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Equinox Is Weak


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Tier1(Strong and Easy)

Loki Frost Volt Excal

Tier2(Strong enough but challenging)

Saryn Trinity Ash

Tier3(Strong but weak to nullifier)

Mirage Mesa Chroma

Utility tier

Vauban Nova Oberon Mag(with prenerfed GPull) Nekros Nyx Banshee

Tier4(Can survive under heavy fire but lack good counter)

Limbo Hydroid Rhino Valkyr

Tier5(Greedy tier)

Mag(Gpull nerfed)

Useless tier

Ember Zephyr Equinox

Since when was Limbo not top tier.

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Since when was Limbo not top tier.

Limbo is top tier at "running away" and "ground finishing melee". His only way to survive is 2 and he can kill one at a time by 1,

his 4 cant be use offensively it's a suicide button. If he use mini range 4 to be a shelter it's still sluggish.

He's too squishy without QT and need to do ground finisher as main health refill. No effective CC.

On the topic. Equinox need to be buffed to at least tier2

He's ultra weak to nullifier and his abilities arent synergize well with guns

His night form supposes to be defensive but...

1.healing is so troublesome and cant save anyone too slow to recharge if the enemies are tough

2.Pacify that burn energy down in seconds and small range

Conclusion : Cant even defense himself in defensive form

His day form is basically ember with firequake......

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I agree there are some problems with the frame, and I'll mention them by ability: 


1) This is too slow. I think its unfair we can't even increase the speed with Natural Talent... I really don't like that. 


2) The effect radius for enemies around his 2) is just way too small. I like the concept behind the abilities, but you almost have to cast it on every enemy you want to use it on unless they are really, I mean really close. This means you might as well just use your weapons. Right now due to the way its range/aoe mechanic works so strangely, its really only viable for using in stealth missions while in night form. 


3) Not a huge fan of the way Pacify works on this ability. With Provoke everyone within the aura gets increased power strength at the cost of energy drain -- this means if you are within the aura of Equinox you will get the benefit no matter what. 


Not so with Pacify. With pacify, it only helps you if the enemies are within your aura. Instead of empowering allies with defensive strength, it cripples enemies. This means that instead of the aura helping squad mates within your aura, it just cripples any enemies within your relatively small aura range. 


I think it would be much more useful if it instead empowered squad members within the aura with some kind of damage reduction. That way as long as squad is within the aura, they would get the benefit. You could have it drain a certain amount for damage reduced, I don't know, something like that. 


Edit: My suggestion would be: Have it always provide damage reduction for squad if they are within aura range. Energy drain is per squad member, and starts draining if the squad is taking damage, and stops draining if they are not. This would cost way less energy, and actually be useful. 


4) This ult, oh where do I start. This thing is just so... messy to use. There's no other way to describe it. I really like playing equinox but this ult is just kind of weird. I also think the night form kind of gets shafted in the ult department. The day version actually does something to nearby enemies while you are charging up the damage meter, but the night form does nothing but charge up the heals. That's it. Why not give a small amount of heals to nearby allies while the aura is up? It doesn't even have to be that much, but right now the day ult just feels incomplete. 


I also think the entire execution of it is kind of messy with the day/night side on this one. On the one hand the day ult is kind of neat. You can stun enemies briefly and get that slash proc as you build up a massive aoe. However, with Night... you can charge up an insane amount of heals... and that's it. And unless you have a cryopod you want to have a pocket heal for prepared, there's no reason to ever use it for more than a few enemies in the night form, because even healing a whole squad isn't going to take more than 4-5k health charged at most. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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What if Pacify strips enemies of the urge to fight? As in, they won't attack you if you don't attack them, and as long as they are in Pacify's aura, they would lay down their weapons (figuratively speaking, not literally disarm) the moment you stop firing.

Here's an example:

- Equinox uses Pacify.

- Enemies in range now set to patrol/wander around.

- Equinox fires her Soma Prime.

- The act of using a weapon or inflicting damage with an ability causes Pacified enemies to retaliate.

- Equinox stops firing her weapon. After 2~3 seconds, Pacified enemies lose interest and patrol again.

- Pacified enemies prioritize attackers. If your teammate is firing his gun or nuking with abilities, Pacified enemies go for him and ignore you (only if you aren't attacking). Likewise, if your teammate isn't attacking, Pacified enemies ignore him.

