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Conspiracy Theory: No One Who Works At De Actually Plays Warframe


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Bait title or no bait title, that's no excuse to bring in pointless insults and flaming. Stop. You're not helping.


Anyway, just to address some things, as much as I would love to just link my old posts endlessly...


-Re: Weapon X needing buffs - I don't want all my guns to be Loltor Prime. I want some of my favorite weapons to actually be viable into wave 60 without >6 forma and every mod minmaxed to hell and back. I mean, weapons like Supra or Kraken are guns I personally find hugely entertaining, but - even considering I'm the sort of person who would take a gun like Simulor to a high level defense and have no regrets - a lot of guns are just bad. And at the same time a lot of the bad weapons are ones that fit into weird, unique niches. Glaxion. Halikar (well, Halikar's problem is being bugged as hell, but that's still an issue). The Panthera is hilarious, but even I wouldn't consider it for a serious T4.





-Re: Snipers - "Go back to camping CS with the AVG"? Other than that presumably being a personal attack, it's also incomprehensible to people who don't understand your jargon. Can you run that by me again, in English this time?




-Re: RNG and Ash Prime - do you really think having some enemies with literally a dozen mods in their drop table and only one rare is fair?(And those tend to be the rarest enemies to begin with.)




Do you think getting maybe two or three silver fusion cores, a single raw potato, and six forma from a T3 is fair? Running a T4 and getting one forma blueprint? Certain parts having drop rates below 1% from the most time-consuming missions in the game? I don't spend my entire life grinding in here. I want to see at least something meaningful as a consolation prize, not twenty nearly-worthless Ember helmets that will maybe, just maybe, pay for one-third of Baro's constantly skyrocketing ducat prices.




-Re: Ember and Rhino buffs - there is an argument that the buffs they got missed the point, but honestly, I don't know those frames well enough to comment specifically on them.




-Re: Starchart and Scaling - so you think spending all your time in the Void should be the only way to get a challenge out of the game when you have built up gear? Really? Sometimes I get sick of seeing the same gold and white everywhere. What if I want to fight on that level, but using, say, the Earth tileset or the Europa one, because a thing called variety can and should exist? Might as well just literally go back to Mario if I want level variety, by your logic.




As for enemies being a "real challenge" - I don't classify "tack extra digits onto their health, armor, and damage values for eternity and put up more invincible walls" as real challenge. That's us cheapassing the enemies so hard they have to cheapass us harder to last for more than ten seconds.




-Re: Energy being broken: Not "broken" as in bugged. Broken as in poorly balanced. I've gone into great detail, but basically: Either you have barely any energy, or you have too much energy due to Flow/efficiency capping/pancakes, or you get lightly slapped by a disruptor and have no energy anyway. Where's the middle ground where we can actually incorporate abilities constantly into our combat without having the complete freedom to spam 4 until everything disintegrates or is under a shiny golden bubble of screw you?



1.-why stop for wave 60 make them viable to wave 100 with just 1 forma and 1 potato. by that logic maybe you wanna solo lvl 100 enemyes with rank 10 MK1 Braton. some things are supposed to work in certain condtion some are not but they can still be made viable by investing resources in their build. Resources which requier you to go and get them and not have them handed to you. There are a lot of weapons many with unique firing modes which DE is trying to implement them in PVP as well effortis into balancing and fixing them is quite intensive(maybe more on the side for pvp but still something is beeing done in that sense)


2.AWP is a  very powerfull sniper rifle in Counter Strike so my bad for the typo think i called it AVG cause i use that antivirus : http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=AWP


3.YES it's rare isn't it, it's not common or uncommon it's rare!


4.Although i do agree some resources should be dropped from T3-T4 drop tables(orokin cells, forma) new prime components should have the drop rates they curently have (Yes i said it) that way ppl that spend money on Prime Access won't get bu fked by a guy who after 3 days Prime Acces was released has everything crafted. It also help player that get such drops to trade them for a lot of plat that maybe they wouldn't have purchased and they can buy slots and stuff...(no i did not buy Prime acces, i do buy palt and i do buy stff from trading for ludacris plat prices because plat discount FTW).

