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Can't We All Just Agree That Camping Is For Defenses And Pre-Made Survival Squads, Not For Random Survivals?


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Camping in a hole is a big no no for me in every survival. Running around in a big room with a few spawn rooms is ok though. We usually do that when enemies get a bit tough after like 40-50 mins. I imagine everyone does that if they wanna go long.

I don't know how some people can do that sitting in a hole thing. No fun in it at all.

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Mixed feelings.

In my experience on void there is nothing that makes spawn faster than a Loki radial disarm and a fastnova. Obviously when you can instakill near everything. And thats need a little camping. So, yes, camping gives more experience. But...

Is utterly boring.

And the game has many ways to enjoy playing.

When i want to make a long run, whatever defense or survival, i choose an strategy, make a call to friends and play a closed game.

When i play in public game, i never complain about my team mates. They have the absolute right to do whatever he want. Trolling included.... Fun isn't always a righterous path.

To camp or not to camp.

That is the cuestion.

Rechot. +1

20 min. is for fun... Not camping.

7grims. +1

Heroes its the worst enemy. Let him die.

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Not even gonna read the replies. I'll say this now, if a player isn't decent enough to at least travel with the group, they will ruin the spawns. Most of the time it's not divided like it should be either. I have me and two other guys fighting in that large tree room nice enough to move around but not "camp" while that one a**hole is 5 rooms away somehow making 3/4 of the enmies spawn and chase him while we get nearly nothing. It doesn't make sense and I even make sure to let my squad know what the plan is even then some people still run off. This is why I mainly stick to playing with good friends, who I know will play a bit more seriously or coordinate if needed.

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play your way no one is hating on ya or give a sht. in case you haven't noticed survival excavation interception and defense are all camping modes which in case you haven't come to terms with it is the most effective and obvious way to go the distance.


 you would hate playing with me because I love to hunker down in one room and wreck everything that comes at me from a strategic point not too far from the extract.


 so if you want to run from room 1 -3 like a race dog chasing the rabbit  on the track go ahead, but don't hate on the players who are sensible enough or figured that they don't have to do it.

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play your way no one is hating on ya or give a sht. in case you haven't noticed survival excavation interception and defense are all camping modes which in case you haven't come to terms with it is the most effective and obvious way to go the distance.

I do agree with this point of view; cuz camping is originally in survival mode(not compulsory/a must) in the older updates, like how those 1hour++, 2hours++ party played so. It depends on what your party wants to do; like free roaming game or either camping.

(Except for Excavation mission, it's abit different)

Edited by JasonBChrist
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I still find no reason to camp. When it gets hard we just group up and keep moving. Camping is boring and feels like a waste of time. I swear i tried it once and almost fell asleep. And some of the players i make squads with say are we camping in a @(*()$ Tier 1 survival TIER ... 1. That's just sad honestly.

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Survival generally, at first you do want to run around like headless chickens, because that ups the spawn rate.  At some point though, the team has to start coalescing and stick more to one room, with occasional forays.  Eventually, camping may be required (if you want to go on).  Then eventually, to keep camping, you may need special meta builds and synergies.


It seems perfectly straightforward logic and works well, and is fun.  You have a full range of possibilities.  Even camping teams start off randomly running around - they have to, otherwise they'd have to use the stationary LSs to keep in oxygen.


As to whether people should aim to camp - that's up to the players, and so long as a team builder says "camping" in recruitment, I don't see any problem.


However, if the team leader only reveals his camping intentions once the mission has started, that's bad etiquette - as, obviously, some of the players may not want to camp, and had they known camping would be the intention, they might not have joined.

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Actually there is one location in survival where you can set up camp, and wander off within like 50metres of each other. Sewer camping might bore the heck out of some people and I agree. The location I mentioned, is the very large, sloped area, water flowing in the middle, with two heightened blocks on either sides. 


At this location you can either set up camp on one block as there is only one way up... or you can run around guarding all 4 entrances... OR you can set up camp AND run around 


Every one has his or her own playstyle so... each to his own

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Let them play their way. Find people who like your way. I dislike camping as well but it's not my job to police others. If I want to play a particular way then I'll find people who don't mind joining me to do it. If people ask me to play a certain way generally, depending on who it is, I'll comply. You have to get to know people, give a little, and then get a little. It has worked fine for me up until now

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Well, unless the life support system is taken away we can at least play as long as we want without focusing on the Life Support EVERYTIME!! Just play out hearts out at anywhere until a certain time/limit where we cant hold off the enemies. Frankly, I'm not sure about this idea... Just sayin

Edited by JasonBChrist
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Post from another thread:

"There isn't camping in defense, but there is in survival.

The latter is an issue, but the solution lies with DE, not with players.

1) the void tile set supports camping and duscourages movement

2) current enemy design discourages movement

3) current Warframe design discourages movement


This comes down to spawns and aggro mostly. Certain areas have many spawns in a relatively small area along with plenty of alcoves to set up more easily defended locations. Locations that are literally easier to defend than the defense mission. Camping solves the issue of enemy spawns and aggro. Split up teammates means that enemies may spawn unevenly and at varied locations along with them chasing teammates at random it seems. The life support mechanic alone makes camping a super viable solution. That doesn't even take into account how much easier it is.


Hit scan weapons and bombard missles' tracking capabilities make it a deadly for any frames unless a hard counter is used. In other words, things like the frost globe, Loki invs, or literally killing them before they can do too much damage (i.e. why Mesa is so popular).


