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The A.E.'s are supposedly better than the helms

i think we know how many of those Arcane Enhancements are pretty awful and should never be used :p

some are quite good, but the majority of them are very much not. especially considering the investment required to even get them.

(Arcane Resistance is the best one - resist Electric Status, but Stagger instead. Electric Status literally does nothing to Tenno. direct stat Downgrade based on RNG! :D)

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i think we know how many of those Arcane Enhancements are pretty awful and should never be used :p

some are quite good, but the majority of them are very much not. especially considering the investment required to even get them.

(Arcane Resistance is the best one - resist Electric Status, but Stagger instead. Electric Status literally does nothing to Tenno. direct stat Downgrade based on RNG! :D)

I haven't had a chance to use them yet. : /  But it sounds like they're in a similar state as the arcane helms - some are awesome some are 'wut'

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some are awesome some are 'wut'

ye. some are actually fairly good.

Arcane Agility, Barrier, Grace, Rage, Eruption, Strike, and Deflection(maybe) can all be moderately useful. use of them can be quite niche and therefore usefulness can be questionable.

now, Arcane Avenger, Awakening, Pulse(if you have a Warframe in the Mission which can generate Health Orbs that is), and Trickery can all be extremely useful.

that leaves 9/20 more that have completely useless or incredibly niche effects and/or trigger states that are more work than it's worth.

though resisting Fire Status if you can't dispel Status may be useful against Napalms. it's pretty niche though, and the Chance still leaves much room to die anyways.

tl;dr - some are simply too uncommon to have activate or do so little when they do activate that they're very much not worth the investment.

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ye. some are actually fairly good.

Arcane Agility, Barrier, Grace, Rage, Eruption, Strike, and Deflection(maybe) can all be moderately useful. use of them can be quite niche and therefore usefulness can be questionable.

now, Arcane Avenger, Awakening, Pulse(if you have a Warframe in the Mission which can generate Health Orbs that is), and Trickery can all be extremely useful.

that leaves 9/20 more that have completely useless or incredibly niche effects and/or trigger states that are more work than it's worth.

though resisting Fire Status if you can't dispel Status may be useful against Napalms. it's pretty niche though, and the Chance still leaves much room to die anyways.

tl;dr - some are simply too uncommon to have activate or do so little when they do activate that they're very much not worth the investment.

I'm on the fence about running the raid.  Highly annoyed with the quality of it and I refuse to go to an outside source to get the basic gist of it.  But, that is a topic for another thread. :3

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Arcane Helmets should have been stripped of their stats and those stats moved to an interesting 'specialization' feature, i agree. then you'd have a new gameplay system to interest Players. i.e. more content.

however, Affinity Amp and other unreleased Mods are simply not released yet.

in the meantime, you don't need to worry about it, because all of the unreleased Mods are not particularly impressive. very little reason to want them in the first place, considering their stats.

Prime Laser Rifle...

uh, you get Prime Laser Rifle when you craft Wyrm Prime.

in general however, Players should have access to things that would be interesting content. not having access to it means there's less content available.

i'm glad more Players have access to Strun Wraith now. i've enjoyed it in this Damage System for a long time. (in the previous Damage System it was just super high Damage, which while made it incredibly effective, was still rather boring). more Players being able to enjoy that is all the better.

should others not be able to get it? absolutely not. because i'm not an 'entitled crybaby' that thinks they're a special snowflake and anything i have others shouldn't be able to have.

same goes for any other item i have. if it's interesting and either is different Playstyles or allows some Playstyles to be more practical in application, i want everyone to have access to it. more content, and more fun for everyone.

please stop being wrong.

people had legitimate complaints because some of the Cosmetic Helmets they liked, had Stats that were a downgrade in all situations.

why should they get a Stat downgrade to use a Cosmetic they like?

Cosmetics and Stats being tied to each other is always a big nono.

similarly, if you don't didn't like the Helmet that is statistically superior in every way, you're trapped again.

go yell your Illuminati bulls... somewhere else.

we don't want to hear conspiracy theories.

i'm sure there's some nuts that think Aliens are on earth that you could talk to and have a good time with.

the rest of us know how and why things happened. the truth. you can peddle conspiracy theories somewhere that isn't here. /b/ might be a good place for that.



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I mostly disagree, but I was pretty pissed that I got screwed out of the tubemen of regor weapon because i have a job and worked a lot the first couple of days and missed a few of the missions involved. Then DE kept giving crap missions that took forever for them to complete and be replaced by a new one, therefore I got screwed over with like 2 runs short of getting the weapon. Not even going to mention that the whole "copter 25 miles and hack this console" was the lamest mission ive ever seen in the game.