5.-Maybe there is a real balanceing reason why they didn't get certain other buffs. Every warframe ahs a speciality maybe some warframes aren't meant for certain mission types and they excel at others.
6.-go see devstreama bout come changes to the starchart and void missions ...
7.Like other games just changin textures and name on a creature place it in a hihger lvl map with 3 times HP and DMG ? as stated new enemyes are being created on regular basis with new mechanics and abilities(go find diminushing returns changes).
9.-learn to manage it
Edited by Zemosu
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While I agree with almost all of what you wrote you also can't just throw all of those issues in their face and not provide an alternative. Ok so armor scaling its an issue so how do you suppose they fix that? How do they remove armor and still make end game more challenging? How do you remove the grind yet still encourage players to buy platinum? F2P doesn't mean you don't attempt to force your player base into paying for content. Other points like supra and ember buffs are reasonable and straight forward but at least say where they need a buff since you claim DE are blind as to what stats actually needs buffing.

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"Nullifiers and bombards aren't fun to fight"? Why would you want to remove some of the only challenging units in the game? If anything we need more nullifier type units (in terms of level of difficulty).

If you want endgame so much, stop wanting them to take out hard stuff.

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-Not necessarily. Kraken and Viper are disproportionately different, as is Ignis... which also happens to be the cause of much of our suffering against Grineer.


-Nullies, well, their biggest problem is spawn rate. They're too common like Ancients were - they seem to love spawning in packs like a giant bubble group hug of death. Also, Object class targets like the bubble deal with damage in a very weird way. Bombards... honestly, nerf the Corrupted homing and the tendency to shoot four bloody missiles like some kind of very slow, absurdly powerful swarm launcher, and they'd be fine.


Also - finally, someone says it. I'm not satisfied with where the game is now (and not having discounts on Prime Access is brutal in my country's crap economy, but that's a totally different matter), but I also believe the dev team as a whole does truly care about Warframe and creating a fun experience, not just turning it into a mindless cash grab. The cynicism in these threads has gone way out of hand, from reasonable doubts to just being salty for the sake of being salty.


I see your points about the nullies and bombards.  =)


On the weapons...  well...  It's been a long time since I've played in medium level maps with weak gear, so I guess I'm pretty biased.  I'd like some supra tweaks, but I've modded my Supra to do satisfactory damage (albeit at short ranges lol), I can't really see the devs buffing our supras without buffing the enemies though.  I guess us players won't know, because that's in the hands of the devs.  XD

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I was going to respond to each of the topics you listed in the main post but after reading through that and checking the general direction of the thread, I see there is no need for that as it has already been done by others. So I guess I'll give summarized opinion.


Some points you brought up are valid concerns but, to be honest, most of them were just gripes about the game itself. Things to do with farming and rng are part of the game itself and the f2p experience and while I will not disagree they could be improved, it is an integral part of their business model and the farming required if one decides not to purchase platinum.


The weapons balancing could go a little faster and more encompassing but the balancing does happen.


As for the nullifier stuff and some other gameplay things, I actually quite enjoy fighting nullifiers. One of my favorite units as it makes the game interesting for me and my preferred playstyle. However, I do miss using my slow, single-shot weapons and the bubble mechanics could use a tweak.


Nevertheless, (as an earlier user replied), they were mostly blanket statements.

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Ow. Ow, my eyes. Ow. Can you not cram your responses into the full quoted text of a post that's already a page long on a 16:9 monitor? There is such a thing as basic readability. I mean, at least I format my long replies.




