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Question To All People Who Hate Draco


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This discussion will never end, huh?


Listen, if you want Draco to stay just the way it is, too bad.


It's going to change. The reasons are obvious. Chief among them is It trivializes the rest of the starchart. There's a reason new players can't find groups to progress through the game with in public matchmaking: Draco.


Cry all you want. I'll enjoy the salt with my popcorn and DE will enjoy continued growth because new players will actually be able to play the game.





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I don't mind Draco - people do what they want to do.


The problem I do have with Draco is the fact that it's a power leveling hub and it really hurts some players and just because some people don't actually experience this doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Just yesterday I played with a MR16 frost who literally had no idea that frost's powers slow enemies down. Really? You didn't know the ice frame slows people down with ice? I was shocked like, how do you have a max leveled frost at MR16 and don't know how his powers worked? The player then stated that they power leveled in Draco using snowglobe and that's it while a mesa did all the killing. This isn't even a Draco problem but all the experience system in general and Draco is just a small part in a rather big problem.


Now, I have no problem with people playing as they like but when they join my game and literally have no idea how to use their frames properly and end up being a liability, that's a problem.


I don't care about people farming exp. That's fine. But dang at least play the game at some point to learn how to actually play with people who do other nodes or missions. Sure, I could play with friends but that's just the easy answer isn't it. I like to host games with strangers and it's been more than one occasion when I've had a player that I expect to hold their own but instead completely and utterly can't do anything to help themselves.


Furthermore, I joined a game yesterday as mag and got my butt chewed out because the other teammates thought I was a scrub who didn't read the patch notes about gpull's nerf. I don't even own gpull but I was apparently scum just for maining mag. Draco comes attached with stigmas and really, the node isn't just the problem but a whole host of things like grinding, exp, and players'  attitudes in general. It's great for farmers and whatnot and those who enjoy the mode but it's really turning a blind eye to others' opinions like well, this node is not hurting you outside of Draco so therefore, you should leave it alone. As if the whole system isn't affecting anything outside of Draco at all. Maybe I'm biased because I've had a lot of bad experiences due to players and the Draco stigma but you can't ignore the fact that it's clearly not perfect and there's not one solid answer to solve it.


But again, I have no issues with Draco or the people who play it. The problem does comes when you have folks who can't do anything else in game or those players who hate on you just because you play mag or mesa or whatever the meta is. Draco comes with baggage that doesn't just stay in Draco.

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This discussion will never end, huh?


Listen, if you want Draco to stay just the way it is, too bad.


It's going to change. The reasons are obvious. Chief among them is It trivializes the rest of the starchart. There's a reason new players can't find groups to progress through the game with in public matchmaking: Draco.


Cry all you want. I'll enjoy the salt with my popcorn and DE will enjoy continued growth because new players will actually be able to play the game.


Oh the naivete, such sweet innocence. Yeah sure getting rid of Draco will fix everything just like the gmag change solved the mesa meta amirite?

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Oh the naivete, such sweet innocence. Yeah sure getting rid of Draco will fix everything just like the gmag change solved the mesa meta amirite?

I think Draco isn't really the problem but the exp system, farming, the grind, etc. I'm sure there's going to be some bandaid fix like a lot of things but a lot more than Draco is going to have to change. I mean, you're correct, what's really going to stop other people from farming other nodes or finding a new meta that's just as efficient? Like, wasn't there a recent thread about nerfing mag but people are just going to use EV trinity instead?

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Draco isn't an issue, just the players that are using it religiously. 


Many new players seriously believe it's the only way to level anything.  While it is a great place to go to power level your items, it does nothing to teach team work, non-meta builds or exploring tiles and appreciating all the hard work DE has gone to make visually stunning missions.


And let's not forget the toxicity the Draco players have been fostering.  If you aren't good there, you're a nub, scrub, noob, loser, baby, and any other insult they feel they can get away with using. 


I'm not trying to say that Draco is the sole cause of that type of behavior, we've had other meta farming tiles, but this is the first time I've seen it this bad since I started playing.


The best way to fix this, is for DE to take a look at XP, loot gain and the quality of their missions.  Even adjusting one of those three things would probably help.

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Many new players seriously believe it's the only way to level anything.  While it is a great place to go to power level your items, it does nothing to teach team work, non-meta builds or exploring tiles and appreciating all the hard work DE has gone to make visually stunning missions.


