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(Ic) A Pound Of Flesh (Infested Outbreak, 18+) [*closed*]


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Grineer Expeditionary Fleet, Somewhere In The Kuiper Belt




"UHBOMINAYSHUN!!!" The Grineer Sergeant roared as he emptied the magazine of his Grakata into the charging quadrupeds.


The creatures hurtled over the bodies of those that were eviscerated in front of them, wanting only to feed as they surged forth. He spun the mag and dropped it with a swift motion, replacing it with trained and rehearsed precision. He pulled the trigger immediately and let the weapon rip through the Infestation, now only a meter or two from him. He jumped backwards and rolled as he landed, falling back towards the dropship his unit had arrived in. This ship was lost. They needed to burn this fleet. They couldn't risk such massive Phorid populations near Sol. Around him, his batchmates fell as they were torn asunder by the swarm of creatures. 


"Sohr, we must retrete!" One of his corporal called out to him.


The soldier was cut by the leg while his head was turned, thrown onto his back. The sergeant drew his pistol and fired it off to the side, killing the creature nearest the corporal as he continued to spray his assault rifle in front of him as it ripped through flesh and bone. He continued to twist and turn and duck and dodge, firing both weapons as he moved. He revved his cybernetically improved legs and threw himself towards the downed soldier. His momentum slammed his body through a number of the standing creatures, landing and grabbing the corporal by the back of his armour's collar. 


"Ohn yoor feet!" He barked as he hauled the man to his feet. "We ahr leeving! GEHT TU DEE SHEP!" He called on his communicator to what Grineer were still alive.


There was a briefed break in the onrushing horde, and he and the corporal took the opportunity to break into a run back across the network of catwalks. The supports structures that rose up around them had become covered in masses of diseased flesh and tissue, spires of biomass that slowly swallowed the ship. The pair managed to reach the entrance to a corridor before the Infestation were on their heels.


The labyrinthian hallways were sometimes dizzying to Corpus or Tenno, but the sergeant knew the layout of these vessels like they were the backs of his mechanical hands. He turned his Grakata back at the pursuing beasts, unleashing half a second's worth of rending fire before the weapon clicked empty. He simply released the weapon altogether as he continue to run as fast as his mechanical body would allow. The weapon was simply dead weight now.


"Sohr, aye see da shep!" His comrade called as they rounded the corner. They could see the hangar now, the fledgling force of Grineer Marines trying to do their best to hold of the abominations as their bodies continued to pile up on the floor. That's when the sergeant heard his companion cry in agony. 


The sergeant turned for a brief enough moment to see the corporal's arm wrenched from his body, his armour screeching in protest as it was torn open. Blood sprayed from the wound as the corporal was wholly consumed and engulfed by the mass of creatures; the sergeant tried to bolt away, but his hesitation would cost him dearly.


He cleared the bulkhead of the corridor before his leg was clipped. He rolled forward and tumbled across the deck as his momentum carried him but the monsters were already upon him, only a few actually stopping to have their way with him. He kicked and bucked and thrashed about as his left leg and arm were ripped from him. His body screamed with pain as he roared with rage. His weapon was thrown away from him as one of the beasts went for his right arm. He thrust his hand through its hide and gripped its skull, tearing it towards him and bringing the spine with it. He whipped the creatures that were nearest and lacerated them as his other leg was yanked from under him.


As he toppled to the ground he unclipped an incendiary grenade from his belt and bit then pin, letting one more warcry leave his lips as the creatures now swarmed over him, the rest of him men dead or doomed. He was the last man 'standing.' 


He would die in an inferno of honour, but his glory would not be remembered.


No one would be there to tell the stories of his men's sacrifice...




<Sir, you have an incoming message. Shall I display it for you?> Mogis' Cephalon, Glyph, chimed in his synthesized voice. 


"If you would be so kind, Glyph, I would appreciate that." The currently unarmoured juggernaut replied with mild disinterest as he, sitting with his legs crossed in a chair reading the specification of a new weapon, sipped at his steaming tea. 


The Cephalon displayed the windowed message over what Mogis had been reading. The man gave a somewhat annoyed sigh as well as a head tilt equivalent to an eyeroll. The writing was in that blocky alphabet that was Grineer, then it transformed into the floral script of Tennobet as the message scrolled across the screen. 



==Tenno, this is Captain Lek'Tress. The Grinner Empire is in need of your aid. Should you accept this contract, this message has enclosed a set of coordinates to the Cruiser Brutus, as well as a clearance code for you to be permitted to land on board this ship. Your assistance is of the utmost necessity, and you will be rewarded handsomely should you complete your task.==



Mogis jerked his head in surprise, blinking at the screen in front of him. He uncrossed his legs and leaned his elbows on the console in front of him, rubbing his eyes. He sat up straight and reread the message, then once more, making sure he wasn't just misreading some vague and empty hate mail that the Grineer tended to spam to most of their enemies. 