How many Warframes have good CC capabilities that are also highly mobile in nature? We now have literally one support character (provides energy and health), but if you don't like her, you're stuck to static energy plates. All defense frames (frost and volt to my knowledge) are inherently static as well. Utility/debuff frames are slightly better in that regard. Loki; nova; and Nyx, for example, can cast-and-forget so to speak but Loki has to recast disarm for each group of enemies (not to mention that a good disarm Loki has to be protected because he can't stay invs for long). Nova's prime takes a while to reach a large area. Nyx's chaos has the same issue as Lok but also has a pseudo cooldown. All three of these frames are much more efficient when the enemies are compacted together. In other words, camping.

The fact if the matter is that plsyers are simply reacting to the rules given to them by DE."

What's been with all the camping threads? Seriously?


"INB4 but you get more LS if you camp! That's a huge oversimplification that does not accurately match how the spawning system works at all. What matters primarily for LS dropping purposes is how many enemies you are killing which indirectly relates to how many enemies are spawing. If you are constantly killing high amounts of enemies it does not matter if your squad is pack close or spread or standing still or on the move at all. And the spawn logic is that enemies try to spawn close to teammates and the more spawn points are available near teammates the more enemies will spawn up to the total enemy cap of the level which means that, in fact, spreading the team out can make a larger number of enemies spawn than camping."

And this is where you oversimplify spawning and spawn tactics as well. First and foremost, it is undeniable fact that each and every Warframe benefits from enemies being packed together (I.e. camping). Second, enemy aggro and spawn can't be reliably predicted when players fan out. Enemies can literally spawn and a player may not see them and simply pass over them. Not to mention that the number of spawns heavily differs from room to room. That means that a single player could easily come up with over 50% of the total enemy spawns, which puts that player in danger and makes the other three useless.

No the undeniable fact is that a big room with a lot of spawns can be controlled much more effectively than all four players fanning out in some form. Even if what I said above is complete and utter BS (which it isn't but I'll humor you), camping players have to communicate much less and are safer than the four players who fan out.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Reason why I solo. I hate going into voids just to sit in a corner and press a button for 20+ mins. Same with starchart survs. I join a random game then people are yelling at me for leaving the corner,still in the room, but not in their closet.. If your going to camp it's best to get a set up group anyway, and to let people know of your intentions, so I can leave your squad and not waste my time or just not join you in the first place.

Edited by nickelshark
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When me and my clan mates refer to "camping", it usually just means "Stay in this room so it's easy to revive you." No one enjoys camping, I'd rather run around and kill stuff...ya know...the entire purpose of this game. If someone demands that I camp, I have macros set up so we get to the location, I turn on my macros, and I read forums or watch videos

Yes exactly. Was in freaking Apollodarus yesterday and nearly laughed when some random mentioned a camp spot. Didn't say anything cuz I wrote them off as lazy. Then they get on and are like: not to be mean we can't revive you if you go down.

Then don't revive me! It got so annoying cuz they wouldn't let the topic die with me blatantly ignoring them. Then they go down three times and rezzed by another team member and *@##$ out to the exit at 30 mins mark.

In the mission results screen I had 976 kills going strong with literally most of the damage done etc. And this loser breathing down my neck had like 176 and was incapped 2 or 3 times.

Normally I don't care at all about randoms and how they play as long as they don't troll me and cover the life support modules so I don't have to. << only reason I stay in public mode really. But it just really annoys me when someone has some set method of play and insists on others following his style when he is the biggest burden in the group. It's like: your way clearly doesn't work so just shut up or leave already.At least by leaving he can't hurt the group more by staying and being a liability.

Edited by (PS4)StillbornKumquat
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Funny how 90% of the people who actually play Warframe wanna camp in survivals, but in the forums a majority think camping is a 'blight' on Warframe.



Yes exactly. Was in freaking Apollodarus yesterday and nearly laughed when some random mentioned a camp spot. Didn't say anything cuz I wrote them off as lazy. Then they get on and are like: not to be mean we can't revive you if you go down.

Then don't revive me! It got so annoying cuz they wouldn't let the topic die with me blatantly ignoring them. Then they go down three times and rezzed by another team member and *@##$ out to the exit at 30 mins mark.

In the mission results screen I had 976 kills going strong with literally most of the damage done etc. And this loser breathing down my neck had like 176 and was incapped 2 or 3 times.

Normally I don't care at all about randoms and how they play as long as they don't troll me and cover the life support modules so I don't have to. << only reason I stay in public mode really. But it just really annoys me when someone has some set method of play and insists on others following his style when he is the biggest burden in the group. It's like: your way clearly doesn't work so just shut up or leave already.At least by leaving he can't hurt the group more by staying and being a liability.


So a newer player wants you to stick close by because he's new to the game and afraid he'll go down? Yeah, what a jerk.


Good thing you showed him how Warframe 'pros' only care about total kills and couldn't care less about shared affinity.

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Regarding OP, initial question.


Simple fact is that:


No, we cannot agree. I may even agree with, but it's just human nature that people have different interests and intentions varying from a gradient from total community real life Ghandi to psycho-selfish A****** Ghandi nuclear bomber from Civ V. 


So, maybe there one thing we can all agree on: There will always be A******s. (at least until the whole humanity transcends to  higher level of consciousness, if you are into that spiritual stuff).

And another one: you will NOT always find random BFFs in pub games. 


Maybe it's a bit depressing, but true. But if you just realize and accept human condition, you skin thickens and those things don't bother you as much.


It's all small potatoes, not an orokin Reactor or Catalyst. 

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