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The Only Excal Prime Idea That Would Work


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They need to do something, there is founders on ps4 who can't even use the excel prime even though they own him. The can't just re unlock him because that will be more stress on DE and to the founders trying to show gloat. I think and exclusive founders pack for councils only would work and wouldn't void ( heh) the contract.

Ps. I could be wrong.

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I sometimes think this forum would improve dramatically if the words "Excalibur" "Prime" were some sort of wordfilter trigger.


And if the forum detects the words "release" or "back" anywhere within the same post, whoever made the post gets permabanned.


The amount of constant illogical gymnastics people find to whine about an ancient frame they cant get disgusts me.


It is not coming back.








E V E R.



Never. Not as a frame.

Not as a skin.

Not as an anniversary skin.

Not as a Darvo deal.

Not as a Baro Kiteer deal.

They will never make a pseudo-excal-prime to satisfy your urges either.

It's not going to happen.

It's over.

You cannot have excalibur prime.

You cannot have him in a box.

You cannot have him with a fox.

You cannot have him on a boat.

You cannot have him with a goat.

You cannot have gold rims on frame.

You cannot have it in this game.

Edited by Kruglov
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I sometimes think this forum would improve dramatically if the words "Excalibur" "Prime" were some sort of wordfilter trigger.


And if the forum detects the words "release" or "back" anywhere within the same post, whoever made the post gets permabanned.


The amount of constant illogical gymnastics people find to whine about an ancient frame they cant get disgusts me.


This post was to re-inforce the idea that the frame itself is not going to be re-released. That is where your idea screws people over; when they want to reinforce that point. Your idea is under the extremist category, sir, and I've seen extremist actions that DO lead to a permaban in some forums.


I even SAID that he won't be available any longer. Not once did I whine, and not once did I complain. The skin idea was just an idea to satisfy people who want him only for the way he looks. I could actually care less, as I've been told that the highest rank planned in the game, MR30, is not going to be exclusive to people with Founders Access (they just need every other weapon).

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as long as the regular excalibur available to everyone , newcomers who really liked excalibur will keep asking and asking to get excal p forever

They see their friends get a prime of their fav frame so they will ask for excal prime . I asked for excal prime before but got over it, Prisma excalibur is awesome!

Honestly excalibur prime is just a skin and i don't know why ppl really want it

If DE made a unique prime only warframe for founders i dont think ppl will care much about it

But that didn't happen so..

Edited by (PS4)Q-T-R-1-0
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But let's be honest, it would satisfy the people who want him for his looks, and we would never see this title again (mostly). And trust me, it would not lead to that, as most people like the prime stat differences. The only difference between excal prime and excal is a polarity and 25 armor.

Corrected: did not know about that armor difference




I pride myself in my ability to drawn in internet veiwers

You are right, we would never see this title again, we would instead have a tsunami or threads by PO'd founders. Except they are justified in their wants, you aren't.

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Lol, why are you assuming DE's plan is to re-release it? It has been said countless times that it won't come back.

You see, the prisma skin was to fix all this AND YOU STILL WANT HIM. BE HAPPY THEY GAVE YOU THAT. Just let it die, LET IT DIE, LET IT DIE, LET IT DIE,  LET IT DIE.


For the last time:



I even SAID that he won't be available any longer. Not once did I whine, and not once did I complain. The skin idea was just an idea to satisfy people who want him only for the way he looks. I couldn't actually care less , as I've been told that the highest rank planned in the game, MR30, is not going to be exclusive to people with Founders Access (they just need every other weapon).


The skin is an idea, and their complaints would be no more justified that the current ones, because DE is NOT under contract for the LOOK of Excalibur Prime. They could change Excalibur Prime too look exactly like excalibur, and vise/versa, and DE is not required to do anything.

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as long as the regular excalibur available to everyone , newcomers who really liked excalibur will keep asking and asking to get excal p forever

They see their friends get a prime of their fav frame so they will ask for excal prime . I asked for excal prime before but got over it, Prisma excalibur is awesome!