The power to issue a momentary ceasefire or shift attention away from Equinox would be a very powerful tide turner ability. I think that would justify the insane energy drain for affecting so many enemies at once. This would also complement Pacify's use in protecting you while reviving players.

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I figured out why adding the whip turned my Equisux into a total monster.


It seems like when you rest a target, your melee damage is automatically converted into armor piercing finisher damage with a hefty bonus.  Usually this is tied to a kill animation so you are only hitting one enemy at a time so the 80k damage you are doing with a scindo prime is ineffecient.


The whip (scolliac) has a very very long range especailly with prime reach so you can hit enemies with a spin attack from out of the finisher animation range, but still do finisher damage to a large area.  If you mod rest for max range, it's pretty easy to sleep 7+ monsters in a big ball, then spin attack them all with the whip for 16K a piece regardless of what kind of armor they have.  I've found that with some good aiming I can generally sleep an entire defense ball of monsters with about 2-3 casts which are fairly quick, and the whip is really quick so its basically rest rest rest THWACK everybody dies.  The finisher damage you get on a non finisher animated attack is less (8-16k vs 24k with the whip) but it just erases groups of sleeping enemies.


This doesnt carry over to ranged weapons as I tested it with the Opticor (and burston prime) hoping to nail something for 1 zillion trillion damage, and only ended up doing about normal damage.




Looking it some more it may not be finisher damage, but there's a massive boost to melee damage that I do not see with ranged attacks.  As long as you can skirt the outside of the finsher animation range, it's pretty fierce.

Edited by Clowee
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What if Pacify strips enemies of the urge to fight? As in, they won't attack you if you don't attack them, and as long as they are in Pacify's aura, they would lay down their weapons (figuratively speaking, not literally disarm) the moment you stop firing.

Here's an example:

- Equinox uses Pacify.

- Enemies in range now set to patrol/wander around.

- Equinox fires her Soma Prime.

- The act of using a weapon or inflicting damage with an ability causes Pacified enemies to retaliate.

- Equinox stops firing her weapon. After 2~3 seconds, Pacified enemies lose interest and patrol again.

- Pacified enemies prioritize attackers. If your teammate is firing his gun or nuking with abilities, Pacified enemies go for him and ignore you (only if you aren't attacking). Likewise, if your teammate isn't attacking, Pacified enemies ignore him.

The power to issue a momentary ceasefire or shift attention away from Equinox would be a very powerful tide turner ability. I think that would justify the insane energy drain for affecting so many enemies at once. This would also complement Pacify's use in protecting you while reviving players.


Nope, only useful for speed runs. In most missions you have to kill enemies in order to proceed. Defense rounds can virtually take forever if you don't kill stuff and in survival you will run out of life support.


Pacify, at least the idea and the concept of it, is good. It just needs more range (~25m base range instead of 16m) and the way the energy drain scales needs to be changed.



Seriously DE what's up with the energy consumption of Pacify? I did a T4 survival run and we even had a Trinity but around 35 minutes when our killing speed started to slow down due to enemy scaling and we were surrounded by huge amounts of enemies on all sides the energy drain became so insane that even the Trinity wasn't enough and I ran out of energy twice despite spamming energy restore pads at that point!

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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Seriously DE what's up with the energy consumption of Pacify? I did a T4 survival run and we even had a Trinity but around 35 minutes when our killing speed started to slow down due to enemy scaling and we were surrounded by huge amounts of enemies on all sides the energy drain became so insane that even the Trinity wasn't enough and I ran out of energy twice despite spamming energy restore pads at that point!


ok i'm going to clarify some things here. First I'll paste from wiki

Night Equinox emits a crippling aura that affects all enemies in range, reducing their damage up to 20% / 33% / 43% / 50% the closer they are from Equinox. While Pacify is active, 1.5 / 1.25 / 1 / 0.5 energy is drained per second for each enemy within the aura.


ok the reason why energy consumption is high is because of the round up system. When you try to divide a damage of 10 by 3, you'll get 3.333333333333 *game crash* to prevent the game crashing from forms of calculation that would go into infinite number loops, gaming companies decided on to do a whole number. In short even though the energy per enemy is 0.5 at max rank, it will round up to 1 per second. the 0.5 pretty much indicates that you can have 2 in the aura for a simple 1 energy cost, one more and you switch to 2 energy per sec. So, if I were to put max efficiency on it, making it go to 0.125, I can pretty much take like 8 enemies at the cost of 1 energy per sec..... at least that's how it's suppose to work, but then you have enemies entering at different times in the aura which doesn't add up to what it suppose to be doing. I honestly need to test this out more, but that's my thinking on it.


