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New Mods (U17 Megathread Topic)


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Depleted Reload: Increases reload speed, decreases magazine capacity.

  • Traveller:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.
  • Firewalker: Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time. Landing on enemies procs laXvFeI.pngHeat damage.
  • Lightning Dash:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs 6D9GPQq.pngElectric damage.
  • Ice Spring:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs bDPeQDy.pngCold damage.
  • Toxic Flight:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs s8BEEJH.pngToxin damage.
  • Battering Maneuver:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs C5ZAkTD.pngImpact damage.
  • Rending Walk:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs s5u2duX.pngSlash damage.
  • Piercing Flight:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs ol9oOvm.pngPuncture damage.

Are these mods utility mods? Because i dont see why someone would swap out an important mod for one of these even thou they sound cool.


Yep all utility mods


The mods sound cool. I wish we could get more Exilus slots now because they really compete with our old ones.


Question: If someone could test, what happens if you combine 2 of the elemental ones? 2 separate damages, or combined? Are they allowed to both be on?

You can only equip one at a time.

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Why is Depleted Reload exclusive only to sniper rifles?  It seems like it would be just as balanced on other primary weapons, as well.  As P0int.Zer0 said, the Tonkor and Tigris would be perfect candidates for this mod, although the Tigris is a shotgun, and would require a different mod, even if Depleted Reload was extended to all rifles.  It would also work well on weapons with larger magazines and very long reload times.


I get a strong impression that Depleted Reload was made as the Vectis Prime mod, which frankly seems silly if you're going to go through the trouble of making a new corrupted mod.

Edited by Dell_the_Engie
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Yep all utility mods


You can only equip one at a time.


Another question. The descriptions says "landing on enemies" but doesnt say that on the card. So when you bullet jump, is it a certain radius enemies have to be in to receive the dmg? or is it sorta like Shockwave where its a aoe when you land a bullet jump?

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Depleted Reload being sniper only is unacceptable.

If it worked with all weapons, or at the very least all primaries, it would have had some redeeming value.


As it is, it's purely an optional fix to the absolute incompetence that was stripping Vectis Prime of it's identity, withheld behind a grind/pay wall.


Whoever makes those kinds of decisions at the moment should be fired, and never allowed to work in the industry again.

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Depleted Reload being sniper only is unacceptable.

If it worked with all weapons, or at the very least all primaries, it would have had some redeeming value.


As it is, it's purely an optional fix to the absolute incompetence that was stripping Vectis Prime of it's identity, withheld behind a grind/pay wall.


Whoever makes those kinds of decisions at the moment should be fired, and never allowed to work in the industry again.


Why would they fire them? Or anyone? They're still making money (which so many will argue is their sole purpose in existence).


They did the same thing with SO many syndicate mods, why would they change tactics?


This is truly going to be the ultimate MEME when it comes to "the year of quality". I'm beginning to think this game will LIVE IN INFAMY if this train keeps going where it's headed. (Also, it seems to be accelerating!) YEAR OF QUALITY! YEAR OF QUALITY! (Yeah, it's gonna be a thing)

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having and using and i have this to say (pulled from my feedback thread)


Depleted Reload -  you said this would be useful on multiple weapons. it is not by any means, it should be extended to all primary weapons, not only snipers, the depletion of the magazine should max out at 75% (12.5% per rank) allowing players to get the magazine of a 4 shot weapon down to 1 bullet and the reload speed should be increased by the same amount (75%. 12.5% per rank) and its mod points raised to 9 this would allow for more 1-2 shot builds with fast reloads across all primary weapons and would make it a viable alternative to primed fast hands where magazine size wasn't overly important.




it's still a terrible bandaid on vectis prime where the weapon should just be a 1-shot and reload weapon like its normal version, because forcing us to use this mod to get it down to 1 bullet so we can use charged or primed chamber negates the point of "buffing" it in the first place, renders charged chamber worthless in combination with it because of the second occupied slot. it also removes build options with chamber mods that would normally include things like punch through, additional elements, status/elemental mods, critical delay, hammer shot, hush, eagle eye, and the already existing Primed Fast Hands or even non-primed fast hands.


besides, you already have a multi-shot-per-mag hitscan sniper rifle in the form of vulkar, which has access to a syndicate mod and is a very good candidate for getting a syndicate primary upgrade or a prisma form that has a shorter base reload and higher damage per shot.


