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Question To All People Who Hate Draco


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Honestly it shouldn't bother me and for the most part I honestly don't care. But I won't lie that at times it does. I have a personal problem with people expecting me to lvl them or skate them through the game (aka the taxi). I have a issue when I get a pm that go like "camping?---> no---> -silence-" I have an issue with people bring a mesa in or a gmag expecting their draco/camping/farming roles to just work. I have an issue when people join in a game ready to camp and if we don't they do squat while everyone else picks up the slack. I have an issue with people who camp and god help you if you mess up their system cause will you get an eyeful of their crap. Or when you invite people thinking cause they are higher MR with good equips they will be able to hold their own...LoL from that surprise. But the most annoying by far and thank god the rarest is when you get a new person that has high mr telling you how something is suppose to happen or go down even when they are wrong that just won't stop.


Do I have a problem with draco? Not at all! forma and weapons makes draco seem like paradise. It's when draco starts to leak into what I actually do that I have a problem with. 

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I don't a problem with draco. I have a problem with people that farm draco and expect me to sit around and be bored while playing a video game, something I do for fun. I don't know... do they expect me to go out and buy a gameboy and pokemon while they power level me? Not my style. I went there once was yelled at and never went back. I don't even have the node complete tbh.

Edited by Stouty22
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It's a breeding ground for gamers that have the worst mentality and playstyle and it brings cancer to games. These players suck the fun out of games for everyone else when devs nerf things and it affects everyone.


Funnily, it affects these players the least because they aren't having fun by playing the game, they are having fun by milking the drop system for all it's got.


However, other players who just enjoy playing(and are actually playing) the game are affected the most because their favorite stuff gets broken because of someone who wants to max everything in a week's time and quit.

Edited by kiteohatto
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bad thing is none of you guys have given a justifiable reason to dislike Draco or the power farmers that goes there you are just a bunch of senseless haters  that thinks they knows whats best about the game or whats best for everyone "touché"


 if you find it boring then play elsewhere


 if you don't like the frames in the group > play in private mode with friends.


you all were farmers and are farmers regardless of what you say. at one point along the way maybe its a quest maybe its mods maybe its points, you all farmed/grind for it , spamming all the abilities and mashing that 4-2-win style of play. you coptered, and if youre here long enough wall climbed to spots where you cant be touched and sniped away.


 nothing in this game is of value or it's gonna stay the same forever, neither are you gonna stay playing warframe forever. get it in your heads that everything in this game is all about "SPAM' that's how the game is and has always been and those who says other wise is simply delusional.


 give the hatred a rest already, it's too obvious now that its the only thing you do and that is gripe and whine and hate on others when theyre doing or playing and having fun.

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bad thing is none of you guys have given a justifiable reason to dislike Draco or the power farmers that goes there you are just a bunch of senseless haters


"not giving a reason" and "giving a reason that refuses to be heard" are two different things. Most people in this thread gave their reasons, you've just decided that those reasons are all fake.


And the "don't like it, don't play it" doesn't work, and never will. We're all playing the same game here, being in different lobbies won't change that.

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I thought I practically begged you 2-3 months ago to stop quoting me, it's really creepy and for that amount of posts on a furums it seems like it all you do<< troll.

Edited by ranks21
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bad thing is none of you guys have given a justifiable reason to dislike Draco or the power farmers that goes there you are just a bunch of senseless haters  that thinks they knows whats best about the game or whats best for everyone


Don't know if troll or simply not understanding.


We gave reasons that we justified from our own experiences. If you don't like our reasons, that is your prerogative. But we have them and we gave them.


Telling us to 'just play elsewhere' is not going to win you any friends. We already DO since the people who cheese it have ruined it for us.

Edited by Kalenath
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I thought I practically begged you 2-3 months ago to stop quoting me, it's really creepy and for that amount of posts on a furums it seems like it all you do<< troll.


I don't recall anything like that, though you have been known to insult me on occasion. I definitely appreciate being called creepy, and disagreement and trolling are definitely the same thing.

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Y'see, when people say this, my question is: "has there always been two macros and two bystanders at these various locations?

Perhaps yes there will always be a lootcave (though that isn't guaranteed) but the pointis not the fact that there is a lootcave, it's what happens inside. Regular gameplay? Let it be, sure. Ridiculous monotonous ability spamming? That's not as acceptable.