So, balancing out a decimal system when the game runs on a whole number system, will be hard. If anything, they may have to reapply different methods other than what they currently have to improve the skill. Or make energy in a decimal system.

Edited by AkemiStar
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The easiest solution would be to have the energy consumption scale with the number of team members within the area of effect instead. Logically it does not make much sense to have the amount of team members determine the energy consumption for a skill only affecting enemies but at least the energy consumption would be stable and it would also make the skill usable when playing solo.


Because with "Pacify" being her only defensive skill, Equinox really needs to be able to keep it running in order to have any solo play viability for higher level content.

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The easiest solution would be to have the energy consumption scale with the number of team members within the area of effect instead. Logically it does not make much sense to have the amount of team members determine the energy consumption for a skill only affecting enemies but at least the energy consumption would be stable and it would also make the skill usable when playing solo.


Because with "Pacify" being her only defensive skill, Equinox really needs to be able to keep it running in order to have any solo play viability for higher level content.

... but then.....let's see, 1 energy per ally (including self) and if i had the ult on as well... 5 energy per sec full squad, with 2 abilities on. 4 energy per sec with just pacify on.......this being a quick assessment without looking at all the possible numbers.


well, at least it's better than having it on enemies.

Edited by AkemiStar
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Yeah I'm pretty hopping mad about that. 


Night form ult already feels incomplete. Day Form gets cool CC and proc and night just gets... nothing. It feel's like the whole thing was rushed, and that bothers me. I don't want to think it was, but that's how it feels. Feels like when they got to the 3 and 4 for Night form they just tried to give it abilities that were defensive, but way too similar, rushed it and now it doesn't even make sense. 


Pacify is hardly useable or effective at high level due to the enemies draining tons of energy and needing to be in your aura. 


Night form ult is a joke. All that massive health bomb was already mostly pointless, now with the defense objective heals apparently being a "bug", it is literally pointless as hell. Why ever rack up kills as night form? Just hit 4, kill a couple enemies and hit it again to heal people. There's no reason to use it sustained like Day form ult, but they set up to work almost the exact same way. 


Day Form gets CC from ult, Night form gets nothing. Day Form gets huge amounts of damage, Night Form can get huge amounts of heals racked up that are an utterly pointless waste of time and energy drain. 


This is just absurd. It might as well just be one frame in day form. Night Form is a poorly executed joke right now. 


I like a lot of things about Equinox, but the night form needs a major overhaul already, this is really sad... 



And before anyone jumps in telling me I should have realized it was a bug, or that I'm whining about the particular fix, that's not the thing. I don't mind them taking away the ability to heal defense objectives if it was replaced with something. Give her a little CC with her ult, not exactly like day obviously but something similar. And make the huge health bombs we can get actually mean something, like a temporary overheal for the team like many people have suggested. 


When you have a new form out that already badly needs a serious buff, you need to add something when you take something away. Now I just feel disappointed... like Equinox is going to go many months before she gets the love she needs, even though she's new and should be given some attention. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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welp for all the people who said night's fourth wasn't that bad because of its unique ability to heal pods, that was a glitch and has apparently been removed so...yeah, its just a terrible ability atm. 


lol, they removed the only thing the healing ability had going for it and the only possible application for the gigantic amount of healing energy you could store up? GJ DE! Now while running the ability still does absolutely nothing apart from constantly draining your energy to collect massive amounts of energy there is longer any use for in the game. I mean for a full raid group (8 people) it takes around 7k max to completely heal them all.


What do you do with ~60K healing energy DE?


Why ever rack up kills as night form? Just hit 4, kill a couple enemies and hit it again to heal people. There's no reason to use it sustained like Day form ult,


The problem is that you have to keep the ability running at basically all times or you won't be able to heal fast enough should you or your teammates need it. 4-10 seconds delay (depending on which form you are in atm and how close the nearest enemy you might kill to get the counter up is) before you are otherwise ready to heal is just not practical given how fast paced the game is. It's the by far worst healing ability in the game now since it even lost the small thing it had going for it (ability to heal objects like defense objectives).

