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Parkour 2.0 (U17 Megathread Topic)


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Time to add my two cents:


The Good:

Bullet Jump has me crossing uneven terrain faster than ever, even with the loss of Coptering(being able to run infinitely offsets the loss for me, especially with the faster frames)

Gliding and such is neat, even if I admittedly don't utilize it fully.

Wall Clinging is fine too, though I have occasional trouble springing directly away from the clung wall.


The Bad:

The Hoppy new Wallrunning, you took a simple mechanic(the old wallrunning) and made it more nitpicky and complicated to control, especially on some of the old Spy segments designed to facilitate the old wallrunning.  It doesn't look good, it's janky and granular and not a smooth motion.  I understand the desire for verticality, but with the addition of wall cling, couldn't you have used that to 'transition' between running up and running sideways?  As it is, I practically never wall run unless I have to now, as I find I am often flung in directions I entirely do not wish to go.


It's exactly my feeling about Parkour too. The new wallrun doesn't... well... fit the Warframe style.

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The Bad:

The Hoppy new Wallrunning, you took a simple mechanic(the old wallrunning) and made it more nitpicky and complicated to control, especially on some of the old Spy segments designed to facilitate the old wallrunning.  It doesn't look good, it's janky and granular and not a smooth motion.  I understand the desire for verticality, but with the addition of wall cling, couldn't you have used that to 'transition' between running up and running sideways?  As it is, I practically never wall run unless I have to now, as I find I am often flung in directions I entirely do not wish to go.


Summarizes how I feel about the new directional wall-hopping. It's not grounded as it should be and momentum from jumping off the walls is janky and requires a lot of effort to perform what was once a simple maneuver to jump backwards into this complex and awkward rotation of the camera.


Wall-clinging has a lot of camera issues currently.


I'd like to illustrate how in a later video or something. Currently it's just weird.

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I'd like to suggest a tried and true solution to wall latch and aim glide camera issues; you know, when the character model blocks the cross hair. 


This old Half Life mod called The Specialists encountered the same issue of character models at times blocking cross hairs because of the stunt-driven movement system. What the devs did was have the character model go slightly transparent whenever it happened. You can see it in action about 7 seconds into this video: 



I'll admit, it's not exactly pretty, but it works.

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First off I would like to say thank you devs, I feel this is one of the more generous games made recently and the game is great and your continued work on it is greatly appreciated.


That being said I do not find I enjoy the new parkour system. It is not that the system is bad it is just that I feel like less of an awesome space ninja. The new system is easy and accessible (i don't even bother using the walls anymore.) but I feel like it has detracted from what was so great about the movement system. It took time to master the system before and when you did you felt like a badass, forgive my language. It was awesome jumping and flipping from opponent to opponent launching yourself across the battle field and then striking with deadly accuracy with you melee weapon of choice. I could jump so high with my melee weapon strike and it became so fluid (once mastered) I was very quick at it. I feel the new system requires more aiming and is simpler, which makes it feel like less of an accomplishment. I liked running up the wall and flipping between two close walls. As it is now I do not find the wall hop very effective. Without the back flip I often end up at the top of something wondering where I go now. I was so fast (regardless of weapon) and I guess part of the system was to slow the speedsters down. I'm sorry if this sounds like whining I just felt I needed to post this. I am going to keep player regardless I will just miss smashing people with my hammer from across the room after flying through the air.


In short: I felt more awesome when I mastered the old system, the new one is simple and great but removes the accomplishment and makes movement overall less exciting. I'm whining XD

Edited by grimstrife
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Summarizes how I feel about the new directional wall-hopping. It's not grounded as it should be and momentum from jumping off the walls is janky and requires a lot of effort to perform what was once a simple maneuver to jump backwards into this complex and awkward rotation of the camera.


Wall-clinging has a lot of camera issues currently.


I'd like to illustrate how in a later video or something. Currently it's just weird.


You mean the backflip form the vertical wallrun? In the new system it can be done without the 180 degree camera turn  - you just press S (if using keyboard) as you are hopping up the wall and you jump backwards. Not taking a stab at your feedback, just saying it can be done. 

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I overall am fairly negative on parkour 2.0.  Nothing in it really feels like an improvement to me.  What is being called a "bullet jump" just looks dumb, the flow of motion from a slide to a corkscrew twist makes no sense.  I'm really not happy to see double jumps either, I know they're everywhere and they're almost expected, but they just break my sense of immersion.  I mean what is my character jumping against?  Air.  Air?  So it can jump against air anytime it wants?  Nope, just once.  Why?  Because DE.


