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Nobody Cares About Archwing


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you get that joke was done already?


Anyway as a fan of space style shooters, its a real shame they haven't done just more with it.


They need some base things: indicators on the side of your screen with red arrows pointing out near by enemies (the map is crap and doesn't work in 3 dimenions)


switch up play modes that actually has chases, battles and actual cool space faring stuff.


Turn every archwing into a super carrier, that pulls in loot from all over.

Yeah, archwing needs some serious love.


Honestly, DE seemed to just make it and toss it into the game with little foresight. Hell, they're even making sharkwing while the archwing has so much potential. They seem to favor pushing out some new content to dump into the hype train's furnace instead of actually making worthwhile mechanics that people can hop into and enjoy.  Archwing could have been really great, but like most hype fuel it was just left to die after its first use.


Enemies need to not be either little dots that you gun down from far away, or huge dots that pwn you from up close.  There's practically no in between as far as archwing goes.  Melee in the higher levels is a definite no go as while your glued to one enemy your screen will shorty become cluttered with missiles and lasers to destroy your warframe.  Melee becomes pointless unless there's only one or two enemies around.


Then there's this large disconnect from the main game.  Archwing has no impact or influence on when our warframes are on foot.  It's just fly around for a bit and extract, except you're usually flying around either an empty space or a constricted one.  There's no in between and little variety.  The maps feel desolate and empty and the enemies look as though they're out of place too.  Archwing doesn't look or feel natural at all.  It doesn't help that space is big and enemies seem to spawn around the area we're allowed in.


New mission types and hybrid missions are something I wouldn't mind either.  Also being able to acquire main game things in archwing and archwing stuff in the main game would be a plus in my book.  All in all, it just needs some actual attention to make it what it live up to what was originally hyped up to be long ago.

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Archwing is the sort of thing that should've come AFTER they had a solid game. Right now, its sitting on top of a game that still has a mountain of issues to sort through. But DE's motto seems to be 'Twelve steps ahead, two steps back to fix some things, then eighteen more steps ahead'. THey've overreached by a LOT. They keep saying this is Beta but they don't act like it. 

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I've still yet to obtain a single Archwing gun other than Imperator and its Vandal variant. I'm fine with farming for parts for Prime weapons, but regular weapons should NOT be gated behind part farming. Especially not in a mode that is still really new (in the grand scheme of things) and has barely any content.


One thing that would be interesting to see added to Archwing is each Warframe offering a different passive bonus when used there. Doesn't have to be anything game-breaking, just enough to differentiate them a bit.

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I liked every opinion i saw in this post!

I have nothing against the DE tossing their ideas at us. They do regular patches and watch over the game to see how it evolves.
But the fact is, it's been since october 2014 that the AW has been released and nothing really new appeared on that side of the game.

Anyway, i saw some cool things in the latest devstreams so apparently the DE is getting some real attention to archwing!! :)


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Archwing lacks content. ok


No connection. theres none but tbh there shouldnt be one since its so different, imo it should just be separate game. Its like throwing kinect to every game despite game not needing it.


Mod creativity?? whats that?? never heard of it, i just slap dmg on top of dmg.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Why would people care about Archwing when... #1 Leveling is slow as hell (even with booster) , #2: Limited modification ,

#3: Lack of Variety , #4 Lack of Rewards. 


Hopefully U17 will fix AW to be really playable and enjoyable since the upcoming raid has an AW part on it.

Edited by Lus5ive
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I like it but there's nobody playing it and they shouldn't have rolled out EVERYTHING in one whop. They should have just started with Extermination, Sabotage - MAYBE Defense. Modes mostly you can solo. Its hard to get people to join you. Also, the rewards should be more than just Archwing stuff. It doesn't help you in the rest of the game! More thought could have went into it... but at least it isn't Conclave - now thats a DEAD ZONE...

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(Sh)archwing is a really really nice concept and I absolutely love the gameplay. What it needs is a good implementation into the regular missions. Transistions between different grinner ships as you plant bombs on each ship could be done in Archwing mode f.e. There's really tons of possibilities to take advantage of that system, DE  just needs to create that content.

And we need to give them the chance to prove they can do it right.


