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Anyone Else Skeptical About Sharkwing?


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I feel like it will meet the same unfortunate fate as archwing- its just an extension of it, new map , new enemies, new gamemode maybe? but at its core i feel its gameplay will feel too similar to archwing and people will get tired of it really fast but hey who knows right?

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As someone who hates archwing with a passion and finds no logically reason to ever play the mode, It's in desperate need of a bump XP boost would really help like 4x only because the annoying agony of leveling archwing is the biggest reason why people don't ever wanna play the mode. 


Sharkwing may be good for a minute but after that it's stability to keep people into it doubtful.

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Well, to be fair, two or so devstreams ago, they teased a little bit on how the archwings will be implemented in the newest update, and it seems that they're might be times during a mission when you need to literally jump into the water, and that's when your archwing activates.

It was pretty neat, but I'm not entirely sure they're still going with that in the final build (I assumed based on the devstream, it's confirmed one way or another), but if so, I think it'll be pretty fun.


But I say take a look at it sometime! Unfortunately I don't have the time to look for it (since I don't recall which devstream it was) and grab the link, so I'll edit this later when I get the time if no one else beats me to it haha~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Sharkwing's just another part of Archwing, which makes it a MUCH welcomed advancement to Archwing. Archwing NEEDS some HEAVY attention, because, quite frankly, there just isn't enough to DO with it! We can go play ALL manner of Foot missions, but we have like 10 Archwing TOTAL. and 4 missions between them with two maps.


Not to mention a stupid-hard way to acquire new weapons.


I stand by what I say whenever this comes up: DE just needs to devote a SOLID MONTH of updates to working on and expanding Archwing.

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Let me start by saying that I love Archwing. I've been waiting almost a year for it to receive some development, and I think that it's a travesty how the devs have left it to rot.


The devs have cited Sharkwing as some new content that will breathe life back into it. But that wasn't their original intention. They originally planned on having Warframes simply swimming, but it was a lot of animating work, and it looked silly, so they basically cheaped out and stuck Archwing underwater. If that incidentally revives Archwing as a game-mode, great.


So basically even now, they had no intention of furthering Archwing, it almost happened by accident. They are simply using it as a vessel to further another addition to the game. Which I think is a travesty.


The original concept of Archwing - space ninjas in space - has barely even been scratched and already we're moving on to different locales. I'm sure after this update, we'll see zero developments for Sharkwing. It can collect dust until it's convenient for some other addition to Warframe.


I think Archwing had tonnes of potential, but the way the devs have handled it is awful.

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Instead of fighting tiny Corpus enemies with jetpacks in Archwing, looking forward to fighting tiny Corpus enemies with scuba gear in Sharkwing.


In all honesty, I really have been hoping for Archwing updates and maybe when Sharkwing happens, Archwing will get its fix.

Edited by Sometimes
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I think if Sharkwing gets implemented as we saw it in devstream: using it in normal missions to swim in water -> hybrid missions, then it will definitely make warframe in general feel fresh and it might give us more reason to actually get all the weapons for archwing, so we can use them underwater in normal missions.

My hope is that it will put more weight on archwing in Warframe and that it will expand in the future and be all more like hybrid missions where you go by foot and also use archwing.

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honestly, I was expecting a gameplay similar to this for archwing...


oh really, you were expecting a side mode to be as good as a title dedicated to space combat? Thats like expecting spy mission to be like Splinter Cell.


Personaly, i think AW is fine as a variation of ground missions. I wasnt really expecting a full fledged space combat sim. All it is is the same WF gameplay, but in space. Its not realistic to expect a deep duplicate of WF with wings. AW wasnt suppose to be its own game, its a mission type.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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oh really, you were expecting a side mode to be as good as a title dedicated to space combat? Thats like expecting spy mission to be like Splinter Cell.


Personaly, i think AW is fine as a variation of ground missions. I wasnt really expecting a full fledged space combat sim. All it is is the same WF gameplay, but in space. Its not realistic to expect a deep duplicate of WF with wings. AW wasnt suppose to be its own game, its a mission type.


Key word is similar


They are a few game that have sidemode that are actually great, you have to admit, they could at least add a alarm sound for incoming missile and improve the ui a bit.The mod don't feel rewarding because of they lack of power, the exp gain is extremely little. I believe they should have wait more longer before releasing archwing, adding a bit more content and different mission type made for archwing.

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Sharkwing is Archwing. They are not separate things.


What we call "Sharkwing" is just a bunch of assorted Archwing stuff, including the underwater tileset for Archwing.


I wonder when people actually will realize this, but that´s probably the reason why "sharkwing" will be a huge disappointment to so many.


My hope is that DE finally will do some dualmission where you have to play Warframe and Archwing.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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I've been doing the Limbo quest, so I've actually been playing a little Archwing, which i hope Sharkwing will be an extension of (ie, using the same weapons s and mods). It's sort of fun bit feels like a raw beta, in terms of content. Also, affinity gains are annoyingly slow and getting any new gear is a complete pain. If DE somehow integrates the two wing modes and finds a way to more easily give us new toys that actually rank up in a discernible way, I'll be all over them...and this is coming from someone who two days ago was complaining about having to play Archwing for the Limbo quest. I've found that zipping in and out of space debris while chopping and shooting bad guys can be fun.

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I'm in the minority, I actually really enjoy archwing, but I haven't played it in months seeing as I have all the weapons/wings leveled up, several of them formad up to full potential, and there's not really a whole lot of diversity to missions (3 mission types). I'm looking forward to sharkwing and the new raid that will involve them.

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oh really, you were expecting a side mode to be as good as a title dedicated to space combat? Thats like expecting spy mission to be like Splinter Cell.


Personaly, i think AW is fine as a variation of ground missions. I wasnt really expecting a full fledged space combat sim. All it is is the same WF gameplay, but in space. Its not realistic to expect a deep duplicate of WF with wings. AW wasnt suppose to be its own game, its a mission type.

"It's just another mission type" with its own weapons, frames, enemies, and tilesets? That's called a waste of time--putting that much energy and time into something inconsequential.

Nothing in that video (or at least the twelve or so minutes I watched) would require a whole ton of work from DE. Removal of axis locking? They already had that, and unfortunately removed it. Open spaces to fight in instead of a straight line ripped from the base game's tile generation? It's probably easier to generate tiles that way--just connect them at the sides instead of worrying about fitting them together. Dedicated alternate weapons? Work, yes, but also money for DE. Large ship attacks instead of just trash mobs? It existed--for two weeks; there's no reason there couldn't be more, more varied versions of that. Enemies that actually fly around and don't just hover? Been requested since day one. Consistent ways to avoid missiles? Been requested since day one.

The only reason I'd tell the person who posted the video "oh really?" is because this isn't the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth thing DE's released with promise and then forgotten. Everything from the vaults to Kubrows to Nightmare missions to Invasions to damage 2.0 are things that got the "release and forget" treatment and it's a shame that it happened yet again with Archwing.

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