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Premonition Over The New Parkour; Pre-Emptive Predictive Analysis.


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The new system gives you opportunities to combine parkour and gunplay with the latching and air glide abilities.

Latching, mid-stop, glide, was all going to be incorporated into the old system.

What is your argument then?

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So, for the 7th or 9th time, your argument is: the system is imperfect because of human error.

To which the logical conclusion is: keep improving it and correct the errors.

First video: problem is bad floor design, objects in the way.

Fix: remove/lower the objects, adjust ceiling underroof height higher to compensate for players choosing wallrunning so they may continue to move onwards without hindrance.

Second video: problem is bad floor design, slope mitigating speed/flow

Fix: increase animation speed/movement speed upon hitting vertical slopes.


Third video is 39 seconds and I'm lazy. ;)

But I suspect it'll be similar in its aspects.

Again, you don't stop using roads because they have bumps and pits, you smooth the road out.

And maybe revoke some driver licenses...

Everything that you say, its human error, and the new system its fixing everything we see on the gifs, in a better way...

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Wellllll while your crying about your dead old stupid system. I will be having fun playing the new smart system.

Your juvenile expression is noted. And lacks any actual argument rather contains dismissive slurs. Kudos.

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Merely as a thought exercise: Imagine this was done with the new parkour system and ponder on how it compares visually.

Infact, I'd encourage DE to actually reanimate it, watch, and compare.

well excalibur would have been at least   seconds faster x)

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So, for the 7th or 9th time, your argument is: the system is imperfect because of human error.

To which the logical conclusion is: keep improving it and correct the errors.

First video: problem is bad floor design, objects in the way.

Fix: remove/lower the objects, adjust ceiling underroof height higher to compensate for players choosing wallrunning so they may continue to move onwards without hindrance.

Second video: problem is bad floor design, slope mitigating speed/flow

Fix: increase animation speed/movement speed upon hitting vertical slopes.


Third video is 39 seconds and I'm lazy. ;)

But I suspect it'll be similar in its aspects.

Again, you don't stop using roads because they have bumps and pits, you smooth the road out.

And maybe revoke some driver licenses...

So just rework every single room for every single tileset in the game then? Easy peasy.


Newsflash: they said they tried rework and keep the current "sticky" wallrun animation and it simply didn't work. Let it go.

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Everything that you say, its human error, and the new system its fixing everything we see on the gifs, in a better way...


Because tapping keys repeatedly for slow movement gains instead of moving smoothly and fast is "better"?

Again, I fail to understand your logic.

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Latching, mid-stop, glide, was all going to be incorporated into the old system.

What is your argument then?

See my post above. They tried to keep the old wallrun animation but there were too many hurdles to integrating smoothly with the existing level architecture and the new parkour stuff. It didn't work.


edit: too many "simply"s!

Edited by ArbitUHM
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Your juvenile expression is noted. And lacks any actual argument rather contains dismissive slurs. Kudos.


I read your OP and couldn't think of anything to have a argument about. I like the new system and it seems to be a preference. The DE even stated that players will have to adapt to the system and most won't like it at first because change is scary. 


I am in the situation where the DE has already said anything I could have said sooo... Yah. This new system seems smoother, more fluid, and faster IMO.

Edited by Feallike
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So just rework every single room for every single tileset in the game then? Easy peasy.


Newsflash: they said they tried rework and keep the current "sticky" wallrun animation and it simply didn't work. Let it go.

That's the first, and only (sadly), cohesive argument thus far.

So, essentially, this is a hack job.

I'd still much rather they strive towards Brink's S.M.A.R.T.

That technology was brilliant.

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Because tapping keys repeatedly for slow movement gains instead of moving smoothly and fast is "better"?

Again, I fail to understand your logic.

I fail to understand why you complain about a better system when you have control on what the h... are you doing..

I fail to understand everything that you say about why bunny hop is not fluid and better than that we have now...


