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[Changyou Warframe Image Megathread]


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Hey, console players will never get Founders Access, but PC players will never get Renown and Prestige packs. Also even though Founders Access offered separate items instead of reskins it was a one-time offer that's gone now and you still get multiple exclusive Renown (PS4) and Prestige (XB1) Packs.


If you want them, I think you should be able to have them.

They are pretty $h1t really, can't recolor very well from defaults, not a big bonus, just a nice to have.


As PS4 tenno I feel a little cheated with Excalibur Prime being released in CWF, but I can deal with it.

But let me make one thing very clear, if they get a proper dragon Chroma warframe I am quitting this game.

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They're not really breaking any copyright laws by re-selling content in the game's data, they're allowed to modify and publish the game in China how they see fit; that's sort of the point of having a Chinese publisher. And if they did perform the modifications on the items on their end, there's no guarantee that we'll ever get them.


Whereas if DE made the content (which is what things are looking like at the moment), there's a good chance it's only time-locked (as Rebecca previously mentioned regarding Chinese exclusive weapons like the Nunchaku) and that we will see them in the future.


Also, DE screwing over the Chinese publisher in any way (i.e. stealing content) would probably be a very bad idea; it would probably void the contract and then Changyou would get 100% of the profits of Warframe in China, instead of just a % of the profits with the other % going to DE.


Thanks for the facts, Letter.


So many people think Hollywood or TV law is the real law. It isn't.


That doesn't even START on the people who couldn't care LESS about the law as long as they get whatever the hell they want. NOW.


I am disappointed in a piece of Warframe fanart showing up there with no reference to the artist. I saw no reference. Did anyone? That makes me nervous as a writer of fanfictions. I don't think my stuff would translate well. I know that as soon as I put them up here, they belong to DE, but... still... It makes me nervous.

Edited by Kalenath
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TBH I think why DE had to make a standalone Warframe for China is because the way China authorities work. They dont want their citizens to have too much exposure to the international community and want to control their online netizens. So to be able to get into the market in China, you have to the server and other stuff all in China mainland where the authorities have access and control to it.


From what I can gather on the CWF forums, Players of warframe located in china play the international (our) version as well as some of them cannot be arsed to wait to receive their activation code (which I previously spoke of which has a limited amount of as well). So this might be a reason why DE decided to start a venture to China as I think they are able to tell how many people from China are accessing their servers.

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Warframe china is free to create their own content if they wish and make changes if they want to, they can decide different dates for tactical alerts or events, they can make their own packs for beta players, they can change the languange of the lotus, they can change the plat values and so on.


The weapons were likely made on the global build and will be likely released on u17, DE doesn't make all the contnet in one week, certain things are simply placed on hold for bigger updates, china however likely released the content earlier because that's the strategy they had in mind, as for the global build DE decided to release it on u17, different games, different dates, different decisions.


There was obviously a brickwall with the founders content and as you can see they decided to create their own excallibur prime, this isn't wrong, imoral, bad or backstab.

They made a decision to release excallibur prime, they simply had to remake it however, nothing wrong here.


Both game versions will likely be more different with every update, so yes, if they got the team, warframes, weapons and entire changes to game mechanics will happen and as you imagine, most won't come to the global build, they get as much exclusives as the players in the global build, going to china server may seem like you will be getting alot of good stuff, but some exclusives will also be lost and one example is excalibur prime, because they don't have the original excalibur prime.

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 I swear if DE re-releases excal prime in any way or other founders items in our version, I'm done forever. 

You do realize we have been asking for a revised Excalibur Prime and Frost Prime for a LONG TIME right?


They are the first 2 frames that were introduced the "Primed" look.  And it's clear as day now that they are out-dated.


And look what we have a here, a new Dankcalibur Prime 2.0 AND a Scarf that was supposely impossible to do


:^)  I'm mad again.   

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THIS is really pissing me off so I will say what I think will be right to do.


A - Total separation. By total separation I mean absolutely everything is separated. Everything about chinese wf is different from normal wf. Different names for the frames(rhino can be stone, loki can be infiltrator, ash can be ninja, excal can be scout, ember can be fuel+oxygen+spark etc etc), different art, different lotus(change that too to rose maybe ?) logo, different LORE(maybe tenno created themselves and there was no Orokin war, Salad is with Grineer), different RNG and droptables, different guns with different stats, They can have gold, we keep our plat. different EVERYTHING. Basically DE-China creates their very own thing with no rights to copy(they will copy for sure cuz china...) anything from DE-Canada.


