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Making Your Life In Defence Missions Harder [Wall Of Text


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I was thinking about how the factions are trying to destroy defence objectives with their guns and I figured it would be quite nice to have a special unit who's job was that. I present you my latest idea of doom:


Infested Troll - This creature would simply rush towards the cryopod and try to punch it out of existence with hatred in it's glowing red eyes. The troll would walk upright but hunched forward with sagging shoulders. Its gait is uneven, and when it runs, its arms dangle and drag along the ground. For all this seeming awkwardness, trolls would be very agile. Any dmg it takes would be reduced by 90% and regenerated quickly unless it is fire or toxic dmg in which case the dmg would be increased by 150%. If the troll is killed without any fire or toxic dmg the troll will resurrect up to 2 times before completely dying. Any slowing, stunning abilities or things like banish will be almost ineffective. If any tenno get in it's way it would simply throw them aside with a backhand slap. It would be around 3 meters tall.


Grineer Saboteur - This unit would be a rolling flashing bomb. It is most definitely going to be ready to rock and roll. The Saboteur would roll quickly towards the cryopod and do serious dmg to the cryopod after it attaches to it unless removed with a melee attack. It would have a short timer between attaching and exploding.


Corpus Extirpator (not even sure if that is a word) - This would be a huge quad bot with a big laser cannon strapped to it's back. It would be followed by 3 crewmen with ghostbuster looking rifles that will be fired at the quad bot making a shield around it. The shield would be 100% invulnerable to gunfire, melee and abilities. Once the crewmen are dead and the shield drops the quad bot will be vulnerable and you would be able to either destroy the laser cannon and stop it from dealing dmg or try to destroy the quad bot itself which would be pretty hard. While the cannon is online it would do constant dmg to the cryopod and target only the cryopod but if a tenno were to stand in the laser's way that tenno would feel the unimaginable pain of a thousand bunnies made of plasma. The laser would have a pretty decent range but nothing over 40 meters.


These are my ideas of specialized enemies. I tried to stay away from most numbers because I have no idea how balancing works. I hope you like it. And if you don't please share why.

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All I can say is, I like the idea of enemies having specialized mechanics based on element types. It makes your damage type selection for missions carry more weight.


As it stands, I generally only do a drastic loadout change to deal with Nullifier shields. To wit, the Mara Detron always comes with me.

If there were enemies that required me to, say, attempt to proc certain effects to make them vulnerable, I think that would actually be @(*()$ sweet as hell.

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All I can say is, I like the idea of enemies having specialized mechanics based on element types. It makes your damage type selection for missions carry more weight.


As it stands, I generally only do a drastic loadout change to deal with Nullifier shields. To wit, the Mara Detron always comes with me.

If there were enemies that required me to, say, attempt to proc certain effects to make them vulnerable, I think that would actually be @(*()$ sweet as hell.

I must admit I took the idea for the Troll from the D&D troll.

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this is really an awesome idea, I like all 3 of them, but the troll sounds a little OP 

and I like the element resistance too, but I feel like the troll is a bit like the boiler, maybe make it a small infested that can slip unnoticed by the tenno, 

as for the saboteur, I guess it's like a specialized roller right? I think it should latch to the pod, and will leech it's life unless a tenno hacks it, then it'll release the pod and get destroyed  

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this is really an awesome idea, I like all 3 of them, but the troll sounds a little OP 

and I like the element resistance too, but I feel like the troll is a bit like the boiler, maybe make it a small infested that can slip unnoticed by the tenno, 

as for the saboteur, I guess it's like a specialized roller right? I think it should latch to the pod, and will leech it's life unless a tenno hacks it, then it'll release the pod and get destroyed  

Well the point of the troll is to be a big scary thing that is hard to kill unless you are prepared. Chances are you will be because fire is very commonly used against the infested. But the other point is that these 3 enemies should make defence a little more interesting. I couldn't quite make some grand with the Grineer but I think the other 2 are what I wanted them to be. Big and scary. Things that must be taken out on the spot. It would probably be better if the Troll and the Extripator spawn every 5 waves like mini bosses. However I do think the the idea for the Saboteur that you present is actually better than mine.