When ever the windows break in a room .... everyone should get sucked into space.


We would be able to use the weak windows of a ship to clear units by flushing them into space along with us. After beeing flushed into space Ordis will send us the archwing. Most unists will die just because of the space flight while the units that are still inside will get shredded by our guns.



More .... the current survival looks very dumb, just watch:


So, we start an alarm and they turn of the life support..............   buuuuuuuuuut they also send "meat bags" equipped with precious oxigen. More, they always try to find us just to be killed so we can survive more.




Here's how I would do Survival:


A lone tenno is raiding the ship.


We start in archwing mode and look for vulnerable parts situated in the oposite part of the ship. When Ordis finds us a weak spot, we break in, send back the archwing, and start the sealing procedure (the windows are covered with metal plates so air isn't lost).


Responding to our actions all life support is turned off and teleportation is jammed.


With limited life support (no other enemies will come) we'll have to find a way to do some damage to the ship. Ordis will guide us towards the nearest frequency jammer.


There, the device will be protected by locked doors and tactical squads equipped with heavy units, specialists (Manic / Bursa) and the new turrets. 


If we succede Ordiss will be able to send a life support pod that will replenish 100% life support and  the lone tenno will be able to get the reward while we kept them busy. Ordis will guide us to find another vulnerable part of the ship to give time for the lone tenno to find more stuff.


If we can't turn off the jammer in time ..... the lone tenno will abort and Ordis will find us a weak spot in the ship's hull so we can get out and try again or abort the mission.


If we try again ...... we will have to engage squads of enemies with our archwing untill Ordis finds us another vulnerable spot to start again.

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I don't like archwing because mods barely drop, and when they do are trash compared to regular warframe mods, and xp gains at a snails pace.


Why I can't use flow from my regular warframe on my archwing is just effing ridiculous.  If I could at least mod my archwing, I would MAYBE play it more but probably not.


My favorite part about these threads are all the people who jump in to defend archwing and say they play it all the time yet never actually play it because the tiles are completely empty.  If people actually loved archwing so much, the tiles wouldn't be empty.  It's like archwing is better to talk about than actually play.

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you guys have no idea. You see archwing? its a reflection of what warframe was when it began. It was like archwing for a long time after it all changed and was made in the beautiful game its now. 

They are doing the same evolution process with archwing. Give em time for tennos sake

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This topic has been done to death.


Its an alpha system tacked into a beta level game. (although im personally against games that stay in beta forever, to excuse the level of bugs and wonky content they have; which Warframe has a lot of)


I personally like the idea of it, but their is just so much wrong with it.


Personally I think it needs a lot more work and then you could have running gun battles through asteroid fields, explosions all around you, as you spin to avoid them.


It's such a good idea, but its implemented so poorly.


basically this


DE just completely faceplanted on arghwing


mediocre idea with a just incredibly lackluster implementation


and its just painful watching DE trying to work around it, the amount of man-hours that have been and are going to be sunk into arghwing and fishwing.... FFS we could be on update 18 right now =/

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basically this


DE just completely faceplanted on arghwing


mediocre idea with a just incredibly lackluster implementation


and its just painful watching DE trying to work around it, the amount of man-hours that have been and are going to be sunk into arghwing and fishwing.... FFS we could be on update 18 right now =/


Actually its oposite, they DIDNT put enough man-hours into it to make it great, the problem is that they promised people that archwing wont come at cost of main game, they were so afriad that people would think so, so they put very little time into making it great.


They spend far too much time trying to satisfy people who were from the beginning against archwing mode.

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you guys have no idea. You see archwing? its a reflection of what warframe was when it began. It was like archwing for a long time after it all changed and was made in the beautiful game its now.

They are doing the same evolution process with archwing. Give em time for tennos sake

Except that warframe when it began did not had to compete with current warframe. Also, warframe back then receive much more frequent update and DE attention than Archwing right now. Ask yourself why they stop putting effort into archwing months and several update ago. DE just left archwing bleed to its dead and hope that the newly improve sharkwing could save the day Edited by Neogeo
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Put me on the "I love Archwing" list. I really do enjoy what's there. There's certainly room for improvement though.