"Glyph, take us to these coordinates." Mogis commanded the Cephalon, who simply starting the Liset's Void Drives without saying a word.


The man stood up from the chair and walked to the lower hold as the ramp lowered automatically at his approach. He needed to clean his already spotlessly maintained weapons and equipment. He felt the Liset thrum to life as it sped to the coordinates. 






It was only 2 or 3 hours to get to the cruiser, and clearance took about 30 agonizingly long and awkwardly silent seconds. Orbiting Pluto was a large Grineer ship, like an oversized and well-armed Galleon. His Liset's insertion pod spun as the craft was mag-locked in the cavernous expanse of the hangar. He dropped to the deck of the vessel and found himself surrounded by a group of Grineer Marines, all of whom stood surprisingly at ease.


As he looked around the bustling and dimly lit hangar, not too dissimilar from other grease-stained Grineer ships, and noticed that several other Tenno had answered the message; the pickings were thin, though. At the center of the hangar was a raised platform with several computer consoles surrounding a large table with a 3-D holographic display. Mogis thought to himself that this tech seemed rather advanced for the bloody test-tube paper-people that made up, oh you know, the entire Grineer population.


Over the display leaned a tall woman who, despite being one of these dime-a-dozen cyborgs, almost looked pleasant in the face. Most of her body, however, was a myriad of augments and mechanics. A marine walked up to Mogis and spoke gruffly.


"Dee Kaptin haz reekwesteed yoor prezens." The marine spoke in that thick Grineer accent that was harsh and unpleasant to the ear, nodding his head in the direction of the platform. "Dis way, Tennoh."


Mogis simply followed in silence as the trooper led him to the center of the hangar. With a ship this large, there must be better Command Centers. Perhaps the Captain wanted to greet their guests personally. As Mogis topped the stairs his escort turned and moved to the side, letting the Tenno continue walking. He approached the center display and the woman looked up at him, standing straight up. The woman was a hair taller than Mogis, who himself was already a towering 2.2 meters tall. 


"Greetingz, I am Kaptin Lek'Tress." The woman spoke in a surprising understably accent, less thick and more fluent. However, the red and black Rhino threw his head back at the most surprising part; this was the Captain of this company of Marines. The Grineer weren't sexist or anything, but females happened much, MUCH less frequently amongst their population than males, being that there was no biological need for them. "If yu don't mind, I would like to wait foor your companyuns." While her accent was still clear, she rolled her r's like normal. 



(NOTE: The more funky the spelling, the thicker their accent is intended to be)




This links to the OOC (Out-Of-Character) thread

Edited by Pyrus_Skirata
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The regular sensors of other ships have trouble penetrating the Tenno Voidmask, which in this case, such inefficiency is a blessing as a garrishly colored Liset traveled through the perilous space between spaces. Cruising through the Void at a snail's pace was a simple feat for the ship's Cephelon Dungain, though it didn't help that his operator was within the engine compartment behind the armory.


<Lady Burnell, you have a message awaiting you,> he said. The Cephelon was answered by the noises of tools and a sudden jet of light coming out from the back of the ship with a shriek of laughter. Within the engine compartment, a svelte Warframe wrestled with a flailing tube venting hot plasma into the ship.


<Lady Burnell, I am detecting a sudden leak within the plasma reactor. Just what are you doing to my engines?>


"Oh, very simple, Dungain. I'm re-routing the Liset's plasma reactor to dump excess energy into the engine's compound matrix," Burnell explained, chipper as ever, despite the sudden searing of her Warframe. "I may have to pull some energy from the Void penetration array, though. The plasma reactor is NOT happy right now."


<Won't that pointlessly increase my speed while pulling energy away from vital systems that allows us more efficient travel through the deep Void, my Lady?>


"Of course!"


<But-> the Cephelon had started to protest, but was quickly cut off.


"Operator override, code 4-J-4-H-Sigma," Burnell stated. There was a calm before Dungain spoke again.


<I am elated that I may now go faster in real space at the expense of my Void travelling systems, Lady Burnell. Now, about that message.>


"Oh, yeah, that. Dungain, commence playback with universal translation codecs. This reactor is really fighty!" There was a laugh thrown in with a small grunt as the Nova Prime tried to brute-force the plasma line back into the reactor.


