT XTX40: I am quite aware of our history of gaming and games like Warframe and Destiny wouldn't be around if we didn't have that history.  I am certainly not suggesting Bungie doesn't have a legacy- they do. I was there as well, and I am not as young as you might think.  Thanks though. I'll go tell my Sega Genesis somebody thought I was young.  :)


My only complaint is the tendancy in our industry to copy without respect and acknowledgement for what has come before, or for what somebody else is doing.   That's all.   :)  


Forgive me if I have seemed angry, to anyone.  It's just that as an artist I am passionate about creative integrity and respect for others' creations.


I don't see any true ripoff between Destiny and Warframe.  If you want a true example of a ripoff in gaming, look to Gearbox.  Ever play Borderlands?


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You know, I better clarify, because it was not my intention to start a rage thread.  My main complaint is not even with Destiny, and so many of you have made good and valid points.  My major gripe is that as an artist, I don't like being copied without permission or humility.  I agree that media will continue to imitate something that is popular.  My issue is that I get upset when permission is not asked, or at the very least credit is not given for the inspiration.  I am also aware that games, including Warframe borrow from other Genres and mythology as well, so again point taken. 


Maybe some of you are artists or creators of something.  Wouldn't it trouble you if you had worked on an idea only to have someone else create something similar and not give you any kind of acknowledgement?  Worse even if they claimed originality. Mostly, it's just frustrating.


HEAT XTX40: I am quite aware of our history of gaming and games like Warframe and Destiny wouldn't be around if we didn't have that history.  I am certainly not suggesting Bungie doesn't have a legacy- they do. I was there as well, and I am not as young as you might think.  Thanks though. I'll go tell my Sega Genesis somebody thought I was young.  :)


My only complaint is the tendancy in our industry to copy without respect and acknowledgement for what has come before, or for what somebody else is doing.   That's all.   :)  


Forgive me if I have seemed angry, to anyone.  It's just that as an artist I am passionate about creative integrity and respect for others' creations.


Im a writer. if my writing inspires something from someone else, and they make something similar cool. its not what they do thats similar that defines it, its how they change it. twist it. reform it into something new. maybe that similar thing will inspire new changes into my work. at this point we're several THOUSAND years into human existence. no one alive can truelly claim originality anymore. its all inspired by something else. Art in any form isnt about the ego of the creator and wanting credit for inspiring someone elses work. sure its cool if someone says that you inspired them, but who cares?

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