Arcane helmets, why would you want any of them? They were replaced by something that DE felt was better, the new arcanes. Most of them aren't even worth much, you can buy them for like 40 plat most of the time. Big deal. You could get that by buying extra prisma weapons and selling them a few weeks after the trader leaves.


In fact, almost all of the things you mentioned in the OP are tradable. That means people who missed them get the chance to buy them from other players. Also, when you dont miss them, why don't you buy a couple extras to trade for things that you do miss? What's so hard about that?


Now if only primed mods didnt have a million credit tax to trade....


I love how you say that DE should give legendary fusion cores to replace things that were obtained by abusing bugs and are "too OP". LMAO. Because legendary fusion cores aren't OP and all?


Do you even know WHY legendary fusion cores exist at all?



I do think that someone who misses a few days of an event shouldn't get screwed over a la tubemen of regor. There was no way to make progress on the event without other people playing the missions (for crap rewards like a few thousand credits), sadly... Compare this to like, the false profit event, where you could do it in a couple of hours on the last night of the event if you wanted....

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i think we know how many of those Arcane Enhancements are pretty awful and should never be used :p

some are quite good, but the majority of them are very much not. especially considering the investment required to even get them.

(Arcane Resistance is the best one - resist Electric Status, but Stagger instead. Electric Status literally does nothing to Tenno. direct stat Downgrade based on RNG! :D)

Investment to getting them? Being in a raid is an investment? There's a cooldown timer, not an investment.


Also, I am convinced that 90% of the arcane enhancements are filler material to keep the rare ones from dropping much.


Most of the old arcane helmets are pretty lame as well..

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Investment to getting them? Being in a raid is an investment? There's a cooldown timer, not an investment.


Also, I am convinced that 90% of the arcane enhancements are filler material to keep the rare ones from dropping much.


Most of the old arcane helmets are pretty lame as well..


Yep, have to agree.


(not directly YOU crazylexi, I was just quoting you because I happen to agree with your post)


(Trying to be VERY serious when I say this...) You realize that the extra 2-4% (or less) stat buff (or debuff) TOTALLY changes Warframe, and TOTALLY makes end game content much easier, and anything T4 magically goes from super OMG this is so hard status to cake walk thanks to having a helm with little overall effect.


Ok...yeah, that was hard to get though with a straight face. Anyone that thinks an Arcane helm gives anymore more that just a bit of swag is a fool. If anyone thinks that tiny little stat buff (and debuff) is going to magically make them better, is kidding their self.  




Back to pickin' daisies and chasin' butterflies.   

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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Its not unfair because these things are either still availible in some way or have much better alternatives.

Its life.

Sometimes you miss out and in this case missing out makes practically no difference.

Harsh as this sounds: Deal with it.

I've missed out on things before and I got over it pretty quick.


Honestly, considering none of these things offer a significant advantage, this is rather juvenile.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Investment to getting them? Being in a raid is an investment? There's a cooldown timer, not an investment.

there is a very steep Credit Cost to using Arcane Enhancements.

i don't mind Credit costs on anything, but i realize that if you're not drowning in Resources, spending Millions of Credits to get decent stats for your Enhancement for most of them that are extremely poor, is a terrible investment.

and i totally forgot Legendary Fusion Cores were mentioned.

yes, those should have never existed in the first place. they are a circumvention of basically one of the entire legs of the game. circumvents like, half the game. an item that singlehandedly defeats the purpose of Mods.

should never have existed.

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Idk about everyone else, but all I saw was "If I can't have it, nobody can." This whole childish entitlement mentality is really annoying. Now, I understand that it sucks to miss out on items/weapons, but there isn't much you can do, crying wont fix it. I have excal prime and skana prime, and a ton of arcane helmets, but, I missed out TWICE on the strun wraith, and I LOVE shotguns. It sucks, but all I can do is wait until it pops up in another tactical alert, but as for founder and discontinued items, you had to be there to get them.

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I have a job that can sometimes consume a large portion of my personal time not to mention having actual responsibilities and life commitments. Warframe events need to be hosted on more than one occasion to allow players ample opportunity to participate. It really sucks to miss a weekend event because you had to work the entire time.