I think my main issue with it at the moment is that it feels like an entirely different game from Warframe. Archwing stuff has no bearing on the main game of Warframe and vice versa. The main game of Warframe is fairly complicated in all the things you can do with your character. Currently Archwing feels like 'less' all around, except for the bonus of having three dimensional combat. I'd like a bit more complexity in the overall Archwing combat in the future.


Basically, Archwing is very similar to the underwater segments of Monster Hunter 3. In fact, how mobility works is identical, but you can still do everything you normally can do with your character on land while in water. The environments also had land and water segments that you could transition to at will - which is something I feel like Warframe would benefit from a lot.


Good luck DE. Please keep at it.

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Archwing is too slow to be fun, especially the lame interception missions.


Kinda this, only because Odonata is a terribad slow Archwing.  Odonata needs a booster power similar to Itzal's blink.  Interception is hella fun and fast but only when you have Itzal. Every player's first exposure to Archwing shouldn't be the slowest and most bland Archwing in the game.

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Here's is why I don't bother to play Archwing.

1 Target acquire is hard. I spend too much time trying to locate the enemy rather than actually playing archwing.

2 Loot gather is hard. Some of the map is too huge and empty. Sprinting around trying to catch all drop is no fun.

3 Mission is too repetitive and not feeling rewarding. Running 50 times extermination/sabotage for one archwing part is too tedious.

4 Perhaps the most devastating issue. Nobody play archwing. I could spend 20 minute queuing for one interception only to have the other person quit at 1st reward.


DE, Please look at this.  I DO play Archwing several times a week (maybe like 10% of the time I play the game as a whole) but I would play and enjoy it a LOT more if you guys fixed this stuff.  I know there's nothing you can do about 4, but here's some things to consider for the others:


1) Every gun should have more zoom.  Enemies do not get all up in your face in Archwing like they do in the main game, and even if they did, Arch-melee stuns them while you're killing them, so if they get too close for the zoom, just melee them.  I have Dual Decurions, a Rathbone, and the Itzal as my main (and at this point, sole) loadout for Archwing.  The Dual Decurions are accurate enough that they're actually better at sniping than the freaking Velocitus, but I gotta agree that with the zoom they have it's damn hard.  They, and also the Imperator, both need a LOT more zoom.


2) Loot gathering IS hard.  Like I said I run an Itzal so I've learned to use the #3 ability to soak up loot into little piles, but if a player is using an Odonata or Elytron they lack any good means of accomplishing this.  This is especially true in Exterminate missions - at least in Interception I can just wait until we kill enough enemies to drop 3 energy orbs and basically loot gather for free.


Alternatively, why not make the gathered loot from the Itzal's #3 ability gather for all players, similar to GPull pre-nerf?  Another alternative would be to simply allow Sentinels in Archwing.  They're flying anyway so I'm not sure why the hell this wasn't done from the start.  If players were all flying around with a Carrier then a LOT of this would solve itself.  Not to mention there have been several times with a sentinel triggering Guardian would've saved my butt.


And I think with the removal of Stamina most of the "too much sprinting" problem will solve itself.  Itzal's stamina is really high so unless I just finished melee-ing like 20+ enemies at once I basically always have some stamina left (plus Blink is almost the exact distance between nodes in Interception so I don't have to sprint that much anyway).    However, when I get brave and decide to give my Elytron another try, I feel this pain pretty hard.


3) Archwing just needs more game modes, plain and simple.  I suggested one named Convoy myself a while back (which everyone who commented seemed to like and though would be an excellent implementation for an Archwing Mobile Defense of sorts).  There have been numerous threads about potential new Archwing modes.  This is the #1 thing that Archwing needs.  Exterminate is fun, and so is interception (I mean, it's a LOT more fun than Defense in the regular game, at any rate.  And the waves feel more balanced than something like Ceres/Pluto land-bound Interception.)  But if these were the only 2 modes in the base game, nobody would be playing any more.  No surprise that finding a group for Archwing takes so long when they know they're just gonna play the exact same mission for the 5 millionth time.  Yanno, variety being the spice of life and all that.


And I think 4 would solve itself if you addressed 1, 2, and 3, DE.

Edited by chuckdm
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