And also, you know, the fact that draco setups have started to infect other game modes.

I've seen old macro'd ODD runs with vauban. Granted they haven't all been macro heavy lootcaves, like Draco meta is. Though with the right setups in teams (which the recent greedy peacemaker duo being most common right now) other specific loadouts could be macro'd for similar effect in older areas.

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A game is entertainment, not a job.  Some players will want to do the hardest things, in the hardest way with the most challening tools possible.  Other gamers will want to do things in a more casual manner.  A well designed game seeking to capture both audiences needs to offer ways for both groups (and many other groups) to play as they wish.  If every hardcore gamer quit over Draco, the company, and thus the game, suffers.  If every casual player quits over the time requirements for the grind, the company, and thus the game, suffers.  Both groups need to accept that if the player base suddenly dropped by half, all of these updates and new gear we get will fall off as the earnings potential of the time spent on these changes will diminish.


The disconnect on this topics, is the subset of gamers who wish to enforce their own playstyle on other gamers.  "I worked hard to get this because I wanted to work hard to get this" becomes a rallying cry to cast disperions on anything that a more casual player can accomplish without as much blood, sweat and tears. 


In the end, none of us should care how another player plays.  If I want to solo my way to MR19, that's my business.  If I want to hit draco on Fridays and speed things up that's my busienss too.  Neither scenario, in any way, changes the quality of *your* daily gameplay.  You play your way, and let others play their ways. 


It takes a wide range of intersts and styles to help a game reach a broad market.  Take one of the broadest market games around, WOW.  There are plenty of ways to powerlevel up and get stuff fast.  Thre are just as many ways to do things by sticking with the story and going linearly through the zones and do hard core progression raiding.  The key is that the player base accepts that both styles are valid and it's about enjoying your own play and not stressing over what someone else, who is not even in your group, is playing.  When I hear these cries, I feel like I'm listening to children bicker because they have identical toys in different colors.  Jealousy, pride and greed.


No play style is superior to another play style.  It's a game.  it is entertainment.  How you gain entertainment from it is neither superior nor inferior to how someone else gains entertainment from it.  You like action movies, they like comedies or dramas.  It's all good.  Eat your popcorn, enjoy your movie and don't stress over what everyone else is doing in the next theater over.

Edited by Ofbac
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Honestly it shouldn't bother me and for the most part I honestly don't care. But I won't lie that at times it does. I have a personal problem with people expecting me to lvl them or skate them through the game (aka the taxi). I have a issue when I get a pm that go like "camping?---> no---> -silence-" I have an issue with people bring a mesa in or a gmag expecting their draco/camping/farming roles to just work. I have an issue when people join in a game ready to camp and if we don't they do squat while everyone else picks up the slack. I have an issue with people who camp and god help you if you mess up their system cause will you get an eyeful of their crap. Or when you invite people thinking cause they are higher MR with good equips they will be able to hold their own...LoL from that surprise. But the most annoying by far and thank god the rarest is when you get a new person that has high mr telling you how something is suppose to happen or go down even when they are wrong that just won't stop.


Do I have a problem with draco? Not at all! forma and weapons makes draco seem like paradise. It's when draco starts to leak into what I actually do that I have a problem with. 

Maybe we need a group vote to kick a team member.

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I have no Idea why some people have issues with power-gamers.


If 4 people want to get together on a node with 4 frames that yield the most exp for the least effort, why is this a problem ?


If some one wants to take the slow boat to gain exp and enjoy the scenery good for them but one style of playing is no better /worst than the other.

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No play style is superior to another play style.  It's a game.  it is entertainment.  How you gain entertainemnt from it is neither superior nor inferior to how someone else gains entertainment from it.


I think it's safe to say that at least 80% of the people who post in these forums strongly disagree with this statement. Most forum posters feel that the only correct way to play is their way, and that DE should force everyone to play that way.

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I don't have a problem with draco or with people that farm on draco.

Each player can do WTH they want as long as they are not in an open squad matchmaking. I never even once played on Draco and i don't think I will ever play on it (High level interception missions are kind boring because it forces u to stay put defending a capture point, if u move around too much u will lose your tower, but sadly u are forced to do those if u are in need of a T4 key). I do, on the other hand, have a problem how De is trying to solve this power farmers issue.

