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Premonition Over The New Parkour; Pre-Emptive Predictive Analysis.


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Here you have the "Flui" and how it works actually... because as how you have say... it works.

I can give you more...

pls do. Fill this thread with the "greatness" of the current system.


So, for the 7th or 9th time, your argument is: the system is imperfect because of human error.

To which the logical conclusion is: keep improving it and correct the errors.

First video: problem is bad floor design, objects in the way.

Fix: remove/lower the objects, adjust ceiling underroof height higher to compensate for players choosing wallrunning so they may continue to move onwards without hindrance.

Second video: problem is bad floor design, slope mitigating speed/flow

Fix: increase animation speed/movement speed upon hitting vertical slopes.


Third video is 39 seconds and I'm lazy. ;)

But I suspect it'll be similar in its aspects.

Again, you don't stop using roads because they have bumps and pits, you smooth the road out.

And maybe revoke some driver licenses...

OP, you are sounding less and less reasonable the more you write. The "solutions" you speak of would force DE to remake every single title-set.


This thread is moot. And a constant reminder to the keirsey temparments composition ratios of humanity.

Movement system done right: http://brink.wikia.com/wiki/SMART

DE executives have made their decision.

You shall bunny hop.

Lock the thread.

Let there be pain.

Not humanity's, just yours. Most of us just dont agree with it.


And its not like DE owns the game or anything..... oh wait.

There will be pain, be careful with what you eat.

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Parkour as of now sucks. It's a boring old system that I haven't actually used in a long time (coptering ftw). This looks a lot better, I'm not too thrilled about having to mash my space bar, but then again I'm too thrilled about the static, boring, buggy parkour system we have. I imagine this will be like melee 2.0, where they decide to bring something back from the old system like they are with power attacks. I'm not saying your opinion is bad, it's your opinion after all, I just completely disagree.

Edited by Allendium
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Lol I press 1 button for copptering.




So, you move forward, sprint, jump, crouch AND press melee attack all with 1 button? I'd like to have that kind of key mapping, too. And no, sliding over the ground is not proper coptering. 

And even then you need to move forward, sprint, crouch and do a melee attack.

Seriously man...we are looking at 4-5 keys you need to press in a certain order to properly copter. And having to press 5 keys for a single action is beyond ridiculous. Yes, I've used a lot of coptering. Yes, I came to accept it...but not only is this move overly complicated (for some)...but it's also something that will alienate possible new players....let's put aside the fact that the physics will freak the F*** out and sometimes smash you into a wall face-first. 

Edited by Shehriazad
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Sprint (held), forward, crouch (slide), jump, crouch, melee (great for clearing through a crowd or a grate in the way). Six presses for an actual "air heli".

Although it is an action in motion, so there's a certain flow to it.


The 'coptering was just sliding and tapping the melee key (hence the 1 key argument) several times in rapid succession, and the weapon refire (attack) speed/mechanics allowed it to spin several more times. Now they've put a stop to it.

Again, though, this is coptering; not wallrunning across walls or over them.


Now it's just fapping err tapping the same key over and over again, merely to escalate a simple vertical wall. So slow.

And probably because it was too hard for console players to use the wallrunning system.


yes we will sacrifice speed I play on console and coptering is easier on a controller but the parkour 1.0 is HARD TO DO it's clunky laggy and slow this will speed it up I just hope they allow us to switch triggers for the jump button cause it's impossible Pressing A moving the right stick and the left stick
Edited by OriKlein
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Here you have the "Flui" and how it works actually... because as how you have say... it works.





I can give you more...

this. this is exactly what is currently wrong, and the new systems gives you far more control over where you are going. im sorry OriKlein, but your argument is silly. the only time where there is more action required is in wall running (and yes, the point at which you hit the space bar will determine whether you climb, fall, or stay level) and its barely much more imput anyway, other than that is a far simpler movement system then coptor everywhere. it gives you more control. ALSO; they kept telling her to slow down so they could talk about what is going on. i think when we see it in game that it will be quite quick, and very fluid. they also said that the faster you are moving and the more you use the parkour system the harder it will be for enemies to hit you (that sounds VERY ninja to me) and its a really simple system meaning after you have the hang of it what you are doing will become an after thought - unlike coptoring - and there is now an incentive to move around rather than hide on the other side of the door frame.