-A cheap strawman? Is that the best you can do? I'm honestly disappointed. I never said anything about wanting to solo T4 with a Mk1-Braton. I said I wanted to be able to use weapons that don't necessarily have 40k DPS but are more fun to use than Boltor Prime/Vaykor Marelok/Scindo Prime forever without A) instantly getting wrecked or B) having to expend an exponentially larger amount of effort just to get them to the level of said Vaykor Marelok with no forma in it. Especially if they're not even bloody meant to be low tier in the first place. Have you even SEEN the requirements for building Supra? Is it too much to ask for one of the most expensive weapons in the dojo to actually be worth the asking price? Clearly it is, if wanting weapons like Supra to be viable is equivalent to "DURR EVERYTHING HAS TO ONESHOT LEVEL 100 BOMBARDS WITH JUST A POTATO".


-I don't even play Counter-Strike, I love my Vectis Prime enough to have put four forma on it in as many days, and I still think snipers need a proper role in this game besides being the bow's weaker cousin minus dropoff and target leading.


-Now, see... the enemies I was referring to? Brood Mothers. Toxic Ancients. Grineer bloody Manics. Do you REALLY think it's fair for a Manic to have the same diluted table and the same drop weights as enemies that spawn literally dozens of times more often than it does? Do you really enjoy beating them, getting a mod maybe one-fifth of the time, and it's a Vitality? There's rare, and then there's "this 25 wave event reward has 0.5% chance of dropping, and literally 80% of the table is absolute junk".


-I honestly don't care about trading chat. It's extraneous to the progression of the game and I don't consider it a major factor. And either way, this isn't about Prime Access. It's about drop pools that are so horribly diluted, one Void defense has a rotation B with no prime parts in it whatsoever, and if all the clutter were taken out, there would be so much free space left that they could throw the Prime Vault items right back in and have a better result than they did going in.


-I already said I'm not focusing on Ember and Rhino because I don't even main them.


-I saw the devstreams. You didn't give any indication of having done so, since you seemed to be saying the starchart should stay Oneshot Central just because you have endgame quality mods. I like what they said about being able to play the same content at different, appropriate levels.


-So just because other games do it, Warframe should do it? It's bad game design there, and it's bad game design here. New enemies are nice, but if the endless enemies are just going to keep substituting cheese tactics for real challenge, something is horribly wrong with the balance.


-"Learn to manage it"? You mean run 175% efficiency constantly, force Primed Flow onto every build, or drop an energy pancake every five seconds... to feed an ability like, say, Stomp, which costs 100 energy at base but only affects a small enough area that you need to keep recasting it throughout a mission? I'm well aware that it's easy to max efficiency. In fact, it's trivially easy to do so when two mods will get you there for a low, low price. That doesn't mean it's balanced, because people who don't have those mods are basically screwed out of most of their power use for a good long while, and people who do need almost no effort to make infinite energy stompy bots who can mash 4 twenty times without running dry.



On the weapons...  well...  It's been a long time since I've played in medium level maps with weak gear, so I guess I'm pretty biased.  I'd like some supra tweaks, but I've modded my Supra to do satisfactory damage (albeit at short ranges lol), I can't really see the devs buffing our supras without buffing the enemies though.  I guess us players won't know, because that's in the hands of the devs.  XD

I really still think it doesn't matter what version the enemy's wielding. If it does, where in all the hell is my homing Ogris? Or my oneshot monster Kraken, or infinite range, insane damage Ignis? At least the Supra buff was alluded to on a stream.

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While I agree with almost all of what you wrote you also can't just throw all of those issues in their face and not provide an alternative. Ok so armor scaling its an issue so how do you suppose they fix that? How do they remove armor and still make end game more challenging? How do you remove the grind yet still encourage players to buy platinum? F2P doesn't mean you don't attempt to force your player base into paying for content. Other points like supra and ember buffs are reasonable and straight forward but at least say where they need a buff since you claim DE are blind as to what stats actually needs buffing.


I would like to start by saying that it is alright for them to raise issues without providing a solution. Before I would have agreed with you, but I think raising awareness is at least better than saying nothing at all.


However, now that I think most of the main points have been thrown out, now is the time to start looking for solutions.