vectis is a traditional weapon and this mod isn't JUST unwanted change, it's just a terrible overcomplicated fix to a mistake that should never have happened in the first place. if it was built for the sake of pvp, you can just make vulkar usable in pvp and balance it accordingly.


why do i hate this fix?

it's overcomplicated

it wastes a slot

the right fix would have been easier than you will ever admit.

it was stated that it would be useful on other weapons and isn't.

it doesn't benefit charged chamber users because charged chamber would need a minimum of 2 more ranks to even come close to being worth using in this situation.

it gives you an excuse to pretend like it's the right route to go fixing the prime upgrade to an iconic weapon

it removes all flexibility in chamber mod builds from a weapon that was not overly flexible to begin with and happens to be the only weapon that benefits fully from using them



when you prime a weapon, you make it better at what it does without directly changing how the weapon is used, what you do change is how strong the weapon is and where you can take it. pushing the limits of what you can do with that weapon's existing playstyle.

with vectis prime you entirely changed the playstyle of the weapon with one bullet.


you want to fix it? you trade that extra bullet for either 5% more critical chance or 0.5 more critical multiplier or give charged chamber 2 more ranks and reduce its base mod point drain by 2 points.

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Why is Depleted Reload exclusive only to sniper rifles?  It seems like it would be just as balanced on other primary weapons, as well.  As P0int.Zer0 said, the Tonkor and Tigris would be perfect candidates for this mod, although the Tigris is a shotgun, and would require a different mod, even if Depleted Reload was extended to all rifles.  It would also work well on weapons with larger magazines and very long reload times.


I get a strong impression that Depleted Reload was made as the Vectis Prime mod, which frankly seems silly if you're going to go through the trouble of making a new corrupted mod.

they would be perfect candidates if the reload value was higher than primed fast hands. it would have to be in the 75% range to be worth it at all, but it's not even remotely as it stands. if it were to be the vectis prime mod, it should have been a syndicate drop.

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Lightning Dash for everyone who hasn't seen it yet:

One question comes to mind though, the 275% Electric Damage are based on what exactly? I've heard that Ice Spring, which is essentially the exact same Mod only with Ice Damage, has trouble killing low level enemies while an almost unranked Lightning Dash can kill them fairly easy.

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Mobilise should be buffed somewhat dramatically to make it something worth using against the damage variants. 25% to each stat?


Traveller does not exist, and it both should and be differentiated between it and Patagium - boost Bullet Jump and parkour velocity by 30%, while Patagium is buffed to boost Aim Glide and Wall Latch by 30%?

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So my feedback is a bit about the mods, and about the movement system in general, though I thought I'd post it here since this thread is....cleaner.


In short, I think there's a case of diminishing returns when modding bullet jump's distance/velocity, and it only applies to aim glide. Also, the plain jump height is too short for an effective air glide.


Currently, in order to have any effective hang time on aim glide, you need to bullet jump first to get more height. Again, that's because doing a plain jump before and air glide will not get you enough height and therefore enough hang time. More height = more aim glide time. However, if you have too much height, you're going to lose a lot of control over when and where you want to aim glide, especially if the tile set is real cramped.


My suggestion is either to increase the plain jump height across the board, to increase the plain jump height when you're sprinting, or to add a slight "hop" at the beginning of aim glide.


EDIT: I think an increase in sprint speed across the board would also be really helpful. Also, its due time that the sprint animations are tidied up and cases of loony-toons-legs solved.


EDIT 2: I take everything back because double jump and i'm wrong.

Edited by Brucely
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Here's my opinion


Adhesive Blast:

The description is soooooo misleading. It doesn't increase the damage of the grenade on impact, nor on explosion. It only adds a toxin tick for, what i suppose is, 60% of base impact damage (the damage that sucks and that no one cares about)

Tested it on Torid, Penta and Tonkor (I think the only 3 you can use it on)

 - on Torid: nothing. It brings nothing, considering the dot is already a feature of the weapon.

 - on Tonkor: it just makes grenades act as proximity mines, but not even activated by enemies. It sucks. And the explosion on impact is bugged half of the time, as in, the grenade doesn't explode on impact.

 - on Penta: adds an unecessary timer to the explosion as well as that toxin tick. Nothing more.


Conclusion: misleading description, underwhelming effect. A rip-off. This mod is utterly useless even if it's working.

Change it to what it's supposed to do: 60% damage on impact AND explosion (or cloud damage for Torid). No timer on Penta.