If you dont see why you have to tap to climb, if you dont see why you have to tap to wall hop, if you dont see why they make everything that we have saw on Devstream...

At least see the gifs and videos about the "Fluid and better" wall running animation we have now... until next week...

O i cant wait for it...

O i forget... Is not Slow ;D

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I had Frost + Fragor early in Beta before I got my Ashu. Clocked a lot of play time in any mission with him.

So, honestly, it's really just a lack of strength of will to claim otherwise.



So now you insult me or my playstyle because I disagree with you?


Funny. I thought you were better than that.


Whatever. Your opinion is noted. I do not share it.

Edited by Kalenath
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So now you insult me or my playstyle because I disagree with you?


Funny. I thought you were better than that.


Whatever. Your opinion is noted. I do not share it.


No, I'm saying there was nothing physically stopping you from playing Frost and Fragor. If you didn't, you choose not to.

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See my post above. They tried to keep the old wallrun animation but there were too many hurdles to integrating smoothly with the existing level architecture and the new parkour stuff. It didn't work.


edit: too many "simply"s!


And now I'm hearing that the actual statement by Steve was that they choose this method because it was simpler/easier for console players in terms of buttons/control.

So now I trust no one. :(

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Traversing terrain should be a rudimentary action within the flow of the gameplay, not a focused emphasized portion of gameplay of its own; too much meta 'play' that is really excessive and unnecessary work.

This sort of mechanic was tried in the past in other games prior and deemed a failure.


Yay Mirrors Edge is a failure and hated by evryone... oh wait.

You may prefer a system where movement is a rudimentary action but I personally prefer it as a emphasized portion of gameplay since I love systems which allow creatives way of traversings ones enviroment - one of the main reasons I stuck with Warframe,

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Merely as a thought exercise: Imagine this was done with the new parkour system and ponder on how it compares visually.

Infact, I'd encourage DE to actually reanimate it, watch, and compare.

First, wait and see.


Second, the parkour shown is fine and all, but the main reason it was abandoned was the lack of control and superficiality the wallrun had, and how it interacted with surfaces.


Lack of control=no parkour. Parkour is all about control ver body and environment.


It works so well in this animation because the environment was made for it.


Imagine it in an asteroid tileset and tell me what you think.

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I still kinna like how we run across the wall with one hand on it, just the animation is pretty awesome. Having to continuously push a button to hop my way across the wall doesnt look or sound as efficient as an improved wallrun should, imo. This wont make it easy to wallrun and gun at the same time, i love that feature now. It wont even feel the same... come to think of it.. will we even be able to wallhop n gun anymore (on consoles), or will we have to stop mid wallhop every time, shoot and continue to hop on? anyway..

I believe they can iron this new wallrun out a bit to be somewhat like the old run but with the new directional and latch features. Hopping across the wall in Warframe is a bit... just doesnt sit right. Im surprised at how many people like this new feature though.


Also, i hope they consider to give the double jump a boost. Its not a double jump atm, its a front flip, and it doesnt make much difference unless you have momentum.


just my opinion though..


overall, they done a good job. a lot of work was put in to parkour 2.0

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[Edit: I am not asking for coptering to remain. It needed to be done away with and good that DE finally has done so.]

I am genuinely unhappy with the demonstrated new parkour system.


It appears to me, per my experience, counter-intuitive and immersion-breaking.

Traversing terrain should be a rudimentary action within the flow of the gameplay, not a focused emphasized portion of gameplay of its own; too much meta 'play' that is really excessive and unnecessary work.

This sort of mechanic was tried in the past in other games prior and deemed a failure.


Turning actions which should be simple and fluid, negligent even, onto multiple key-press micro-managed ones does not increase interactivity, worse yet it decreases player performance.

Instead of running around and focusing on the enemies, aiming, bearings and so forth it draws player concentration onto simply managing to stay on the wall and to advance forward.