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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Yeah, it needs some kind of CC/aura effect like Day Form ult, and maybe an overheal when cast so there is a reason for a big health bomb. The overheal could slowly drain energy over time, so Equinox would have good reason to keep her ult up constantly making health bombs to keep team overhealed. 

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ok i'm going to clarify some things here. First I'll paste from wiki

Night Equinox emits a crippling aura that affects all enemies in range, reducing their damage up to 20% / 33% / 43% / 50% the closer they are from Equinox. While Pacify is active, 1.5 / 1.25 / 1 / 0.5 energy is drained per second for each enemy within the aura.


ok the reason why energy consumption is high is because of the round up system. When you try to divide a damage of 10 by 3, you'll get 3.333333333333 *game crash* to prevent the game crashing from forms of calculation that would go into infinite number loops, gaming companies decided on to do a whole number. In short even though the energy per enemy is 0.5 at max rank, it will round up to 1 per second. the 0.5 pretty much indicates that you can have 2 in the aura for a simple 1 energy cost, one more and you switch to 2 energy per sec. So, if I were to put max efficiency on it, making it go to 0.125, I can pretty much take like 8 enemies at the cost of 1 energy per sec..... at least that's how it's suppose to work, but then you have enemies entering at different times in the aura which doesn't add up to what it suppose to be doing. I honestly need to test this out more, but that's my thinking on it.


So, balancing out a decimal system when the game runs on a whole number system, will be hard. If anything, they may have to reapply different methods other than what they currently have to improve the skill. Or make energy in a decimal system.


The problem with storing decimals has nothing to do with infinite loops. The standard for storing decimals on a computer is "floating point" which uses a technique very similar to scientific notation.

(digits) * (base)^(exponent)


Instead of storing the number itself, you store some number which will be multiplied by a base raised to the power of an exponent. The base is typically 2 (or 10), so you only store the significant digits and the exponent. Compared to storing numbers directly in base 2 this allows you to represent a much wider range of numbers with the same number of bytes, but you lose accuracy in return.


In simpler terms, it's very similar to how you might use 22/7 (god help you) for pi, instead of 3.1415blahblahblah. You can only store so many digits in the limited memory of your mind so instead you develop a shorthand that will let you remember more complex numbers in a simplified manner. Your computer does the same thing.



Floating point is MAGICAL, but it has some major flaws. One of these flaws is that you lose digits when you add or subtract numbers that are very far apart in magnitude. This is because you can only store a certain number of significant digits. If you can only remember 10 digits and you add numbers with exponents of 10 and -10 (in base 10) that's 20 significant digits and you just drop the lower half of your digits. Warframe in particular doesn't use huuuuge and tiiiiiny numbers, so this is most likely not an issue here.


HOWEVER, another major flaw in floating point is inaccuracies in multiplication and division. Again, you can only store so many digits. Suppose you can only remember 5 significant digits and you multiply 12345 by itself. You get 152399025, but you can only remember five significant digits so it ends up being 152390000 (notice the last four significant digits are lost). Floating point is accurate enough if you only do a few simple multiplications/divisions, but as soon as you start chaining them the inaccuracies will begin to accumulate. To make matters worse, performing the same operations in a different number can produce slightly different outputs. Putting this together, you can get really silly situations like A * B * C / B / C does not equal A. Remember in your math/science homework when your teacher told you not to round until the very end? This is why. You want to retain as many significant digits as possible, but it's not practical for programs to keep thaaaat many unless you're doing scientific or mathematical work.



Warframe in particular is a prime candidate for these inconsistencies really screwing adding up. There are so many multiplications in even the simplest attack that you want to convert your floating point numbers into whole numbers at some point.


Have to run so I apologize for the abrupt summary.

TL;DR It's not infinite loops, but rather rounding errors that will accumulate. probably. I can speak from personal experience that floating point gives you really stupid cases where instead of 0 you get 0.00000000000000000001 so something might not register as dead (without rounding).