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I don't really care about Draco tbh...

I don't really care about gamers who are only into FOTM tactics and grinding either...

It's all just fringe to me... Like wearing Red or Pink in February.


What I really don't like is the general lack of restraint that many(imo) come to regular games with.... Keep that crap where you built it for and limit yourself to invite only groups and you'd probably see fewer nerfs to it.



bad thing is none of you guys have given a justifiable reason to dislike Draco or the power farmers that goes there you are just a bunch of senseless haters  that thinks they knows whats best about the game or whats best for everyone "touché"


 if you find it boring then play elsewhere


 if you don't like the frames in the group > play in private mode with friends.


you all were farmers and are farmers regardless of what you say. at one point along the way maybe its a quest maybe its mods maybe its points, you all farmed/grind for it , spamming all the abilities and mashing that 4-2-win style of play. you coptered, and if youre here long enough wall climbed to spots where you cant be touched and sniped away.


 nothing in this game is of value or it's gonna stay the same forever, neither are you gonna stay playing warframe forever. get it in your heads that everything in this game is all about "SPAM' that's how the game is and has always been and those who says other wise is simply delusional.


 give the hatred a rest already, it's too obvious now that its the only thing you do and that is gripe and whine and hate on others when theyre doing or playing and having fun.



Bare in mind that the last few nerfs came from players (like you) who enjoy those tactics randomly subjecting regular players to them.


Do you really think that if players who enjoy the "meta" playstyle had shown restraint in normal or public missions those nerfs would have happened?

I don't... Because that restraint would have kept players from complaining.


If all the nerfs are starting to feel punitive (and all the complaints posts from farmers suggest that they feel it is) ya'll might want to stop and take stock in your behavior.


Hek, I detest nerfs and hate to see them happen... But I've played long enough to know that when players don't practice restraint, the issue gets so hot that changes are bound to occur.


DE is having to put mechanical means in place to amend the "meta" behavior now because those players won't practice enough restraint to do it themselves.


Yes, many things change... But you need to accept the fact that the trend in this game asserts that the moment the argument of "un-fun" gets used, the issue just got serious.

You don't have to like it, but you do have to deal with it if you plan to play this game.

...Just like everyone else.

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I have no Idea why some people have issues with power-gamers.


If 4 people want to get together on a node with 4 frames that yield the most exp for the least effort, why is this a problem ?


If some one wants to take the slow boat to gain exp and enjoy the scenery good for them but one style of playing is no better /worst than the other.

Works in ideal world....but not here.


The group of 4 "power-gamers" are the ones who grab the attention of developers and this results in nerfs for people who weren't power-gaming.


From a company point of view which is better ? Guys who want to game the system to maximize reward and minimize effort or guys who just enjoy playing the game and take their time with their progress ?


IMO the second group, more relaxed gamers are better, they will stick with the game for longer because they are playing for fun.


The power-gamers are playing for max loot+least effort and are going to burn out(doing the same stuff over and over) and quit/take a break, which is not a good thing for developers....

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bad thing is none of you guys have given a justifiable reason to dislike Draco or the power farmers that goes there you are just a bunch of senseless haters  that thinks they knows whats best about the game or whats best for everyone "touché"


 if you find it boring then play elsewhere


 if you don't like the frames in the group > play in private mode with friends.


you all were farmers and are farmers regardless of what you say. at one point along the way maybe its a quest maybe its mods maybe its points, you all farmed/grind for it , spamming all the abilities and mashing that 4-2-win style of play. you coptered, and if youre here long enough wall climbed to spots where you cant be touched and sniped away.


 nothing in this game is of value or it's gonna stay the same forever, neither are you gonna stay playing warframe forever. get it in your heads that everything in this game is all about "SPAM' that's how the game is and has always been and those who says other wise is simply delusional.


 give the hatred a rest already, it's too obvious now that its the only thing you do and that is gripe and whine and hate on others when theyre doing or playing and having fun.


I gave my reasons...you don't like it? I call that a personal issue.