Lets get it in game, play around with it, and see how it goes. we can start a death thread then. 


Yay Mirrors Edge is a failure and hated by evryone... oh wait.

You may prefer a system where movement is a rudimentary action but I personally prefer it as a emphasized portion of gameplay since I love systems which allow creatives way of traversings ones enviroment - one of the main reasons I stuck with Warframe,

wasnt there a game where parkour was like... one of THE main attraction? i cant come to think of its name.. wait.. i think it was.. assassin's creed maybe? or no.. was it dying light? no no.. it was styx.. er.. brink? prototype? remember me? enslaved? ninja gaiden? prince of persia? im sorry i just cant seem to pinpoint it.

Edited by DrMarlboro
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Absolutely terrible. Lack of control. Zero workability.

What were anyone thinking?


Because charged Jumps can do everywhere with more control on whats coming...

Because there are alot of Flat Walls to do only wallrunning and nothing more...

Because the distance covered there is really really balanced and controled...

You know why they change that?

Because that dont works actually ;D

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Merely as a thought exercise: Imagine this was done with the new parkour system and ponder on how it compares visually.

Infact, I'd encourage DE to actually reanimate it, watch, and compare.

That video looks infinitely better.


I am satisfied with Bullet Jumping as a coptering replacement after seeing the last dev stream, but the bunny hopping along a wall looks stupid as hell and is even less believeable than coptering was.

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That video looks infinitely better.


I am satisfied with Bullet Jumping as a coptering replacement after seeing the last dev stream, but the bunny hopping along a wall looks stupid as hell and is even less believeable than coptering was.

Sounds like a personal beef, and I'm thinking it's more a beef with losing the speed, not how things look in practice.


To me, the idea of my Tenno swinging two small axes rockets him across the map was as absurd as it gets.  This change made fast movement A: simpler, B: believable and controlled.  It also means people can pack their melee of choice in the off chance they'll ever actually use it as opposed to whatever covers the most ground in the least amount of time.  It's win all around.


Well, except for those that lived and breathed a glitch in the system.

Edited by Littleman88
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Sounds like a personal beef, and I'm thinking it's more a beef with losing the speed, not how things look in practice.


To me, the idea of my Tenno swinging two small axes rockets him across the map was as absurd as it gets.  This change made fast movement A: simpler, B: believable and controlled.  It also means people can pack their melee of choice in the off chance they'll ever actually use it as opposed to whatever covers the most ground in the least amount of time.  It's win all around.


Well, except for those that lived and breathed a glitch in the system.

Like I said, I am fine with bullet jump replacing coptering in regards to speed.  The look of the wall bunny-hopping is  just ridiculous. 

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Merely as a thought exercise: Imagine this was done with the new parkour system and ponder on how it compares visually.

Infact, I'd encourage DE to actually reanimate it, watch, and compare.


The video is really cool, the guys at the top at 1:00 minute, they coptered / direction melee to get there! 


I am nutral on the whole thing, I just do not want to go slow...

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Absolutely terrible. Lack of control. Zero workability.

What were anyone thinking?



While I wasn't crazy about the changes to ziplines when I first saw it, when I sat down and thought about it actually walking on the zipline makes more sense once you keep in mind that enemies use the ziplines like we used to (In that they hang from the bottom whilst sliding), crawling up a zipline hand over hand dangling from the bottom like that may have led to  enemies either sliding into us or something similar if they were even programmed to be capable of using the ziplines at the same time as us to begin with.


I would be more convinced by your arguments that things are slower if you actually had side by side comparison of how long it takes to cover a given distance in both systems and how many button presses it takes to cover a given distance (Both of which can be tweaked and likely will be tweaked once it gets into our hands) rather than just blind conjecture and the "Look at this, doesn't this look better than that!" (I would say that you're basically arguing subjective aesthetics at that point).

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