< Ahem, 'Tenno, this is Captain Lek'Tress. The Grinner Empire is in need of your aid. Should you accept this contract, this message has enclosed a set of coordinates to the Cruiser Brutus, as well as a clearance code for you to be permitted to land on board this ship. Your assistance is of the utmost necessity, and you will be rewarded handsomely should you complete your task.'>


"Did I hear that right, Dungain? Come do our chores for us and get some sweet Grineer loot?" Brunell said, jamming the plasma line back into the reactor with the thing beginning to vibrate violently.


<Clever paraphrase, Lady Burnell,> Dungain had responded, a certain amount of vitriol synthesized in his voice.


With a swift motion, the Tenno applied percussive maintenance to the reactor, the device ceasing the menacing vibration. "Of course it is, I said it. Now, be a dear and make way for the Brutus."


<Of course, my Lady.>




With the Liset broadcasting the clearance codes, Burnell watched the main guns of the Brutus with a little hesitation as it slowed to a crawl after dropping into real space. While the enhanced Liset could theoretically dodge the cannon shots, the ship had minimal forward shielding and anything too violent might cause a feed-back loop in the reactor, causing a bright pink explosion to blot the cold and cruel vacuum of space. Thankfully, none of the Brutus' main cannons twitched as the Grineer signaled the Liset and marked out a landing path for it.


Docking and disembarking, Burnell had to ignore some gut instincts. Pulling out the Glaive and making what little remained of the cloned insides into outsides was not a way to start a 'friendly' mission. Even if the last time that little tea party didn't go to well. Chairs were thrown, catastrophic decompressions happened. Fun times were not had by all.


Escorted by Marines, Burnell noted that she too was in the presence of a fellow Tenno. She could barely see past the broad-shouldered Rhino that had also answered the call. She dug an elbow into his side, violating whatever concept of personal space the future may have held. "Wow wee, aren't you a big one? Tell me, what brings a Rhino all the way out here? Can't be the company, right?"


And then she had noticed Captain Lek'Tress. Yet another tall person in the room that caused her to crane her neck up to get the full picture. "Why is everyone so tall around here?" she murmured, feeling like the odd Kubrow of the litter.

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"Vox. set course for the Brutus."

Keitel stood up from his kneeling position next to the Navigation console, opening his eyes after the short time he had spent motionless considering the message. The Grineer must have been truly desperate to come to Tenno for help, he reflected, and that was extremely worrying. With that thought in mind, he traced the path down to his Arsenal and began the process of arming himself in his Warframe and weapons.



<ETA 30 minutes from here,> the Cephalon responded. <Operator... are you sure about this mission? This is so unprecedented. I'm worried.>

"When aren't you worried? I'll have weapons I've mastered and you through my Sentinel. Even if things go... wrong, we just keep fighting until things stop being wrong," he tutted as he attached his Glaive to the underside of his wrist.

<This is serious, Keitel! I don't trust the Grineer and neither do you,> Vox replied sharply in its cool feminine voice. Leaving the rest of his gear to be stored in the back of the Liset, he returned back to the front of the ship and half-heartedly looked through his Codex for any mention of a ship named Brutus. After a brief pause, he replied.

"I know. But I trust my kind, and if they go to help... I won't and I can't leave them to fight alone. You know that. You know me." To this, the Cephalon was silent for a short while.

<...If you're wrong, I'm confining you here until you say you're sorry for worrying me.> And with that, Vox fell quiet. Keitel just smiled to himself and placed a hand against the Liset interior, awaiting the journey's end.


Upon reaching the Brutus' airspace and declaring clearance codes through the radio, he prepared to enter through the same location as the other Lisets had. There was a moment of doubt in him before it was replaced by surefire determination as he exited as usual, into the midst of well-armed Grineer soldiers. The only difference from every other day was that this time, the guns weren't pointed at him. After a brief survey of the room - taking note of ventilation, escape routes, soldier hierarchy and other such details typically ignored - he allowed himself to be guided to where he presumed other Tenno were congregating. The only sign of his discomfort at being surrounded was keeping a wrist-blade constantly ready to strike forward, which he silently hoped he wouldn't have to use - he didn't have much energy and was still siphoning it from his surroundings.


At least Vox was wrong.

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<Operator Shinai.>  A cool, soft voice wafted through the speakers of the Liset.


"Yeah, yeah.  What's goin' on, Murph?  We get a new alert or somethin'?"  Unarmored, a young-looking man practiced in the small space afforded to an owner of a Liset, a pair of Heat Swords in his constantly moving hands.  "Come on, talk to me."


<Message from a Grineer Captain.  Says it's urgent.  Reading...>


The blades stopped singing through the air for a moment, the man hopping from foot to foot in anxious anticipation.  "Come on, come on...."


<Message, translated.>

"Hit me with it."