Edited by Mr_bunny
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Actually in Defense what you have to do is cover, spam Snow Globe, shoot shoot shoot shoot, end the wave, loot, restart. Eventually pop the Nullifier shield.
There isn't anything smart in it.
There aren't strategical group of units built to give a strategical twist to the mission. (Do anybody remember old Starcraft? Where enemy groups were built to have different counterplay?)
Here enemies are just rushing to you.

Even if I see it hard that they will realize an elaborated unit just for a single type of mission, I think your idea would be nice to make Defenses dynamic.
Also it would be really nice to see each wave having a different strategy. Maybe enemies coming just from a different side, or just a specific type of enemies coming for that wave. Infiltrators coming from the back.. That sort of thing.
Then on the hardest wave there may come different numbers of the units you conceptualized to force Tennos splitting and managing it in a different way.
There could also be the new Grineer Turrets to make it more interesting.

That would merge fast peaced fight and strategy.

PS: Saboteur Rollers? What about KAMIKAZE Rollers? Dealing tons of damages, but not Oneshotting the Defense objective, so that it would present a counterplay and not to be frustrating in a failure scenario.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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PS: Saboteur Rollers? What about KAMIKAZE Rollers? Dealing tons of damages, but not Oneshotting the Defense objective, so that it would present a counterplay and not to be frustrating in a failure scenario.

 My Original idea for the Saboteur was to be a unit who would rush and strap a bomb to the cryopod but I figured that the Grineer would just make a roller be the bomb. Though the name might need to be tweaked. Anyways thanks for your feedback. As I have been farming for Ash Prime BP I have noticed falling asleep during defence missions so I thought that enemies that could fail the mission really quickly would be something to keep an eye out. I personally think that the infested Troll would be the best of doing what I would like. Snow globes and Mesa gunfire wouldn't be doing anything to it and it would require people to actually kill it without the regular ability spam. However the Grineer Saboteur isn't really what I'd like it to be but I couldn't think of anything to fit the Grineer and be something that would strike terror in the hearts of its enemies while at the same time being a threat to the cryopod. Maybe a manic kamikaze? Yes that would be pleasant.

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I love this idea, the Corpus Extirpator is probably my favorite though. The Troll seems cool though the Saboteur seems like a generic charge and die unit. I definitely believe more interesting enemies are needed to spice up some endless modes. One idea I had was for a mortar unit that would set up at long range and try to bombard the croypod area till they are killed, but they would be in a bubble of some sort like the nullifiers carry to avoid AOE abilities like mesa or Sayrn. Once set up they could shoot a large variety of shells like a generic bomb to  flash bangs or a nullify blast wave (goodbye Limbo's Sphere and Frost's Globe). This would give stealth frames a better roll in defense missions as you would need a roaming frame that could avoid the hordes to "remove" these sub objectives, while the rest  are focused on pod defense and the standard horde enemies. I just ultimately want more reasons to leave the cryopod then just for loot or to clear out the nullifier unit.

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What about if the Grineer one is really flimsy, but runs up to it and plants a bomb on it, which must be hacked (deals no damage but takes a long time) or shot (explodes. Quick, but deals considerably less than a standard detonation) to disarm, otherwise they deal a high percentage of damage to the objective.


EDIT: Forget that, just saw Mr_Bunny 's post.

