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Anyone Else Skeptical About Sharkwing?


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If they do have an Archwing/Sharkwing raid attached, then I hope they will fix the problems that folks still have with Archwing. Sure folks won't jump into a pug raid, but the fact that there are still problems that haven't been addressed (massive swarms of knockback rockets, spawning in said swarm of rockets if you happen to jump into a pug mission, no actual barriers to PREVENT players from fleeing the combat zone on accident, etc.) in the basic missions themselves has me far from impressed and even less caring about Archwing overall. It sounded awesome when they first pitched it and I know it is still in the early stages, but these stages show a lack of......enthusiasm that could compel me to be pumped up for more.

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What? Where? I must have missed this.

It was an accident on their end.  Rebecca accidentally over shot a jump swing and flew past the landing point into a pool of water, where upon landing Archwing appeared on her back and it was a mad panic to get out of the water before the big bad swimming Grineer got her.  But then it was too late, the secret was out.  Turns out they don't really need to have a "fade to black" phase between Archwing and Warframe, it can happen on the fly (if a bit goofy.)  It was some devstream featuring Excalibur's new Exalted Sword move.  I think #55?  Around there.

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I feel like it will meet the same unfortunate fate as archwing- its just an extension of it, new map , new enemies, new gamemode maybe? but at its core i feel its gameplay will feel too similar to archwing and people will get tired of it really fast but hey who knows right?


If we get to fight Kraken then I'm all for it.


I think the sharkwing is going to be more interactive, where you switch in and out of archwing mode in the same mission.

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AW mechanically isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it just has almost no content or mission diversity.  Since we haven't seen much of the sharkwing content I'm reserving judgment until I actually play it. 

Edited by Wotca
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Archwings main problem is the lack of content which the DE is trying to fix, but they basically just gave themselfs two problems which is hallarious.


They need to fix Warframe and Archwing. They should have waited and released it with more content or when they thought they could take a break from developing on Warframes ground combat.



Also I hope the new Archwing raids have super good rewards so players are forced to farm Archwing missions. MWAHAHAHHAHA

Edited by Feallike
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If "sharkwing" and archwing get major improvements in depth (lol pun) and substance, I'll be suprised.

If it's the same as current archwing with a new coat of (water) paint, I'll be dissapointed.

If the sections are forced into standard missions regardless of their quality, I'll be pissed.


I am always skeptical when DE decide to make more content rather than fix what is already lacking.

Though, I will cut them some slack since the shotgun buff is coming. Better late than never I suppose.

Edited by Vougue
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I like Archwing but I feel like it makes little sense to focus so much time into a new release with a new variation of Archwing as opposed to putting more time into Archwing and making it something the community wants. I'll probably enjoy Sharkwing but I worry that instead of having one side game that no one plays, we'll have two side games that no one plays. 

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Sharkwing is not a third side play game mode. It IS archwing with an underwater skybox and some bubble/wave/vortex postprocessing shader. 


It inherits all that is bad in archwing with a new paint job. 


If they had any gameplay changes to announce, they would have announced it already. 


All that we have in terms of new gameplay mechanics is the general availability of: seamless transition between (sh)ar(k|ch)wing and warframe game modes inside the same mission. This was only teased in the Limbo quest. 


It is confirmed to be used by the  water tileset only. It is unknown if the change requires retrofitting the older tilesets to be supported. 


Archwing uses a very different scale from Warframe, stuff is around 10% of the size. They did it because they wanted archwing arena sizes to be large but they are stuck with 32-bit variables to position stuff. 


Those of us who played Archwing in the first days remember that we had crazy sizing bugs like giant syandanas & similar stuff.


So they will do some creative magic, or just scale down everything to fit Archwing scale. 

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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I rather they let us customize Liset for combat,

And make a space ship shooter mode.

Anyway back to the topic... Archwings...not enough lasers, missiles, and explosions. I want to be able to blow up big motherships and destory 20 enemies at once...like GUNDAM!

Edited by ZiLei
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It's literally archwing, just underwater and different enemies. The only difference I see is that in random missions we will have to use sharkwing. So it's integrated into the gameplay. Where as archwing is just separate missions that most people ignore

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It's literally archwing, just underwater and different enemies. The only difference I see is that in random missions we will have to use sharkwing. So it's integrated into the gameplay. Where as archwing is just separate missions that most people ignore

Archwing's goal is to be mixed with normal gameplay. The idea is that you can be in the middle of say an exterminate mission on a corpus ship and then you'd suddenly end up in an Archwing version of that. Of course this takes time to develope, but the initial reactio from the community obviously demoralised DE when it comes to Archwing. Sharkwing is the first step into achieving the true Archwing experience, but this won't come to pass unless the Community provides proper feedback on Archwing/Sharkwing.

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I won't touch the new content, if I am forced to actually fight in that tellurium piece of crap.


People like you are reason why DE doesnt put enough effort into making archwing great, if loudest people who send DE message they should remove archwing instead of telling them how to make it better it makes sense DE doesnt put enough effort especially since DE right now doesnt earn ANYTHING from archwing, since archwing stuff doesnt use inventory slots which means people can have all archwing stuff for free.


DE NEEDS to know that people would play it if it was better, and that people would be willing to pay for slots for archwing and stuff, since even though warframe is free to play it still has to earn DE money.


here is topic where group of people(including me) created many ideas for very interesting archwing missions:



please give us your opinions and ideas, and upvote first post if you like our ideas :).

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As someone who hates archwing with a passion and finds no logically reason to ever play the mode, It's in desperate need of a bump XP boost would really help like 4x only because the annoying agony of leveling archwing is the biggest reason why people don't ever wanna play the mode. 


Sharkwing may be good for a minute but after that it's stability to keep people into it doubtful.


someday archwing will be implemented in normal missions, you'll see

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Archwing's goal is to be mixed with normal gameplay. 


That seems to be coming very soon. Changing from on foot to archwing in the water isn't really any different from changing to archwing in space. That same transition can work for both.

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