Because of the nature of armor values, to simply tweak it as is would still make it comparably stronger than shields at higher levels. This speaks largely to the idea of ridiculous scaling at higher levels as a substitute for endgame. Because I think we can agree that at low to medium levels shields and armor are roughly on par, because that is the level at which they were optimised to be so. Of course, this implies to me that this is the best way that the game should be designed, out of these medium levels. What this means is that endgame content will have to be difficult for a reason other than ridiculous level scaling, and it is probably best to keep enemies at this medium level.


At the same time, as someone said before, something needs to be done to reduce the ridiculous power creep and energy spam on our end, so that even though the enemies are nerfed, we are nerfed as well. The weapons and mods will need to be balanced out and designed around this medium level. Abilities as well will need to be looked at so that they aren't the type of ability that you press and then your problems are gone. It must be the type you press and then your problems will be easier--but not ridiculously easier. And the more easy an ability makes things, the more it will cost you.


From there, I would like to think that we could come up with some way for enemies to be difficult without having to upgrade their strength or become invincible.  To that, I would suggest turning to PVP. But not for the reasons you think. In a good PVP game, good players are not just known for their good equipment, but also their skill. Great PVP games have a very high skill ceiling. On Warframe, perhaps to maybe to get modding down, there is a moderate skill ceiling, but once you got that the very low skill ceiling of Warframe makes things a boring cakewalk for you. You simply have to land your hits and spam your abilities and you're done, however long that may take. So we need to reduce the focus on having good equipment and turn instead to having good skill.


Why do people play PVP games so endlessly? It's because their enemies are just as smart as they are on average. AI's at this stage in civilization unfortunately can't replicate this, but at the very least we can learn from how well designed PVP games are. The idea would be to make enemies perhaps slightly weaker than human players in a high level server of a balanced video game.


And so, what I would like to suggest is for more enemies, we go the way of the manic.


wait wait wait wait I don't mean invincibility phases and invisibility, but you had to admit there was a challenge in pegging shots on that guy. My suggestion is to make enemies more mobile and agile, making them harder to kill not because they are tanks, but because no matter how powerful your gun is, it is meaningless if you can't make accurate shots.


In many PVP games, top players choose to center their builds usually around top speed or top health. We sure as hell have done a good job with the top health builds in our enemies, but now it's time to have more enemies with top speed. I'm talking crazy fast ospreys that keep you on your toes, less invincible manic type enemies that take potshots or go in for a few slashes, and infested that make you fear the shadows when you pass them.


And supporting those enemies would be the same tanks, perhaps with a little more health, and with guns that do a lot of damage. HOWEVER, what needs to follow through is the same principle with which we fight these speedy enemies: if you can dodge the shots, their attacks are meaningless.


I don't know if you still can these days, but if you were a client and not a host up against bombards, if there was enough lag, you could charge a rocket head on and then at the last moment roll under it, making you dodge it completely. I want to see more of that. Enemies whose shots are dangerous, but not hitscan. As you might guess, I would advocate for a reduction in the bombard's rate of fire and projectile speed, and maybe a slight nerf to their tracking so not only clients but hosts can dodge these rockets as well. And then design enemies with this mindset in mind.


To this end, we are already seeing these enemies being rolled out. Manics were the fast type we needed, however since they are built for the current meta, they are invincible and regenerate health, because as outrageous as that is, we're pretty outrageous ourselves. On our end, the revamped parkour will further affect enemy accuracy, allowing for us to be able to make those daring and tricky maneuvers that will avoid dangerous attacks. Now we just need to make the attacks more dodgeable.


Bursas and the Juggernaut (though I haven't faced the latter yet) are the type of tanks we're looking for, although again with invincibility phases and cheap weapons. Tweak their weapons to things that are still dangerous, but dodgeable, and then we'll be talking.


By the end of it, in order to be a true master of a Warframe in a true endgame setting, you will need to make accurate shots on fast moving targets as well as be fleet-footed enough to dodge enemy attacks. The skill you will need in endgame Warframe will rival that of the skill of a competitive PVP player.


From there, I think to achieve such skill will warrant a fairer grind; after all, in this way you earned that damn mod. And so I think at these higher levels, the drops should come easier, because you are fighting much harder, as opposed to much "smarter"


Scaling, Endgame, Grind. Bam!