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.... What I was doing was giving a simple explanation. Give a simple understanding on how energy consumption was rounded. Telling why it was rounded in a simple and understandable form. Your computer is a mathematical instrument that is using variations of calculations to issue outputs of images, sounds, communications, etc. When a calculation has gone wrong, the result can go into frozen screen, bad imaging, delays in processing, crashes, etc. This is something that Game Creators have to put into account in many variations so that the performance of the game can outcome in good results. Your computer is one of the greatest things around, but it's not God, nor is it going to calculate pi in all of it's dimensions. The common rule of making a game is whole numbers, not every game has to follow it, but it's the best way to get good results.


This is a simple explanation. I do not like how you have insulted me in terms of calling me an undereducated, as well as the fact that you have placed insult towards the teachers that have worked with me through my education. I also don't like how you decided to make a lecture in a forum that only discredit someone when you haven't even said one thing in that post about the topic at hand. I went and tested out the consumption of energy with only 1 enemy in the aura and guess what the consumption rate was, 1 energy per sec. At this moment, all the things you have said means nothing to me. All I see was the fact that you showed your brilliance that has little relations to the game, it's designs, or it's creation.


If you want, make me a game with all the possible mathematical strains that you can think up and put it out in the world for others to play.

Edited by AkemiStar
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I apologize if my post offended you, but I made absolutely no statements about your education. You stated that 10/3 is going to crash the game by causing it to go into infinite number loops. I wasn't able to finish my post but my goal was simply to explain why this is not the case. The actual issue is that storing and operating on numbers in floating point can lead to inaccuracy and rounding issues. For this reason it's safer to use integers if you don't really need digits after the decimal point. You essentially said the latter in the first paragraph of your reply so it's just the "why" that I wanted to address.


Aside from that your post was correct. It appears that Energy and Health are stored as integers, even if most calculations are done with floating point numbers (% damage mods would be a royal pain to calculate otherwise). Once the energy needs to be deducted then the appropriate rounding is performed, which is why people are getting 5 energy from her passive if they pick up two packs simultaneously but only 2 when they pick up one.

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While posting a reply to another on an Equinox thread in General, I realized my post could be better served here on the Feedback Section. So here is a breakdown of my findings on Equinox's skills.

Edit: Further discoveries have shown Equinox to be strong in one instance, which is Maim. Refer to my post on Page 3 to find out more.

Metamorphosis: Its night transformation offers very little extra shields/health that runs on a timer. Its day transformation offers a decent amount of damage and speed boost, but in order to activate it, you must switch between day and night, which is slower than most cast animations, and you can be interrupted out of it.

Outclassed by: Rhino's Roar, Volt's Speed, nearly every tank skill

Rest and Rage: While in night, Equinox can sleep enemies which opens them up to finishers, but the range is so poor it might as well be a single cast ability. It is far inferior to any kind of wide range, non-line of sight CC such as Radial Disarm, Bastille, or even Sound Quake. Its finisher state can also be achieved much better with Vortex. While in day, Rest and Rage takes on the role of a Speed Nova, that shares the same poor power range as night form. If you really want one particular enemy to take a bit more damage and move faster, this skill fits the role of a single target Molecular Prime.

Outclassed by: Vauban's Bastille, Vauban's Vortex, Nova's Molecular Prime, Excalibur's Radial Blind, pretty much every CC Skill.

Pacify and Provoke: One of Night Equinox's better skills, it offers a damage reduction for enemies that come into range of the skill. However, the damage reduction is limited by its range and power strength, while Trinity's is not. The skill also drains energy when more enemies come into range, while Blessing is a one-time cast. Day Equinox offers power strength to allies with this skill. My tests have shown a 50% increase in power strength with max power strength mods (284%). While this seems useful, it is greatly outclasses by Rhino's Roar and any single-target augment mod such as Freezing Force. Also the skill drains energy quickly with no efficiency mods, and it requires allies to stay in range to receive the buff.

Outclassed by: Trinity's Blessing, Rhino's Roar, Any augment mod

Mend and Maim: One of Day Equinox's better skills, it offers constant minor slash damage to enemies, but soaks up ally damage which builds up infinitely which can be released at any given time to deal massive radial slash damage. However, this build up to this final radial slash is long or short depending on the HP of enemies, and it is affected by enemy armor and resistances.