Edited by (PS4)AlexOnThePS
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One idea I had was for a mortar unit that would set up at long range and try to bombard the croypod area till they are killed, but they would be in a bubble of some sort like the nullifiers carry to avoid AOE abilities like mesa or Sayrn. Once set up they could shoot a large variety of shells like a generic bomb to  flash bangs or a nullify blast wave (goodbye Limbo's Sphere and Frost's Globe). This would give stealth frames a better roll in defense missions as you would need a roaming frame that could avoid the hordes to "remove" these sub objectives, while the rest  are focused on pod defense and the standard horde enemies. I just ultimately want more reasons to leave the cryopod then just for loot or to clear out the nullifier unit.

That is probably what would fit the Grineer a lot but I am yet to figure out a way for them to have a shield that protects from abilities or even technology to bombard with such ammunition. Maybe EMP grenades would be a possible ammunition. And maybe the mortar itself would have a solid metal shield like the shields the turrets (who were showed by DE's latest stream) had. When the shield facing would the caster of the ability it would protect him. Not sure how that would work with radial disarm though. 


As I see it the main problem with the Grineer is that they lack the technology to protect themselves from the tenno so they can only send hordes of enemies at the tenno because that is what the Grineer do. Send the clones. And when the clones aren't enough send twice as many clones. And so on until the problem is dealt with. Where as the Corpus have the Null bubble and the infested are a virus that is evolving so nothing stops these 2 factions to figure something out to deal with the tenno. And I really don't think the Grineer have enough money to buy the Null bubble technology from the Corpus. Not after Turkey Hek decided to take over the world with his fomorian fleet. 


P.S. Also I have no idea why some spots of the text I have quoted are blanked out and why some aren't. Not even sure if this looks like that for everyone. Clearly I am not very good with these forums.

Edited by Mr_bunny
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  • 3 weeks later...

P.S. Also I have no idea why some spots of the text I have quoted are blanked out and why some aren't. Not even sure if this looks like that for everyone. Clearly I am not very good with these forums.

That's because probably you Copy/Pasted them from forum page to another, it's better if you copy them from the edit page or CopyPaste them on a TXT document on your computer.

Also, are there new ideas?

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The Troll sounds amazing, but I feel like Viral should affect him too, for obvious reasons.

The Corpus sounds glorious

Grineer though, I don't like the idea of another kamikaze unit, I want something new and cool, for example.

Grineer Siegemaster - This unit would have the ability to deploy cover for allies (upgraded blunts with more hp and bigger size?) and be able to set up smaller mounted guns (like a rampart but without the massive cover) he would use a shield similar to the shield lancers and be immune to knockdown and most, not all, stuns (so you can't troll him senseless). To top it all off he comes with the ability to places a sort of healing station with a small range that would very slowly heal nearby units within 10m of it and give enemies within 5m of it 30% armor (4x Corrosive Projection gives 120% armor reduct, so with this they'll have armor again)

Edited by LilLemay
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The Troll sounds amazing, but I feel like Viral should affect him too, for obvious reasons.

The Corpus sounds glorious

Grineer though, I don't like the idea of another kamikaze unit, I want something new and cool, for example.

Grineer Siegemaster - This unit would have the ability to deploy cover for allies (upgraded blunts with more hp and bigger size?) and be able to set up smaller mounted guns (like a rampart but without the massive cover) he would use a shield similar to the shield lancers and be immune to knockdown and most, not all, stuns (so you can't troll him senseless). To top it all off he comes with the ability to places a sort of healing station with a small range that would very slowly heal nearby units within 10m of it and give enemies within 5m of it 30% armor (4x Corrosive Projection gives 120% armor reduct, so with this they'll have armor again)

That idea sounds great. I would imagine that the healing of grineer isn't something that would matter much though. I'd think that giving a flat amount of armor as well as the 30% would be better and also have an increased range to 20. And make the station able to be destroyed with gunfire.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That idea sounds great. I would imagine that the healing of grineer isn't something that would matter much though. I'd think that giving a flat amount of armor as well as the 30% would be better and also have an increased range to 20. And make the station able to be destroyed with gunfire.

yeah obviously you'd be able to destroy it :p and yeah it wouldn't matter all that much but its still there

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