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Yin And Yang Frame. I Think You Guys Mixed Up A Little


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So hey there.

After watching the devstream, and having a quick think about it, the Yin and Yang frame are done quite well, except for the fact that Yin (darkness, female, negativity, death), heals....
Yang (light, male, positivity, light), damages and kills enemies.

Sorry, but that isn't correct. Yes Yin and Yang are Female and Male (respectively) and Black and White (respectively), they don't follow the trait they should. They currently do Life and Death (respectively), when they should do Death and Life (respectively)

TL;DR, Yin should be damaging not Yang, and Yang should be healing not Yin

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While I agree that is somewhat discordant from what you might expect (light is friendly, dark is not as friendly) DE doesn't necessarily have to be bound by those expectations.


I for one don't mind it and I think that there's some kind of trope in a lot of other places where the dark character is actually good and the light character is actually bad. As in so many people trying to break the stereotype its almost become part of the stereotype


Also if you like I guess you could always change the color scheme to make the "dark" side light and the "light" side dark :D




edit: whaddya know they are tropes 




Disclaimer I don't usually use tropes but they have their uses I guess

Edited by RyanGo
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Hmmm... Can't argue, It's a good point... but... you forgot about Day/night (which is the theme of the frame, also).

The theme of the frame is Yin/Yang not Day/night, they just say that to make it easier for those who don't really understand Yin/yang to relate to it better.

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Or perhaps Ninjas feel more at home, more welcome, in Darkness. Hence, Darkness is the healing, comforting shadow, where light is the brilliant, burning Power to annihilate the welcoming shadows... 

Yes. We're space ninja. So 'screw the rules, we're space ninja' sounds about right.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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So hey there.

After watching the devstream, and having a quick think about it, the Yin and Yang frame are done quite well, except for the fact that Yin (darkness, female, negativity, death), heals....

Yang (light, male, positivity, light), damages and kills enemies.

Sorry, but that isn't correct. Yes Yin and Yang are Female and Male (respectively) and Black and White (respectively), they don't follow the trait they should. They currently do Life and Death (respectively), when they should do Death and Life (respectively)

TL;DR, Yin should be damaging not Yang, and Yang should be healing not Yin


In many Asian cultures, especially China where the Yin and Yang symbol is from , white is the color of death and mourning. 

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The theme is Yin and Yang, but it looks as though the sub theme became Day and Night.

So yes, and no?

It's correct but not.

It's mildly confusing, for sure.

Day and night are part of a whole, a cycle, which is something that Yin Yang also represent, each can be something different, but they all belong to a whole.

I'd say this frame still somewhat respect that, while not completely following EVERY concept made around the symbol, and perhaps you can say that it represents the more primitive human aspects, those more close to animals.

Humans are normally diurnal creatures, as such, their active period is during the day, and during that period is when they would be more aggressive, in a more bestial/primitive way it's when they would hunt and kill. During the night it's their rest period, when they have to put up defences against the creatures of the night so they can gather up their energy (one could also say, heal themselves) for the next day, but this is also the preferred time, as media usually shows, for them to be more stealthy (get it? Kill enemies in their sleep). And then the day raises up again and the cycle repeats itself, just like how a spinning yin yang symbols shows, the white part is seen as raising, but if you spin in (clockwise) it will soon be on the other side, going downwards and the black part is now raising, it's the 2 parts of whole, day and night, and IMO, the Frame does a good job representing a whole as it should, it simply doesn't follow every notion and concept we have about those colors, but if anything, that's impossible to do anyway.


One could say that white isn't really representing Death in this frame, but yes aggressiveness, activeness.

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Or perhaps Ninjas feel more at home, more welcome, in Darkness. Hence, Darkness is the healing, comforting shadow, where light is the brilliant, burning Power to annihilate the welcoming shadows... 

That isn't how their aesthetics say it.


Tenno-made areas and weapons are bright, with polished steel parts, much like the Corpus, while Grineer and the Infested are darker, and use round, organic bulges, as well as green and yellow in their designs.


From this, and their primes being glowing gold, it's clear the Tenno are a pro-light people who deal with others that walk in the light, while their greatest enemies are cloaked in darknesses. (Also, Stalker, the Tenno equivalent of Santa)

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After watching the devstream, and having a quick think about it, the Yin and Yang frame are done quite well, except for the fact that Yin (darkness, female, negativity, death), heals....

Yang (light, male, positivity, light), damages and kills enemies.


True, but you're forgetting one very important thing:


They aren't simply based on the Western constructs of "Light" and "Dark". They're the deep Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang.


Yin represents femininity, the moon... and passivity. A light in the darkness. Not simply "negative" in the sense of harm, but in negation. The cool night, frozen water. Relief via cold and shade. Disintegration as things simply waste away around you.

Yang represents masculinity, the sun... and activity. The shadow within the light. Not simply "positive" in the sense of benefit, but in excitation. The scorching day, boiling water. Think of a wildfire, tearing things apart without conscience or restraint.


The day breaks. The night falls.


Their skills are perfect descriptors of what they are.

Edited by Archwizard
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So hey there.

After watching the devstream, and having a quick think about it, the Yin and Yang frame are done quite well, except for the fact that Yin (darkness, female, negativity, death), heals....

Yang (light, male, positivity, light), damages and kills enemies.

Sorry, but that isn't correct. Yes Yin and Yang are Female and Male (respectively) and Black and White (respectively), they don't follow the trait they should. They currently do Life and Death (respectively), when they should do Death and Life (respectively)

TL;DR, Yin should be damaging not Yang, and Yang should be healing not Yin

If you are correct which i have no reason not to believe then yea, this should be considered. But they still have a week to figure it out so no worries

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True, but you're forgetting one very important thing:


They aren't simply based on the Western constructs of "Light" and "Dark". They're the deep Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang.


Yin represents femininity, the moon... and passivity. A light in the darkness. Not simply "negative" in the sense of harm, but in negation. The cool night, frozen water. Relief via cold and shade. Disintegration as things simply waste away around you.

Yang represents masculinity, the sun... and activity. The shadow within the light. Not simply "positive" in the sense of benefit, but in excitation. The scorching day, boiling water. Think of a wildfire, tearing things apart without conscience or restraint.


The day breaks. The night falls.


Their skills are perfect descriptors of what they are.



Also, Yin and Yang don't represent duality as much as they represent complementarity. That's just a dumbed down, "westernised" misconception. The devs did a great job IMHO. Both forms complement each other pretty well.

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So hey there.

After watching the devstream, and having a quick think about it, the Yin and Yang frame are done quite well, except for the fact that Yin (darkness, female, negativity, death), heals....

Yang (light, male, positivity, light), damages and kills enemies.

Sorry, but that isn't correct. Yes Yin and Yang are Female and Male (respectively) and Black and White (respectively), they don't follow the trait they should. They currently do Life and Death (respectively), when they should do Death and Life (respectively)

TL;DR, Yin should be damaging not Yang, and Yang should be healing not Yin


Great to see someone that knows their eastern philosophy/religion. DE could have wiki'd this and known as much. +1 to OP!

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