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Prime Drop Rates


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So I am not much into these kind of topics but I'll give it a go.


Why is that we can't just have equal drop chances for all items in each mode/tier of void missions instead of making some things harder to get than others?


i.e. having 3 items available to get in a T4 Sabotage would give each item a 33.33% chance to drop.


Just think about for a sec, people would have easier chances to get items they want and in some scenarios bring down duplicate item build up and decreasing grind to get said wanted item.


Now with this sort of situation, void drop tables would need some sizable changes, like with item rotations for survival, defense, etc. and amount of listed items with each void mission. To this I say level out the amount of items in each mode to get it as close to an even amount as possible and to help thin out the clutter in some modes we can add more modes such as a T1-3 Interception that has yet to appear in the void. And for item rotation, bring rotation A down to one round along with B and C and level out chances and item clutter or just completely get rid of item rotation all together and have equal chances to get any item at any time or round.


In short, level everything out and set equal chances to retrieve each item.





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I think we need an actual token system, because even if there were only 2 items and the drop rate was actually 50% per, RNG means you could still never get that one thing you need. Because that's how RNG works, it's random.


Well by mathematical terms eventually you'd still get the item and it's still a lot better than having a 70:30 chance like with most current void items.

Edited by Vaxillian
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Because if the currently rarer items had the same drop rate, Warframe would lose it's trading economy, and average playtime would drop significantly


This did come to mind when I was typing this but also what came to mind is that it wouldn't destroy the economy but change it instead. Just because you have and equal chance to get something doesn't mean it's going to be easy all the time. With the amount of prime items most things would be at a 12.5% give or take, this still greatly disversifies the items you get and for play time, do you really want to sit at a computer hours upon hours doing mind-numbing grinding only to not even get the item you want that day? Because I certainly don't I want a fair chance, it will still be a task at times because of rng but just slightly easier to get.

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This did come to mind when I was typing this but also what came to mind is that it wouldn't destroy the economy but change it instead. Just because you have and equal chance to get something doesn't mean it's going to be easy all the time. With the amount of prime items most things would be at a 12.5% give or take, this still greatly disversifies the items you get and for play time, do you really want to sit at a computer hours upon hours doing mind-numbing grinding only to not even get the item you want that day? Because I certainly don't I want a fair chance, it will still be a task at times because of rng but just slightly easier to get.

Hey, you take someone's input and discuss it. I like you c;

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That would make it a lot easier to farm any part

and if that happened, the trading chat will be mostly useless

and keep it mind a lot of players including me are relying on the unlucky players who can't get the part they need by farming and decide to buy it.

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That would make it a lot easier to farm any part

and if that happened, the trading chat will be mostly useless

and keep it mind a lot of players including me are relying on the unlucky players who can't get the part they need by farming and decide to buy it.


I know it is going to take a tole on trading in some cases, but if we have about 6-8 items per mode, it's still going to be hard to retrieve those rare items but at the same time making items such as the sicarus prime barrel less common thus creating smaller amounts of duplicates.


So yes, for some of the current rare items that make have like a 1% chance to drop it can ruin the rarety but for rare items that around around 10-15% already it will not change much. Decently Rare items will still be rare and really common items will become just the same.

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I have to disagree with you OP.


Newer items have to be more rare then older items. Just think of the droprates as price, if a new verion of something is released the price of the older version normally drops.


I am not saying that the droptable couldn´t need an overhaul but the droprae should´t be equal for every item. Let´s just see how it will change once the void gets destroyed.

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Honestly the current drop rates for forma bp's are too high. Even if the game is supposed to use a RNG to help decide the rewards its a matter of concern when you can run 3 T3 surv to 1hour and always get forma bp's at every rotation c.I feel that higher Tower missions especially survival and defense should change their drop mechanism especially with regard to rotation C drops where more of the desired drops are .


One approach would be to have it such that the higher the wave/minute count , the higher your chances of getting the rarest of the drops ,eg Loki systems or ash systems.Forma and fusion cores could be removed from the pool of eligible drops as of the second rotation c in T3 or higher missions and the third in towers 2 and 1. Though the next addition might be met with some opposition,I would also have rotation C have a pick without replacement policy in rotation C's that have 5 or more possible drops. A reward that was picked in the 1st rotation C, will not be elegible to drop in the second rotation C but return only in the third rotation C.

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There are several items with a 5% drop chance.

I just wish none of those 5% items were put into the C rotation.


A 20 min run for a 5% chance for just one part. Not to mention some gear has 2 of the 4 parts in C rotation at 5% drop chance.

That's pretty much old-school Asian MMO level of grind.


Then again, if not for those ridiculous drop chances, I'd have nothing left to do in Warframe.

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Because if the currently rarer items had the same drop rate, Warframe would lose it's trading economy, and average playtime would drop significantly


As far as players and consumers goes that's not such a bad thing. All the grind does is inflate play time and encourages us to spend money. There is no reason inside of the game why it needs to be that way.


If your game play is not good enough to sustain itself on it's own merits then that is a problem. And it's a problem Warframe has because outside of grinding and farming there is really not all that much to do for long time players.


Of course since DE is interested in making money it's far more profitable for them to carry on as they are and not actually give us things to do outside of grinding and farming.

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Don't expect much; when T4 came out, Sheldon immediately duplicated the entire T3 drop table and then stuck the new stuff on top.

And all that after a rousing chorus of "T4 will help spread the prime parts out" on stream.

Sure, he "fixed" it after the community collectively shat itself, but more than 30% of the drop table is still duplicates and the rest is weighted to hell and back.

I recommend only ever going after what you think is next to be removed--in this case, Ember Prime and presumably Glaive Prime and Sicarus Prime--to conserve your time, energy, Platinum and keys.

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Don't expect much; when T4 came out, Sheldon immediately duplicated the entire T3 drop table and then stuck the new stuff on top.


That doesn't mean things can't change! Just because he isn't likely to doesn't mean that he never will.

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"tour of DE office" over here we have our random prime part generator


sicarus prime barrel,sicarus prime barrel,sicarus prime barrel,sicarus prime barrel,sicarus prime barrel,


are you sure... thats random?


Thats the problem with randomness you can never be sure.

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As endearing as your optimism is, it's wrong.


You can't simply just say I'm wrong as if you know the future. The only way change will happen is if we actually band together as a community to show we want change, only then will it be done.

Edited by Vaxillian
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