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Coptering Removing


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Just FYI though, that wall hopping is just as physics breaking as coptering was.

As half of game. I don't know if it's a good argument for coptering. 

You want coptering to stay in game, but complaining about bunny hopping aka wallrunning? Well, I'm out. 

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It's not especially pretty from what I've seen.  But does it matter all that much?  Right now Wallrunning looks good...but it's not especially useful, and where it is useful the level geometry was clearly intended particularly for that use.


Hopping seems like it will be useful in a vastly larger number of situations then wall running actually was.  It's a trade off, but on the surface it looks like extra utility.

Coptering is considered a glitch, but it had more polished animations than the wall hopping.  That's all I am saying.

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Just as a basic math lesson, because apparently some people need one, 41% < 59%. The majority of the community wants coptering removed.

Nice disinformation. Do you even read that hot topics? Only 29% for removing coptering acceleration, not coptering itself. Other tenno wants slight change or no opinions.


You also claim the new movement system is even more abusive and glitchy than coptering, but haven't pulled up any tangible arguments to back up that statement other than "it looks ugly", which I should remind you is a PERSONAL OPINION

What? quote me please where did i said that? Personally i like it, but not like coptering replacement..


Trying to deny the entire community the new movement system because you personally think it looks ugly is extremely selfish and entitled. It implies that you think your personal opinion is more important than the opinions of 59% of the community.



Trying to deny 41%(winning poll) of the community makes you extremely selfish as well..

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Trying to deny 41%(winning poll) of the community makes you extremely selfish as well..


A good majority of the community doesn't actually come to the forums, they don't follow dev streams and they don't really keep up with the flow of threads like these.


That being said, a poll that people participate in will provide DE with a form of feedback that they may or may not choose to entertain. The point of it is just one source of a opinion on a matter. If you haven't watched dev streams enough or haven't been listening to how the devs choose to speak about controversial changes, they consider a lot of factors and form.


They are also trying their hardest to make the incredible variety in this game viable and mostly equal. It will take time and the fact that coptering was removed, is a sign that they are making a lot of effort in this respect.

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At least i suggest something, which can satisfy both sides.

Anyone who want using coptering + limited melee will be doing that.

Anyone who want using parkour 2.0 + all melee will be doing that.

Everyone happy.

Edited by AnarchyChan
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Coptering is considered a glitch, but it had more polished animations than the wall hopping.  That's all I am saying.


Coptering had more polished animations that wall hopping? Coptering had no animation, it was slide attacking mid air. There is no polish at all.



At least i suggest something, which can satisfy both sides.

Anyone who want using coptering + limited melee will be doing that.

Anyone who want using parkour 2.0 + all melee will be doing that.

Everyone happy.



Except that not all the time you should be ttempting to please 2 side, especially in circumstances like this. Why on earth would i go through all those hops, jumps and glides when i can skip it it with a tipedo. Removing melee from mobility shouldn't even be questioned at this point.

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Coptering had more polished animations that wall hopping? Coptering had no animation, it was slide attacking mid air. There is no polish at all.





Except that not all the time you should be ttempting to please 2 side, especially in circumstances like this. Why on earth would i go through all those hops, jumps and glides when i can skip it it with a tipedo. Removing melee from mobility shouldn't even be questioned at this point.

We'll have to disagree on that first part.


Everything should be questioned at all times. When you just start blindly accepting things is when things start to go bad.

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Coptering is considered a glitch, but it had more polished animations than the wall hopping.  That's all I am saying.

Coptering is a single frame spinning 360 degrees at a speed relative to the distance traveled in X time.  There is a brief enter and exit animation, but that's it.  It's about as polished as our Tenno's sprinting animations, which look like toddlers just now learning to run as far as I'm concerned.  Jogging is stiff as hell.


FACT:  The new wall run and the old spin attack don't even perform the same function.  One is not replacing the other, so it's stupid to even use the new wall run as an argument to preferring the old spin attack.  Bullet jump should be the comparison point.  But it's not.  Now that's pretty suspect.


The spin attack isn't going anywhere, so you can continue to ogle it all you want, but I suspect it's not the animation's "polish" you're going to miss so much as its results... but coming out and admitting that is like shooting your argument in the foot.