<==Tenno, this is Captain Lek'Tress. The Grinner Empire is in need of your aid. Should you accept this contract, this message has enclosed a set of coordinates to the Cruiser Brutus, as well as a clearance code for you to be permitted to land on board this ship. Your assistance is of the utmost necessity, and you will be rewarded handsomely should you complete your task.==>


This threw the young Tenno for a loop.  Grineer requesting the service of Tenno? Alright, seen it happen before.  Not unheard of.  But not with this kind of formality.  A surprised, yet impressed face flickered over his features, before he wordlessly padded over to the Arsenal of the Liset and punched some holo-buttons.




"Good performance.  Murph, punch it for the Brutus.  Keep shields up in case of any misfortunes.  Keep in contact with me, memorized?"


<Affirmative, Operator.  Setting warp for Pluto...>


The man stood upon the circular platform of the Arsenal, feeling the suit of the Excalibur frame fasten around him.  The normal few seconds between the helmet folding closed, and the microcameras and sensor array upon it firing up - still got him every time. 


All systems nominal.  And thankfully, with the speed of the Liset, not too long to wait.  A Boltor rested on his right shoulder, packs of Kunai on his hips, and his trusty blades hung from their hardpoints.


"Well, got some time to burn.  MIght as well..."


He returned to practicing.




It was strange to be accepted onto a Grineer ship, of all things, with somewhat open arms.  Verification and clearance codes passed between the Cephalon Murphy, and the ship's communications.  Wordless to his ears, but still effective.


<Arrived at destination.  Please stay safe.>  Murphy reminded Shinai, akin to the countless times she's repeated the same phrase.


"Safe isn't a word in a Tenno's vocabulary," was Shinai's reply, as before.


He exited the Liset, Boltor reassuringly in his hand.  At the entrance point, he was shocked at just how many Grineer were here - was a very strange sight and sensation to not be cutting through those that stand around you like butter.  Especially these cloned defects.


But his mind, and his vision, drifted to the other Tenno.  Welcome sights, with their lack of defined faces and smooth armored carapaces standing out from the bulbous masses.  He wandered over, trying to at least act casual.


"Did I miss the party yet?"

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Portholes are covered in ice, the liset is drifting in space on it's own. The silence is vast. Serenity.

A motionless figure floating inside, no gravity, absolute darkness which is getting interrupted time to time by dim light coming through deep frozen glass from distant dead and long forgotten starts, as the liset is slowly rotating. All but life support systems are disabled.



Sythetic voice breaks up the silence:

"Incoming transmition...

Incoming transmition...

Incoming transmition..."


The figure raise it's head bit by bit

"...Listen" - the voice slowly coming from the figure is hissing and very quiet.


Hologram with a red sign appers, illuminating space inside the liset with crimson glow. the dust floating inside is sparkles gently.


Stertorous voice coming from the sound emitting device: " It's been a long time,"

a deep pause

"I would like to express my graditude to you again, but i know you would rather get straight to point,

You are assigned for a new mission, and i'm to brief you.

This is a time critical affair, so listen closely, there will be no read-back.

  • Situation
    • 4 hours ago Grineer Empire opened a new contract, specifically hiring Tenno.
    • It brought our attention as it's classified as urgent and sent from the Kuiper Belt by Grineer Expeditionary Fleet.
    • Our intelligence started monitoring comms in the area, since sudden increase of encrypted transmitions. We were able to encrypt some, however the intel is incomplete. We know that they lost contact with one of their Galleons, tried to send rescue teams but failed, resulting in loosing several ships to infestation.
    • Our specialists speculate that the Galleon from the fleet was was tasked with retrieving piece of technology, which backfired, loosing their vessel to infestation. It is likely that their mission was classified, and the rest of the fleet may be unaware of it, as the Galleon was not escorted by the main forces, as well as the fact they are hiring contractors instead of contacting main forces, which can be interprited as they are confused.
    • On other end it may mean that the fleet commander is well aware of the mission they were tasked with, and want to keep it low profile, contacting unorganized tenno in the area by sending contract openly. It may explain why the contract itself lacking any description on objective and payment, implying contractors will be briefed on the go, and disposed later.
    • Enemy forces - infested, grineer fleet
    • Friendly forces - QRF platoon, callsing Eye
  • Mission
    • You are going in alone, however it's likely there will be other tenno on this contract and you will be assigned in a team on place.
    • Your objective is to investigate the situation and if our intel is correct, retrieve the piece of technology that caused the outbreak, preferably without letting other contractors and employer know about it.
    • After completing your objective you are expected to eather have an intel or tech in hands and RTB ASAP.
    • You are expected to act as a regular contractor, collect as much intel as you can gather and proceed with the mission.
  • Communications
    • No comms with HQ during the operation. Contact us NLT 48 hours after completing your objective, unless it's mission critical.
    • Cpt. Lek'Tress is employer for this contract, located on Cruiser Brutus, clearance codes and coordinates are attached within this transmition.
    • Your callsign is Rogue, HQ is Eye-6, Evac team is Eye-1
  • Service support
    • Eye-1, evac team is here if everything goes FUBAR
  • Risks - Concerns
    • Grineer may try to dispose of contractors after they completed their task, if thats the case, contact Eye-1 for extraction.

