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Why Don't You Expand The Void Instead?...


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Wassup tenno, Hello Digital Extreme,


I read the news... And even if I don't really care about grinding in the void (Spy missions is more my cup of tea), I can't help but wonder what those who want Mag prime & Dakra prime (currently one of the best swords in the game!) might think...


C'mon, there's a lot of room in the drop tables, duplicates can be replaced, there still needs to be other gamemodes in the void (Spy,Archwing,Deception,Assassination...), we farm for keys in the star chart, yet we often receives other keys for the void after a successful...Void mission...

We have Derelict missions aswell! (thanks for the reminder Rahu)


Personally, I take it as an opportunity to get myself some space cash faaast :D,

but is it really the best solution?...

We don't even know when Frost & Latron prime will come back!! It can be weeks, months, a year...


Thanks for reading my little concern. I am 100% sure that other people are wondering the same...




The news I'm talking about :



Edited by unknow99
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I agree completely.

When Frost, the Latron and Reaper were removed, NONE of their drop areas were replaced with Volt and the Odonata, so this time, Mag, the Boar and the Dakra will be taken out and NOTHING will be replaced again.

There are like... 16 more missions they could add in (the 4 you listed, times 4 for each teir), plus in the Derelict too, so that totals like... 20 more missions that could have drop tables.

So instead of removing stuff, how about ADDING more things for us to do, and letting us all still be able to get all these items. It's much better for everyone that way.

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It'll happen in time of course. DE has said (and is continuing to say) that the vaulted prime items will return to the void, eventually.


However they are likely going to leave it on hold at least untill u17 is out and settled before they even consider what to do with it. It may even be put off untill the new Star Chart is done.



As for the topic at hand, the temporary removal of items from the tables is simply a band-aid. Adding Ash, Vectis, and Carrier Prime (assuming both the Vectis and Carrier did make it in) to the tables will be a hassle to farm while we're fighting over other drops.


Yes there are better solutions but this is, again, a temporary thing.

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You have to wonder if they really know what they're doing.....

I mean most games don't take content away when adding new things....

But then again how long has it been and drop tables still aren't actually fixed...?

Just as drowned in garbage as they've always been.

Even the most basic point and click rpg/mmo's don't over saturate their drop pools...

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The don't even need to expand it, just remove the trash loot from the higher tier missions, or even better! Actually put worthwile end rewards in the Delericts other than in survival and defense!

Preciiiisely man. The Derelict, like Archwing missions, is an half made place right now...

I...I just try to understand, or maybe I under$tand it...I hope that it's not the only reason. That would disappoint me a little...

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Void Archwing should be a thing. It would actually give me a bloody reason to use the wings if there was a proper reward in it for me.

The game works like that for a lot of stuff : players see the reward before maybe going back & enjoy the thing!


I like Archwing a bit (my potato pc doesn't have much problem handling it) but right now I only do it to get rid of an uncompleted node in the Star chart.( which is about to change too!)

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I agree completely.

When Frost, the Latron and Reaper were removed, NONE of their drop areas were replaced with Volt and the Odonata, so this time, Mag, the Boar and the Dakra will be taken out and NOTHING will be replaced again.

There are like... 16 more missions they could add in (the 4 you listed, times 4 for each teir), plus in the Derelict too, so that totals like... 20 more missions that could have drop tables.

So instead of removing stuff, how about ADDING more things for us to do, and letting us all still be able to get all these items. It's much better for everyone that way.

Yeah, that is scandalous : if you create a hole in your grindwall, you'd better add bricks of the same value, or it'll collapse. On the player's face.

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That was one thing that kinda bugged me about them removing primes from the void why not make other modes in the void.But instead we get removal of prime drops for a extended period of time.

You can't have another reaction than this :



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It would have been more interesting to add new mission types to the void to fit in new loot. This whole thing feels like a platinum grab and I'm not a big fan of it. 

Me too, it really looks like the only purpose is for the moneyz...