What do you think? In no way at all do I think this is the end all be all, but I'm really curious for responses!

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I really still think it doesn't matter what version the enemy's wielding. If it does, where in all the hell is my homing Ogris? Or my oneshot monster Kraken, or infinite range, insane damage Ignis? At least the Supra buff was alluded to on a stream.


Yeah.  I never thought of it that way, because it's true that our variants don't behave the same way.  (as you mentioned no homing on Ogris, etc.)


Hmm...  Okay DE..  Buff away.  I do want the Supra to sit somewhere between mid to high tier.  (While they did reduce the amount of resources to make it from when it was introduced, it's still a lot, for when I crafted it since we didn't have invasion missions back then.)  



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Sure, they dont grind their own game- but they have hard statistics and data to get a better understanding of what goes on in this game. So while you may feel that RNG is unfair to you, they have data that shows you got 90% of prime items within 1-2 weeks. They have metrics to show them how hard the grind REALLY is for the playerbase as a whole, and dont depend on forum rants to adjust RNG. 


They play enough to understand their game. Thats all thats needed. You cant fault them for not grinding Draco. They are interested in making a fun game, not grinding out the latest prime as fast as possible. If they feel that it should take a week to max level a frame, then its not their fault you feel compelled to do it in 2-3 missions.

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I think people here don't even try to or can't understand the point of view of a developer.

i think this is the problem too. Some people just cant understand that certain things are necessary in order to make the game what it is. They can only see as far as their nose when it comes to gameplay. if they dont get something right away, it must be broken RNG. If an enemy gives them even the slightest bit of trouble, it must not be "fun" to play against. 


Yes, im sure DE does things for money, but most of their changes are simply to make the game more addicting and satisfying (which ultimately is where they get the most money from). 


They also dont understand that a game takes 4+ years to complete. We are playing the game WHILE its being made. Its not possible to address all issues at once. Its a balancing act no matter how big the dev team is.

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Is it too much of a surprise if they don't play their own game? Their job is to make the game, not to play it. "Playing Warframe" was never in their job description. I am sure they all work very hard and long hours and after they get home (because even when you work for a video game publisher you can't play video games at work) they would rather spend time with their family, watch some television, or maybe play some other game since they look at Warframe all day everyday at work.

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the best "evidence" for me is the stuff they throw out and later nerf hard. I mean you don't have to be a genius to figure out how greedy pull would be used.

but the best example would have to be Synoid Gammacor. I mean they have access to Warframe builder too and they decide the base stats. shouldn't be hard to guess 5 of the 8 mods people would put on it. They should have known it would have the highest dps by far and lowered the base stats. it's such total bullS#&$ when they throw something out and then nerf it into the ground. it's like they're operating without a brain sometimes.

Edited by dddeath
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RNG can be cruel.... ok, well let's take a look at RNG a little closer.  There's really little to no rng in the game that I can tell.  It's all still formulated.  But to be fair to the players and to save the devs the complaints from the players, why not build a smart rng system?  Like "oh he hasn't gotten this in a while, let's give it to him.  You know, the forma that he should've gotten at 10 minutes instead of 50 in a survival."  RNG isn't RNG unless it actually works right, and right now, I shouldn't have to farm a survival for 90 minutes just to get a prime part.

I can personally say RNG has been too cruel to me. In the span of 2 years of my Warframe lifetime I have yet to encounter a single Despair BP from my dear Stalker. I am now filled with despair to the point of not bothering with it any longer. And also because I refuse to spend 800 plats for 1 out of 3 weapons set in which I already have 2 of them. The visits from him every 2-3 days is just to spend his time to grant me the ever rare drops Heavy Impact and Molten Impact.

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Sure, they dont grind their own game- but they have hard statistics and data to get a better understanding of what goes on in this game. So while you may feel that RNG is unfair to you, they have data that shows you got 90% of prime items within 1-2 weeks. They have metrics to show them how hard the grind REALLY is for the playerbase as a whole, and dont depend on forum rants to adjust RNG.