This will conclude our briefing."

The stertorous voice makes a pause, "The fire..."


"...spreads", continues the figure in liset.


synthetic voice announces

"end of transmition"


Crimson light, from the hologram fades out and the liset is all dark again.



The figure floats to the cockpit of liset and touches the console

"iIlumination - online

Shields - online

Thrusters - online"

The noise is increasing,interiors become bright as everything is filled with unnatural white light, we can see that the figure, is wearing biomechanical suit all covered in different shades of gray, is getting into the pilot seat, the computer continues it's pre-flight checks

"Main engine - online

Armory - online

Work bench - online

Gravitational field - online" The sparkling dust floating around suddenly drops on floor

"All systems online"


"Navigation..." the hissing voice asks "lock...  on..."


"Coordinates set, Kuiper Belt, Cruiser Brutus, clearance codes installed

Welcome back operator"

Edited by -Solid_Snake
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"......Jasper." A woman had spoke up, her eyes remaining closed as she meditated.


<Don't tell me you're actually going to respond to that message operator? It's obviously a trap!> The cephalon had responded, getting a slight chuckle from the woman.


"Set our course..." She had persisted, as if she hadn't heard the AI.


<No way! I know for a fact that this is a trick, no way any grineer would ask Tenno for help!> The AI persisted, soon sighing in defeat as a noise had echoed throughout the Liset. <Agh whatever! I've already set the course, but don't come crying to me if your sorry tail is ambushed or whatever!> 


"Hm..."The woman had replied in response, picking herself up as she walked over to her arsenal. "Prepare my usual Jasper, this mission may call for it." She had ordered the ship, raising an eyebrow at what appeared before her.


<Like hell...since you've pissed me off, I'm deciding what you're going to take alright?!> The AI said, getting another small chuckle from the woman as she accepted what was given to her.


Without much objection, the woman had begun to equip the warframe, smiling as she felt the all-too-familier Mesa suit grasp her once again. Feeling enveloped by the frame, the woman sighed to herself as she begun to take the weapons she'd have for the mission.


On the back of her waist were the fangs she had bared only in stealth missions or rarely when in a close combat situation, on her right shoulder was the Latron she had become accustomed too and on her hips were the shuriken that had become her best friends over the course of some-odd missions. Like her, all her weapons were silent, deadly and waiting to kill...





Even before landing things were already cleared and authorized; a bit of carefulness on Raphires part as she didn't want to complicate things any further than they might've already been.


Still, even she had to question what was so horrible that the Grineer had to employ the help of Tenno to help out. Even so she wasn't one to question too many things until truths came to light, she'd save all doubts for when things began to ignite.


<Alright operator we're here, I'll be awaiting your safe return alright?> The AI had said, getting a small wave of dismissal from the Mesa as she stepped off the liset and onto the platform.


After sorting out further details, she had begun to let the soldiers lead her to where the other Tenno where meeting up at. A slight shudder had shook her as she thought about about working with others. She knew that more than just her had to have been called but she still got nervouse around others, even though she'd never show it much less say it. Finally, they had shown her the very place that her fellow Tennow had gathered, gulping and taking a deep breath, Raphire made sure to calm and compose herself further before finally going through the doors. Her only greeting being a raised hand and nod to everyone.

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Mogis gave a grunt of discomfort at being elbowed out of the way, and was about to get well-pissed at the tiny Nova, but was dissuaded by the arrival of the other Tenno. 4 others had answered the call so far, which was more than he thought would show up. He simply moved to the edge of the platform and leaned against one of the computer consoles, looking about his surroundings with his arms crossed. He noticed the clearly unstable and hyper Nova, a prime Warframe surprisingly; the young and eager Excalibur who seemed to be a keen smartass and hot-headed; the edgy and reclusive Ash in the corner, flicking his wrist blade. However, his head perked up at the arrival of the Mesa. He didn't know why, he simply noticed her more than everyone else immediately. As time passed, he could see his HUD indicating his slowly rising energy stores as the blue particles, impossible to see without keen observation, siphoned into his neurodes. 