And the thing everyone is saying, oh wow wall running looks bad now.  I laughed the first time I saw it, it looked like some sort of joke animation that was put in on April first.  What possessed you guys to turn a fairly classic style ninja wall run animation into what I can only call wall humping?  Who thought that looked better?


Every time I do a jump after a slide I feel a little dead inside.  DE is once again arbitrarily churning everything up without really thinking through the consequences or even having clearly understandable reasons for doing it.  The new way is coming, the old way is behind us, and now we're stuck with it no matter what.  From now on my space ninja will be inexplicably humping the wall instead of running along it and I just have to accept it.

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I stay much more on the air now. I jump-doublejump-glide-crouch-bulletjump-doublejump-glide all the time.

I have noticed three things.

1) Gliding make you harder to kill, and seem to increase accuracy. Dont know if that's true, but it feels like it.

2) I can do a dive-bomb by going bulletjump or doublejump then melee into a crowd. This was surprisingly effective, and I killed many at once this way. Anyone else feel the same way?

3) Sliding+spinningmelee misses ALOT of the time for me now. Was simething chabged in reach or hitboxes? Just feels like I hit more targets before.

Wallhopping feels a bit slow, but helluvalot more controlled then the flingandforget we had before.

I never coptered so I am enjoying the glide.

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Just found one more thing: Apparently, the gliding can be controlled by left-right keys (absolutely marvelous with Zephyr), but only if you did an actual divekick. It does not work after using crouch after a bullet jump and/or a backflip. It's very inconsistent, is what I'm saying, and could use either clarification on use (and some love in the tutorial), or a tweak to work in all cases. Preferably both.

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Now that I've actually been online to play with parkour 2.0, I have come to the conclusion that Parkour 2.0 is awesome. Traversing the tiles is quicker, more fluid, and much much prettier.

It gives the maps a new spin that I didn't think they had. I honestly feel like this system is going to give me lots of fun to come. In addition, this update will last me a long while. I don't think I'll be bored any time soon.

Reading the negative comments has brought me to a couple of thoughts.

The people who have a problem with Parkour 2.0 itself seem widely focused on the lack of coptering. Honestly, it was a broken system that you folks were taking advantage of for a long time. The other majority of people who dislike it, are people I feel are simply not used the system yet. Just practice and keep an open mind, folks.

Edited by CoRRh
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I think I'd pay for an offline version of the old warframe.


Me to the last accessory pack is the last money i put into Warframe until movement is fixed. I don't care if it is adding the two systems together, i don't care if its fixing the functionality of the new system. But i would definitely pay for a offline version of the 16.0 at this point.

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Parkour 2.0 kills PVP. While it's nice in PVE, PVP mode needs a stamina bar or something done to it.


Agreed. Here is my comment from pvp forum



I just played a game. Team Deathmatch. I alone against 2 experienced players. For 7 minutes there were no kills until a 4th player joined. Why? Because I was running around using sommersaults. Opponents tried using abilities, tried to stun or stagger me but I always ran away. Their DPS was not enough to kill me in short times of opportunity. I was using the tankiest warframe - Frost Prime.


There is general design issue - mobility versus time to kill.


There are only two ways to fix this - reduce mobility or reduce time to kill.


1). Reduce time to kill. A.k.a Conclave 1.0. Everyone moves fast but also dies fast. But it brings more problems.

- Warframe choice is limited. Take the highest EHP.

- Weapon choice is limited. Anything that does not one shots or kills is useless.

2). Reduce mobility especially for heavier frames.

- Greater variety in frames

- Great variety in weapons

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Seems like you are not using air roll correctly. Can you beat my dojo course record: 18.80 seconds Loki with mods



This video highlights what I absolutely hate about parkour 2.0. The terrain is even less involved than before. He's just using the same move over and over again. It's like coptering, except it's in the air.


This isn't parkour. This is flying. It's mindless and dumb. You can do it anywhere in the map with a floor. You could macro this.

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I don't like it very much. I didn't like coptering and I'm glad it is finally over but changing one bad with another doesn't make it any good. These are my thoughts about the new "parkour".
1. why is it even called parkour?! it is more like flying, gliding, sliding in the air. it floats like zaphyr in low gravity NM mode mission. why just don't give us archwing to fly trough the levels?!? heck even archwings have more "weight" than this.