B - Unity/combination - Basically, no matter what, China gets whatever the whole other planet gets with no rights to change a single thing, the only thing that will be ok change is just some stupid art that doesnt affect us. This may render DE-China useless(they can stay for server support and maybe give ideas for new weaponry). As for Excal P... take theirs excals away so founders can still stay special with it and just publish the skin for them.


Until DE reconsiders everything with chinaframe I will be pissed at this whole thing.

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Now that's some notable bs. I was around ps4 version launch and I'm not about to reiterate all that's been said then. Search the forums. Not offering founders pack on ps4 was a disgusting move that's not defendable. Now speaking of legal stuff, first, they can do pretty much anything due to eula you sign. Second, you do not own any names in the game. They can release 7 items that are called excalibur prime, one being a sword, and as long as all 7 are separate items from first excalibur prime no court will even accept any appeal. It's been said many times, it's mostly taking a dump on console audience at this point. That is, 2 years ago...


Why is it so hard to accept that you will never, ever, ever get Excal Prime? Founders program was not a simple Prime Access or anything of the sorts. It was a bigger gamble than pre ordering games from AAA publishers these days. There was no way anyone could have known how Warframe would turn out. You could have bought the Founders pack and the game could still turn out to be a financial failure, then you could solo all the missions with your fancy Excal P when there would be no more than 500 players playing the game. People took a risk, some did it because they simply wanted to stand out and the promise of exclusive, only available to founders items and that was enough to make them join the Founders program others did it because they saw the potential of Warframe, how it could turn out to be a good or even great game given enough resources and time. That's why it is called a Founders program, the ones who bought it directly contributed to the game and made it into what it is now, without them I and many others wouldn't now be playing it and spending our money on platinum, without them there probably wouldn't even be a console version. 


Now you come here and expect to have access to Founders program why exactly? The fact that you were around at the launch but still had no access to Founders progam is irrelevant. You are playing on a port (and I do not mean that word in any bad way). Everything was as finished as open beta finished it can be when Warframe released on consoles. All the assets were developed on the PC version and simply ported over console version + console version was no where near lacking the content that closed beta PC did. Your console launch is nothing like closed beta of PC no matter how hard you try to justify it as a reason enough to be given access to Founders program or Excal P. Now its easy, now everything looks good and plays good, now you can be sure that you won't be wasting your money on Excap P if it ever comes back.

How do you justify having access to exclusive content that was never, ever, ever meant to be yours? Everyone simply comes to Warframe and feels entitled to Excal P (even PC players) just because they weren't around but I do wonder if they would even buy Founders pack back when Warframe was still in closed beta. 


I know, I know. You don't want the founders pack but just Excal P. Why? Because simply for the fact that you can't have it? At this point and I am sad to say this, it looks worse than vanilla Excalibur. Oh, but you want your own PS4(X1) version of Excal P. And if I was a founder I would take your "They can release 7 items that are called excalibur prime, one being a sword, and as long as all 7 are separate items from first excalibur prime no court will even accept any appeal." as an insult. You think founders are stupid? You think they won't understand that its just a move from DE to get a quick buck from console players, you think they wouldn't see the simple way DE tries to work around their exclusive items for founders for a limited time only promise? Who the... who cares about lawsuits and courts? You are basically suggesting that devs shouldn't keep their promises and as long as consumer can't form a lawsuit its okay to lie to them since you can generate more profit from it. Its not simply about that, its about trust and guess what, trust can be turned into profit. DE is far better of keeping the founders happy and their public image unstained than making a quick buck and losing a lot of plat sales in the future from founders and regular players like myself. 





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Lol. You want Founders (not all) to chill out but you call them prissy and cry babies in the same breathe -_-

Sometimes people aren't aware of their actions. And I am chill. I'm not typing a wall of anger why someone in another continent has a different Excalibur p skin compared to the og excal.

It's different. Get over it. Play the game.

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Y'all need to chill. A great deal of Founders(not all) are a bunch of prissy little cry babies.

God forbid they add content for other players...because they won't feel special at night.

Grow up.


 I don't care what China gets. It's a big FU to us if they re-release excal p on our version.

Edited by MEsoJD
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Ishki is going to be honest and non-trolling.  The reason why I bought Founders was to support the game because I loved the art.  And I still do.


