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What Do You Guys Think Aabout An Elite Planet?


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Would be great, only grandmaster founders can enter and all enemies procrastinate before you and give all rare loot for free !




As for locking a planet behind stuff like that, that would be utterly stupid. Gating content behind needless locks and separating the community is a bad idea. Even raids, with the requirement of having 8 players (for a realistic chance), are essentially gated from a lot of players purely because they play solo / with small groups of friends. If you want to lock other players out of stuff so that your achievements feel special and your grind justified, there are many MMOs out there for you.

Edited by ChameleonDude
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Things like LoR and other higher tower missions are already starting to get MR restrictions by the players themselves. There is absolutely no reason to add even more things for people to become elitist over. I can't even count the number of times where I see players only accepting a certain MR to join them with a key, or players thinking their MR will somehow make them a better player.


Just because somebody doesn't have all day to grind out weapons or just simply don't want to level up Warframe's terribly balanced weapons, doesn't make them a bad player who should be locked out of certain content.

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We already have the void...just add more towers.


They aren't locked out of the content, not by DE nor by players. An MR 2 is perfectly capable of getting a T4 key if he/she wants to. That does not mean, however, that said MR 2 has the right to go against another keyholder's wishes. This is not and has not ever been an issue.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Law of Retribution: Four or more, no less than four


That's content restricting.

And that's why Recruiting (& Clan, Friends, Alliance) exists, just so you can form a squad of at least 4 people and get in there.


And is not content restricting as any account, provided they have the resources to do so, can craft a key.

Edited by xlraistlx
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There is a very fine line between implementing new content to keep older players happy while making accessible to all of the others as well. Someone said that there are other mmos that you can find that if you want and he/she is right.


Personally I don't think that DE have the necessary mentality to pull something like that off. Not yet at least. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy this game (mainly because I play with friends) but every time I get a glimpse of their faces on the Devstream, I always get the same feeling.


"Man, he said we should make a game for the S#&$s and giggles. Now look at this mess! How the hell are we going to please all of them?!"


Again, I do enjoy the refreshing feeling that gives me but still pulling off something like that might be a bit out of their depth for now, with U17 coming up and all that.


Also, can someone please explain to me the concept of dividing the community? In the scarce times I used the Recruiting channel I did not get a solid feeling of unity or anything of the like.


Are we sure we're all on the same game? :P

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And that's why Recruiting (& Clan, Friends, Alliance) exists, just so you can form a squad of at least 4 people and get in there.


And is not content restricting as any account, provided they have the resources to do so, can craft a key.



I am a solo player and I am restricted from the Law of Retribution. How? Four or more. This is restricting, I am forced to gather a group in order to gain access to content. This is locking content.


First Orokin Vaults and now Trials. DE is punishing solo players for soloing, though at least you can solo a Vault if you are confident in your RNG, Trials however is a case of locked content.

Edited by LazerSkink
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And restrict content?


Das not how warframe has been working the past years.

cause a MR2 player that's only played a week should be able to get into T4 towers and higher leveled planets while rocking out with the strongest weapons :/ i think there needs to be a bit of restriction

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I am a solo player and I am restricted from the Law of Retribution? How? Four or more. This is restricting, I am forced to gather a group in order to gain access to content. This is locking content.


First Orokin Vaults, now Trials, DE is punishing solo players for soloing, though at least you can solo a Vault if you are confident in your RNG, Trials however is a case of locked content.

lazer, although there is an option to go solo, it doesn't hurt to have a friend or 2 on here

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lazer, although there is an option to go solo, it doesn't hurt to have a friend or 2 on here



This should not matter at all. I'm missing out content because DE decided to completely screw me over.

Edited by LazerSkink
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@LazerSkink: The first question that popped in my mind after your post is this: What in the seven hells are you doing in an online massively-multiplayer third person shooter if you want to play alone?


I mean don't get me wrong. Sometimes you have to be the most badass dude/dudette in the known universe, but thank the gods there are still companies that make single player games.

Whatever DE had in mind when they first made this game, I am pretty sure it was not "solo". Granted there are things you can do alone, and there are things that need more people because when the raid came out people were already pretty cool with the idea of a co-op, shooty, shalshy, parkour-y game with extremely good looking models.


Instead of moaning about how DE screwed you over and all that, maybe you should consider trying another game? Like something that is completely off-line and you can play with your internet connection off? I'd rather not make a list but there are still games like that out there.

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Elite planet where you can get more rare stuff = More commerce because of that and just for that, if there are 10000 players in this game, and you make that planet with MR14+, maybe 500-1000 can make it so the prices remain the same and they just become rich, rich and more rich against low MR. This in fact is dividing the community and makes end-game grinding. Just a few people plays because it's still funny to see the same tilset and it's wonderful decorations to the space. I don't count between them because if i have a mission just for funny I go to an exterminate in pluto with Volt and just Overload all these corpus. 1 time in 2 weeks, 1 time to realize again that now it's boring for me. Now I don't play Warframe but if I play I'm going to some Towers and farm credits/prime parts-bp so I can sell them and get platinum in order I can buy those excelent syndanas xD


Instead of making an Elite Planet that gives more resources and more shinny things, that Elite Planet should be something that restricts you to go just for it's nature. If you don't equip like a boss (something that nobody does right until they get MR8 or more, and you know it). Again this maybe divides the community? No, because everyone that goes there is just for fun, not grinding and there's no elitism such as "Nekros, Mesa, Mag and Mirage in order we can sit there and get shinny things, only MR99999 with a frame that's starter and can be build to this in 2 seconds."


There's needing of competition between Tennos and I'm not refering to Conclave, I'm refering to some leaderboards with the best killers, damage, defensive... bla bla bla in this area.

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