Lek'Tress knew why the Tenno refused to show in larger numbers. The Grineer are known for their xenophobic and barbaric ways, and their hatred for the Tenno in particular. As she saw the Tenno arrive, she noted that only one could match her in stature.






Lek'Tress was truely statuesque, especially for a Grineer. 2.21 meters tall, weighing close to 300 kilograms, and able to lift 3 times her weight, she could be seen from across the hangar. She stood head and shoulder above every man and woman in her company, and they all looked to her as a guiding beacon during battle. Her face was untouched by her mechanics save for a component replacing her missing left eye, one of the few genetic defects she was cursed with. She was intently self-conscious about how the cybernetic component was grafted onto her face, but she tried to hide her discomfort at being so closely observed by unfamiliar individuals. 


She paced around the display table that was in the center of the platform, eyeing the animation and planning everything out in her head. The sickly orange-yellow holograms, to the intelligent observer, were long-range scans of the overrun expeditionary fleet. Several derelict galleons grouped around a large mining asteroid all floated with it amongst a field of rocks and debris. Some of the craft were in pieces, some shapes were only so detailed from the long-range scans. The ships had blotches of red that permeated them wholly in some areas. 


If the Captain had her way, they'd burn the ships from the edge Brutus' weapons range. The Brutus was monstrous compared to what most Tenno had seen, a ship built purely for war. 700 meters in length and bristling with orbital-bombardment-level weaponry, the vessel belonged in a battlefleet for planetary invasions. Lek'Tress saw it as a gross mismanagement of resources.


But the expeditionary fleet found something out there...


"I'm glad to see zat you have arrived, Tenno." The Captain mused as she finally ceased her agonizingly slow and contemplative pacing, standing ramrod-straight with her hands behind her back as she addressed the Warframe-d Tenno. "However, I'm sure yu're all wondering why it iz zat yu're here."


"Not at all, I was actually just wondering if I could have a cuppa tea, if you wouldn't mind?" Mogis remarked sarcastically. His voice was deep and husky, harbouring an accent not too dissimilar to Old Earth's English accent. "What's the job, miss?"


"I waz just getting to zat..." Lek'Tress replied cautiously, knowing any of these Tenno could match her in single combat. She despised being disrespected in such a manner, but she didn't want to take their tones as immediate disregard for her rank. She gave them benefit of the doubt. "To be brief, we need yu to complete boarding action with us. Zee only catch iz..." She stepped forward and gestured around the hologram. "All of zat red... iz Infested biomass." She paused to let the gravity of her words sink in, the silence broken only by the bustle of the hangar. "We plan on planting a bomb on zee central asteroid-ship. Zat is our objective. What we need iz an effective combat team to spearhead zee boarding party." She gestured to those gathered. "Yu are some of zee most skilled warriors I have ever seen fight. Zat iz why I want you." 


"So... we're cannon-fodder?" Mogis asked skeptically. He shifted his weight a bit, dropping his arms to his sides. 


"No, yu are vital to zis operation." Lek'Tress reassured the large Tenno. He was the only one that seemed even remotely close to her height, the smallest being the hyper female that was maybe 3/4ths of her size. She brought her hands from behind her back to resting at her sides. "Zee Brutus will wait a half hour before making a move for zee Kuiper Belt, where zeez ships are located. Until zhen, yu may return to yur ships and double-check yur equipment. Zee landing partiez are to gazzer near zee bomb on zee uzzer side of zee hangar. Yu are all dismissed." 


With that, the Captain waved her hand in a dismissive gesture as returned her vigilant attention to the display that she resumed to lean over, indicating the Tenno to go do whatever it was they needed to do. Mogis watched the Mesa intently from the corner of his eye as he stepped down the stairs of the platform. He walked till he stood under his Liset and keyed his tightbeam communicator. 


"Glyph, tractor beam." He commanded simply as a faint beam of red light was cast down about him.


He lifted off the ground, slowly at first before pausing, and then was pulled gently into the Liset. He entered through the hatch and it hissed closed beneath him. When the beam finally released him he stood in the armoury module. He stepped back and let the nodes connect to his armour as he was locked in place. A large holographic display manifested in front of him. He went through and selected his inventory. 


Cerberus, his trusty Dethcube, was a must. If any of those Infested got too close to him when he wasn't looking, the silent sentry would readily reduce the attacker to ash. A tough decision was either Magistar or Scindo was a difficult choice. Wait, I just built the Prime version of Scindo... The choice was a no-brainer as he immediately chose the ancient technology over the crushing force of a mace. Secondary? Akimbo Stilettos, duh. The only thing left was his primary weapon, which was one he prized. 





He had constructed a Boltor, but he had decided didn't like the aesthetic. So he modified the original weapon design and made it black. Aesthetic complete. 