Even if [DE]Sheldon makes a joke about it, I won't find it very funny...

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There is no real reason to delete parts from the drop tables. None that is really relevant for the gameplay experience at least. Drops could and should just get spread out.


There might be economic reasons though. Prices for Frost Prime exploded and are currently on a level comparable to Loki Prime (and temporarily they were much higher). Something similar might happen to Mag Prime.


In order to get the now kind of exclusive part some people that usually wouldn't bother getting platinum, might start buying some. The increasing amount of platinum in the system might lead to inflation and an increase in prices and therefor more platinum purchases by new players. Maybe that's the intended effect. Inflation isn't observable yet though.

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There is no real reason to delete parts from the drop tables. None that is really relevant for the gameplay experience at least. Drops could and should just get spread out.


There might be economic reasons though. Prices for Frost Prime exploded and are currently on a level comparable to Loki Prime (and temporarily they were much higher). Something similar might happen to Mag Prime.


In order to get the now kind of exclusive part some people that usually wouldn't bother getting platinum, might start buying some. The increasing amount of platinum in the system might lead to inflation and an increase in prices and therefor more platinum purchases by new players. Maybe that's the intended effect. Inflation isn't observable yet though.

Definitely, Seal.


I already plan to farm for Mag in the next days. Oh no, not for me, for some trade... :3

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This'll probably all wash over when the new starchart is implemented. Or at least shortly after that.


I'm pretty much taking a break from the game until there's a big change in things.

Sure do, man. When things are too calm here, I do something else (but check for some new info,major updates etc)


I avoided burn out like that for 2 years. And I understood it quickly : I have way less than 500 hours of play time myself.(only here for events,stealth & limited time content)

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Nah, it's easier to remove something from the droptables.

It stays on the market, can be bought with plat. Prices will go up but there are always people who will decide to buy Mag/Boar/Dakra even if it becomes really expensive.

Some will buy it with plat they earned via trading, others will buy plat to do so.


Basically, removing Mag Prime from void droptables is DE's way of saying "In the name of profit, I commit thee to the void"

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Tbh it would be better to expand the void by adding different mission types, would give us something more to do in the void. Void Archwing missions would be awesome.

DE know people will spend ridiculous amounts of money to get the platinum to buy the vaulted gear. Smart move business wise but that could cost them players.

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The void is in the process of a complete rework for the new star map. To quote steve from one of the devstreams the void will be "blown up". These items, much like frost etc, are only gone temporarily, not for good.

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they dont need to change the void if anything they need to make it less desirable for people to spand all their time there so people can finish the main nodes you know the part at the beginning of the game its pretty obvious they only care about the void and whatever "flashy" S#&$ they throw at us and they expect us to thrw money at our screens when the care invvled in fixing what wrong is literally as no existant as the promises made years ago. Someday a company who can handle this title will take it over until then, i suggest daybreak games.

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It'll happen in time of course. DE has said (and is continuing to say) that the vaulted prime items will return to the void, eventually.


However they are likely going to leave it on hold at least untill u17 is out and settled before they even consider what to do with it. It may even be put off untill the new Star Chart is done.



As for the topic at hand, the temporary removal of items from the tables is simply a band-aid. Adding Ash, Vectis, and Carrier Prime (assuming both the Vectis and Carrier did make it in) to the tables will be a hassle to farm while we're fighting over other drops.


Yes there are better solutions but this is, again, a temporary thing.

I can understand that it's a temporary decision, but again : how long do we have to wait?...


We know that some stuff have been (and still are) on a waiting list for months, and some have been on stand-by for more than a year!...(cloth physics for Volt, Frost,Trinity is the 1st thing that comes to mind)

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Seeing as they want to I quote "Destroy it" then that means they have something in store for us, most likely something major lore related and that takes time. They got ideas now they just need to make it reality. 

Nothing is stopping them from doing what people have been saying endlessly about spreading the rewards in the meantime, god knows when they'll have that anywhere close to ready.

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