Sounds cheesy but it's the truth.  I said to myself and I remember exactly..."I'm going to spend 60 dollars as if this was a retail game, it's the least I can do."  "Hopefully my money can go to the creators and graphic designers"  


I even said if they re-release Prime Access (they haven't..technically), they should give everyone Excal Prime 2.0...but that comment seemed to disappear ..and i just dont knooooooooo why :^)



Sometimes people aren't aware of their actions. And I am chill. I'm not typing a wall of anger why someone in another continent has a different Excalibur p skin compared to the og excal.

It's different. Get over it. Play the game.



Now I hope we do get the new Dankcalibur Prem so I can tell you to get over it :^)

Edited by Ishki88
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 I swear if DE re-releases excal prime in any way or other founders items in our version, I'm done forever. 

Well... and because of statements like this DE has a hard time to re-release Excal Prime. Everything exclusive that is not cosmetic shouldn't be exclusive anyway; because of the whole 'aww yush, I'm better than 90% of the community because I put money in this game to the right time' :/


No offense, but that kind of view is just meh.

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Ishki is going to be honest and non-trolling. The reason why I bought Founders was to support the game because I loved the art. And I still do.

Sounds cheesy but it's the truth. I said to myself and I remember exactly..."I'm going to spend 60 dollars as if this was a retail game, it's the least I can do." "Hopefully my money can go to the creators and graphic designers"

I even said if they re-release Prime Access (they haven't..technically), they should give everyone Excal Prime 2.0...but that comment seemed to disappear ..and i just dont knooooooooo why :^)

Now I hope we do get the new Dankcalibur Prem so I can tell you to get over it :^)

Nothing for me to get over. This was amusing now it's just pathetic.
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So their Founders Pack does say its Exclusive Content. This pretty much means we are locked out of getting a Nikana Prime in our version of the game since its going to be the same thing as the Skana Prime and that Spiral Kunai or what ever Prime is going to be their Lato Prime.

Man all the people who suggested Nikana as the Next Prime sure arent gonna like this. Well I guess theres still Dragon Nikana Prime

But the biggest question now is.

When can the non-founders and consoles of our version expect to get our >>Light<< Excalibur Prime. Hur Hur

Dont Click this spoiler if you dont like salt on your popcorn.

Still though the whole principal of Dark Excalibur Prime hurts but theres nothing you can really do about it so might as well just grit my teeth and move on.

And when I say Principal I mean sure its a seperate different Warframe but the big thing isnt the Dark in its name its the EXCALIBUR PRIME the prefix to Excalibur Prime being DARK meaning its a Dark REDESIGN of Excalibur Prime. You know the thing they said they wouldnt do when suggested by our community a bunch of times.

Most likely from the Chinese publisher, we can still use it if we want. Just as they could use Excalibur prime. As their promises don't affect us and vice-versa.

Hey, console players will never get Founders Access, but PC players will never get Renown and Prestige packs. Also even though Founders Access offered separate items instead of reskins it was a one-time offer that's gone now and you still get multiple exclusive Renown (PS4) and Prestige (XB1) Packs.

A skin does not compare to prime Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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Well guys, I'm pretty sure it was said a tonn of times before me, but WHY? Why does china get Dark Excalibur Prime? I'm just... I'm just too upset with this...

You know what, let me tell you a little story, but TL DR if you're not interested in my... "missadventure"


Well, when I was a kid I really liked the game called Dark Sector. It was awesome. I liked every piece of it. It was simple and cool.

Few years later I was at some random youtube video and saw it for the first time - the Warframe ads. My first toughts was that someone ripoffed Dark Sector suit (silly me, right?), but after sometime i realised that this is the same Dev crew.

I joined warframe at update 9, but tutorial back then... Eh, i didn't told me everything i needed back then, so my first warframe mission ever was a void defense... After dying like a million times I tought the game was too complicated and I abandoned it, and that was my biggest mistake ever made, because if I stayed I would know of Excalibur Prime and bought him, but I didn't. I returned to warframe at U12 and have been playing it since then almost every day, discluding days when i was on vacation or something like that. Right now I'm mastery rank 19. I know everything about warframe - from each reward for each event, to every Prime Access cost and the only thing I regret is not buying Excalibur prime... So yeah. Now I have a chance. I want DE to make founder 2.0 with this pack. But my biggest fear at the moment is that we will never get our hand on that beauty. That's all I have. Thank if you read my thoughts.

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