The minor slash damage Maim inflicts on enemies only happens when enemies first enter Maim. They are staggered for a bit and then recover from Maim's initial slash proc and continue on. This serves as a "speedbump" of sorts; slightly delaying the enemy before they close in on Equinox's position. Overall, Maim is Equinox's finest skill.

Night Equinox however, gets the short end of the stick with this skill, and its Mend does no damage to enemies, but simply saves up a heal that it can release to recover allied HP. It does not restore shields or give any extra health over maximum. It is far less useful than Trinity's bless, which offers health, shields and damage reduction or even Oberon's renewal which offers health regeneration and also extends ally bleedout time. Both of these skills are instant cast while Mend requires enemies and two casts to use.

Outclassed by: Trinity's Bless, Oberon's Renewal,

Efficient in: Massive radial slash damage, temporary CC

Conclusion: Equinox is a confused mess that offers "viability" in the form of being able to do many things poorly, but in nearly every instance it is completely outclassed by other frames and brings nothing unique to the table. Its only saving grace is Maim, which is very viable for very high level enemies, but I doubt DE wanted such a unique concept to be another "press 4 to win" frame. Having a strong 4 that clears rooms is the lease unique of all abilities and doesn't absolve Equinox's borderline useless 1-3 skills and 4 in night form.

While I understand the developers wish to make a frame that fits the theme of Ying and Yang (two polar opposites), it is quite disappointing to say the least, when none of the skills save for one are useful to the point where they showcase the need to change from Ying to Yang. Day mode is far superior to Night mode in any situation, and every frame is superior to Equinox period, in all situations but one.

In short: Equinox needs a major buff in every department but Maim. Having only a good 4 is an extremely shallow design choice, especially given the concept of "Ying and Yang".

I agree just a suggestion for the ult, make night AND day deal slash dmg in tics, with high proc rate / not 100%, make the abilities soak up the dmg which is dealt by the ability itself + you and teammates, then day releases it as slash wave, night as heal

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I agree with this. Metamorphosis cast time should be 1sec. Rest needs a huge buff to its range. Also, does maim/mend have a percentage cap? My percentage always resets at 65k(no matter how much power strength) which gets annoying because I'll rush into a crowd thinking I'm about to nuke and I get laughed at.

I managed to get my maim to 120k stored a few hours ago. Unless you mean the amount of damage it actually deals? Which even then it wasn't remotely close to doing.

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Thank you for all the brainstorming. Over this past week, there have been various hotfixes, but none addressed the weak aspects of Equinox, with the most recent hotfix even making Mend as pointless as the design made it out to be.


I know that the developers read the forums but do not necessarily have the time to respond to every issue. However given that Equinox is a newly released frame and is in such a lackluster state on release, it deserves at least an official response acknowledging this issue, yes?


Hopefully we will get a statement soon. I'd say we've collectively identified the major issues surrounding Equinox and now it is all up to DE to read the feedback and fix her accordingly.



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Thank you for all the brainstorming. Over this past week, there have been various hotfixes, but none addressed the weak aspects of Equinox, with the most recent hotfix even making Mend as pointless as the design made it out to be.


I know that the developers read the forums but do not necessarily have the time to respond to every issue. However given that Equinox is a newly released frame and is in such a lackluster state on release, it deserves at least an official response acknowledging this issue, yes?


Hopefully we will get a statement soon. I'd say we've collectively identified the major issues surrounding Equinox and now it is all up to DE to read the feedback and fix her accordingly.

This has happened before with Nekros, Limbo, and Oberon.

Looking at DE's past record, no changes will be implemented for months.

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Politz, you pretty much nailed it. Another poster on this forum summed Equinox up with "I love how this frame can do all jobs but cant finish a single job."


Right now Equinox is just too complicated to use, for a meager result. Except Rest, her skills are impractical (especially Pacify and her ult) and weak (Provoke, Rage). The fear of her being OP is probably what led her to become a patchwork of other frames' skills, except not good enough in either damage amp, protect, healing, or CC to be a valuable addition to a 4-tennos squad. In my opinion, at least.


She had a lot of potential, could have been a really unique offensive/defensive frame with effects only she could bring. She would have offered great tactical support.


All the ideas people have suggested on this thread would make her better. Anything, really.

Edited by Enno69
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