This is so true. I don't even do public games anymore because all I get are a bunch of draco babies and I end up carrying the squad. I had a guy that was rank 15 in my squad the other day and he had no idea when to hit the air in survival and was just hitting them randomly. He wasn't even trolling, he really just didn't know and almost none of his weapons had over 1000 kills when I looked at his profile.


I honestly have no idea how DE could let this whole Mesa/Draco thing go on for so long. Peacemaker takes almost every ounce of interaction away from the game depending on what you're doing. How, in a game like warframe, could there be a skill that makes 3/4 of your squad useless and forces them to sit around and scurry around the map for loot?

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I honestly have no idea how DE could let this whole Mesa/Draco thing go on for so long. Peacemaker takes almost every ounce of interaction away from the game depending on what you're doing.


This is my issue with the Gmag nerf.


Gmag isn't the issue, Mesa (and to a lesser extent Saryn) are the issue.  Fix those powers and greedy pull goes back to being a nice gameplay convienence mod and not part of an "I WIN" combo button.

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see the issue is not if 4 people do this i am cool with it.

The issue is when u bring this to random and public matches.

Then when you try to apply this same logic to the people who just joined to have fun.

Like people said their are not many nodes people actaully play but you can always count on draco being played .so if u want to play with people you goto draco ,but then people don't want you in draco cause ur not like them and then you don't want to be in draco cause ur not having fun.So u leave ,but you still want to play with people.then u just face.


An example i did an interception mission the guy wanted 4 loki i thought maybe he is gonna have fun with this so i asked him what build what the strategy is he tells me then....then once we are inside he said don't kill and just murder things that get near the consoles we don't want to spawn any nulls.....i am like kind fo  hard to do i kind of play this game for fun.He says well so do i but this t4 interception.It wasn't even the guys keys i ask the key holder he said nothing.They were cool with playing like this well since the key holder was cool with it i had to play this way did i have fun..No..but i wanted to reap the rewards.Then after 10 round we were gonna extract well everyone except the key holder extracted so we lost the rewards and it said mission failed.

Well i was upset it was waste of my finite time on earth not having fun


So quit leeching and farm your own keys?


Ya gotta admire the self-entitlement in these "I'm too lazy to farm my own void keys but I'm still gonna cry in the forums about the people who are generous enough to share their keys with me" posts.

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So quit leeching and farm your own keys?

Ya gotta admire the self-entitlement in these "I'm too lazy to farm my own void keys but I'm still gonna cry in the forums about the people who are generous enough to share their keys with me" posts.

Look i admired the quote really do ,and I can only hope u got into this conclusion because u didn't use the detail I gave then again u don't think like I do.

For one I have my own keys

For two the reason I was working with was because he mention lets full Loki team something different from what I am used to seeing it I thought it sounded fun and I volunteer my Loki to do the mission he was offering.i mean hey when do u get the chance to work with a full Loki team

For three I ask the key holder what the strategy was he mention go all invi simple that what I thought

For four a different guy not the key holder goes on to say hey don't kill anyone we don't want any nulls spawning but kill those that go near the console,which I later states kind of hard cause I usually play for fun regarding that is usually a parade of killing when you run full Loki invi team.this was not the key holder idea

For five the key holder say nothing and the other guy is okay with it so I do the mission with them since we had already enter what am I expected to do be that guy who leaves as soon as the mission starts

For six since I am not gonna be able to have fun I thought I might as well do it for the reward so I did the strategy they were going for

For seven then when everyone was going to extract the key holder decided to stay back at 1sec and we all in the team lost the reward.

So tell me how I am leeching or doing anything wrong I did my part for them played the way they were playing .and since I wasn't playing any more cause I thought it was fun my focus became the reward and that's not wrong.leaving me would have been a jerk move in my opinion after all I volunteer and the key holder accepted me.

Just for reference I had to revive 3 x my teammates had to melee for to death and the reason why our key holder was not saying anything and stayed behind was because he gone ask for 7 waves and we did 10 waves,I was keeping his orbit clear by snipping any enemies that got near the consoles.

Edited by Leavith
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This is my issue with the Gmag nerf.


Gmag isn't the issue, Mesa (and to a lesser extent Saryn) are the issue.  Fix those powers and greedy pull goes back to being a nice gameplay convienence mod and not part of an "I WIN" combo button.




It would still put one person in charge of another persons mission rewards.


I've spent 0 time in Draco or in team farms and I absolutely detest GMag because of the capacity for griefing they possess.


A mean spirited GMag has the ability to ensure that almost no one gets loot in the mission but themselves.

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