Some time later, about a half-hour, he finally dropped from his Liset for the last time, his floating companion, Cerberus, joining him. On his shoulder was his custom Boltor and his Scindo Prime was magged to his back, gilded details shimmering when the light struck them. The hangar around him had become abuzz with activity as garbled intercom systems informed the crew of the ship's movement. Mogis could feel a slight lurch as the main drive system kicked the ship forward. As he looked around at the jogging and running groups of marines, he noticed another Liset had arrived. 




He saw the bomb, and it was enormous. Absolutely monstrous in proportions. Upon seeing it, it seemed like the type of weapon one might use to crack an entire planet open. What did they originally build this for? Mogis cringed at the thought of seeing a planet reduced to an asteroid field, but he saw the Captain as he approached the briefing area. This time he had questions, but he elected to wait on his fellow Tenno to arrive at the bustling scene to find Lek'Tress leaning on the railing of a raised platform overlooking the gathering of about 200 Grineer marines.

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As he looked around at the jogging and running groups of marines, he noticed another Liset had arrived. 


The late arriving liset was looking like a ghost ship, no paint whatsoever, mat metal sufrace covered in rust, dents, scratches, space dust and chunks of dirty ice all over it, which one could easily mistake for decommissioned pile of space debris, if it wasn't flying.


The pilot jumped out abruptly, without any elegance usual for tenno and proceded to grineer captain.

Even though the pilot was an average height, he was looking quite short standing next to Lek'Tress.


She was the one talking, showing the same hologramms as before, while figure was standing static and motionless, naturally blending with surroundings with his neutral shades of gray suit, making himself more noticeble occasionally by nodding.


Few moments later grineer trooper came to them, armed with ignis flamethrower, which he handled to tenno, slightly confused, but captain nodded with reassurence, even though such practice was quite unusual for tenno, it's very common for all contractors around the galaxy.


The gray figure slightly tilted his head towards a bomb, looking at it for a moment as Lek'Tress was finishing her briefing, after a short silence, tenno opened his mouth for the first time during this whole meeting by saying "Understood", and walked away inspecting his newly aquired ignis flamethrower.

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While the Captain spoke, Keitel listened in silence. The Infested were nothing new and outbreaks were rarely of the absolute importance that she had stressed here, so the idea that struck at the forefront of the Ash's thoughts were... why was this ship so vital? How did the Infestation come aboard and so easily, so quickly assimilate a Grineer ship? That much didn't exactly add up. He couldn't help feeling like something was being hidden here, but he saw no reason to pursue answers. He and his allies would find out on the course of their mission.


And speaking of allies...


Keitel's analysis came to an abrupt change of interest upon seeing the last Tenno to join them enter the Brutus. Instinct told him there was something deeply wrong with their presence, and instinct had yet to fail him. Sharing armaments just deepened his concern. While the meeting's participants dispersed, he glanced up at his Shade and walked to follow the Loki, keeping his distance far enough that it wouldn't look like he was. He had to know what was so alien about it - to him, it was almost like the owner of that Warframe wasn't a Tenno.


The Ash was armed well enough. Returning to the Liset or joining his companions could wait - this took over in importance to him. For the good of the Tenno. Maybe, though he didn't know it yet, for the good of everyone.

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Burnell did her best to maintain the Tenno decorum during the breifing. This whole thing sounded like a chance to use disposable assets to rid the system of the technocyte-infested plague on the Grineer ship. With a ship that could easily just puncture the hull and vent whatever else was in there, the twitchy Tenno was running through situation after situation in her head. Most of them involved setting the ship's Void drive to 'screw this thing and everything in the immediate vicinity.' A few were a lot less destructive, but the Orokin-enhanced Tenno found them to be a lot less 'fun' in her own warped opinion. 


With the dismissal from the Grineer captain, Burnell began to go over her weapons via remote application installed into her Warframe. Primary weapons that would work best against the infested hordes often involve slashing through their fleshy bodies. Burnell hummed and hawed, before setting on her highly modifed Kohm with an increased choke and thus a highly narrow spread for a shotgun. Perfect for slashing through hordes of fleshy nasties. Her usual sidearm, the Angstrum, seemed a little ill-fiting for such closed-quarters fighting and the explosions, while pretty, make for a wonderful hull-puncturing hazard. To this end, the ready-to-go Tenno pulled from deep storage the Grineer particle cannon, the Atomos. Keeping with her usual style, Burnell kept her Glaive. She head back to the Liset to get equipped for this mission. It would be like nothing she had ever undertaken.




Coming back aboard the Brutus, the Nova stood beside the Rhino, looking up at the bomb. The 1.6 meter Tenno looked up to her hulking brother-in-arms.