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You all need to remember something that everything is a choice. You choose to have a job to pay for the things you want and need. That being said, choose to make a sacrifice or two in the sleep department or something else, and do the event. If you can't because of reasons then I'm sorry, but again it's ALL choice. Have a trusted compatriot help you do the event in your absence of need be. What I'm saying is troubleshoot the issue from your end, see what accommodations YOU can make before asking DE to make some hard changes to please a small amount of the population.

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You all need to remember something that everything is a choice. You choose to have a job to pay for the things you want and need. That being said, choose to make a sacrifice or two in the sleep department or something else, and do the event. If you can't because of reasons then I'm sorry, but again it's ALL choice. Have a trusted compatriot help you do the event in your absence of need be. What I'm saying is troubleshoot the issue from your end, see what accommodations YOU can make before asking DE to make some hard changes to please a small amount of the population.

'quit your job and play video games all day or stop complaining' is what I got out of that.


What viable reason do you have to justify telling people not to ask for improvements to a game that is in active development and asking for feedback on ways to improve the game and make it playable to more people?  


I missed out on the last even due to work and computer issues.  I was upset, yes.  Not because I didn't get the shiny thing at the end but because the event could have been better structured to allow more people to get the reward.  


Per your post, I should just suck it up and not give feedback on how to improve that for the next event just because it was 'my choice' to have a job.

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'quit your job and play video games all day or stop complaining' is what I got out of that.


What viable reason do you have to justify telling people not to ask for improvements to a game that is in active development and asking for feedback on ways to improve the game and make it playable to more people?  


I missed out on the last even due to work and computer issues.  I was upset, yes.  Not because I didn't get the shiny thing at the end but because the event could have been better structured to allow more people to get the reward.  


Per your post, I should just suck it up and not give feedback on how to improve that for the next event just because it was 'my choice' to have a job.

To be fair:

Work = Valid

Computer issues = No fucks should be given

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To be fair:

Work = Valid

Computer issues = No fucks should be given

Screw fair. It's a childish concept that gets thrown around too often and hurts progress more than helps.


Yes, work getting in the way is valid, and yes, my computer not working was not.  I never said otherwise. My only complaint was that by the time I was able to join in on the event, I couldn't progress due to the screwy conflict system DE used.  By Obvious' logic, I shouldn't be complaining at all and should just deal with it because I chose to have a job.

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'quit your job and play video games all day or stop complaining' is what I got out of that.

What viable reason do you have to justify telling people not to ask for improvements to a game that is in active development and asking for feedback on ways to improve the game and make it playable to more people?

I missed out on the last even due to work and computer issues. I was upset, yes. Not because I didn't get the shiny thing at the end but because the event could have been better structured to allow more people to get the reward.

Per your post, I should just suck it up and not give feedback on how to improve that for the next event just because it was 'my choice' to have a job.

Then you need to improve your reading comprehension skills. As per my post, im stating that each individual has free reign over how they spend their time, in accordance with their desires. Wanna go to cancun for a week? Costs money. Have job to make money. Go to cancun, mission accomplished. That week in cancun you wanted? Cost money time and effort. Money time and effort that could have went to something else, had the decision been made.

So what I'm saying here, is personal responsibility. You see an event you want the reward for, do the event. If you're short on time to do the event, sacrifice your time in something else, and do the event. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

Nowhere in my post did I even suggest quitting work and play games all day, nor was I knocking anyone for making feedback. Im simply highlighting the FACT that we all choose how to spend our time, and there are options to use if you've decided that what just came up in real life outweighs the value of a digital item in a game.

Edited by ObviousLee
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Then you need to improve your reading comprehension skills. As per my post, im stating that each individual has free reign over how they spend their time, in accordance with their desires. Wanna go to cancun for a week? Costs money. Have job to make money. Go to cancun, mission accomplished. That week in cancun you wanted? Cost money time and effort. Money time and effort that could have went to something else, had the decision been made.

So what I'm saying here, is personal responsibility. You see an event you want the reward for, do the event. If you're short on time to do the event, sacrifice your time in something else, and do the event. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

Nowhere in my post did I even suggest quitting work and play games all day, nor was I knocking anyone for making feedback. Im simply highlighting the FACT that we all choose how to spend our time, and there are options to use if you've decided that what just came up in real life outweighs the value of a digital item in a game.

I'm assuming it's a 9-5 they have, weeklong, maybe a Saturday or two. I don't know about others, but I can manage a schedule just fine for that and fit in videogames.

However "screwy conflict system" I'd like some elaboration on since I wasn't caring much for Warframe for whatever event that was (Toukiden and PSO2 were my time-wasters) and why that'd be different.

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