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So, How Are Your Ducat Supplies?


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After the recent rearranging of Ducat prices, how easy were you able to acquire the Void Trader's goods this week?


Now, I don't have a massive Ducat supply built up like some of the veterans of this game, but I have been doing an excessive amount of void farming.  I've acquired Ash Prime, Carrier Prime, and all Vectis Prime parts but the stock, and even then I felt like I was barely able to acquire all of his goods this time around.  I have no idea how I'm going to keep up with the Void Trader after these recent changes.  I lost over 200 Ducats in Loki Prime Helmets alone.  The only parts worth any Ducats at all are both incredibly rare and usually sell-able for a decent amount of Platinum.


But that's just my experience.  How are you all finding the Ducat changes?

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Before the ducat system I'd always save prime parts in hopes of them becoming useful in the future, my guts were right.


Now I sit on a pile of gold pieces exchanging them for exotic currency and laughing at the fools that sold pieces in bulk just to get some credit... hehe

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250 Ducats/week seems to be the current VT pricing for all new items, which is much too high.


I would say that 150/week for new items would be better manageable, but needing to acquire 400-600 every two week interval is forcing a lot of Void grind.

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Well, i started this week with a mere 80 ducats. After the release of Ash Prime i started to grind again to get his and the other goodies' parts. After approximately 10 hours played in 3 days of grind, i am still missing in total 3 parts (ash p sys, vectis rec and vectis stock) but now i've got almost 800 ducats. 

Edited by OzoneAle
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Ash Prime grind <- nuff said...




...and for people who don't get it:

I am pretty much stocked on ducats thanks to RNG since Ash parts don't drop for me so I have (had) a lot of Bo BPs, Sicarus BPs, Fangs BPs and blades, some Paris strings, few Burstons BPs, few Ember helmets and finally some Volt parts so yeah I would say getting ducats is pretty easy.


PS If you're really short on ducats do some (Void) Sabotage missions and find all 3 hidden caches for addittional loot (usually another prime part)

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After the recent rearranging of Ducat prices, how easy were you able to acquire the Void Trader's goods this week?

To be absolutely honest, I found it a bit easier overall. I'm finding that T1C actually ended up being very decent on the ducat supply with the endless amounts of Anky Gauntlets, which are now 20 ducats apiece.

I'm also glad to see that built Nyx Prime systems still go for 50 ducats each. Whereas, the unbuilt BP itself is only worth 10. I hate building those, and Odo Prime systems just for the ducat increase because it's just so obnoxious, but man, those things are real gems.


Overall I'm much happier with the overall rearrangement of drop rates, drop locations and ducat pricing. It doesn't feel as stressful as it did before. To me, at least. I just kind of do whatever voids I feel like doing, without going to "ducat farms" like T2Sab used to be for the constant supply of 50 ducat items.


Whenever the Void trader shows up, I tend to spend his appearance time frantically hustling for ducats. I make it a point to get 1000 ducats and 1mil creds ready for him bare minimum. After he disappears, I take a break from Ducat'ing and just play the game normally, and do syndicate missions to get more keys for next week's ducat grind. I'd say I put in probably 90 minutes per day of ducat farming for one week, and hitting the 1000 ducat average is easy. I've never broken my ! to acquire them, because I already got burnt out on this game during the Gatecrash event and don't have the slash mods as a result of my just going "nevermind why am I even playing this @(*()&#036; game screw this." Didn't get the Sheev either. The regret is real.


Making sure you actually continue to enjoy the game should be the #1 priority to me. Cuz otherwise, you're just going to amass a fortune you'll never use.

Edited by DiosGX
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I'm glad I sat on all of my extra prime parts before the Ducat release. I cashed in all my parts when it was released, making sure to keep a couple of extras to sell, and I'm still sitting pretty at 4k and haven't cashed in any parts since that day. Tons of new parts to cash in, just haven't done it.

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Low, I'll have enough to get Prisma Cleavers this week if I sell some stuff but I may not.  Working full time now I don't have the hours I used to have free to spend farming the Void.  Doesn't help being mastery 19 and now not having much to work on except brand new releases so the motivation to play is less as well.  What definitely doesn't help is the whole Prime Vault thing making me want to hang onto pieces more now waiting for when they are also removed from the game since it would then be better to sell them for plat.

Edited by Ralsk
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Had over 10K before baro appeared, now i'm siting at 9985, so i don't need to farm.


Everynow and then i do void missions, i simply enjoy playing warframe so the rewards are not that interesting to me, this means that after a few fun runs i pretty much regain the ducats i lost.

This so called "ducat farming" that everyone hates, doesn't really relate to me, for me ducats seem to appear out of fin air.

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