People trying to justify draco are just as meh as the scores trying to tear it down. Both have valid points but as long as i'm not affected (which I just stated I am) I could give less then two squirts about nerfing them or not~

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A game is entertainment, not a job.  Some players will want to do the hardest things, in the hardest way with the most challening tools possible.  Other gamers will want to do things in a more casual manner.  A well designed game seeking to capture both audiences needs to offer ways for both groups (and many other groups) to play as they wish.  If every hardcore gamer quit over Draco, the company, and thus the game, suffers.  If every casual player quits over the time requirements for the grind, the company, and thus the game, suffers.  Both groups need to accept that if the player base suddenly dropped by half, all of these updates and new gear we get will fall off as the earnings potential of the time spent on these changes will diminish.


The disconnect on this topics, is the subset of gamers who wish to enforce their own playstyle on other gamers.  "I worked hard to get this because I wanted to work hard to get this" becomes a rallying cry to cast disperions on anything that a more casual player can accomplish without as much blood, sweat and tears. 


In the end, none of us should care how another player plays.  If I want to solo my way to MR19, that's my business.  If I want to hit draco on Fridays and speed things up that's my busienss too.  Neither scenario, in any way, changes the quality of *your* daily gameplay.  You play your way, and let others play their ways. 


It takes a wide range of intersts and styles to help a game reach a broad market.  Take one of the broadest market games around, WOW.  There are plenty of ways to powerlevel up and get stuff fast.  Thre are just as many ways to do things by sticking with the story and going linearly through the zones and do hard core progression raiding.  The key is that the player base accepts that both styles are valid and it's about enjoying your own play and not stressing over what someone else, who is not even in your group, is playing.  When I hear these cries, I feel like I'm listening to children bicker because they have identical toys in different colors.  Jealousy, pride and greed.


No play style is superior to another play style.  It's a game.  it is entertainment.  How you gain entertainment from it is neither superior nor inferior to how someone else gains entertainment from it.  You like action movies, they like comedies or dramas.  It's all good.  Eat your popcorn, enjoy your movie and don't stress over what everyone else is doing in the next theater over.

Now ur post is good but the issue is i kind of care because what everyone else does that DE does not like will affectme.

some example greedy pull nerf sure in itself greedy pull is good augmentation i always liked having a Mag around cause well her greedy pull build also allowed for crowed control to happend with her crush and also i didn't have to look for items they would always be at her feet.

But why did it get nerf huh.......was it DE thinking let just change it or did DE saw hey this is being abuse and causing the game to not be the way we wanted it.

Then we have the AFK thing why do you think that was implemented because we have players that like to leech of others.

Those decision affect both solo players and co-op groups.what if a co-op group ran 2 chromas 1 gmag and 1 limbo farm infested for credits?

well can they do this now?yeah but why because the abuse that had occur with gmag was based on the fact of energy orbs being used to feed the turret like ability and spamming.It wasn't to kill the viability of greedy pull but now only credits are the only use and resources and orbs are only mag only.

(if u ask how it happend u only need 1 team member to pick up credits so u basically have limbo banish both chroma to feed their energy in the rift and have them put effigy up.Then have Mag in an area away from danger using Greedy pull. and limbo keeping the pod safe in cataclysm.)

Now then you say and i quote

n the end, none of us should care how another player plays.  If I want to solo my way to MR19, that's my business.  If I want to hit draco on Fridays and speed things up that's my busienss too.  Neither scenario, in any way, changes the quality of *your* daily gameplay.  You play your way, and let others play their ways. 

so yeah i kind of do care if how they play ends up affecting me,and then on the other hand DE definitely cares if their game is not being played as intended or the way they in vision it.(after all they look at the metrics and they look at our perspective then they make decision on what to follow with)
On my other post i put in spoiler about how the 2nd level of the latest event on grineer protecting him took place in the same environment as Draco does.The same tileset the same enemy and about the same level as they increase i found this coincendial but now looking at the nerf they must have used the data and the player opinion to come up with the solution.Because if DE reviewed that data what do you think they found being most used.What frames,what powers,what weapons(i am sure little of this was found),and how many times were they ran.
So now even thought some people didn't do the event or play the event the certain way DE saw it on the metric what the majority did.I am sure they played their event at some point and tested it for themselves and came to conclusion on things that got to change so their game will be played as they vision.

