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[The Twisted Few] Are Now Recruiting New Members!


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Hello my fellow flying pony ninja gaiden swiss roll


Now that we have your attention, our names are Condtional (so called because of the many, many things that are wrong with him, or “conditions” if you will) and Cyanyde the femboy Fox, and together we are the co-founders of the shadow clan The Twisted Few.


We are both from the UK, and we are oldschool players that have been around since closed beta, and still play consistently on pretty much a daily basis. After keeping it small and primarily for friends since clan creation when they were first introduced to the game, we have finally decided to open our clan up a little for some more verbal diarrhea meat.... uhhh we meant players to enjoy spending our time with.


We currently have basically all research completed, with 10 members comprised of old friends/acquaintances or similar, with a few inactive, and are looking to bulk this out a little, however we will not be expanding to a huge Moon clan or anything so space is somewhat limited.


We spend most of our time complaining about upcoming patches, op weapons and Conditional’s need to torment himself masochistically by using sub par weapons (I mean, 5 forma in the Kraken.. c’mon..) while Foxy Femboy nukes the entire room with what is fondly referred to as the "OPMETACHEESEPEECANNON"


Our requirements for joining are simple:


  • Don’t be a terribad

  • Have a similar mentality where the gameplay is secondary to spewing as much random crap from your mouth hole as possible while still being useful and not just a meat slab

  • Be able to understand and contribute to the insane conversations that switch topics at lightspeed and general nonsense thrown out by Condtional on a daily basis - also not being easily offended will be helpful here

  • Have a decent committal to Warframe, i.e. not being someone who is going to quit playing in a few weeks or similar

  • Preferably be from the EU due to ping/gameplay quality though that's not a 100% requirement, and ofc be English speaking


If you’re interested, feel free to message either of us in game, our IGNs are “Conditional” and “Cyanyde” respectively, however we will of course have to play with you first to make sure you’re not one of the aforementioned terribads. Also feel free to check out our streams over at www.twitch.tv/conditionalgamer and www.twitch.tv/cyanyde_fox as we’re pretty much always streaming whenever we’re playing.


LATE EDIT: Forgot to mention the other selling point - Conditional has amazing RNG. Pretty much always get what we want in a few runs, for example all the new nightmare mods in ~40mins today :D


DOUBLE EDIT: We also have a raidcall group if you're interested in talking over voice, ID: 4829749 - again feel free to join if you want an easy way to get in contact with either of us

Edited by Cyanyde
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