And yet, the last tactical alert had items with a .5% drop chance (read: all the ones that actually mattered due to being event items), 80% totally worthless crap, and a handful of vaguely decent items like R5s. There was also a solid month or two where no one could get Four Riders and the going rate was triple digits, now they drop in raids and the rate's gone down to something like 40. Manics outside of raid (where I hear they have doubled drop chances for Riders) still have the same drop weight (absurdly heavy on bronzes, which they have a LOT of) as common enemies despite spawning far less often.


Loki Systems pre-Ash Prime had less than 1% chance to drop from Rotation C of a T4. That isn't exactly "grinding out the new prime in a week" material. And a week to max rank one frame or weapon, when forma takes so long (without even a reduction in the XP requirement), is a bad example.

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I wonder if others feel similarly, but I really miss the time before the Warframe exp nerf. I really like having my Warframes at max level and selecting one similar to picking a character in a fighting game roster. Chose who you want to play for the sake of it. Currently grinding Warframes (and especially Archwings) is what makes me think I'd rather just go play something without that wall infront of it in the first place. I'd like to play a new character or a new Archwing, but I don't look forward to that grind. Coming up with a custom modded layout to tackle late game scenarios is the fun part for me.


I suppose they gotta sell those exp boosters though, but I feel like that revenue could be just substituted with more syandanas or something.

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Just a few pointers.


Nearly any warframe player can tell you the following things:

1. The Supra needs a buff

The Supra doesnt need a buff, its just not as good as some weapons. Its not a high-tier weapon.


3. Nullifiers and Bombards are not fun to fight

A matter of oppinion. I love Nullifiers in game as they force me to move outside my comfort camping zones to prioritize destroying them. I never have issues with bombards so i dont see the issue people talk about.


5. RNG grinding is terrible

Roll a dice, how many 6's do you get? The loot system is RNG. If you dont like that, play a different game. This is a core mechanic and wont be changed.


6. We would rather be actually playing the game than endlessly going to farming spots.

This is a choice you make. I dont generally farm unless thats what i feel like doing.


Also, your topic is childish and demeaning. The game needs fixing, however it is constantly getting fixed.




Here are some core problems:

1. Star chart missions provide hardly any challenge at all

High end missions are challenging. Try a hard spy mission with no powers.


2. High level enemy scaling mechanics suck

They get harder making pure damage less important and power / weapon combos better.


4. The energy system is broken

Its actually fine and good. Its down to your own management.


5. Power creep is power creeping

Because people keep demanding stupid things like 'buff the supra'


6. The fastest way to get XP is to stand in one spot and do nothing but hold a button down

Except when nulifiers appear, which force you to move. Also, DE said they are looking to change this in the future.

My reaction to most of these points:




1. The supra IS  a high tier weapon. You need MR7 and it costs a boatload. It had better be worth the time and effort wasted on it. But it isn't. The base damage isn't great, it guzzles ammo, has the longest reload in the game, lackluster crit and status, etc. The poor accuracy and ridiculous fire rate are what make the supra the "supra" but it doesn't reward the effort required to use it.


3. Bombards: They are ridiculously beefy, the rockets have ridiculous homing, they deal insane damage, knock you down, ignore LOS, have a very fast fire rate, the projectiles are hard to see, they can't self damage the bombard, and the bombard can knock you down. That isn't fun to fight. You can't dodge the rockets because of their insane homing, and even if you did the blast radius would catch you. They are another example of artificial difficulty.


5. Take a look at ME3: They used what would seem to be a harsher rng reward system in their multiplayer, what with the lockbox fiasco. They key difference is: You are GUARANTEED to get good stuff in the premium spectre pack. 2 rares with a higher chance for ultra rares. You might not get what you want, but you still get a god tier weapon.


6 Except the "other choice" involves going to a less efficient spot that gives you poor rewards. Take your pick: Level a weapon in like 20 minutes at draco or after 1 month in the star chart.