"Like it? A Centimani-Class destabilization bomb. Such a thing can easily destroy a celestial object the size of Earth's moon," Burnell said. "Poof, rendered to it's constituent atoms in a brilliant flash and meant to be carried by a Fomorian battleship. Really, it was a case of building a ship around a bomb, but it's not as if there wasn't a precedent for that sort of thing."


There was a brief pause. Brief enough for Burnell, anyway.


"Before you ask, I pulled the data from a shipyard during a mission. Got to know who's on top of their boom-boom game. Know what I'm saying?"

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"You enjoy the sound of your own voice, don't you?" The Rhino chuckled. With his arms crossed he simply looked down at his bouncy friend. He took in her excitement with warm amusement. Hopefully he could absorb some of her energy to help mentally prepare him for the next few hours. Surely they'd be hell.

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"Really, you say that now. Just wait until everything is covered in sticky anti-matter and exploding. Or covered in plasma and melting. Or both at the same time. Or blatant abuse of Orokin technology in a low speed chase. That last one was a riot," she said, reminiscing about previous descents into the Void and general missions. At least her destructive habits can be focused towards something in this mission.

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"Remember..." Mogis began. "The Infested are literally built for one thing: killing. Most of them don't even have their stomachs anymore for the flesh was repurposed. Explosive decompression may throw them into space, but it surely will not kill them." He turned to look at the Prime with his body facing her. "It'll kill us before them. Perhaps you should think less about how cool the the death is, and more about how it affects all of us. If we kill our employers, we don't get paid." He shrugged and have her a good pat on the shoulder, making sure not to harm her with his underestimated strength. "I've got your back, small one." 

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He glanced up at his Shade and walked to follow the Loki, keeping his distance far enough that it wouldn't look like he was.


Gray figure continued it's path towards the liset, but stopped behind the palletts of ammo crates, sat on one of the boxes, looking like it's inspecting something

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The Ash continued walking, attempting to get a visual without making it obvious. If the figure noticed him trying, Keitel suspected he wouldn't have another chance to see it - and the less he knew of a Tenno so unlike the ones he often fought with, the more disconcerting it felt. Maybe... maybe it was just him. Fine.


If he saw nothing of importance, he would allay what felt like paranoia. If instinct was right... unpredictable.

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the figure picked up several petrol tanks for ignis, turned around a bit and tilted it's head to side slowly and uneveanly, like a broken clockwork toy, while the rest of the body become absolutely static and motionless, looking at another tenno that was standing behind.

"Asssk..." in same hissing and quiet tone, left his mouth

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Standing this close, Keitel was able to distinguish imortal ornament on suit of the stranger, however there were no insignias to say which faction or syndicate he belongs, no noticeble features eather except the posture and the way of moving.


"Contractorr.." said gray Loki, and continued mainteance of newly acquired weapon, turning his head away from tenno standing next to him,


After a bit of an awkward silence, he continued "Are you afraid?... for them... or yoursssself...?" with unpleasant for ears slow hissing.

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The silence between question and answer was broken by the near-inaudible sound of a wrist-blade being unsheathed, Keitel's reaction to the... mimicry of a Tenno and its ability to know secrets the Ash kept close at heart. When he went to respond in kind, he didn't answer. Any retort died as he stalked out of the room, stealth and caution forgotten.


As he arrived back alongside his allies and the bomb, Keitel glanced up at his Shade wearily as if expecting a comment from the Cephalon it harboured. Vox seemed to sense his disquiet at the question he had been asked, and an answer so close to reality he feared it - for that reason, she kept her silence. Silent acknowledgement from both of them let him distract his thoughts by examining the bomb that looked like it could turn a Dojo into scrap metal directly ahead of them. Had to be a huge ship to warrant a huge bomb... which was worrying if it was assimilated by the Infestation.


The question still mocked him.

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"Well, thank you for the vote of confidence and information, Sir Mogis. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when and if we need to vent the ship's atmosphere and anything else that might need venting into The Cold Embrace of the Void." Brunell said, voice going hollow and echoing out of nowhere when speaking of the Void. "Did you like that? Neat trick I picked up. Really shakes the lesser minds up."

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"I never told you my name, little one..." Mogis pointed out. He wasn't phased by the trick, but it was always cool to see someone do it, even if it wasn't for the first time. He turned and crossed his arms again, looking over to his right and seeing the Ash staring up at his sentinel. "You seem shaken. Something wrong, mate?"

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"I'll tell you later." He shook his head slightly in response, unwilling to share his distrust without good reason to. The other Tenno didn't need something more than the Infested to worry about. They would find out for themselves if this rogue intended them or their mission any harm, and if he did... it wasn't a Tenno to him any more.

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