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Things You're Guilty Of In Warframe


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1. Switch Teleport trolling...

•Case 1a-trapped my Warlord in a place in the Void elevator shaft, can only get in and out with decoy+switch tele

•Case 1b- switching people that rush ahead of me because I'm lazy

•Case 1c- Switching constantly with people cos I feel like a d∆¢%

2. Being invisible all the time in some runs as a feel super lazy

3-type A: Killing some people with lasers in Void

3-type B(more of revenge): people try laser me, so I switched teleport them into the laser as it was going to hit me.

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Ah so many trollokis and trollimbos... I'm guilty of blocking them all, oh wait, that's a good thing. I wish I could report them but trolling is not a good reason, yet.

Yeah i think this thread is walking a very fine line :P

It's kind of entertaining but at the same time, some of these persons here are actual trolls. And such behavior cannot be tolerated.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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1. Rarely if ever die (ill admit I get caught up at times)

2. Because no one else owns a loki and could do it beforehand or simply you know..walk into enemies

3. not sure whats meant by this one...radiation? yea gl with that one

4. would gladly play all missions....if there is something i need from the drop table ofc

5. would require you to catch me beforehand and gl with that one

6. I have no idea what this means O,o

7. because lord knows I don't know how to roll out or just use you know...skills

8. thought the whole point was to BE in the same space

9. because any bosses are dangerous it this point?


How did I do :o?!

1.no argument their

2.well the fact being that Loki can switch teleport u under the map or into the shadow realm that is a weird room underneath some map is weird is like a strange box i went their once......it was really weird

3.Well regarding radiaiton procs some people can purposely do radiation procs on themselves(castana ground with anti damage corrupted mod and with procs type mods)

4.Mainly because you never know when your gonna run in to someone who is a troll

5.Now sure why catching you would be hard technally i am used to runnin fast pace frames and usually got rush just for the fun of it,i am pretty sure a dedicated troll know how to catch his prey

6.Well one of the guys in thread mention that his form of troll is going around the map and finding rare crates and keeping it to himself then at the end of the mission before extraction tell the squad about it and then extract(kind of hard to pull of but it is a troll)

7.Oh i am not referring to roll i am referring to limbo cataclysm a rare mod drop blueprint or even worst resources,also you can be banish inside cataclysm and it you can only roll out of it once you leave the cataclysm,but by that time a Limbo troll will have caste cataclysm again because of natural talent.

8.Well being in the same space refer to the elevator ever been dragged down or been send into a wall in the elevator ....yeah not fun experience

9.No actually lephantis,Phorid,Jackal,and other bosses have some high damage moves even for being at weak level.

Lephantis will try to sit on you if ur underneath him and that huge amount of damage..

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So glad that much of the COD trash has made it to Warframe. Hope DE trollbans you losers. Please jump into any of my games and you ll get a very nice surprise. That look on your face when you realize you can't play Warframe ? Now that's trolling. I ll be waiting for you tough guys.


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-Not reviving Afkers

-Purposely leaving a completed MD near the Extraction because of Afker farmer

-Spamming Bounce on rude people

-Switch Teleporting Hallway Heroes to their deaths

-Being a Trinity in Draco and not using EV even once

-Being a Mesa in Draco sniping.

-Spamming Soundquake with Banshee so enemies couldnt even leave spawn..

Anything else?

I like to run into void lasers to a radiation proc so i can shoot my team...

I have to try this.. Tonkor :)

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Sometimes I bring my duration trinity to low level missions for the blessing and use it on lower level players to help them finish the mission instead of just plowing through it with a soma prime or something else so they learn to play.


Is this something to be guilty of?

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As the OP of this here thread, I have one thing to say. You're all horrible people. (But in a nice sort of way :) )

But the real people that I can't tolerate here are the ones being rude. Please try your best to be nice to each other and/or crack a few jokes. Just please don't insult others. I might edit my original post later to reflect this.

Thanks! :D

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