Edited by Leavith
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I hate the LACK of more nodes like Draco because its the only goddamn node in the game that I can 6 forma something in under an hour in reliably with a 2-3 man squad. I hate the fact that I, and other players that play the game as efficiently as possible because our time on planet earth is finite, are constantly told that we're "exploiting the system" by using the tools given to us by the game's creators. If there were other missions that promoted super cool ninja like play that didn't rely on AFK abilities like Mesa's 4 and rewarded skillful play and scaled with difficulty rather than what happens now, players like us wouldn't exist. We'd play those missions because they're as fun as they are rewarding. As it stands, however, there is no reason for me to go to a spy mission to gain some xp and get some drops rather than me heading to Draco and 30'ing my weapon in 3 or so waves.


It's a sad reality that someone has to play this "ninja" game like this, but it is what it is. Chances are that rather than address the core problem that leveling is too damn slow for any weapon that needs more than a single forma to be effective, the devs will just nerf Draco and call it a day. Then another loot cave might spring up in maps 2.0, but that remains to be seen. We'll find out soon enough.

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Thing about Drao is that right now it is the only nod worth playing more than once. Tell me right now what mission is worth doing outside of void runs for certain parts? The starmap is dead for most parts, only certain nods are played because those are the only ones that are rewarding enough to play. Progression and rewards are needed to keep people in the game, slow it down and you slow the enjoyment of the game.

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Thing about Drao is that right now it is the only nod worth playing more than once. Tell me right now what mission is worth doing outside of void runs for certain parts? The starmap is dead for most parts, only certain nods are played because those are the only ones that are rewarding enough to play. Progression and rewards are needed to keep people in the game, slow it down and you slow the enjoyment of the game.


Yup !


The last two nights there has been nothing up for invasions except two Phroid Assassinations and one Grineer/Corpus 5 Mission exterminate.


^^^ These give you no significant gains ^^^ and linger for days.

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I hate the LACK of more nodes like Draco because its the only goddamn node in the game that I can 6 forma something in under an hour in reliably with a 2-3 man squad. I hate the fact that I, and other players that play the game as efficiently as possible because our time on planet earth is finite, are constantly told that we're "exploiting the system" by using the tools given to us by the game's creators. If there were other missions that promoted super cool ninja like play that didn't rely on AFK abilities like Mesa's 4 and rewarded skillful play and scaled with difficulty rather than what happens now, players like us wouldn't exist. We'd play those missions because they're as fun as they are rewarding. As it stands, however, there is no reason for me to go to a spy mission to gain some xp and get some drops rather than me heading to Draco and 30'ing my weapon in 3 or so waves.


It's a sad reality that someone has to play this "ninja" game like this, but it is what it is. Chances are that rather than address the core problem that leveling is too damn slow for any weapon that needs more than a single forma to be effective, the devs will just nerf Draco and call it a day. Then another loot cave might spring up in maps 2.0, but that remains to be seen. We'll find out soon enough.

Look if DE fixed the problem things like draco they would cause problems to alot of the other aspects of the game.and no the tools the game creators were given at different time ,if they were given at the same time i would see how you can think they were given to us to sue together and exploit this,but different time basically means they were release to bring new things to the game not to change the game to something they don't want their game to be.

Simple way to look at it if

basic a run down

DE nerfed the amount of affinity one gets from mission that bring endless waves of enemies and the drop rate of items that are from endless waves of enemies u sure wouldn't be happy.

And apparently i am glad u don't notice their are other nodes like draco the reason why cause you clearly said its the only node in the game that i can forma 6 in an hour.Which of course is a lie but small world right haven't tested any other notes perhaps?

Well news flash they are way simpler and easier to farm_draco is just a lootcave_ (which is surprising to say they are easier nodes to farm)and their are other loot cave that drop Orokin cells as well as provide t4 keys are the end.And u can acquire experience.

U want to focus on resources and get them fast u pick a node with alot of enemies high spawn rate and low level.You want alot of experiance fast you pick a node with alot of eximus or high level enemies that will not over run you.Draco just has both like other nodes.

See all the solution that could fix Draco are bad for the full player community and DE knows it.

Sooner or later DE might just put a timer for maintance after all we are suits of armor .whats been keeping the armor maintain so after so many mission one has to put away the warframe and change to another one.


in conclusion anything that would fix things like Draco would not been fun fixes,but since Warframe does not revolve around draco they are bound to fix things like draco,and this fixes will affect players that don't even bother with draco,or play solo.So tell me now child are you done venting ur frustrution why people should want more draco?