Edited by Littleman88
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Coptering is a single frame spinning 360 degrees at a speed relative to the distance traveled in X time.  There is a brief enter and exit animation, but that's it.  It's about as polished as our Tenno's sprinting animations, which look like toddlers just now learning to run as far as I'm concerned.  Jogging is stiff as hell.


FACT:  The new wall run and the old spin attack don't even perform the same function.  One is not replacing the other, so it's stupid to even use the new wall run as an argument to preferring the old spin attack.  Bullet jump should be the comparison point.  But it's not.  Now that's pretty suspect.


The spin attack isn't going anywhere, so you can continue to ogle it all you want, but I suspect it's not the animation's "polish" you're going to miss so much as its results... but coming out and admitting that is like shooting your argument in the foot.

They felt the need to replace parkour 1.0 and coptering with parkour 2.0. That makes them a package deal and makes all the components of each open to comparison to the components of the other.


If you arguing that Coptering looked terrible, then it is completely justifies to counter that by comparing it to the bunny hopping animations looking terrible.


If you actually read my arguments, littleman, you will see that I am quite okay with bullet jump replacing coptering post DS57. The air melee attacks are terrible though.  Honestly, they should preform closer to the air attacks in DMC4. In fact they entire melee combat in Warframe could stand to learn from DMC4.

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Wall hopping actually fixes some problems with wall run, in trade of being more "space" intensive.


Wall run requires completely flat surfaces, any bump will make the wall run and and drop you down, this happens in one of the first Corpus Spy2.0 vaults which has some sort of pillar in the way, which makes you drop to the laser floor if you don't stop the wall run to the land in the safe ground and start the wall run again over the laser ground.

Wall hop might not look as appealing or clean, but it is done so every time you press space, the game looks for a surface to hop, which will fix the bump problems since it only needs a very small surface that doesn't need to be flat to hop from, which is probably what Steve wanted Rebecca to show in the devstream but she just used Parkour 2.0 to avoid the bumps in the walls, much like how we have to do now, but it's hard to blame her when she has years of muscle memory into avoiding non flat surfaces, rather than using them.

Coptering didn't have proper animations for the fling, because it was just a slide attack that with certain weapons and enough attack speed would fling you into infinity. The slide attack has proper animations, but that's not what copter was about.

There's also the case of wall fling, which is a bug that makes your frame shoot out at high speeds off the wall if you time it right, this also doesn't have a proper animation since it's a bug, so only the regular wall jump animation is used.


Bulletjump has pretty nice animations, there's some gfy by Steve that shows some really cool diagonal bulletjump animations.
I do find wall hop animations a bit silly looking, but in the end it offers a lot more than before, so it's okay.

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DesecratedFlame is so silly. Posting around a dozen 'I hate change' posts in this thread before he even sees the change. From what I saw on the last dev stream I think I'll like yhe new system better. I won't have to limit my weapon selection for better coptering anymore. Plus it looks like I'll be more mobile than before. But you keep being a doomsayer DesecratedFlame. It's a good laugh.

Edited by Crewell
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Why DE don't listening the community? In January 16th: Community Hot Topics 41% voted for keeping coptering as it is. Why this unique mechanic should be removed? Instead we get some monkey jumps which transformed game into another mobile runner. Press 'W' harder?


So i suggest to don't removing it completely. How about make utility Coptering mod? Everyone will be happy i guess.

Here you have a Direct Answer from DE



Its Tied to melee weapons

you pick melee weapons to do cool Stuff and not make it only mobility dependent...

Edited by Grimlock-
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DesecratedFlame is so silly. Posting around a dozen 'I hate change' posts in this thread before he even sees the change. From what I saw on the last dev stream I think I'll like yhe new system better. I won't have to limit my weapon selection for better coptering anymore. Plus it looks like I'll be more mobile than before. But you keep being a doomsayer DesecratedFlame. It's a good laugh.

You clearly haven't been reading my posts.

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I am personally sad coptering is being removed but im willing to try the new system if this hole thing about coptering turns into the sea horse chroma 2.0 im gonna throw a @(*()&#036; fit. I personally am one of the 41% that coptering should stay but I 100% agree that it was a bug (a great bug for people who use it right) and it should've been removed sooner but the update hasn't been release so we truly don't know what the new system truly feels like

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