Covert Lethality: It works, but why do we even need a mod for this, when there are already so much damage on finisher attacks. Only gives bigger overkill numbers.



Seismic Wave: A mod that shouldn't even exist.


And don't even think about making one for the range, it should scale with reach.


Concealed explosives/Combustion Beam: They're just like Thunderbolt: they don't scale with damage mods, so their utility past lvl10 enemies is mediocre. And Blast damage is already bad as it is.

Novelty mods, you play with them 5 minutes before realizing they're useless., and slot a damage mod instead that will give you more.

Now if the explosion damage was a percentage of the base damage (scaling with damage and elemental mods), maybe they'd be good, but as of now they're just trash.


Depleted Reload: This is the worst band-aid mod we've seen in a long time. Supposedly implemented to compensate for the clip size buff of the Vectis Prime, to allow the use of Prime Chambers (or even CHarged Chamber) while in reality no one will ever equip i.

Because if you waste a slot for this, it means you're losing either on another essential damage mod (which Primed/Charged Chamber isn't worth equiping over) or essential utility (like punch-through). So you actually gain nothing, nothing at all from equiping it. Not on Vectis Prime, nor on any other Sniper, because the reload speed gain isn't even worth the clip size loss: you lose in sustained damage no matter what, the math is wrong on this.

Just...stop with the useless corrupted mods already.


And that's even before considering how it ends ends up diluting the corrupted mod drop table even more. 

Simple solution: there are 4 mission types (Survival, Capture, Sabotage and Exterminate) you can get corrupted mods from.



The New Pakour mods:

That's simple, only one is worth getting (Mobilize), the rest are just not worth the cost.


4 elemental parkour mods, all, rare, all r10. One of them just out of the loot tables for some reason, just to increase it's rarity...

I mean, the effect is visually amazing, and could have some utility when in a pinch (because of the guaranted status proc, the damage is meaningless), but the cost of ranking, the rarity, the drain makes it way too much of a sacrifice for a mod of secondary, even tertiary importance. I mean, it's not a mod you're gonna slot instead of a power or survavibility mod, and the drain is too much to be able to slot it in the exilis slot.

If they were r5 with a drain equal to the uncommon version (the physical ones), they would be a great upgrade over those, since you can only equip one at a time anyway.


But now, they're just not balanced against each other: the best cost/effectiveness is hands down Mobilize, and the rest doesn't bring enough benefits to justify the added cost.

Also because the Exilis slot is way too expensive to use (or even get access to) atm.


Conclusion: a lot of useless mods. A lot. More loot table clogging in general, and that's it, nothing new brought to the table even worth mentionning.

Just disappointing.

If it's the way the mod system is going from now (down), I'm worried.

Edited by Thelonious
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Incoming multi-quoting! 


No more tonkor tennis :)


P.S. Danielle, your profile pic would be cool saryn alternate helmet :D




Yes!! We shall call it "Da best around alt helmet" or "Sassy Staring Saryn" ;)



Depleted Reload: Increases reload speed, decreases magazine capacity.

  • Traveller:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.
  • Firewalker: Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time. Landing on enemies procs laXvFeI.pngHeat damage.
  • Lightning Dash:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs 6D9GPQq.pngElectric damage.
  • Ice Spring:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs bDPeQDy.pngCold damage.
  • Toxic Flight:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs s8BEEJH.pngToxin damage.
  • Battering Maneuver:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs C5ZAkTD.pngImpact damage.
  • Rending Walk:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs s5u2duX.pngSlash damage.
  • Piercing Flight:  Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time.  Landing on enemies procs ol9oOvm.pngPuncture damage.

Are these mods utility mods? Because i dont see why someone would swap out an important mod for one of these even thou they sound cool.



 Yes they sure are! Edited OP to clear any confusion :) 

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  • Seismic Wave: Increases the range of ground slam damage by 50/100/150/200%.



When are we to expect a fix for this? The mod implemented into the game deals damage, which scales terribly with the slam attack damage. I was really looking forward to increase the range of my slam attacks. In addition, I was wondering if we could see a fix for Primed Reach and Reach, so it also affects the special attack range (ground slam).

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  • Rending Walk: Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time. Adds s5u2duX.pngSlash damage to Bullet Jump. 
  • Piercing Flight: Increases parkour Velocity, Aim Glide and Wall Latch time. Adds ol9oOvm.pngPuncture damage to Bullet Jump. 


I would like to make sure that you know that these two mods have different names in Codex: "Rending Turn and Piercing Step".

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