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Premonition Over The New Parkour; Pre-Emptive Predictive Analysis.


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RIP coptering.I'll never miss you....Ever


Hello engaging, fun, intuitive, non-sticky, anti-carpal tunnel, non weapon based movement system!


RIP weapon based movement. RIP limited weapon loadouts for the sake of efficiency. RIP ballerina movement! (VentiGlondi quote ftw)








p.s. i'm not coming to your funeral :)

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Well, better to be FORCED to use 2 or 3 weapons for mobility instead of being able to move seamlessly through a level. ESPECIALLY when it glitches the game and breaks it. SO much fun!


As far as speed goes? I can see this being almost as fast and FAR less likely to crash the game or toss you outside the map.


Running on top of the zipline tho... I LOL-ed HARD.


This SEEMS to be a bit easier to use than the glitch that so many people either hated or could not live without. . We will see.

You conflate wallrunning with coptering. I am not addressing coptering and I am happy for it to be disposed of. It was a symptom of a diseased system.


Thats it a trailer, and that wall runnig, etc is not working on current tilesets...

Then perhaps we're playing different games. In the one I play wallrunning has been a part of since nigh the beginning.

And the trailer's portrayed system (the stop in the middle included) has been the first direction taken with the improved parkour system and demonstrated in previous dev streams prior to this new, bunny-hop based, one.

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You conflate wallrunning with coptering. I am not addressing coptering and I am happy for it to be disposed of. It was a symptom of a diseased system.


Then perhaps we're playing different games. In the one I play wallrunning has been a part of since nigh the beginning.

And the trailer's portrayed system (the stop in the middle included) has been the first direction taken with the improved parkour system and demonstrated in previous dev streams prior to this new, bunny-hop based, one.

So you really can wallrun on all tilesets without being stuck on something in the wall, or just fall off because there is nothhing that help you to hold long wall run?

Because all tilesets let you make a better parkour that what DE have show on this Devstream?

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Hang on, I just spotted something






I've been playing this game since open beta begun, and I've never experienced any fluidity.

There is a manner for which we may argue the scope of fluidity. But it was there.

There are certain tiles in particular in which I've quite enjoyed the transition from point to point via the use of wall-running.

This will no longer be the case. :(

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So you really can wallrun on all tilesets without being stuck on something in the wall, or just fall off because there is nothhing that help you to hold long wall run?

Because all tilesets let you make a better parkour that what DE have show on this Devstream?

A fallacious logic. You conflate imperfection of a system with the merit of the system in itself.

Do you cease using roads merely because they have tar-breaking pits? Nay, you repair the road.

And as stated in another reply, DE were working on improving the system as it was. Then mid-way decided, for whatever reason, to go with the bunny-hop one instead.

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You don't get it do you? It is the kind of S#&$ where you know that it is S#&$ by just looking at it, you don't have to taste it first.

Which is why I would never want to play Warframe with you.

That said, your argument is moot because it's no argument at all. None of what we've all been throwing around are arguments, as a matter of fact. We're providing opinions and it's okay that some of you cool and edgy dudes want to keep the old stuff in. There are also those of us who like the change and will embrace it. And that's okay also, but what we all need to understand is that we know little of how it will all mesh together, aside from the opinons we've developed seeing someone who plays rather poorly in action. 


In the end, it is my firm opinion that I will personally enjoy the system.

Edited by Gale47
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There is a manner for which we may argue the scope of fluidity. But it was there.

There are certain tiles in particular in which I've quite enjoyed the transition from point to point via the use of wall-running.

This will no longer be the case. :(

with the current system those are the only times I ever wallrun, only in transitional areas where it is necessary. new system is better for overall movement integration. the old parkour 2.0 prototype looked like a lame copy paste from gunZ 2...

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A fallacious logic. You conflate imperfection of a system with the merit of the system in itself.

Do you cease using roads merely because they have tar-breaking pits? Nay, you repair the road.

And as stated in another reply, DE were working on improving the system as it was. Then mid-way decided, for whatever reason, to go with the bunny-hop one instead.

Bunny hop solves many thing related on current tilesets issues on movement...


Im not telling that the current system its imperfect (because is it), im saying that next movement system solves many many (all) issues on alot of tilesets...

Not only that we have saw its coming, there are dodge, vault, etc etc...


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Bunny hop solves many thing related on current tilesets issues on movement...


Im not telling that the current system its imperfect (because is it), im saying that next movement system solves many many (all) issues on alot of tilesets...

Not only that we have saw its coming, there are dodge, vault, etc etc...


So you consider bunny-hopping a good idea instead of improving wallrunning to seamless activity as presented in the PAX trailer?

BRINK wasn't an awesome game. But it had one awesome feature.

Edited by OriKlein
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To the anti-2.0 party, I have one word to tell you. *ahem* in the sacred dialect and tongue of the internet






You conflate experience-based critique of fundamental facts with anti-progress. I'm all for progress. And I think improving upon the current system onto perfection would've by far exceeded this proposed one.

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RIP coptering.I'll never miss you....Ever


Hello engaging, fun, intuitive, non-sticky, anti-carpal tunnel, non weapon based movement system!


RIP weapon based movement. RIP limited weapon loadouts for the sake of efficiency. RIP ballerina movement! (VentiGlondi quote ftw)

p.s. i'm not coming to your funeral :)

You're delusional if you believe that.  Did you even see the bunny hop?  You have to spam jump repeatedly just for a simple wall run. That's going to cause more carpal tunnel than coptering ever did.


There isn't going to be more variety in melee weapons. The meta is just going to shift, You're going to start seeing nothing but scindo primes, dakra primes, and dragon nikanas being used.