2. i also don't see how it is easy to execute either, which was the design goal if I'm not mistaken. arguably my negative experience with the so called parkour 2.0 is because i still suck at it and it can get only better with practice but it doesn't replace the fact that it requires way too many inputs like a kind of piano virtuoso level of inputs.

3. including the gliding in the movement combos has the disadvantage that you are constantly zooming in and out when you are moving and even if you are very mlg level fast it still creates some shakiness in the camera. it destroys my eyes and gives me headaches. it is like accelerating on the highway and than pull brakes every few seconds.

4. yes, you have more control, and more access to hard to reach places like treasure rooms. but sometimes more is less. ask yourself why they even bother put these "hard to reach places" in the first place?!

i see however generally positive reactions from the community which means either the people tend to neglect the flows after it replaced arguably even more flowed version of movement or they simply enjoy flying. i certainly hope it will be improved from here and not left with the all the exploits for another 2 years.

Edited by egypt
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I don't like it very much. I didn't like coptering and I'm glad it is finally over but changing one bad with another doesn't make it any good. These are my thoughts about the new "parkour".

1. why is it even called parkour?! it is more like flying, gliding, sliding in the air. it floats like zaphyr in low gravity NM mode mission. why just don't give us archwing to fly trough the levels?!? heck even archwings have more "weight" than this.

2. i also don't see how it is easy to execute either, which was the design goal if I'm not mistaken. arguably my negative experience with the so called parkour 2.0 is because i still suck at it and it can get only better with practice but it doesn't replace the fact that it requires way too many inputs like a kind of piano virtuoso level of inputs.

3. including the gliding in the movement combos has the disadvantage that you are constantly zooming in and out when you are moving and even if you are very mlg level fast it still creates some shakiness in the camera. it destroys my eyes and gives me headaches. it is like accelerating on the highway and than pull brakes every few seconds.

4. yes, you have more control, and more access to hard to reach places like treasure rooms. but sometimes more is less. ask yourself why they even bother put these "hard to reach places" in the first place?!

i see however generally positive reactions from the community which means either the people tend to neglect the flows after it replaced arguably even more flowed version of movement or they simply enjoy flying. i certainly hope it will be improved from here and not left with the all the exploits for another 2 years.

Why isn't it called instance frame?! There's no war. Gosh stupid devs using easily explainable language to get across ideas!

Less buttons in less rapidity makes it an easier system I thought that would have been a no brainer.

That is actually a decent point. If they could map it to a toggle or something as far as the zoom goes. It does get annoying.

You're mad that you can get to more places easier. I don't even get how that's supposed to be a complaint.

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- More boring gameplay


This. The reduction in speed and variety of options (at least for melee characters) in the game's new system takes away the it's unique feel entirely. If I wanted to glide and shoot I'd be playing planetside. I played this game to ninja people. It now feels very un-ninja. Sure I can fly to my opponent. Then I can start wailing on them. But its nowhere near as cool as running up a wall,  back flipping into a ground slam on the whole group, coptoring across to the next five enemies, and jumping to aerial melee that last little drone. None of that is possible now without squirreling an intermittent bullet jump between each and every move you make just to keep momentum. Maybe this worked out for guns, but melee got screwed.


I would also like to note that as a controller user, the new system is very awkward and difficult to utilize in the ways shown in all these tutorials.  Quickly tapping so many buttons on your keyboard is much more doable than spiderwebbing your hand around a 360 controller to perfectly time hitting all these specific inputs at once (much less do so repeatedly since this is the new mode of travel). As it is, warframe's slide mechanics have already broken the thumbsticks on two corded 360 controllers for me, and this does not help. This is somewhat surprising given the game's presence on two major consoles. 


TDLR: Please give us some of our old movement back DE. At least in places where it doesn't directly interfere with the new system (ie: flip and bullet jump being on the same command). Give melee back a decent coptor, put back the aerial melee you put in to just to fix the problem of hitting flying targets, and please put back in off the wall flipping/flinging momentum if possible.

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i see however generally positive reactions from the community which means either the people tend to neglect the flows after it replaced arguably even more flowed version of movement or they simply enjoy flying. i certainly hope it will be improved from here and not left with the all the exploits for another 2 years.

Agreed, the new system doesn't emphasize enviromental interaction as much. The replacements for coptering (bullet jumps,gliding, air rolling...) are so much more effective that you can just fly everywhere. The main issues are wall jumps not being omnidirectional, and the lack of directional influence when in the air, leading to consecutive wall hopping being useless in comparison to bullet jumps, gliding, and air rolling.

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