Honestly excalibur prime is just a skin and i don't know why ppl really want it

If DE made a unique prime only warframe for founders i dont think ppl will care much about it

But that didn't happen so..


I think this would be still the best solution for everyone if they would/had make/made a unique Warframe and not a Prime from a existing one.Then the complaining would be much less.

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For the last time:




The skin is an idea, and their complaints would be no more justified that the current ones, because DE is NOT under contract for the LOOK of Excalibur Prime. They could change Excalibur Prime too look exactly like excalibur, and vise/versa, and DE is not required to do anything.

I sincerely apologize, didn't pay enough attention apparently.


Btw, an Excalibur Prime skin would never work and you know that; it would just mess up the meaning of Primes, not mentioning Excalibur Prime has this kind of exclusivity aura that would be "damaged" by having players with the same appearance, no matter what.

It's not only that Excalibur Prime won't come back, but there won't be any sort of compensation or "non-founders-version".



And I say this as someone who would vote for its re-release; I honestly think that the more stuff we all have available the better it is, I'm highly against exclusivity in general.

But sadly, this is the way it is, Excalibur Prime is meant to be like it currently is.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Please let this topic rest in peace. For my 2 cents I would like an alternative to Excalibur but at no point do I want Excalibur prime. I would much prefer a darker more twisted Excalibur, one that has been killing too long and grown to love it. Thank the founders for putting money into an unknown future for the game let the topic die once and for all.

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Please let this topic rest in peace. For my 2 cents I would like an alternative to Excalibur but at no point do I want Excalibur prime. I would much prefer a darker more twisted Excalibur, one that has been killing too long and grown to love it. Thank the founders for putting money into an unknown future for the game let the topic die once and for all.

This guy gets it. Bring on Ex3.

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Please let this topic rest in peace. For my 2 cents I would like an alternative to Excalibur but at no point do I want Excalibur prime. I would much prefer a darker more twisted Excalibur, one that has been killing too long and grown to love it. Thank the founders for putting money into an unknown future for the game let the topic die once and for all.


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H2K3 I did read your post so am sorry I did not make myself clear. Your idea of reducing him to a skin is more of an insult than asking for him that is my opinion. And honestly there is no way for Excalibur Prime to return in any format, so I believe that any post regarding him is futile. I only offered th fact that I would much prefer an alternative to the prime that's it, and look at how you respond by getting irate. This only proves that these posts serve no purpose other than get people's backs up.

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Please let this topic rest in peace. For my 2 cents I would like an alternative to Excalibur but at no point do I want Excalibur prime. I would much prefer a darker more twisted Excalibur, one that has been killing too long and grown to love it. Thank the founders for putting money into an unknown future for the game let the topic die once and for all.

soooooo you want the stalker? O.o lol before the excal rework i jokingly said to release excal prime and give us founders stalker frame xD i do like my excal prime though. would love a visual update when he gets PBR'd. give him a bit more bling cause right now i'd rather use the proto skin over the default ._. only reason i use the default prime helm is cause i kinda wanna show off excal prime but i also have arcanes on the helm xD

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Lordofscrugging sorry no I don't want the stalker I envision more something akin to the reavers from firefly in war frame form. Something that actually has eyes that glow with the energy colour you pick, because he actually wants the see his victims first hand. Something that is more like a berserker than a vengeful entity like the Stalker. I hope you can kind of understand where I am coming from.

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Lordofscrugging sorry no I don't want the stalker I envision more something akin to the reavers from firefly in war frame form. Something that actually has eyes that glow with the energy colour you pick, because he actually wants the see his victims first hand. Something that is more like a berserker than a vengeful entity like the Stalker. I hope you can kind of understand where I am coming from.

that sounds more like a completely new frame rather than a "twisted" version of excal

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that sounds more like a completely new frame rather than a "twisted" version of excal


Not really as I am more focused on the helm, as you say you show Excalibur Prime through the helm. Also his abilities do fit a berserker style. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't want some twisted look to the body as well.

I apologise to the OP as we are getting off topic.

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