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There isn't going to be more variety in melee weapons. The meta is just going to shift, You're going to start seeing nothing but scindo primes, dakra primes, and dragon nikanas being used.

Yes, the same its happening with Guns, but movement is not going to be tied because your melee... So everyone have the same chances to move fast as everyone...


So you consider bunny-hopping a good idea instead of improving wallrunning to seamless activity as presented in the PAX trailer?

BRINK wasn't an awesome game. But it had one awesome feature.

Bunny hop its wallrunning improved...


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I wasn't even coptering to begin with, I've always carried melee weapons that deal devastating damage (since I'm primarily an Ash user, I have speed just by running anyway; also, slide+quick jump catapults you very far very fast; also: maglev mod).
So I find all those who jump on the coptering wagon as a defence argument to be quite amusing.

I say good riddance to coptering, but you don't need a new parkour system to eliminate coptering. You just eliminate coptering mechanically (which is what DE has done).

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Yes, the same its happening with Guns, but movement is not going to be tied because your melee... So everyone have the same chances to move fast as everyone...


Bunny hop its wallrunning improved...


So repeatedly tapping a key for small movements is improvement over a fluid-movement system?

Your rationale is quite illogical.

I've updated the link to the developer diary (for Brink), I do suggest you view it.

This is what we should be aspiring for DE to achieve in Warframe: seamless movement across all terrain. Not counter-strike jumping non-stop.

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So repeatedly tapping a key for small movements is improvement over a fluid-movement system?

Your rationale is quite illogical.


You have to tap it so you can control when and where latch/jump/double jump..

Current one its fluid like whats coming, it just magnetize on wall, and run... you dont control where to go, when stop, when latch (if you can), you just run and run and run, until your stamina its gone, or there is something that stop you...

And about wallrun wall jump... you just fly wthout control...

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I wasn't even coptering to begin with, I've always carried melee weapons that deal devastating damage (since I'm primarily an Ash user, I have speed just by running anyway; also, slide+quick jump catapults you very far very fast; also: maglev mod).

So I find all those who jump on the coptering wagon as a defence argument to be quite amusing.

I say good riddance to coptering, but you don't need a new parkour system to eliminate coptering. You just eliminate coptering mechanically (which is what DE has done).


I am going to wait and see.


I think my Frost with Fragor just got a new lease on life, not JUST defense missions.

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[Edit: I am not asking for coptering to remain. It needed to be done away with and good that DE finally has done so.]

I am genuinely unhappy with the demonstrated new parkour system.


It appears to me, per my experience, counter-intuitive and immersion-breaking.

Traversing terrain should be a rudimentary action within the flow of the gameplay, not a focused emphasized portion of gameplay of its own; too much meta 'play' that is really excessive and unnecessary work.

This sort of mechanic was tried in the past in other games prior and deemed a failure.


Turning actions which should be simple and fluid, negligent even, onto multiple key-press micro-managed ones does not increase interactivity, worse yet it decreases player performance.

Instead of running around and focusing on the enemies, aiming, bearings and so forth it draws player concentration onto simply managing to stay on the wall and to advance forward.

Moreover, visually speaking, repetitive, few frames, short-breaking animation of 'bunny hopping' (counter-strike reminiscing?) instead of a slick streaming wallrunning one is vastly inferior. This goes double for producing marketable  video material.

Needless to say, it turns the "ninja" theme onto furthermore of an inside joke as we turn further away from fast-moving fluid "ninjas" onto some poor form Naruto-esque cartoonish characters that are at best a mockery.



Best Regards,


what are you talking about, coptering is all you describe as wrong, but simply worst than the next system under your own terms

Edited by rockscl
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You have to tap it so you can control when and where latch/jump/double jump..

Current one its fluid like whats coming, it just magnetize on wall, and run... you dont control where to go, when stop, when latch (if you can), you just run and run and run, until your stamina its gone, or there is something that stop you...

And about wallrun wall jump... you just fly wthout control...

A. You tap it because you have to time it. Not because of control.

B. They were working on designing a system where you can stop the movement and take control.

C. You already had limited control over where you could go. I agree that the mechanic's response wasn't as intuitive as it needed to be; again, they were working on improving it.

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I am going to wait and see.


I think my Frost with Fragor just got a new lease on life, not JUST defense missions.

I had Frost + Fragor early in Beta before I got my Ashu. Clocked a lot of play time in any mission with him.

So, honestly, it's really just a lack of strength of will to claim otherwise.


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The new system gives you opportunities to combine parkour and gunplay with the latching and air glide abilities. The old system gave you nothing, unless you found that one room in the void with the long, flat walls where you could actually do a wall run for more than half a second without slamming into something and disengaging.


TBH neither the old system nor the new system scream "ninja" to me. With the new one we have something functional and fun looking, though.


^^ haha I love those gifs

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Here you have the "Flui" and how it works actually... because as how you have say... it works.

I can give you more...

So, for the 7th or 9th time, your argument is: the system is imperfect because of human error.

To which the logical conclusion is: keep improving it and correct the errors.

First video: problem is bad floor design, objects in the way.

Fix: remove/lower the objects, adjust ceiling underroof height higher to compensate for players choosing wallrunning so they may continue to move onwards without hindrance.

Second video: problem is bad floor design, slope mitigating speed/flow

Fix: increase animation speed/movement speed upon hitting vertical slopes.


Third video is 39 seconds and I'm lazy. ;)

But I suspect it'll be similar in its aspects.

Again, you don't stop using roads because they have bumps and pits, you smooth the road out.

And maybe revoke some driver licenses...

Edited by OriKlein
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