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Yes, I am biased when I say this, I've always liked playing snipers, however I would ask that you seriously consider what I'm going to say, I've watched this game develop since the days before the void when regular missions gave obscene amounts of credits by today's standards.

Snipers are bordering on, if not completely useless, they're simply far outclassed by the bows in every way, and we all know this. A Paris prime will outdamage a vectis even primed chamber without exception. They're simply worse.

I can't speak for everyone else, but i see a problem when an entire weapon class is made and kept useless.

Suggested fix: Increase body multipliers for Snipers to bring them damage comparable to the bows(all of them respectively, the vulkar would=the cernos in dmg, the vectis= the paris, and primes of each follow suit). This would utilize the ONE advantage the snipers have, accuracy and bullet speed( yes i know banshee can do this, but again the paris prime will way outclass anything here, especially in close-medium range).

Snipers should be the one perched atop a spire taking out healers and heavy gunners instead of being thrown in the trash heap like so many other weapons.

I look forward to feedback.

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Snipers have needed a buff for a good long time now.


But it's not entirely their fault they don't hold up to the scaling hordes that this game throws at us.


The game is designed in such a way that makes weapons with low fire rates less useful.

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What about the Lanka? It's somewhat of a middle step between bows and snipers since it has a charge time and travel time, albeit very quick travel time.

A sniper( my favorite) nonetheless, that comes with more damage at the cost of charge speed and a projectile. I would like to see this applied to the lanka especially as a high ranking weapon that you will never see due to it being outclassed.

But I understand your point I imagine it would receive a sslight damage/crit buff as well as body multipliers that are not quite as good as hitscan snipers, but still bring it up near Paris prime/dread.

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Snipers have needed a buff for a good long time now.

But it's not entirely their fault they don't hold up to the scaling hordes that this game throws at us.

The game is designed in such a way that makes weapons with low fire rates less useful.

Yeah, I was considering putting this in the original post but one idea might be to, instead of throwing droves of enemies at us, cut down even if just a little bit and make them harder and more fun to fight. This would solve that problem and improve variety and interest.

I know it's very radical, but DE is no stranger to overhauls.

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I said it in another thread and I'm going to say it here... Snipers just need a mod that makes over kill damage splinter off to other enemies and they need to ability to go through nullifier shields. Do that and they will be far better than they are now.

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I said it in another thread and I'm going to say it here... Snipers just need a mod that makes over kill damage splinter off to other enemies and they need to ability to go through nullifier shields. Do that and they will be far better than they are now.

It would be nice but there would still be much better picks for that effect

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Snipers are useless in their current form.


My suggestion to snipers?


They always ignore ALL armor, ALL damage reduction, always do damage directly to HP.


We're talking about weapons which are NOT intended for suppressive fire, but made for precision strikes on single, usually high value targets.


We have enough nerf guns and popguns in the game already.


And it would be kinda awesome to have snipers occasionally cause total body disruption.  Look the term up if you aren't familiar with it.

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What a sniper needs:


-Insane damage to counteract the slow fire rate and 1 shot thing

-Capability to use heavy calibur without missing

-Punch through

-Better scope



If DE fufills this, snipers will once again popular in warframe other than possibly pvp

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Snipers are useless in their current form.

My suggestion to snipers?

They always ignore ALL armor, ALL damage reduction, always do damage directly to HP.

We're talking about weapons which are NOT intended for suppressive fire, but made for precision strikes on single, usually high value targets.

We have enough nerf guns and popguns in the game already.

And it would be kinda awesome to have snipers occasionally cause total body disruption. Look the term up if you aren't familiar with it.

There are lots of solutions. But I really want to try to bring the community to push for this change.

I was in the twitch chat for the entire devstream asking if they intended to bring snipers up to par( you may have seen beme sending a message every 2 minutes lol), i really, REALLY wanna see snipers be made into something usable.

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They may be "outclassed" by bows in damage, but bows are horrible to use. i don't care if my sniper rifle does 10% the damage of some fancy bow, snipers are better.

Well that's all fine and dandy but I'm pretty sure most of us would like to do damage in a game where damage is everything.
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Snipers are already on the Devs' radar. In fact, I believe snipers buffs are coming after shotgun buffs. The Devs are just having a hard time figuring out HOW to buff snipers without making them just a straight upgrade to bows.

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In all honesty even if they do buff snipers, which is very likely at this point, not many people will even use them. Why? Because there aren't all that many maps that accommodate sniper rifles. Most tilesets are indoors and have tight corners or small rooms. It's not very sniper friendly. I love snipers. I love games that have snipers. I just don't believe sniping works well in Warframe.

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In my opinion snipers should be on the exact same plane as bows with similar critical chance/damage and status chance. And if they don't get on that same plane as bows, they should upgrade the damage and it have an innate ability or mod that allows it to do greater damage when striking an enemy's weakspots you know as snipers are used to take down heavies. But after all of that snipers really don't fit on our space ninja world with tight corners and small rooms, so unless parkour 2.0 increases the scale and size of some tilesets the buff to snipers will be meaningless

Edited by WizzaFlow
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Sheer number of enemies that spawn and the way they move makes snipers totaly useless. :(

I was discussing this with a friend recently and he pitched the idea of a mod or something that caused explosions on headshot kills that scale with weapon damage. Opinion?
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I was discussing this with a friend recently and he pitched the idea of a mod or something that caused explosions on headshot kills that scale with weapon damage. Opinion?

It sounds like sniper bullet with ogris/penta/tonkor explosion, that can be cool, but it makes no sense. Snipers are weapons with high damage, accuracy and precision, they are used to dispatch important targets from long distances. Since closed beta, warframe never had maps, missions or number of enemies suited for snipers, that is reason why weapons like gorgon, supra and soma were most used weapons.

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It sounds like sniper bullet with ogris/penta/tonkor explosion, that can be cool, but it makes no sense. Snipers are weapons with high damage, accuracy and precision, they are used to dispatch important targets from long distances. Since closed beta, warframe never had maps, missions or number of enemies suited for snipers, that is reason why weapons like gorgon, supra and soma were most used weapons.

^This. The game really isn't suited for Sniper rifles.

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I was discussing this with a friend recently and he pitched the idea of a mod or something that caused explosions on headshot kills that scale with weapon damage. Opinion?

Like a thunderbolt but built in and relies on body part selection? It's a good idea but doesn't mean it's an end to the solution.

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