Oh and even if their were nodes that promoted cool ninja play people who do draco wouldn't play them to hard for them and they would be leeches.


You got players that use Draco to get weapons to 6 forma and you got players who use draco to carry themselves and leech.

Seens that the only solution would be lock nodes on play time hours....oh no one would enjoy if u had to have a certain amount of play time to unlock endless missions.But seriously playtime is about the easiest difference between a person who uses draco and a person who leeches of draco.(or you could say loot cave)\


P.S. once starchart 3.0 comes we should have other mission that do the same as Draco in rewards and exp/resources ,but people aren't gonna leave draco ,because Draco(or lootcave with the same mechanic as draco) require little interaction u can leave as someone said you cup on the keyboard and would basically play the game for you inn draco .So yeah people aren't just gonna leave draco if they were other nodes that require different playstyle but are the same in the rewarding fashion of exp and resources.

Oh the Juggernaut capture event provided me with alot of rank i think i did manage to rank 25 a rank 1 weapon their just one run with melee weapon thought because of all the eximus they had.Just stealth kill them with exceution .

i got the weapon equipped it put pressure point on it and went to town with stealth invi killed on them.simple capture mission faster then doing draco in getting my melee max rank.Now since melee don't require so much forma i didn't have to repeat much.Just on 2x took the chance to forma the stance slot on my weapon for the better stance.

Edited by Leavith
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I have no Idea why some people have issues with power-gamers.


If 4 people want to get together on a node with 4 frames that yield the most exp for the least effort, why is this a problem ?


If some one wants to take the slow boat to gain exp and enjoy the scenery good for them but one style of playing is no better /worst than the other.


It's because they can't sneer at the peasants who haven't sunk hundreds of dollars into the game anymore. Why sink hundreds of dollars into a game to gleefully laugh at other players suffering to only see them use some setups to cut the grind down considerably?


On a less snarky note I would agree that Draco embodies everything that is wrong with Warframe but in a different way than the cool kids gang seems to do. What I mean by that is that only seeing Draco as the embodiment of the meta is extremely shortsighted as is the general "meta bad, hurr durr" attitude. There's always gonna be a lootcave but there's a reason why the meta is so widespread and pervasive. The issues of extreme reward disparagies, and a steady increase in grind walls etc have been brought up time and again - DE not only has simply bandaided the issue like some people already pointed out but really only exacerbating it. And oh yeah Steve can claim that they're not afraid to do any radical changes and starmap 2.0 and everything's gonna magically be fixed yadda yadda - DEs been doing this sthtick for more than 2 years now and if their past actions is any indications starmap 2.0 won't fix anything and instead they're gonna continue to exacerbate the issue while pounding down the symptoms that continue to pop up faster and faster.

At this point they don't seem to know what to do but rely 100% on the skinner box while trying to squeeze as many dollars out of their whales as possible and ride this train until it crashes and burns.

Edited by DitsyPixie
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I have no Idea why some people have issues with power-gamers.


If 4 people want to get together on a node with 4 frames that yield the most exp for the least effort, why is this a problem ?


If some one wants to take the slow boat to gain exp and enjoy the scenery good for them but one style of playing is no better /worst than the other.

see the issue is not if 4 people do this i am cool with it.

The issue is when u bring this to random and public matches.

Then when you try to apply this same logic to the people who just joined to have fun.

Like people said their are not many nodes people actaully play but you can always count on draco being played .so if u want to play with people you goto draco ,but then people don't want you in draco cause ur not like them and then you don't want to be in draco cause ur not having fun.So u leave ,but you still want to play with people.then u just face.


An example i did an interception mission the guy wanted 4 loki i thought maybe he is gonna have fun with this so i asked him what build what the strategy is he tells me then....then once we are inside he said don't kill and just murder things that get near the consoles we don't want to spawn any nulls.....i am like kind fo  hard to do i kind of play this game for fun.He says well so do i but this t4 interception.It wasn't even the guys keys i ask the key holder he said nothing.They were cool with playing like this well since the key holder was cool with it i had to play this way did i have fun..No..but i wanted to reap the rewards.Then after 10 round we were gonna extract well everyone except the key holder extracted so we lost the rewards and it said mission failed.

Well i was upset it was waste of my finite time on earth not having fun

Edited by Leavith
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