1. Except that would be nerfing yourself to have fun. When the player has to nerf himself to have fun, something is wrong. Ill keep cheesing spy missions with my switch teleport loki, thank you very much so i don't have to deal with spy missions any more.


2. No, you just need to hold down LMB for a few more seconds, that's all.


4. "your own management" involves max efficiency min duration max strength saryn spamming 4 9001 times back to back. Its not fun or engaging, so no, its not fine or good.


5. A supra buff would make it worth the effort at least and make it at least somewhat viable. A request to buff the boltor prime might not be such a wise idea.


6. No, someone just has pop the bubble with a boltor/soma prime. Back to camping.

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To me, evidence seems to indicate that no one at DE actually plays this game. Actions that the developers have taken, or lack thereof, seem to indicate that DE's attention doesn't focus on making changes that the majority of the community wants or fixing core problems with the game.


DISCLAIMER, for all of you who need one:

Obviously Warframe's developers actually play the game. This is only a way for me to express my frustrations regarding DE's behavior when it comes to how they handle the game. This may come across as a complaint thread and/or developer bashing, but how am I supposed to critique the devs' behavior if my attempts to do so are immediately written off as just salting? Part of this is me venting my frustrations, part of this is me wanting to critique the devs' handling of the game, and part of this is me bringing this issue out into the open to be discussed, although I somehow doubt that any civil discussion will happen.


As much as I hope that this won't get locked for being a complaint topic and I won't get a warning point for developer bashing, I see both as a possibility, and I'm willing to accept that.


Nearly any warframe player can tell you the following things:

1. The Supra needs a buff

2. Sniper rifles need a buff

3. Nullifiers and Bombards are not fun to fight

4. Warframe's endgame content sucks

5. RNG grinding is terrible

6. We would rather be actually playing the game than endlessly going to farming spots


If any random player was allowed to design their own update, how many of these things would they fix?


However, there have been a few things that DE has picked up on, but only after the community has basically burned the forums down about them. You wouldn't actually have to play the game to know these things, just be on the forums at the right time. Ember and Rhino have both received buffs, but the thing is, Ember and Rhino's buffs are even more evidence that DE lacks knowledge about the game.


Once again, nearly any player can tell you why Rhino needs a buff: it's because Iron Skin is supposed to make him a tank, but is too weak to actually make him a tank. What Ember needs is a bit more controversial, but most people think that her lack of survivability and damage falloff in late game are her largest downfalls. Both Rhino and Ember got buffs, but Rhino's buff didn't change Iron Skin at all, and Ember's buffs did quite little for her survivability or damage falling off. It seems as if DE understands that these frames need buffs because of the constant forum topics about it, but doesn't understand why the frames have problems, almost as if no one who works there plays the game.


Warframe also has a number of more core problems that DE has made no move to change. These are the very biggest issues that harm Warframe the most out of all the problems it has, and nearly nothing has been done to remedy them.


Here are some core problems:

1. Star chart missions provide hardly any challenge at all

2. High level enemy scaling mechanics suck

3. Enemy armor is far more powerful than enemy shields

4. The energy system is broken

5. Power creep is power creeping

6. The fastest way to get XP is to stand in one spot and do nothing but hold a button down


You would have to not actually play the game to not have at least heard of these problems. Not only has DE not made any effort to fix these core problems, they've also provided us with tools that have been designed around the core problems. Just look at how many augments allow us to remove armor? Wouldn't a simpler solution to the problem be to just not have armor removal be so essential? They created the raids trials in an attempt to actually give the game decent endgame content, but failed to understand that the reason endgame content sucks is because enemy armor and enemy scaling mechanics are broken. Why aren't the end of the star chart and non-endless T4s our endgame content? Why do we have to wade through an hour of defense or survival to get a challenge?


I can understand if DE is busy and can't get around to doing everything we want, but I can't understand that DE is too busy to fix the game's core problems, the very largest issues that are making the whole game rot away from the inside. Why don't core problems take top priority? How has DE done nothing to even acknowledge that these problems exist?

+1 ^9999999

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