Moreover, visually speaking, repetitive, few frames, short-breaking animation of 'bunny hopping' (counter-strike reminiscing?) instead of a slick streaming wallrunning one is vastly inferior. This goes double for producing marketable  video material.

Needless to say, it turns the "ninja" theme onto furthermore of an inside joke as we turn further away from fast-moving fluid "ninjas" onto some poor form Naruto-esque cartoonish characters that are at best a mockery.



Best Regards,

There's still a floor/ground to walk on you know. Almost all tiles have an on foot path you can use to navigate.


You are not forced to spend your attention on jumping off and clinging to walls if you do not wish to, much like how the current game is now where barely anyone uses wall runs.


They aren't replacing all floors with lava so your argument is kind of moot. The new parkour is there for people who want to have fun and be stylish while killing enemies, but is not strictly required for the majority of things.

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It looks absolutely better in every way than the system we have now, bar one thing: the straight-line wall-running in the current system just looks a bit cooler.   But everything else weighs heavily in favour of the new system.  As Rebecca was playing it in the bit with the Tigris, it looks just amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it. 


Judging by the instructions in the tutorial for the new movement system, it doesn't look all that complicated button-combo-wise.  Obviously it will take a bit of getting used to, rewiring old habits, but I think it will be worth it to have a system where you can basically parkour anywhere, and a system that also is a level playing field for newbies (i.e. it's not a "hidden" movement style out of the box, like coptering has been, nor is it dependent on special weapons to get the best out of it, but solely player skill).

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Euhm....proper coptering will have you pressing 4-5 keys. 

Bullet jumping like.....2-3.

Micro-management went down if anything....and the only difference in normal wallrunning: Instead of holding, you now spam the F*** out of your spacebar. 

Dunno man...maybe you watched a different stream.

Literally the only thing that was a little wonky was latching...but honestly...latching is not a big requirement and in 99% of the cases you can just ignore it. 

Plus the current wallrun animation doesn't actually look that fluid...to me it ALWAYS looked rigid and weird...sure, bunnyhopping might not look like water...but bullet jump and aim glide sure as hell do.


Lol I press 1 button for copptering.


I don't really have an issue with this new system until I try it and see for myself. However the advice "put on your chill pants and pratice for an hour" is the exact same advice that could have been given to all those complaining that "copptering is too hard". I couldn't do it until I practiced a bit either.


My only beef is with the concept itself. That eveyone should be equal while playing. Everyone should have the same abilities. I didn't spend over 2 years playing to reach rank 19 only to see a rank 3 flying through the enviroment just as easy as I can. There should be a learning curve otherwise whats the point of continuing to play? 


"Well I've reached rank 5 and seen all done all time to find a new game".


But as I said I am willing to try it with an open mind.

Edited by digritz
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It looks absolutely better in every way than the system we have now, bar one thing: the straight-line wall-running in the current system just looks a bit cooler.   But everything else weighs heavily in favour of the new system.  As Rebecca was playing it in the bit with the Tigris, it looks just amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it. 


Judging by the instructions in the tutorial for the new movement system, it doesn't look all that complicated button-combo-wise.  Obviously it will take a bit of getting used to, rewiring old habits, but I think it will be worth it to have a system where you can basically parkour anywhere, and a system that also is a level playing field for newbies (i.e. it's not a "hidden" movement style out of the box, like coptering has been, nor is it dependent on special weapons to get the best out of it, but solely player skill).

Oh look! A reasonable comment...


Yes,what we'll lost in cool factor will be gained in control & utility. You can't expect them to go back to our old system anyway...


The best thing everyone can do is to wait & keep ourselves alive until next week, test the content, weigh the pro's and con's of the new system, and post a MASSIVE amount of good/bad feedback.

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From what we've seen, I think that parkour 2.0 is a fantastic achievement, and it literally adds a new dimension to the gameplay. Taking possession of the third dimension will feel awesome.


And complaining about how they didn't manage to do it with more fluid wallrunning is greedy, silly and unjust, in my opinion.

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